#include "rq_bench.hfa" #include unsigned spot_cnt = 2; semaphore * spots; thread BThrd { unsigned long long count; unsigned long long blocks; bool skip; }; void ?{}( BThrd & this ) { ((thread&)this){ bench_cluster }; this.count = 0; this.blocks = 0; this.skip = false; } void ^?{}( BThrd & mutex this ) {} void main( BThrd & this ) with( this ) { park(); for() { uint32_t r = prng(this); semaphore & sem = spots[r % spot_cnt]; if(!skip) V( sem ); blocks += P( sem ); skip = false; count ++; if( clock_mode && stop) break; if(!clock_mode && count >= stop_count) break; } __atomic_fetch_add(&threads_left, -1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); } int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { cfa_option opt[] = { BENCH_OPT, { 's', "spots", "Number of spots in the system", spot_cnt } }; BENCH_OPT_PARSE("cforall cycle benchmark"); { unsigned long long global_counter = 0; unsigned long long global_blocks = 0; Time start, end; BenchCluster bc = { nprocs }; { spots = aalloc(spot_cnt); for(i; spot_cnt) { (spots[i]){ 0 }; } threads_left = nthreads; BThrd * threads[nthreads]; for(i; nthreads ) { BThrd & t = *(threads[i] = malloc()); (t){}; t.skip = i < spot_cnt; } printf("Starting\n"); bool is_tty = isatty(STDOUT_FILENO); start = timeHiRes(); for(i; nthreads) { unpark( *threads[i] ); } wait(start, is_tty); stop = true; end = timeHiRes(); printf("\nDone\n"); for(i; spot_cnt) { for(10000) V( spots[i] ); } for(i; nthreads) { BThrd & thrd = join( *threads[i] ); global_counter += thrd.count; global_blocks += thrd.blocks; delete(threads[i]); } free(spots); } printf("Duration (ms) : %'lf\n", (end - start)`dms); printf("Number of processors : %'d\n", nprocs); printf("Number of threads : %'d\n", nthreads); printf("Number of spots : %'d\n", spot_cnt); printf("Total Operations(ops): %'15llu\n", global_counter); printf("Total blocks : %'15llu\n", global_blocks); printf("Ops per second : %'18.2lf\n", ((double)global_counter) / (end - start)`ds); printf("ns per ops : %'18.2lf\n", (end - start)`dns / global_counter); printf("Ops per threads : %'15llu\n", global_counter / nthreads); printf("Ops per procs : %'15llu\n", global_counter / nprocs); printf("Ops/sec/procs : %'18.2lf\n", (((double)global_counter) / nprocs) / (end - start)`ds); printf("ns per ops/procs : %'18.2lf\n", (end - start)`dns / (global_counter / nprocs)); fflush(stdout); } return 0; }