//=========================================================================================================== // Main compilation routine //=========================================================================================================== //Compilation script is done here but environnement set-up and error handling is done in main loop def cfa_build() { echo 'starting cfa build' build_stage 'Checkout' def install_dir = pwd tmp: true //checkout the source code and clean the repo sh "rm -rf * ${install_dir}/*" checkout scm build_stage 'Build' //Configure the conpilation (Output is not relevant) //Use the current directory as the installation target so nothing //escapes the sandbox //Also specify the compiler by hand sh "./configure CXX=${currentCC.cpp_cc} --with-backend-compiler=${currentCC.cfa_backend_cc} --prefix=${install_dir} > /dev/null" //Compile the project sh 'make -j 8 install' build_stage 'Test' //Run the tests from the example directory dir ('src/examples') { sh './runTests.sh' } build_stage 'Cleanup' //Cleanup the install dir sh "rm -rf ${install_dir}/*" } //=========================================================================================================== // Helper classes/variables/routines to make the status and stage name easier to use //=========================================================================================================== //Description of a compiler class CC_Desc { public String cc_name public String cpp_cc public String cfa_backend_cc } //Global Variables defining the compiler and at which point in the build we are def currentCC def status_prefix //Wrapper to sync stage name and status name def build_stage(String name) { def stage_name = "${currentCC.cc_name} ${name}".trim() stage stage_name status_prefix = stage_name } //=========================================================================================================== // Main loop of the compilation //=========================================================================================================== node ('master'){ def err = null def log_needed = false currentBuild.result = "SUCCESS" try { // //Prevent the build from exceeding 30 minutes // timeout(30) { // // //Wrap build to add timestamp to command line // wrap([$class: 'TimestamperBuildWrapper']) { //Compile using gcc-4.9 echo "Compiler: " currentCC = ['gcc-4.9', 'g++-4.9', 'gcc-4.9'] as CC_Desc echo "${currentCC.cc_name} [CXX=${currentCC.cpp_cc}, CC=${currentCC.cfa_backend_cc}]" cfa_build() // } // } } //If an exception is caught we need to change the status and remember to //attach the build log to the email catch (Exception caughtError) { //rethrow error later err = caughtError //An error has occured, the build log is relevent log_needed = true //Store the result of the build log currentBuild.result = "${status_prefix} FAILURE".trim() } finally { //Send email with final results email(currentBuild.result, log_needed) /* Must re-throw exception to propagate error */ if (err) { throw err } } } //=========================================================================================================== //Routine responsible of sending the email notification once the build is completed //=========================================================================================================== def email(String status, boolean log) { //Since tokenizer doesn't work, figure stuff out from the environnement variables and command line //Configurations for email format def project_name = (env.JOB_NAME =~ /(.+)\/.+/)[0][1].toLowerCase() def email_subject = "[${project_name} git][BUILD# ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} - ${status}] - branch ${env.BRANCH_NAME}" def email_body = """This is an automated email from the Jenkins build machine. It was generated because of a git hooks/post-receive script following a ref change was pushed to the repository containing the project "UNNAMED PROJECT". The branch ${env.BRANCH_NAME} has been updated. Check console output at ${env.BUILD_URL} to view the results.""" // def config = new File('/u/cforall/software/cfa/cfa-cc/config').text // def email_to = (config =~ /mailinglist ?= ?(.+)/)[0][1] def email_to = "pabuhr@uwaterloo.ca, rschlunt@uwaterloo.ca, a3moss@uwaterloo.ca, tdelisle@uwaterloo.ca, brice.dobry@huawei.com" //send email notification emailext body: email_body, subject: email_subject, to: email_to, attachLog: log }