in default case, (shouldn't be here) in default case, (shouldn't be here) in default case, (shouldn't be here) x: a signed int y: a typedef for double t: a typedef for float z: a instance of type y struct __anonymous0 with members a: a signed int b: a double u: a type for instance of struct __anonymous0 f: a function with parameters y: a signed int returning signed int q: a instance of type y w: a function with parameters y: a instance of type y v: a instance of type u returning instance of type y with body Declaration of x: a type with assertions t: a function with parameters instance of type u returning instance of type x Declaration of u: a instance of type u Declaration of z: a instance of type x p: a instance of type y context has_u with parameters z: a type with members u: a function with parameters instance of type z returning instance of type z q: a function with parameters the_t: a instance of type t with forall t: a type with assertions instance of context has_u with parameters instance of type t returning instance of type y with body Declaration of y: a instance of type t f: a function with parameters p: a instance of type y returning instance of type t with body Declaration of y: a signed int Declaration of x: a typedef for char Declaration of y: a instance of type x Declaration of z: a typedef for instance of type x Declaration of x: a instance of type z Declaration of y: a typedef for instance of type z Declaration of z: a instance of type y Declaration of x: a instance of type z Declaration of q: a instance of type x g: a function with parameters void returning instance of type t with body Declaration of x: a typedef for char Declaration of z: a instance of type x q: a function returning instance of type y with parameter names i with parameter declarations i: a signed int with body Switch on condition: Name: i Case: .... and 1 conditions Name: 0 Case: .... and 0 conditions