// // Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2021 University of Waterloo // // The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the // file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall. // // topology.cfa -- read the data structure // // Author : Thierry Delisle // Created On : Thu Jun 10 16:13:07 2021 // Last Modified By : // Last Modified On : // Update Count : // #include "device/cpu.hfa" #include #include #include #include #include #include extern "C" { #include #include #include #include } // search a string for character 'character' but looking atmost at len // chars static const char * strnchr(const char * str, int character, size_t len) { return (const char *)memchr(str, character, strnlen(str, len)); } // Check if have string matches the want string // ignoring any characters that are longer than the want string static bool strmatch(const char * want, char * have) { size_t w = strlen(want); return strncmp(want, have, w) == 0; } typedef const char * idx_range_t; // read the value of a string and evaluate it // get the end pointer and make sure it is all evaluated static unsigned read_value(idx_range_t map, size_t len, const char ** end) { unsigned long val = strtoul(map, (char**)end, 10); /* paranoid */ __attribute__((unused)) size_t read = (*end - map); /* paranoid */ verifyf(read <= len, "String '%s' passed with inconsistent length %zu", map, len); /* paranoid */ verifyf(read == len, "String %.*s not entirely a number, %zu chars left", (int)len, map, len - read); return val; } // Evaluate the width of a comma seperated list of idx // for example 'A-B,C-D,E,F' has a width of '(B-A) + (D-C) + 1 + 1' // Also has an (non-optional) end ptr like strtoul and friends // // FIXME : the current implementation only supports 1 comma static unsigned read_width(idx_range_t map, size_t len, const char ** end) { // Do we have a comma const char * comma = strnchr(map, ',', len); if(comma != 0p) { // We do! recurse and sum the widths const char * _; size_t split = comma - map; unsigned lhs = read_width(map, split, &_); unsigned rhs = read_width(comma + 1, len - split - 1, end); return lhs + rhs; } // No commas, check for a range const char * dash = strnchr(map, '-', len); if(dash != 0p) { const char * _; size_t split = dash - map; unsigned lhs = read_value(map, split, &_); unsigned rhs = read_value(dash + 1, len - split - 1, end); return rhs - lhs + 1; } // No range, no comma, just a single value // It's width is 1 and we can consume everything /* paranoid */ verifyf( ({strtoul(map, (char**)end, 10); *end == (map + len); }), "Value in range '%.*s' not a number", (int)len, map); *end = map + len; return 1; } // go through a directory calling fn on each file static int iterate_dir( const char * path, void (*fn)(struct dirent * ent) ) { // open the directory DIR *dir = opendir(path); if(dir == 0p) { return ENOTDIR; } // call fn for each struct dirent * ent; while ((ent = readdir(dir)) != 0p) { fn( ent ); } // no longer need this closedir(dir); return 0; } // count the number of directories with the specified prefix // the directories counted have the form '[prefix]N' where prefix is the parameter // and N is an base 10 integer. static int count_prefix_dirs(const char * path, const char * prefix) { // read the directory and find the cpu count // and make sure everything is as expected int max = -1; int count = 0; void lambda(struct dirent * ent) { // were are looking for prefixX, where X is a number // check that it starts with 'cpu char * s = strstr(ent->d_name, prefix); if(s == 0p) { return; } if(s != ent->d_name) { return; } // check that the next part is a number s += strlen(prefix); char * end; long int val = strtol(s, &end, 10); if(*end != '\0' || val < 0) { return; } // check that it's a directory if(ent->d_type != DT_DIR) { return; } // it's a match! max = max(val, max); count++; } int ret = iterate_dir(path, lambda); if(ret == ENOTDIR) return 0; /* paranoid */ verifyf(count == max + 1, "Inconsistent %s count, counted %d, but max %s was %d", prefix, count, prefix, (int)max); return count; } // Count number of cpus in the system static int count_cpus(void) { const char * fpath = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/online"; int fd = open(fpath, 0, O_RDONLY); /* paranoid */ verifyf(fd >= 0, "Could not open file %s", fpath); char buff[128]; ssize_t r = read(fd, buff, 128); /* paranoid */ verifyf(r > 0, "Could not read file %s", fpath); /* paranoid */ verify( buff[r-1] == '\n' ); buff[r-1] = '\0'; /* paranoid */ __attribute__((unused)) int ret = close(fd); /* paranoid */ verifyf(ret == 0, "Could not close file %s", fpath); const char * _; return read_width(buff, r - 1, &_);; } // Count number of cache *indexes* in the system // cache indexes are distinct from cache level as Data or Instruction cache // can share a level but not an index // PITFALL: assumes all cpus have the same indexes as cpu0 static int count_cache_indexes(void) { return count_prefix_dirs("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cache", "index"); } // read information about a spcficic cache index/cpu file into the output buffer static size_t read_cpuidxinfo_into(unsigned cpu, unsigned idx, const char * file, char * out, size_t out_len) { // Pick the file we want and read it char buf[128]; /* paranoid */ __attribute__((unused)) int len = snprintf(buf, 128, "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%u/cache/index%u/%s", cpu, idx, file); /* paranoid */ verifyf(len > 0, "Could not generate '%s' filename for cpu %u, index %u", file, cpu, idx); int fd = open(buf, 0, O_RDONLY); /* paranoid */ verifyf(fd > 0, "Could not open file '%s'", buf); ssize_t r = read(fd, out, out_len); /* paranoid */ verifyf(r > 0, "Could not read file '%s'", buf); /* paranoid */ __attribute__((unused)) int ret = close(fd); /* paranoid */ verifyf(ret == 0, "Could not close file '%s'", buf); return r; } // Iterate over the cache indexes of a given cpu typedef void (*handle_func_t)(unsigned idx, unsigned char level, idx_range_t range, size_t len); static void foreach_cacheidx(unsigned cpu, unsigned idxs, handle_func_t handle) { for(i; idxs) { unsigned idx = idxs - 1 - i; char buf[32]; // Type says what kind of cache this is, // Options are: Unified, Data, Instruction read_cpuidxinfo_into(cpu, idx, "type", buf, 32); if((!strmatch("Unified", buf)) && (!strmatch("Data", buf))) { // We don't care about instruction caches continue; } // Level is the cache level: higher means bigger and slower read_cpuidxinfo_into(cpu, idx, "level", buf, 32); char * end; unsigned long level = strtoul(buf, &end, 10); /* paranoid */ verifyf(level <= 250, "Cpu %u has more than 250 levels of cache, this is not supported", cpu); // shared_cpu_list is a range of cpus that share this particular cache size_t n = read_cpuidxinfo_into(cpu, idx, "shared_cpu_list", buf, 32); /* paranoid */ verify( buf[n-1] == '\n' ); buf[n-1] = '\0'; // Simply call the functor handle(idx, level, buf, n - 1); } } struct raw_cache_instance { idx_range_t range; // A text description of the cpus covered unsigned width; // The number of cpus covered unsigned char level; // the cache level // FIXME add at least size and type }; static void ?{}(raw_cache_instance & this) { this.range = 0p;} static void ^?{}(raw_cache_instance & this) { free(this.range);} // Returns a 2D array of instances of size [cpu count][cache levels] // where cache level doesn't include instruction caches raw_cache_instance ** build_raw_cache_table(unsigned cpus, unsigned idxs, unsigned cache_levels) { raw_cache_instance ** raw = alloc(cpus); // TODO: this loop is broken, it only works if the present cpu start at 0 and are contiguous which is not guaranteed. for(i; cpus) { if (cache_levels > 0) { raw[i] = alloc(cache_levels); void addcache(unsigned fidx, unsigned char level, idx_range_t range, size_t len) { /* paranoid */ verifyf(level <= cache_levels, "Unexpected cache level %d on cpu %u index %u", (int)level, i, fidx); unsigned idx = cache_levels - level; raw_cache_instance & r = raw[i][idx]; r.range = strndup(range, len); r.level = level; const char * end; r.width = read_width(range, len, &end); } foreach_cacheidx(i, idxs, addcache); } else { char buf[128]; snprintf(buf, 128, "0-%u", cpus); raw[i] = alloc(); raw[i]->range = strndup(buf, 128); raw[i]->level = 0; raw[i]->width = cpus; } } return raw; } struct llc_map_t { raw_cache_instance * raw; unsigned count; unsigned start; }; // returns an allocate list of all the different distinct last level caches static [*llc_map_t, size_t cnt] distinct_llcs(unsigned cpus, unsigned llc_idx, raw_cache_instance ** raw) { // Allocate at least one element llc_map_t* ranges = alloc(); size_t range_cnt = 1; // Initialize with element 0 ranges->raw = &raw[0][llc_idx]; ranges->count = 0; ranges->start = -1u; // Go over all other cpus CPU_LOOP: for(i; 1~cpus) { // Check if the range is already there raw_cache_instance * candidate = &raw[i][llc_idx]; for(j; range_cnt) { llc_map_t & exist = ranges[j]; // If the range is already there just jump to the next cpu if(0 == strcmp(candidate->range, exist.raw->range)) continue CPU_LOOP; } // The range wasn't there, added to the list ranges = alloc(range_cnt + 1, ranges`realloc); ranges[range_cnt].raw = candidate; ranges[range_cnt].count = 0; ranges[range_cnt].start = -1u; range_cnt++; } // return what we have return [ranges, range_cnt]; } struct cpu_pairing_t { unsigned cpu; unsigned id; }; int ?range)) continue MAP_LOOP; pairings[i].id = j; continue CPU_LOOP; } /* paranoid */ verifyf( false, "Cpu %u map doesn't match", i ); } return pairings; } #include extern "C" { void __cfaabi_device_startup( void ) { int cpus = count_cpus(); int idxs = count_cache_indexes(); // Count actual cache levels unsigned cache_levels = 0; unsigned llc = 0; if (idxs != 0) { unsigned char prev = -1u; void first(unsigned idx, unsigned char level, const char * map, size_t len) { /* paranoid */ verifyf(level < prev, "Index %u of cpu 0 has cache levels out of order: %u then %u", idx, (unsigned)prev, (unsigned)level); llc = max(llc, level); prev = level; cache_levels++; } foreach_cacheidx(0, idxs, first); } // Read in raw data raw_cache_instance ** raw = build_raw_cache_table(cpus, idxs, cache_levels); // Find number of distinct cache instances llc_map_t * maps; size_t map_cnt; [maps, map_cnt] = distinct_llcs(cpus, cache_levels - llc, raw); #if defined(__CFA_WITH_VERIFY__) // Verify that the caches cover the all the cpus { unsigned width1 = 0; unsigned width2 = 0; for(i; map_cnt) { const char * _; width1 += read_width(maps[i].raw->range, strlen(maps[i].raw->range), &_); width2 += maps[i].raw->width; } verify(width1 == cpus); verify(width2 == cpus); } #endif // Get mappings from cpu to cache instance cpu_pairing_t * pairings = get_cpu_pairings(cpus, raw, maps, map_cnt); // Sort by cache instance qsort(pairings, cpus); { unsigned it = 0; for(i; cpus) { unsigned llc_id = pairings[i].id; if(maps[llc_id].start == -1u) { maps[llc_id].start = it; it += maps[llc_id].raw->width; /* paranoid */ verify(maps[llc_id].start < it); /* paranoid */ verify(it != -1u); } } /* paranoid */ verify(it == cpus); } // From the mappings build the actual cpu map we want struct cpu_map_entry_t * entries = alloc(cpus); for(i; cpus) { entries[i].count = 0; } for(i; cpus) { /* paranoid */ verify(pairings[i].id < map_cnt); unsigned c = pairings[i].cpu; unsigned llc_id = pairings[i].id; unsigned width = maps[llc_id].raw->width; unsigned start = maps[llc_id].start; unsigned self = start + (maps[llc_id].count++); entries[c].count = width; entries[c].start = start; entries[c].self = self; } // get rid of the temporary data free(maps); free(pairings); for(i; cpus) { for(j; cache_levels) { ^(raw[i][j]){}; } free(raw[i]); } free(raw); cpu_info.llc_map = entries; cpu_info.hthrd_count = cpus; cpu_info.llc_count = map_cnt; } void __cfaabi_device_shutdown( void ) { free(cpu_info.llc_map); } } cpu_info_t cpu_info;