\tikzset{every picture/.style={line width=0.75pt}} %set default line width to 0.75pt \begin{tikzpicture}[x=0.75pt,y=0.75pt,yscale=-1,xscale=1] %uncomment if require: \path (0,300); %set diagram left start at 0, and has height of 300 %Shape: Circle [id:dp6009017104658303] \draw (149,28.71) .. controls (149,23.35) and (153.35,19) .. (158.71,19) .. controls (164.08,19) and (168.43,23.35) .. (168.43,28.71) .. controls (168.43,34.08) and (164.08,38.43) .. (158.71,38.43) .. controls (153.35,38.43) and (149,34.08) .. (149,28.71) -- cycle ; %Shape: Circle [id:dp10693698059019252] \draw (115.57,28.71) .. controls (115.57,23.35) and (119.92,19) .. (125.29,19) .. controls (130.65,19) and (135,23.35) .. (135,28.71) .. controls (135,34.08) and (130.65,38.43) .. (125.29,38.43) .. controls (119.92,38.43) and (115.57,34.08) .. (115.57,28.71) -- cycle ; %Shape: Circle [id:dp1641197110154169] \draw [fill={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (50,28.71) .. controls (50,26.66) and (51.66,25) .. (53.71,25) .. controls (55.77,25) and (57.43,26.66) .. (57.43,28.71) .. controls (57.43,30.77) and (55.77,32.43) .. (53.71,32.43) .. controls (51.66,32.43) and (50,30.77) .. (50,28.71) -- cycle ; %Shape: Circle [id:dp7972913968712181] \draw [fill={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (60.43,28.71) .. controls (60.43,26.66) and (62.09,25) .. (64.14,25) .. controls (66.19,25) and (67.86,26.66) .. (67.86,28.71) .. controls (67.86,30.77) and (66.19,32.43) .. (64.14,32.43) .. controls (62.09,32.43) and (60.43,30.77) .. (60.43,28.71) -- cycle ; %Shape: Circle [id:dp5573257695439491] \draw [fill={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (70.86,28.71) .. controls (70.86,26.66) and (72.52,25) .. (74.57,25) .. controls (76.62,25) and (78.29,26.66) .. (78.29,28.71) .. controls (78.29,30.77) and (76.62,32.43) .. (74.57,32.43) .. controls (72.52,32.43) and (70.86,30.77) .. (70.86,28.71) -- cycle ; %Shape: Circle [id:dp7320892782258683] \draw (15.86,28.71) .. controls (15.86,23.35) and (20.21,19) .. (25.57,19) .. controls (30.94,19) and (35.29,23.35) .. (35.29,28.71) .. controls (35.29,34.08) and (30.94,38.43) .. (25.57,38.43) .. controls (20.21,38.43) and (15.86,34.08) .. (15.86,28.71) -- cycle ; %Straight Lines [id:da8550868287436677] \draw (135,28.71) -- (147,28.71) ; \draw [shift={(149,28.71)}, rotate = 180] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-3.29) .. controls (6.95,-1.4) and (3.31,-0.3) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.3) and (6.95,1.4) .. (10.93,3.29) ; %Shape: Circle [id:dp69959289488379] \draw (82.14,28.71) .. controls (82.14,23.35) and (86.49,19) .. (91.86,19) .. controls (97.22,19) and (101.57,23.35) .. (101.57,28.71) .. controls (101.57,34.08) and (97.22,38.43) .. (91.86,38.43) .. controls (86.49,38.43) and (82.14,34.08) .. (82.14,28.71) -- cycle ; %Straight Lines [id:da9600846815447552] \draw (101.57,28.71) -- (113.57,28.71) ; \draw [shift={(115.57,28.71)}, rotate = 180] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-3.29) .. controls (6.95,-1.4) and (3.31,-0.3) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.3) and (6.95,1.4) .. (10.93,3.29) ; %Straight Lines [id:da823510922776999] \draw (35.29,28.71) -- (47.29,28.71) ; \draw [shift={(49.29,28.71)}, rotate = 180] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-3.29) .. controls (6.95,-1.4) and (3.31,-0.3) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.3) and (6.95,1.4) .. (10.93,3.29) ; % Text Node \draw (175,20) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [align=left] {{\footnotesize Victim}}; % Text Node \draw (103,44) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [align=left] {{\footnotesize Thieves}}; \end{tikzpicture}