#include // // Type-theory demo (success is "it compiles") // forall( [Nx], [Ny], [Nz] ) void typesTest( tag(Nx), tag(Ny), tag(Nz) ) { array( float, Nx, Ny, Nz ) xyz; // numeric subscripts ptrdiff_t ix = 1, iy = 2, iz = 3; array( float, Ny, Nz ) & yz = xyz[ix]; (void) yz; array( float, Nz ) & z = xyz[ix][iy]; (void) z; float & val = xyz[ix][iy][iz]; (void) val; // deferral subscript typeof( xyz[all] ) yzx = xyz[all]; // longform check that -[all] gives intended type (user doesn't write this) arpk( Ny , array( float, Nz) , arpk( Nz , float , arpk( Nx , array( float, Ny, Nz ) , float , float ) , float ) , float ) & yzx_long = xyz[all]; & yzx_long = & yzx; & yzx = & yzx_long; } // // Runtime demo // #include float getMagicNumber( ptrdiff_t w, ptrdiff_t x, ptrdiff_t y, ptrdiff_t z ) { assert( 0 <= w && w < 3 ); assert( 0 <= x && x < 4 ); assert( 0 <= y && y < 5 ); assert( 0 <= z && z < 6 ); float ww = (2.0f \ w) / 1.0f; float xx = (2.0f \ x) / 100.0f; float yy = (2.0f \ y) / 10000.0f; float Nz = (2.0f \ z) / 1000000.0f; return ww+xx+yy+Nz; } forall( [Nw], [Nx], [Ny], [Nz] ) void fillHelloData( array( float, Nw, Nx, Ny, Nz ) & wxyz ) { for (w; Nw) for (x; Nx) for (y; Ny) for (z; Nz) wxyz[w][x][y][z] = getMagicNumber(w, x, y, z); } forall( [N] , S & | sized(S) ) float total1d_low( arpk(N, S, float, float ) & a ) { float total = 0.0f; for (i; N) total += a[i]; return total; } forall( [N], A & | ar(A, float, N) ) float total1d_hi( A & a ) { float total = 0.0f; for (i; N) total += a[i]; return total; } forall( [Nw], [Nx], [Ny], [Nz] ) void runtimeTest( tag(Nw), tag(Nx), tag(Ny), tag(Nz) ) { array( float, Nw, Nx, Ny, Nz ) wxyz; fillHelloData(wxyz); float expect, result; ptrdiff_t slice_ix = 1; // summing across W, with x=y=z=1 expect = 0; for (i; Nw) expect += getMagicNumber( i, slice_ix, slice_ix, slice_ix ); printf("expect Ws = %f\n", expect); result = total1d_low( wxyz[all][slice_ix][slice_ix][slice_ix] ); printf("result Ws [][][][] lo = %f\n", result); result = total1d_low( wxyz[all, slice_ix, slice_ix, slice_ix] ); printf("result Ws [,,,] lo = %f\n", result); result = total1d_hi( wxyz[all][slice_ix][slice_ix][slice_ix] ); printf("result Ws [][][][] hi = %f\n", result); result = total1d_hi( wxyz[all, slice_ix, slice_ix, slice_ix] ); printf("result Ws [,,,] hi = %f\n", result); // summing across X, with w=y=z=1 expect = 0; for (i; Nx) expect += getMagicNumber( slice_ix, i, slice_ix, slice_ix ); printf("expect Xs = %f\n", expect); result = total1d_low( wxyz[slice_ix][all][slice_ix][slice_ix] ); printf("result Xs [][][][] lo = %f\n", result); result = total1d_low( wxyz[slice_ix, all, slice_ix, slice_ix] ); printf("result Xs [,,,] lo = %f\n", result); result = total1d_hi( wxyz[slice_ix][all][slice_ix][slice_ix] ); printf("result Xs [][][][] hi = %f\n", result); result = total1d_hi( wxyz[slice_ix, all, slice_ix, slice_ix] ); printf("result Xs [,,,] hi = %f\n", result); } const size_t KW = 3, KX = 4, KY = 5, KZ = 6; int main() { typesTest ( ztag(KX), ztag(KY), ztag(KZ) ); runtimeTest( ztag(KW), ztag(KX), ztag(KY), ztag(KZ) ); }