context has_q with parameters T: type with members q: function with parameters instance of type T (not function type) returning instance of type T (not function type) f: forall z: type with assertions ?=?: pointer to function with parameters pointer to instance of type z (not function type) instance of type z (not function type) returning instance of type z (not function type) q: pointer to function with parameters instance of type z (not function type) returning instance of type z (not function type) function accepting unspecified arguments returning nothing with body CompoundStmt Declaration of context has_r with parameters T: type U: type with members r: function with parameters instance of type T (not function type) pointer to function with parameters instance of type T (not function type) instance of type U (not function type) returning instance of type T (not function type) returning instance of type T (not function type) Declaration of x: auto type Declaration of ?=?: automatically generated function with parameters _dst: pointer to instance of type x (not function type) _src: instance of type x (not function type) returning instance of type x (not function type) Declaration of y: auto type with assertions instance of context has_r with parameters instance of type x (not function type) instance of type y (not function type) Declaration of ?=?: automatically generated function with parameters _dst: pointer to instance of type y (not function type) _src: instance of type y (not function type) returning instance of type y (not function type) ; void __f__A1_0_0____operator_assign__PFt0_Pt0t0___q__PFt0_t0__F__(void (*_adapterF2tz_2tz_)(void (*)(), void *, void *), void (*_adapterF2tz_P2tz2tz_)(void (*)(), void *, void *, void *), long unsigned int z, void (*___operator_assign__PF2tz_P2tz2tz_)(), void (*__q__PF2tz_2tz_)(), ...){ ; extern unsigned long x; void *___operator_assign__F2tx_P2tx2tx_(void *___dst__P2tx, void *___src__2tx); extern unsigned long y; void *___operator_assign__F2ty_P2ty2ty_(void *___dst__P2ty, void *___src__2ty); }