#pragma once #include //-------------------------------------------------- typedef __uint128_t __lehmer64_state_t; static inline uint64_t __lehmer64( __lehmer64_state_t & state ) { state *= 0xda942042e4dd58b5; return state >> 64; } //-------------------------------------------------- typedef uint64_t __wyhash64_state_t; static inline uint64_t __wyhash64( __wyhash64_state_t & state ) { state += 0x60bee2bee120fc15; __uint128_t tmp; tmp = (__uint128_t) state * 0xa3b195354a39b70d; uint64_t m1 = (tmp >> 64) ^ tmp; tmp = (__uint128_t)m1 * 0x1b03738712fad5c9; uint64_t m2 = (tmp >> 64) ^ tmp; return m2; } //-------------------------------------------------- typedef uint64_t __xorshift64_state_t; static inline uint64_t __xorshift64( __xorshift64_state_t & state ) { uint64_t x = state; x ^= x << 13; x ^= x >> 7; x ^= x << 17; return state = x; } //-------------------------------------------------- typedef struct { uint32_t a, b, c, d; uint32_t counter; } __xorwow__state_t; /* The state array must be initialized to not be all zero in the first four words */ static inline uint32_t __xorwow( __xorwow__state_t & state ) { /* Algorithm "xorwow" from p. 5 of Marsaglia, "Xorshift RNGs" */ uint32_t t = state.d; uint32_t const s = state.a; state.d = state.c; state.c = state.b; state.b = s; t ^= t >> 2; t ^= t << 1; t ^= s ^ (s << 4); state.a = t; state.counter += 362437; return t + state.counter; }