fred: function accepting unspecified arguments returning signed int with body CompoundStmt Declaration of c1: double _Complex Declaration of c2: double _Complex Declaration of i1: const signed int Declaration of i2: const signed int Declaration of i3: const signed int Declaration of ex: const signed int Declaration of f1: inline function accepting unspecified arguments returning signed int Declaration of f2: inline function accepting unspecified arguments returning signed int Declaration of s1: signed int Declaration of s2: signed int Declaration of t1: type-of expression Name: s1 Declaration of t2: type-of expression Name: s1 Declaration of v1: volatile signed int Declaration of v2: volatile signed int Declaration of a1: signed int Declaration of a2: const signed int Declaration of a3: static const signed int Declaration of a4: static const signed int Declaration of a5: static const signed int Declaration of a6: static const signed int Declaration of a7: static const signed int Declaration of p1: pointer to signed int Declaration of p2: pointer to signed int Declaration of struct s1 Declaration of struct s2 with members i: signed int Declaration of struct s3 with members i: signed int Declaration of x1: instance of struct s3 Declaration of y1: instance of struct s3 Declaration of struct s4 with members i: signed int Declaration of x2: instance of struct s4 Declaration of y2: instance of struct s4 Declaration of m1: array of signed int with dimension of constant expression 10 signed int Declaration of m2: array of array of signed int with dimension of constant expression 10 signed int with dimension of constant expression 10 signed int Declaration of m3: array of array of signed int with dimension of constant expression 10 signed int with dimension of constant expression 10 signed int