// // Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2015 University of Waterloo // // The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the // file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall. // // function-operator.c -- // // Author : Rob Schluntz // Created On : Fri Aug 25 15:21:11 2017 // Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr // Last Modified On : Sat Feb 25 07:26:10 2023 // Update Count : 12 // #include #include #define length(array) (sizeof((array))/sizeof((array)[0])) #define begin(array) (&array[0]) // there's currently a bug in passing an array to a polymorphic function, so ensure a pointer is passed instead #define end(array) (&array[length(array)]) // STL-like Algorithms forall(T &, U &) trait Assignable { T ?=?(T &, U); }; forall(T &) trait Copyable { void ?{}(T &, T); }; forall(T &) trait Destructable { void ^?{}(T &); }; trait Iterator(iter & | sized(iter) | Copyable(iter) | Destructable(iter), T) { T & *?(iter); iter ++?(iter &); int ?!=?(iter, iter); }; forall(Tin, Input & | Iterator(Input, Tin), Tout, Output & | Iterator(Output, Tout) | Assignable(Tout, Tin)) Output copy(Input first, Input last, Output result) { while (first != last) { *result = *first; ++result; ++first; } return result; } // test ?()(T *, ...) -- ?() with function call-by-pointer forall(Tin, Input & | Iterator(Input, Tin), Tout, Output & | Iterator(Output, Tout), FuncRet, Func & | { FuncRet ?()(Func *, Tin); } | Assignable(Tout, FuncRet)) Output transform (Input first, Input last, Output result, Func * op) { while (first != last) { *result = op(*first); ++result; ++first; } return result; } // test ?()(T, ...) -- ?() with function call-by-value forall(Iter &, T | Iterator(Iter, T), Pred | { int ?()(Pred, T); }) Iter find_if (Iter first, Iter last, Pred pred) { while (first != last) { if (pred(*first)) return first; ++first; } return last; } // test ?()(T, ...) -- ?() with function call-by-reference forall(Generator, GenRet | { GenRet ?()(Generator &); }, Iter &, T | Iterator(Iter, T) | Assignable(T, GenRet)) void generate(Iter first, Iter last, Generator & gen) { int i = 0; while (first != last) { *first = gen(); ++first; } } // encapsulate a counter that increments by one every time it is called struct Counter { int c; }; void ?{}(Counter & cnt) { cnt.c = 0; } int ?()(Counter & cnt) { return cnt.c++; } // TODO: abstract over os type with ostream trait; resolver is currently too slow for this to be reasonable, but it does work. struct os_wrapper { ofstream * out; }; // TODO: abstract over (os, T) os_wrapper ?=?(os_wrapper & wrapper, int x) { *wrapper.out | x; return wrapper; } struct ostream_iterator { os_wrapper * out; }; void ?{}(ostream_iterator & iter, ofstream * out) { iter.out = new(out); } // no destructor, memory leak. This is necessary for this to work at the moment, since // *? requires its parameter by value and returns a reference. // implement Iterator os_wrapper & *?(ostream_iterator iter) { return *iter.out; } ostream_iterator ++?(ostream_iterator & iter) { // nothing to do return iter; } int ?!=?(ostream_iterator i1, ostream_iterator i2) { return i1.out->out != i2.out->out; } forall(T | { int ?==?(T, T); }) struct Equals { T val; }; forall(T | { int ?==?(T, T); }) int ?()(Equals(T) eq, T x) { return eq.val == x; } forall(T | { T ?*?(T, T); }) struct Multiply { T val; }; forall(T | { T ?*?(T, T); }) T ?()(Multiply(T) * mult, T x) { return mult->val * x; } // TODO: generalize to ttype return; doesn't work yet // like std::function forall(Return, Args...) struct function { Return (*f)(Args); }; // TODO: missing adapter in these functions // // value, reference, pointer operators // forall(otype Return, ttype Args) Return ?()(function(Return, Args) func, Args args) { return func.f(args); } // forall(otype Return, ttype Args) Return ?()(function(Return, Args) & func, Args args) { return func.f(args); } // forall(otype Return, ttype Args) Return ?()(function(Return, Args) * func, Args args) { return func->f(args); } int main() { // generate for array fill Counter c; int x[10], y[10]; generate(begin(x), end(x), c); generate(begin(y), end(y), c); // copy for output ostream_iterator out_iter = { &sout }; copy(begin(x), end(x), out_iter); copy(begin(y), end(y), out_iter); // find_if for searching Equals(int) is5 = { 5 }; if (find_if(begin(x), end(x), is5) != end(y)) { printf("Found 5 in x.\n"); } else { printf("Did not find 5 in x.\n"); } if (find_if(begin(y), end(y), is5) != end(y)) { printf("Found 5 in y.\n"); } else { printf("Did not find 5 in y.\n"); } Multiply(int) times2 = { 2 }; transform(begin(x), end(x), begin(x), ×2); copy(begin(x), end(x), out_iter); // REMOVE WHEN ?* PROBLEM FIXED. delete(out_iter.out); } // Local Variables: // // tab-width: 4 // // End: //