\tikzset{every picture/.style={line width=0.75pt}} %set default line width to 0.75pt \begin{tikzpicture}[x=0.75pt,y=0.75pt,yscale=-1,xscale=1] %uncomment if require: \path (0,300); %set diagram left start at 0, and has height of 300 %Shape: Rectangle [id:dp17205417800655542] \draw (265,16.29) -- (309.43,16.29) -- (309.43,74.24) -- (265,74.24) -- cycle ; %Shape: Ellipse [id:dp18970912035300835] \draw (213.46,29.08) .. controls (213.46,23.08) and (218.59,18.21) .. (224.91,18.21) .. controls (231.23,18.21) and (236.36,23.08) .. (236.36,29.08) .. controls (236.36,35.08) and (231.23,39.94) .. (224.91,39.94) .. controls (218.59,39.94) and (213.46,35.08) .. (213.46,29.08) -- cycle ; %Shape: Ellipse [id:dp9820767949974072] \draw (159.8,29.08) .. controls (159.8,23.08) and (164.92,18.21) .. (171.25,18.21) .. controls (177.57,18.21) and (182.7,23.08) .. (182.7,29.08) .. controls (182.7,35.08) and (177.57,39.94) .. (171.25,39.94) .. controls (164.92,39.94) and (159.8,35.08) .. (159.8,29.08) -- cycle ; %Shape: Ellipse [id:dp259827158067671] \draw (105.43,29.08) .. controls (105.43,23.08) and (110.55,18.21) .. (116.88,18.21) .. controls (123.2,18.21) and (128.33,23.08) .. (128.33,29.08) .. controls (128.33,35.08) and (123.2,39.94) .. (116.88,39.94) .. controls (110.55,39.94) and (105.43,35.08) .. (105.43,29.08) -- cycle ; %Shape: Rectangle [id:dp17150543975075827] \draw (265,74.24) -- (309.43,74.24) -- (309.43,135.48) -- (265,135.48) -- cycle ; %Shape: Rectangle [id:dp2878382560053656] \draw (265,135.48) -- (309.43,135.48) -- (309.43,196.71) -- (265,196.71) -- cycle ; %Shape: Circle [id:dp7673999154908542] \draw [fill={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (69,61.71) .. controls (69,59.66) and (70.66,58) .. (72.71,58) .. controls (74.77,58) and (76.43,59.66) .. (76.43,61.71) .. controls (76.43,63.77) and (74.77,65.43) .. (72.71,65.43) .. controls (70.66,65.43) and (69,63.77) .. (69,61.71) -- cycle ; %Shape: Circle [id:dp4160835193281731] \draw [fill={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (79.43,61.71) .. controls (79.43,59.66) and (81.09,58) .. (83.14,58) .. controls (85.19,58) and (86.86,59.66) .. (86.86,61.71) .. controls (86.86,63.77) and (85.19,65.43) .. (83.14,65.43) .. controls (81.09,65.43) and (79.43,63.77) .. (79.43,61.71) -- cycle ; %Shape: Circle [id:dp3349081255964821] \draw [fill={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (89.86,61.71) .. controls (89.86,59.66) and (91.52,58) .. (93.57,58) .. controls (95.62,58) and (97.29,59.66) .. (97.29,61.71) .. controls (97.29,63.77) and (95.62,65.43) .. (93.57,65.43) .. controls (91.52,65.43) and (89.86,63.77) .. (89.86,61.71) -- cycle ; %Straight Lines [id:da5513491385625522] \draw (112.43,56.29) -- (112.43,68.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da1864907343419573] \draw (117.43,56.29) -- (117.43,68.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da03331679658162834] \draw (122.43,56.29) -- (122.43,68.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da41182521788850535] \draw (127.43,56.29) -- (127.43,68.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da48753260911461926] \draw (132.43,56.29) -- (132.43,68.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da955065560567679] \draw (137.43,56.29) -- (137.43,68.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da32557765496613955] \draw (142.43,56.29) -- (142.43,68.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da9987481052731129] \draw (147.43,56.29) -- (147.43,68.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da5613275930655139] \draw (152.43,56.29) -- (152.43,68.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da5057673386310257] \draw (157.43,56.29) -- (157.43,68.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da16028891885612784] \draw (162.43,56.29) -- (162.43,68.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da6999795944113305] \draw (167.43,56.29) -- (167.43,68.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da6772685308685049] \draw (172.43,56.29) -- (172.43,68.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da046045671029884216] \draw (177.43,56.29) -- (177.43,68.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da8097367779744626] \draw (182.43,56.29) -- (182.43,68.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da45880099476352076] \draw (187.43,56.29) -- (187.43,68.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da483900994923951] \draw (192.43,56.29) -- (192.43,68.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da6436627704315958] \draw (197.43,56.29) -- (197.43,68.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da4078642983483718] \draw (202.43,56.29) -- (202.43,68.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da8744318575854515] \draw (207.43,56.29) -- (207.43,68.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da7203598559222855] \draw (212.43,56.29) -- (212.43,68.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da6127845566678007] \draw (217.43,56.29) -- (217.43,68.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da19543768034569386] \draw (222.43,56.29) -- (222.43,68.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da1705971385732752] \draw (227.43,56.29) -- (227.43,68.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da40088719083896507] \draw (232.43,56.29) -- (232.43,68.29) ; %Shape: Ellipse [id:dp6344472202771911] \draw (213.46,94.08) .. controls (213.46,88.08) and (218.59,83.21) .. (224.91,83.21) .. controls (231.23,83.21) and (236.36,88.08) .. (236.36,94.08) .. controls (236.36,100.08) and (231.23,104.94) .. (224.91,104.94) .. controls (218.59,104.94) and (213.46,100.08) .. (213.46,94.08) -- cycle ; %Shape: Ellipse [id:dp3617243565588] \draw (159.8,94.08) .. controls (159.8,88.08) and (164.92,83.21) .. (171.25,83.21) .. controls (177.57,83.21) and (182.7,88.08) .. (182.7,94.08) .. controls (182.7,100.08) and (177.57,104.94) .. (171.25,104.94) .. controls (164.92,104.94) and (159.8,100.08) .. (159.8,94.08) -- cycle ; %Shape: Ellipse [id:dp24549159415280486] \draw (105.43,94.08) .. controls (105.43,88.08) and (110.55,83.21) .. (116.88,83.21) .. controls (123.2,83.21) and (128.33,88.08) .. (128.33,94.08) .. controls (128.33,100.08) and (123.2,104.94) .. (116.88,104.94) .. controls (110.55,104.94) and (105.43,100.08) .. (105.43,94.08) -- cycle ; %Shape: Circle [id:dp32886722238967114] \draw [fill={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (69,126.71) .. controls (69,124.66) and (70.66,123) .. (72.71,123) .. controls (74.77,123) and (76.43,124.66) .. (76.43,126.71) .. controls (76.43,128.77) and (74.77,130.43) .. (72.71,130.43) .. controls (70.66,130.43) and (69,128.77) .. (69,126.71) -- cycle ; %Shape: Circle [id:dp8039993826441769] \draw [fill={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (79.43,126.71) .. controls (79.43,124.66) and (81.09,123) .. (83.14,123) .. controls (85.19,123) and (86.86,124.66) .. (86.86,126.71) .. controls (86.86,128.77) and (85.19,130.43) .. (83.14,130.43) .. controls (81.09,130.43) and (79.43,128.77) .. (79.43,126.71) -- cycle ; %Shape: Circle [id:dp33256528375375516] \draw [fill={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (89.86,126.71) .. controls (89.86,124.66) and (91.52,123) .. (93.57,123) .. controls (95.62,123) and (97.29,124.66) .. (97.29,126.71) .. controls (97.29,128.77) and (95.62,130.43) .. (93.57,130.43) .. controls (91.52,130.43) and (89.86,128.77) .. (89.86,126.71) -- cycle ; %Straight Lines [id:da7019030057704108] \draw (112.43,121.29) -- (112.43,133.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da9656636797460187] \draw (117.43,121.29) -- (117.43,133.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da08633653190976975] \draw (122.43,121.29) -- (122.43,133.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da07122253769973907] \draw (127.43,121.29) -- (127.43,133.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da829448558607019] \draw (132.43,121.29) -- (132.43,133.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da5692220143209135] \draw (137.43,121.29) -- (137.43,133.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da17053978809855863] \draw (142.43,121.29) -- (142.43,133.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da6609289735243871] \draw (147.43,121.29) -- (147.43,133.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da6116837403057334] \draw (152.43,121.29) -- (152.43,133.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da16748382117254446] \draw (157.43,121.29) -- (157.43,133.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da39051411559846794] \draw (162.43,121.29) -- (162.43,133.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da44048586201649753] \draw (167.43,121.29) -- (167.43,133.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da06011773475799753] \draw (172.43,121.29) -- (172.43,133.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da14538375781500545] \draw (177.43,121.29) -- (177.43,133.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da40823605788684714] \draw (182.43,121.29) -- (182.43,133.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da7184833261914392] \draw (187.43,121.29) -- (187.43,133.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da6978072439373775] \draw (192.43,121.29) -- (192.43,133.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da0585950661005632] \draw (197.43,121.29) -- (197.43,133.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da7257747670798129] \draw (202.43,121.29) -- (202.43,133.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da2909249051992948] \draw (207.43,121.29) -- (207.43,133.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da4086216218665373] \draw (212.43,121.29) -- (212.43,133.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da2807605738027903] \draw (217.43,121.29) -- (217.43,133.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da029676217986506215] \draw (222.43,121.29) -- (222.43,133.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da3282920216695584] \draw (227.43,121.29) -- (227.43,133.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da25104666680021737] \draw (232.43,121.29) -- (232.43,133.29) ; %Shape: Ellipse [id:dp6805245961343849] \draw (213.46,155.08) .. controls (213.46,149.08) and (218.59,144.21) .. (224.91,144.21) .. controls (231.23,144.21) and (236.36,149.08) .. (236.36,155.08) .. controls (236.36,161.08) and (231.23,165.94) .. (224.91,165.94) .. controls (218.59,165.94) and (213.46,161.08) .. (213.46,155.08) -- cycle ; %Shape: Ellipse [id:dp10566525398456927] \draw (159.8,155.08) .. controls (159.8,149.08) and (164.92,144.21) .. (171.25,144.21) .. controls (177.57,144.21) and (182.7,149.08) .. (182.7,155.08) .. controls (182.7,161.08) and (177.57,165.94) .. (171.25,165.94) .. controls (164.92,165.94) and (159.8,161.08) .. (159.8,155.08) -- cycle ; %Shape: Ellipse [id:dp5109132788808217] \draw (105.43,155.08) .. controls (105.43,149.08) and (110.55,144.21) .. (116.88,144.21) .. controls (123.2,144.21) and (128.33,149.08) .. (128.33,155.08) .. controls (128.33,161.08) and (123.2,165.94) .. (116.88,165.94) .. controls (110.55,165.94) and (105.43,161.08) .. (105.43,155.08) -- cycle ; %Shape: Circle [id:dp09516602829415444] \draw [fill={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (69,187.71) .. controls (69,185.66) and (70.66,184) .. (72.71,184) .. controls (74.77,184) and (76.43,185.66) .. (76.43,187.71) .. controls (76.43,189.77) and (74.77,191.43) .. (72.71,191.43) .. controls (70.66,191.43) and (69,189.77) .. (69,187.71) -- cycle ; %Shape: Circle [id:dp7761745881959328] \draw [fill={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (79.43,187.71) .. controls (79.43,185.66) and (81.09,184) .. (83.14,184) .. controls (85.19,184) and (86.86,185.66) .. (86.86,187.71) .. controls (86.86,189.77) and (85.19,191.43) .. (83.14,191.43) .. controls (81.09,191.43) and (79.43,189.77) .. (79.43,187.71) -- cycle ; %Shape: Circle [id:dp9523363323597964] \draw [fill={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (89.86,187.71) .. controls (89.86,185.66) and (91.52,184) .. (93.57,184) .. controls (95.62,184) and (97.29,185.66) .. (97.29,187.71) .. controls (97.29,189.77) and (95.62,191.43) .. (93.57,191.43) .. controls (91.52,191.43) and (89.86,189.77) .. (89.86,187.71) -- cycle ; %Straight Lines [id:da19691062303825224] \draw (112.43,182.29) -- (112.43,194.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da463031615679383] \draw (117.43,182.29) -- (117.43,194.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da4438991794645757] \draw (122.43,182.29) -- (122.43,194.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da7103178142519788] \draw (127.43,182.29) -- (127.43,194.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da2444337582698275] \draw (132.43,182.29) -- (132.43,194.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da481194727318331] \draw (137.43,182.29) -- (137.43,194.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da7309622758126804] \draw (142.43,182.29) -- (142.43,194.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da7568502434575364] \draw (147.43,182.29) -- (147.43,194.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da473513366583054] \draw (152.43,182.29) -- (152.43,194.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da783393793020867] \draw (157.43,182.29) -- (157.43,194.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da6568192362633754] \draw (162.43,182.29) -- (162.43,194.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da12594941285937122] \draw (167.43,182.29) -- (167.43,194.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da6273405740545774] \draw (172.43,182.29) -- (172.43,194.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da5208351639783517] \draw (177.43,182.29) -- (177.43,194.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da7435601482101764] \draw (182.43,182.29) -- (182.43,194.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da02112343832553809] \draw (187.43,182.29) -- (187.43,194.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da7363126311957788] \draw (192.43,182.29) -- (192.43,194.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da8083168826908762] \draw (197.43,182.29) -- (197.43,194.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da03443795175544584] \draw (202.43,182.29) -- (202.43,194.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da8610434654693591] \draw (207.43,182.29) -- (207.43,194.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da09051332044736538] \draw (212.43,182.29) -- (212.43,194.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da44694277326206144] \draw (217.43,182.29) -- (217.43,194.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da2482066577276567] \draw (222.43,182.29) -- (222.43,194.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da08486205772138122] \draw (227.43,182.29) -- (227.43,194.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da9359477181991893] \draw (232.43,182.29) -- (232.43,194.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da5401509298796179] \draw (236.43,61.29) -- (262.51,53.84) ; \draw [shift={(264.43,53.29)}, rotate = 164.05] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-3.29) .. controls (6.95,-1.4) and (3.31,-0.3) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.3) and (6.95,1.4) .. (10.93,3.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da8744444799883178] \draw (237.43,127.29) -- (263.51,119.84) ; \draw [shift={(265.43,119.29)}, rotate = 164.05] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-3.29) .. controls (6.95,-1.4) and (3.31,-0.3) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.3) and (6.95,1.4) .. (10.93,3.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da053781726477297065] \draw (237.43,188.29) -- (263.51,180.84) ; \draw [shift={(265.43,180.29)}, rotate = 164.05] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-3.29) .. controls (6.95,-1.4) and (3.31,-0.3) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.3) and (6.95,1.4) .. (10.93,3.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da6009488535922769] \draw (171.25,39.94) -- (167.88,54.34) ; \draw [shift={(167.43,56.29)}, rotate = 283.15] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-3.29) .. controls (6.95,-1.4) and (3.31,-0.3) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.3) and (6.95,1.4) .. (10.93,3.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da805755230341269] \draw (171.25,39.94) -- (205.61,55.46) ; \draw [shift={(207.43,56.29)}, rotate = 204.31] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-3.29) .. controls (6.95,-1.4) and (3.31,-0.3) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.3) and (6.95,1.4) .. (10.93,3.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da8466828877506829] \draw (224.91,39.94) -- (179.32,55.63) ; \draw [shift={(177.43,56.29)}, rotate = 341] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-3.29) .. controls (6.95,-1.4) and (3.31,-0.3) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.3) and (6.95,1.4) .. (10.93,3.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da3277739968304587] \draw (224.91,39.94) -- (227.12,54.31) ; \draw [shift={(227.43,56.29)}, rotate = 261.24] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-3.29) .. controls (6.95,-1.4) and (3.31,-0.3) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.3) and (6.95,1.4) .. (10.93,3.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da5633387355301651] \draw (116.88,39.94) -- (140.74,55.21) ; \draw [shift={(142.43,56.29)}, rotate = 212.61] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-3.29) .. controls (6.95,-1.4) and (3.31,-0.3) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.3) and (6.95,1.4) .. (10.93,3.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da22684547590858628] \draw (116.88,39.94) -- (131.05,54.84) ; \draw [shift={(132.43,56.29)}, rotate = 226.43] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-3.29) .. controls (6.95,-1.4) and (3.31,-0.3) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.3) and (6.95,1.4) .. (10.93,3.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da2626941378460783] \draw (116.88,104.94) -- (170.51,120.72) ; \draw [shift={(172.43,121.29)}, rotate = 196.4] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-3.29) .. controls (6.95,-1.4) and (3.31,-0.3) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.3) and (6.95,1.4) .. (10.93,3.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da7515221251877828] \draw (116.88,104.94) -- (230.45,121.01) ; \draw [shift={(232.43,121.29)}, rotate = 188.05] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-3.29) .. controls (6.95,-1.4) and (3.31,-0.3) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.3) and (6.95,1.4) .. (10.93,3.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da9127749683319268] \draw (171.25,104.94) -- (124.33,120.65) ; \draw [shift={(122.43,121.29)}, rotate = 341.49] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-3.29) .. controls (6.95,-1.4) and (3.31,-0.3) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.3) and (6.95,1.4) .. (10.93,3.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da35369253651339916] \draw (171.25,104.94) -- (186.02,119.86) ; \draw [shift={(187.43,121.29)}, rotate = 225.29] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-3.29) .. controls (6.95,-1.4) and (3.31,-0.3) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.3) and (6.95,1.4) .. (10.93,3.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da829264461913787] \draw (224.91,104.94) -- (199.15,120.26) ; \draw [shift={(197.43,121.29)}, rotate = 329.26] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-3.29) .. controls (6.95,-1.4) and (3.31,-0.3) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.3) and (6.95,1.4) .. (10.93,3.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da3523133884810987] \draw (224.91,104.94) -- (213.64,119.7) ; \draw [shift={(212.43,121.29)}, rotate = 307.37] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-3.29) .. controls (6.95,-1.4) and (3.31,-0.3) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.3) and (6.95,1.4) .. (10.93,3.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da3826572183028156] \draw (171.25,165.94) -- (163.38,180.53) ; \draw [shift={(162.43,182.29)}, rotate = 298.35] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-3.29) .. controls (6.95,-1.4) and (3.31,-0.3) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.3) and (6.95,1.4) .. (10.93,3.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da08769439381926114] \draw (171.25,165.94) -- (176.72,180.42) ; \draw [shift={(177.43,182.29)}, rotate = 249.29] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-3.29) .. controls (6.95,-1.4) and (3.31,-0.3) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.3) and (6.95,1.4) .. (10.93,3.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da8568483382149126] \draw (171.25,165.94) -- (190.85,181.06) ; \draw [shift={(192.43,182.29)}, rotate = 217.66] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-3.29) .. controls (6.95,-1.4) and (3.31,-0.3) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.3) and (6.95,1.4) .. (10.93,3.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da38987053384910286] \draw (116.88,165.94) -- (145.67,181.34) ; \draw [shift={(147.43,182.29)}, rotate = 208.15] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-3.29) .. controls (6.95,-1.4) and (3.31,-0.3) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.3) and (6.95,1.4) .. (10.93,3.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da806187447539414] \draw (116.88,165.94) -- (121.79,180.39) ; \draw [shift={(122.43,182.29)}, rotate = 251.24] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-3.29) .. controls (6.95,-1.4) and (3.31,-0.3) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.3) and (6.95,1.4) .. (10.93,3.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da2243360741727245] \draw (224.91,165.94) -- (204.05,181.11) ; \draw [shift={(202.43,182.29)}, rotate = 323.98] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-3.29) .. controls (6.95,-1.4) and (3.31,-0.3) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.3) and (6.95,1.4) .. (10.93,3.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da7773124169839478] \draw (224.91,165.94) -- (218.26,180.47) ; \draw [shift={(217.43,182.29)}, rotate = 294.6] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-3.29) .. controls (6.95,-1.4) and (3.31,-0.3) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.3) and (6.95,1.4) .. (10.93,3.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da3654038032001907] \draw (224.91,165.94) -- (231.59,180.47) ; \draw [shift={(232.43,182.29)}, rotate = 245.3] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-3.29) .. controls (6.95,-1.4) and (3.31,-0.3) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.3) and (6.95,1.4) .. (10.93,3.29) ; %Curve Lines [id:da19884558293174592] \draw (104.41,69.9) .. controls (83.12,76.35) and (78.16,77.62) .. (69.43,88.29) ; \draw [shift={(106.43,69.29)}, rotate = 163.07] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-3.29) .. controls (6.95,-1.4) and (3.31,-0.3) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.3) and (6.95,1.4) .. (10.93,3.29) ; %Curve Lines [id:da06936024643940475] \draw (103.02,119.75) .. controls (88.18,103.22) and (83.98,86.35) .. (69.43,88.29) ; \draw [shift={(104.43,121.29)}, rotate = 226.74] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-3.29) .. controls (6.95,-1.4) and (3.31,-0.3) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.3) and (6.95,1.4) .. (10.93,3.29) ; % Text Node \draw (245,-2) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [align=left] {{\footnotesize Worker Threads}}; % Text Node \draw (155,-2) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [align=left] {{\footnotesize Actors}}; % Text Node \draw (21,73) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [align=left] {{\footnotesize Message}\\{\footnotesize Queues}}; \end{tikzpicture}