context addable with type parameters T: a type variable with members ?+?: a function with parameters instance of type T instance of type T returning instance of type T List: a type definition with parameters T: a type variable with assertions instance of context addable with parameters Type: instance of type T with assertions instance of context addable with parameters Type: instance of type T for pointer to instance of struct __anonymous0 with members data: a instance of type T next: a pointer to instance of type List with parameters Type: instance of type T ListOfIntegers: a typedef definition for instance of type List with parameters Type: int li: a instance of type ListOfIntegers f: a function with parameters g: a pointer to function with parameters int returning instance of type List with parameters Type: int returning int h: a function with parameters p: a pointer to instance of type List with parameters Type: int returning tuple with members int struct node with type parameters T: a type variable with assertions instance of context addable with parameters Type: instance of type T with members data: a instance of type T next: a pointer to instance of struct node instantiated with actual parameters Type: instance of type T with parameters Type: instance of type T List: a type definition with parameters T: a type variable for pointer to instance of struct node instantiated with actual parameters Type: instance of type T with parameters Type: instance of type T my_list: a instance of type List with parameters Type: int Complex: a type definition with assertions instance of context addable with parameters Type: instance of type Complex main: a function with no parameters returning int with body Application of: Operator: Cast ... on arguments: Type: struct node instantiated with actual parameters Type: int Referencing: Variable: my_list