// // Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2017 University of Waterloo // // The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the // file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall. // // quickSort.c -- In-place concurrent quick-sort: threads are created to partition to a specific depth, then sequential // recursive-calls are use to sort each partition. // // Author : Peter A. Buhr // Created On : Wed Dec 6 12:15:52 2017 // Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr // Last Modified On : Sat Aug 17 13:59:15 2024 // Update Count : 199 // #include // sin/sout #include // convert #include #include // sqrt #include // strcmp thread Quicksort { int * values; // communication variables int low, high, depth; }; void ?{}( Quicksort & qs, int values[], int size, int depth ) { qs.[values, low, high, depth] = [values, 0, size, depth]; } // Quicksort void main( Quicksort & qs ) { // thread starts here // nested routines: information hiding void ?{}( Quicksort & qs, int values[], int low, int high, int depth ) { qs.values = values; qs.low = low; qs.high = high; qs.depth = depth; } // Quicksort void sort( int values[], int low, int high, int depth ) { int left, right; // index to left/right-hand side of the values int pivot; // pivot value of values int swap; // temporary //verify(); // check for stack overflow due to recursion // partition while 2 or more elements in the array if ( low < high ) { pivot = values[low + ( high - low ) / 2]; left = low; right = high; // partition: move values less < pivot before the pivot and values > pivot after the pivot do { while ( values[left] < pivot ) left += 1; // changed values[left] < pivot while ( pivot < values[right] ) right -= 1; if ( left <= right ) { swap = values[left]; // interchange values values[left] = values[right]; values[right] = swap; left += 1; right -= 1; } // if } while ( left <= right ); // restrict number of tasks to slightly greater than number of processors if ( depth > 0 ) { depth -= 1; Quicksort lqs = { values, low, right, depth }; // concurrently sort lower half Quicksort rqs = { values, left, high, depth }; // concurrently sort upper half // Quicksort lqs = { values, low, right, depth }; // concurrently sort lower half // sort( values, left, high, depth ); // concurrently sort upper half } else { sort( values, low, right, 0 ); // sequentially sort lower half sort( values, left, high, 0 ); // sequentially sort upper half } // if } // if } // sort with( qs ) { sort( values, low, high, depth ); } // with } // main // convert(...) throws out_of_range or invalid_argument ExceptionDecl( cmd_error ); int main( int argc, char * argv[] ) { ifstream unsortedfile = sin; // default values ofstream sortedfile = sout; // Must be signed because of the conversion routine. intmax_t depth = 0; intmax_t size = -1; // -1 means time mode not activated try { if ( 1 < argc && strcmp( argv[1], "-t" ) == 0 ) { // time mode ? choose ( argc ) { case 4: depth = convert( argv[3] ); // invalid integer ? if ( depth < 0 ) throw ExceptionInst( cmd_error ); fallthrough; case 3: size = convert( argv[2] ); // invalid integer ? if ( size < 0 ) throw ExceptionInst( cmd_error ); default: // wrong number of options throw ExceptionInst( cmd_error ); } // choose } else { // sort file choose ( argc ) { case 4: depth = convert( argv[3] ); // invalid integer ? if ( depth < 0 ) throw ExceptionInst( cmd_error ); fallthrough; case 3: case 2: if ( strcmp( argv[1], "d" ) != 0 ) { try { // open input file first as output creates file open( unsortedfile, argv[1] ); } catch( open_failure * ) { // open failed ? serr | "Error! Could not open unsorted input file \"" | argv[1] | "\""; throw ExceptionInst( cmd_error ); } // try } // if if ( argc > 2 && strcmp( argv[2], "d" ) != 0 ) { try { open( sortedfile, argv[2] ); } catch( open_failure * ) { // open failed ? serr | "Error! Could not open sorted output file \"" | argv[2] | "\""; throw ExceptionInst( cmd_error ); } // try } // if fallthrough; case 1: ; // defaults default: // wrong number of options throw ExceptionInst( cmd_error ); } // choose } // if } catch( exception_t * ) { // catch any exit | "Usage: " | argv[0] | // TERMINATE " ( [ unsorted-file | 'd' [ sorted-file | 'd' [ depth (>= 0) ] ] ]" " | -t size (>= 0) [ depth (>= 0) ] )"; } // try enum { ValuesPerLine = 22 }; // number of values printed per line sortedfile | nlOff; // turn off auto newline if ( size == -1 ) { // generate output ? int * values = 0p; try { for () { unsortedfile | size; // read number of elements in the list values = aalloc( size ); // values to be sorted, too large to put on stack for ( counter; size ) { // read unsorted numbers unsortedfile | values[counter]; if ( counter != 0 && counter % ValuesPerLine == 0 ) sortedfile | nl | " "; sortedfile | values[counter]; if ( counter < size - 1 && (counter + 1) % ValuesPerLine != 0 ) sortedfile | ' '; } // for sortedfile | nl; if ( size > 0 ) { // values to sort ? Quicksort QS = { values, size - 1, 0 }; // sort values } // wait until sort tasks terminate for ( counter; size ) { // print sorted list if ( counter != 0 && counter % ValuesPerLine == 0 ) sortedfile | nl | " "; sortedfile | values[counter]; if ( counter < size - 1 && (counter + 1) % ValuesPerLine != 0 ) sortedfile | ' '; } // for sortedfile | nl | nl; delete( values ); values = 0p; } // for } catch( end_of_file * ) { delete( values ); } // try } else { // timing PRNG prng; processor processors[ (1 << depth) - 1 ] __attribute__(( unused )); // create 2^depth-1 kernel threads int * values = aalloc( size ); // values to be sorted, too large to put on stack for ( counter; size ) { // generate unsorted numbers values[counter] = size - counter; // descending values } // for unsigned int times = sqrt( size ); for ( unsigned int counter = 0; counter < times; counter += 1 ) { swap( values[0], values[prng(size)] ); // randomize unsorted numbers } // for { Quicksort QS = { values, size - 1, depth }; // sort values } // wait until sort tasks terminate // for ( counter; size - 1 ) { // check sorting // if ( values[counter] > values[counter + 1] ) abort(); // } // for delete( values ); } // if } // main // for depth in 0 1 2 3 4 5 ; do echo "sort 500000000 values with ${depth} depth" ; time -f "%Uu %Ss %E %Mkb" a.out -t 500000000 ${depth} ; done // Local Variables: // // tab-width: 4 // // compile-command: "cfa quickSort.cfa" // // End: //