cfa-cc: Cforall to C Trans-compiler ====================================== Cforall is built using GNU Make and the GNU Autoconf system. It also requires g++ version >= 6, bison and flex. On systems where GNU Make is the default make, the system is built by entering the commands: For developers using the root git: $ ./ $ ./configure [ --prefix=/some/directory ] $ make -j 8 install $ cfa For users using the distributed tarball / github: $ ./configure $ make -j 8 install $ cfa where 8 is the number of CPUs on your computer. The above instructions produce an in-tree, installed build, where intermediate binaries share the same folders as their sources, and where the final result becomes an "official" CFA version for the current environment. For developers preferring an isolated side-by-side build, where all binaries are separated from sources, where it is possible to build multiple configurations from a common set of sources, and where no "official" CFA version is designated: $ ./ $ mkdir ../build $ cd ../build $ ../cfa-cc/configure $ make -j 8 $ ./driver/cfa Options for configure ====================================== The script 'configure' accepts many command-line arguments. Run $ ./configure --help to list them. The most common argument is: --prefix=/some/directory controls the path prefix common to all installed cfa-cc components. Components are installed in directories bin and lib. If unspecified, prefix defaults to /usr/local. To use (a subdirectory of) your home directory, ${HOME}/some/dir, but do not put quotes around the directory path; Cforall may appear to build, but the installed version may not work properly. Build Test ====================================== $ cd ./tests $ make -j 8 all-local The tests take about 2-5 minutes and can be stopped at any time.