#include struct no_reacq_lock { inline exp_backoff_then_block_lock; }; // have to override these by hand to get around plan 9 inheritance bug where resolver can't find the appropriate routine to call static inline void ?{}( no_reacq_lock & this ) { ((exp_backoff_then_block_lock &)this){}; } static inline bool try_lock(no_reacq_lock & this) { return try_lock(((exp_backoff_then_block_lock &)this)); } static inline void lock(no_reacq_lock & this) { lock(((exp_backoff_then_block_lock &)this)); } static inline void unlock(no_reacq_lock & this) { unlock(((exp_backoff_then_block_lock &)this)); } static inline void on_notify(no_reacq_lock & this, struct thread$ * t ) { on_notify(((exp_backoff_then_block_lock &)this), t); } static inline size_t on_wait(no_reacq_lock & this) { return on_wait(((exp_backoff_then_block_lock &)this)); } // override wakeup so that we don't reacquire the lock if using a condvar static inline void on_wakeup( no_reacq_lock & this, size_t recursion ) {} forall( T ) { struct channel { size_t size; size_t front, back, count; T * buffer; fast_cond_var( no_reacq_lock ) prods, cons; no_reacq_lock mutex_lock; }; static inline void ?{}( channel(T) &c, size_t _size ) with(c) { size = _size; front = back = count = 0; buffer = anew( size ); prods{}; cons{}; mutex_lock{}; } static inline void ?{}( channel(T) &c ){ ((channel(T) &)c){ 0 }; } static inline void ^?{}( channel(T) &c ) with(c) { delete( buffer ); } inline size_t get_count( channel(T) & chan ) with(chan) { return count; } inline size_t get_size( channel(T) & chan ) with(chan) { return size; } inline void insert_( channel(T) & chan, T elem ) with(chan) { memcpy((void *)&buffer[back], (void *)&elem, sizeof(T)); count += 1; back++; if ( back == size ) back = 0; } inline void insert( channel(T) & chan, T elem ) with(chan) { lock( mutex_lock ); // have to check for the zero size channel case if ( size == 0 && !empty( cons ) ) { memcpy((void *)front( cons ), (void *)&elem, sizeof(T)); notify_one( cons ); unlock( mutex_lock ); return; } // wait if buffer is full, work will be completed by someone else if ( count == size ) { wait( prods, mutex_lock, (uintptr_t)&elem ); return; } // if if ( count == 0 && !empty( cons ) ) // do waiting consumer work memcpy((void *)front( cons ), (void *)&elem, sizeof(T)); else insert_( chan, elem ); notify_one( cons ); unlock( mutex_lock ); } inline T remove( channel(T) & chan ) with(chan) { lock( mutex_lock ); T retval; // have to check for the zero size channel case if ( size == 0 && !empty( prods ) ) { memcpy((void *)&retval, (void *)front( prods ), sizeof(T)); notify_one( prods ); unlock( mutex_lock ); return retval; } // wait if buffer is empty, work will be completed by someone else if (count == 0) { wait( cons, mutex_lock, (uintptr_t)&retval ); return retval; } // Remove from buffer memcpy((void *)&retval, (void *)&buffer[front], sizeof(T)); count -= 1; front = (front + 1) % size; if (count == size - 1 && !empty( prods ) ) insert_( chan, *((T *)front( prods )) ); // do waiting producer work notify_one( prods ); unlock( mutex_lock ); return retval; } } // forall( T )