#include #include #include #include #include #include #define __kick_rate 150000ul #include "long_tests.hfa" Duration default_preemption() { return 0; } #ifdef TEST_LONG static const unsigned long N = 600_000ul; #else static const unsigned long N = 1_000ul; #endif #if !defined(TEST_FOREVER) static inline void print(const char * const text ) { write( STDOUT_FILENO, text, strlen(text) ); } #else static inline void print(Printer & this, const char * const text ) {} #endif generator Coroutine { int i; }; volatile bool done = false; Coroutine * volatile the_cor = 0p; void store(Coroutine & cor) { __atomic_store_n(&the_cor, &cor, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); } Coroutine * take(void) { Coroutine * val = 0p; Coroutine * ret = __atomic_exchange_n(&the_cor, val, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); assert(!ret || !the_cor); return ret; } void main(Coroutine& this) { this.i = 0; suspend; for(;TEST(this.i < N); this.i++) { print("C - Suspending\n"); suspend{ print("C - Publishing\n"); assert(!the_cor); store( this ); } assert(!the_cor); print("C - Back\n"); KICK_WATCHDOG; yield(); } done = true; suspend; } thread Thread {}; void main( Thread & ) { Coroutine * mine = 0p; while(!done) { yield(); mine = take(); if(!mine) continue; print("T - took\n"); resume(*mine); } } int main() { processor p[2]; Coroutine c; resume(c); // Prime the coroutine to avoid one of the threads being its starter the_cor = &c; { Thread t[2]; } }