/* some tests are commented-out because of resize/realloc bug from 0p. They should be uncommented after that bug is resolved. */ #include // malloc_usable_size #include // uintptr_t #include // access C malloc, realloc #include // memcmp int last_failed; int tests_total; int tests_failed; size_t tAlign = 32; struct S1 { int data; } __attribute__((aligned(32))); typedef struct S1 T1; void test_base( void * ip, size_t size, size_t align) { tests_total += 1; bool passed = (malloc_size(ip) == size) && (malloc_usable_size(ip) >= size) && (malloc_alignment(ip) == align) && ((uintptr_t)ip % align == 0); if (!passed) { printf("failed test %3d: %4lu %4lu but got %4lu ( %3lu ) %4lu\n", tests_total, size, align, malloc_size(ip), malloc_usable_size(ip), malloc_alignment(ip)); // if (last_failed != tests_total) { tests_failed += 1; // last_failed = tests_total; // } } } void test_fill( void * ip_, size_t start, size_t end, char fill) { tests_total += 1; bool passed = true; char * ip = (char *) ip_; for (i; start ~ end) passed = passed && (ip[i] == fill); if (!passed) { printf("failed test %3d: fill C\n", tests_total); // if (last_failed != tests_total) { tests_failed += 1; // last_failed = tests_total; // } } } void test_fill( void * ip_, size_t start, size_t end, int fill) { tests_total += 1; bool passed = true; int * ip = (int *) ip_; for (i; start ~ end) passed = passed && (ip[i] == fill); if (!passed) { printf("failed test %3d: fill int\n", tests_total); // if (last_failed != tests_total) { tests_failed += 1; // last_failed = tests_total; // } } } void test_fill( void * ip_, size_t start, size_t end, int * fill) { tests_total += 1; bool passed = (memcmp((void*)((uintptr_t)ip_ + start), (void*)fill, end) == 0); if (!passed) { printf("failed test %3d: fill int A\n", tests_total); // if (last_failed != tests_total) { tests_failed += 1; // last_failed = tests_total; // } } } void test_fill( void * ip_, size_t start, size_t end, T1 fill) { tests_total += 1; bool passed = true; T1 * ip = (T1 *) ip_; for (i; start ~ end) passed = passed && (ip[i].data == fill.data); if (!passed) { printf("failed test %3d: fill T1\n", tests_total); // if (last_failed != tests_total) { tests_failed += 1; // last_failed = tests_total; // } } } void test_fill( void * ip_, size_t start, size_t end, T1 * fill) { tests_total += 1; bool passed = (memcmp((void*)((uintptr_t)ip_ + start), (void*)fill, end) == 0); if (!passed) { printf("failed test %3d: fill T1 A\n", tests_total); // if (last_failed != tests_total) { tests_failed += 1; // last_failed = tests_total; // } } } void test_use( int * ip, size_t dim) { tests_total += 1; bool passed = true; for (i; 0 ~ dim) ip[i] = 0xdeadbeef; for (i; 0 ~ dim) passed = passed && (ip[i] == 0xdeadbeef); if (!passed) { printf("failed test %3d: use int\n", tests_total); // if (last_failed != tests_total) { tests_failed += 1; // last_failed = tests_total; // } } } void test_use( T1 * ip, size_t dim) { tests_total += 1; bool passed = true; for (i; 0 ~ dim) ip[i].data = 0xdeadbeef; for (i; 0 ~ dim) passed = passed && (ip[i].data == 0xdeadbeef); if (!passed) { printf("failed test %3d: use T1\n", tests_total); // if (last_failed != tests_total) { tests_failed += 1; // last_failed = tests_total; // } } } int main( void ) { size_t elemSize = sizeof(int); size_t dim = 8; size_t size = dim * elemSize; size_t align = 64; const size_t libAlign = libAlign(); int FillT = 9; char FillC = 'a'; int * FillA = calloc(dim / 4); T1 FillT1 = { FillT }; T1 * FillT1A = (T1 *)(void *) malloc( (dim / 4) * sizeof(T1) ); for (i; 0 ~ (dim / 4) ) FillT1A[i] = FillT1; int * ip; int * op; double * dp; T1 * t1p; T1 * t1op; // testing alloc last_failed = -1; tests_total = 0; tests_failed = 0; ip = alloc(); test_base(ip, elemSize, libAlign); test_use(ip, elemSize / elemSize); free(ip); ip = alloc( dim ); test_base(ip, size, libAlign); test_use(ip, size / elemSize); free(ip); ip = alloc( 0 ); test_base(ip, 0, libAlign); free(ip); dp = alloc( dim ); ip = alloc( dp`resize ); test_base(ip, elemSize, libAlign); test_use(ip, elemSize / elemSize); free(ip); ip = alloc( ((double*)0p)`resize ); test_base(ip, elemSize, libAlign); test_use(ip, elemSize / elemSize); free(ip); dp = alloc( dim ); ip = alloc( dim, dp`resize ); test_base(ip, size, libAlign); test_use(ip, size / elemSize); free(ip); dp = alloc( dim ); ip = alloc( 0, dp`resize ); test_base(ip, 0, libAlign); free(ip); ip = alloc( dim, ((double*)0p)`resize ); test_base(ip, size, libAlign); test_use(ip, size / elemSize); free(ip); ip = alloc( 0, ((double*)0p)`resize ); test_base(ip, 0, libAlign); free(ip); op = alloc( dim, ((int)0xdeadbeef)`fill ); ip = alloc( dim, op`realloc ); test_base(ip, size, libAlign); test_fill(ip, 0, dim, (int)0xdeadbeef); test_use(ip, size / elemSize); free(ip); op = alloc( dim, ((int)0xdeadbeef)`fill ); ip = alloc( 0, op`realloc ); test_base(ip, 0, libAlign); free(ip); ip = alloc( dim, ((int*)0p)`realloc ); test_base(ip, size, libAlign); test_use(ip, size / elemSize); free(ip); ip = alloc( 0, ((int*)0p)`realloc ); test_base(ip, 0, libAlign); free(ip); op = alloc( dim, ((int)0xdeadbeef)`fill ); ip = alloc( dim, op`resize ); test_base(ip, size, libAlign); test_use(ip, size / elemSize); free(ip); ip = alloc( FillC`fill ); test_base(ip, elemSize, libAlign); test_fill(ip, 0, elemSize, FillC); test_use(ip, elemSize / elemSize); free(ip); ip = alloc( FillT`fill ); test_base(ip, elemSize, libAlign); test_fill(ip, 0, 1, FillT); test_use(ip, elemSize / elemSize); free(ip); ip = alloc( dim, FillC`fill ); test_base(ip, size, libAlign); test_fill(ip, 0, size, FillC); test_use(ip, size / elemSize); free(ip); ip = alloc( 0, FillC`fill ); test_base(ip, 0, libAlign); free(ip); ip = alloc( dim, FillT`fill ); test_base(ip, size, libAlign); test_fill(ip, 0, dim, FillT); test_use(ip, size / elemSize); free(ip); ip = alloc( 0, FillT`fill ); test_base(ip, 0, libAlign); free(ip); ip = alloc( dim, [FillA, dim/4]`fill ); test_base(ip, size, libAlign); test_fill(ip, 0, size/4, FillA); test_use(ip, size / elemSize); free(ip); ip = alloc( 0, [FillA, dim/4]`fill ); test_base(ip, 0, libAlign); free(ip); op = alloc( dim, ((int)0xdeadbeef)`fill ); ip = alloc( dim, op`realloc, FillC`fill ); test_base(ip, size, libAlign); test_fill(ip, 0, dim, (int)0xdeadbeef); test_use(ip, size / elemSize); free(ip); op = alloc( dim, ((int)0xdeadbeef)`fill ); ip = alloc( dim / 4, op`realloc, FillC`fill ); test_base(ip, size / 4, libAlign); test_fill(ip, 0, dim / 4, (int)0xdeadbeef); test_use(ip, size / 4 / elemSize); free(ip); op = alloc( dim, ((int)0xdeadbeef)`fill ); ip = alloc( dim * 4, op`realloc, FillC`fill ); test_base(ip, size * 4, libAlign); test_fill(ip, 0, dim, (int)0xdeadbeef); test_fill(ip, size, size * 4, FillC); test_use(ip, size * 4 / elemSize); free(ip); op = alloc( dim, ((int)0xdeadbeef)`fill ); ip = alloc( 0, op`realloc, FillC`fill ); test_base(ip, 0, libAlign); free(ip); ip = alloc( dim, ((int*)0p)`realloc, FillC`fill ); test_base(ip, size, libAlign); test_fill(ip, 0, size, FillC); test_use(ip, size / elemSize); free(ip); ip = alloc( 0, ((int*)0p)`realloc, FillC`fill ); test_base(ip, 0, libAlign); free(ip); op = alloc( dim, ((int)0xdeadbeef)`fill ); ip = alloc( dim, op`realloc, FillT`fill ); test_base(ip, size, libAlign); test_fill(ip, 0, dim, (int)0xdeadbeef); test_use(ip, size / elemSize); free(ip); op = alloc( dim, ((int)0xdeadbeef)`fill ); ip = alloc( dim / 4, op`realloc, FillT`fill ); test_base(ip, size / 4, libAlign); test_fill(ip, 0, dim / 4, (int)0xdeadbeef); test_use(ip, size / 4 / elemSize); free(ip); op = alloc( dim, ((int)0xdeadbeef)`fill ); ip = alloc( dim * 4, op`realloc, FillT`fill ); test_base(ip, size * 4, libAlign); test_fill(ip, 0, dim, (int)0xdeadbeef); test_fill(ip, dim, dim * 4, FillT); test_use(ip, size * 4 / elemSize); free(ip); op = alloc( dim, ((int)0xdeadbeef)`fill ); ip = alloc( 0, op`realloc, FillT`fill ); test_base(ip, 0, libAlign); free(ip); ip = alloc( dim, ((int*)0p)`realloc, FillT`fill ); test_base(ip, size, libAlign); test_fill(ip, 0, dim, FillT); test_use(ip, size / elemSize); free(ip); // ip = alloc( 0, ((int*)0p)`realloc, FillT`fill ); // est_base(ip, 0, libAlign); // free(ip); ip = alloc( align`align ); test_base(ip, elemSize, align); test_use(ip, elemSize / elemSize); free(ip); ip = alloc( dim, align`align ); test_base(ip, size, align); test_use(ip, size / elemSize); free(ip); ip = alloc( 0, align`align ); test_base(ip, 0, libAlign); free(ip); op = alloc( dim, ((int)0xdeadbeef)`fill ); ip = alloc( op`realloc, align`align ); test_base(ip, elemSize, align); test_fill(ip, 0, 1, (int)0xdeadbeef); test_use(ip, elemSize / elemSize); free(ip); // ip = alloc( ((int*)0p)`realloc, align`align ); // est_base(ip, elemSize, align); // est_use(ip, elemSize / elemSize); // free(ip); dp = alloc( dim ); ip = alloc( dp`resize, align`align ); test_base(ip, elemSize, align); test_use(ip, elemSize / elemSize); free(ip); // ip = alloc( ((double*)0p)`resize, align`align ); // est_base(ip, elemSize, align); // est_use(ip, elemSize / elemSize); // free(ip); op = alloc( dim, ((int)0xdeadbeef)`fill); ip = alloc( dim, op`realloc, align`align ); test_base(ip, size, align); test_fill(ip, 0, dim, (int)0xdeadbeef); test_use(ip, size / elemSize); free(ip); op = alloc( dim, ((int)0xdeadbeef)`fill ); ip = alloc( 0, op`realloc, align`align ); test_base(ip, 0, libAlign); free(ip); // ip = alloc( dim, ((int*)0p)`realloc, align`align ); // est_base(ip, size, align); // est_use(ip, size / elemSize); // free(ip); // ip = alloc( 0, ((int*)0p)`realloc, align`align ); // est_base(ip, 0, align); // free(ip); ip = alloc( align`align, FillC`fill ); test_base(ip, elemSize, align); test_fill(ip, 0, elemSize, FillC); test_use(ip, elemSize / elemSize); free(ip); ip = alloc( align`align, FillT`fill ); test_base(ip, elemSize, align); test_fill(ip, 0, 1, FillT); test_use(ip, elemSize / elemSize); free(ip); ip = alloc( dim, align`align, FillC`fill ); test_base(ip, size, align); test_fill(ip, 0, size, FillC); test_use(ip, size / elemSize); free(ip); ip = alloc( 0, align`align, FillC`fill ); test_base(ip, 0, libAlign); free(ip); ip = alloc( dim, align`align, FillT`fill ); test_base(ip, size, align); test_fill(ip, 0, dim, FillT); test_use(ip, size / elemSize); free(ip); ip = alloc( 0, align`align, FillT`fill ); test_base(ip, 0, libAlign); free(ip); ip = alloc( dim, align`align, [FillA, dim/4]`fill ); test_base(ip, size, align); test_fill(ip, 0, size/4, FillA); test_use(ip, size / elemSize); free(ip); ip = alloc( 0, align`align, [FillA, dim/4]`fill ); test_base(ip, 0, libAlign); free(ip); op = alloc( dim, ((int)0xdeadbeef)`fill ); ip = alloc( dim, op`realloc, align`align, FillC`fill ); test_base(ip, size, align); test_fill(ip, 0, dim, (int)0xdeadbeef); test_use(ip, size / elemSize); free(ip); op = alloc( dim, ((int)0xdeadbeef)`fill ); ip = alloc( dim / 4, op`realloc, align`align, FillC`fill ); test_base(ip, size / 4, align); test_fill(ip, 0, dim / 4, (int)0xdeadbeef); test_use(ip, size / 4 / elemSize); free(ip); op = alloc( dim, ((int)0xdeadbeef)`fill ); ip = alloc( dim * 4, op`realloc, align`align, FillC`fill ); test_base(ip, size * 4, align); test_fill(ip, 0, dim, (int)0xdeadbeef); test_fill(ip, size, size * 4, FillC); test_use(ip, size * 4 / elemSize); free(ip); op = alloc( dim, ((int)0xdeadbeef)`fill ); ip = alloc( 0, op`realloc, align`align, FillC`fill ); test_base(ip, 0, libAlign); free(ip); // ip = alloc( dim, ((int*)0p)`realloc, align`align, FillC`fill ); // est_base(ip, size, align); // est_fill(ip, 0, size, FillC); // est_use(ip, size / elemSize); // free(ip); // ip = alloc( 0, ((int*)0p)`realloc, align`align, FillC`fill ); // est_base(ip, 0, align); // free(ip); op = alloc( dim, ((int)0xdeadbeef)`fill ); ip = alloc( dim, op`realloc, align`align, FillT`fill ); test_base(ip, size, align); test_fill(ip, 0, dim, (int)0xdeadbeef); test_use(ip, size / elemSize); free(ip); op = alloc( dim, ((int)0xdeadbeef)`fill ); ip = alloc( dim / 4, op`realloc, align`align, FillT`fill ); test_base(ip, size / 4, align); test_fill(ip, 0, dim / 4, (int)0xdeadbeef); test_use(ip, size / 4 / elemSize); free(ip); op = alloc( dim, ((int)0xdeadbeef)`fill ); ip = alloc( dim * 4, op`realloc, align`align, FillT`fill ); test_base(ip, size * 4, align); test_fill(ip, 0, dim, (int)0xdeadbeef); test_fill(ip, dim, dim * 4, FillT); test_use(ip, size * 4 / elemSize); free(ip); op = alloc( dim, ((int)0xdeadbeef)`fill ); ip = alloc( 0, op`realloc, align`align, FillT`fill ); test_base(ip, 0, libAlign); free(ip); // ip = alloc( dim, ((int*)0p)`realloc, align`align, FillT`fill ); // est_base(ip, size, align); // est_fill(ip, 0, dim, FillT); // est_use(ip, size / elemSize); // free(ip); // ip = alloc( 0, ((int*)0p)`realloc, align`align, FillT`fill ); // est_base(ip, 0, align); // free(ip); if (tests_failed == 0) printf("PASSED alloc tests\n\n"); else printf("failed alloc tests : %d/%d\n\n", tests_failed, tests_total); // testing alloc (aligned struct) elemSize = sizeof(T1); size = dim * elemSize; last_failed = -1; tests_total = 0; tests_failed = 0; t1p = alloc(); test_base(t1p, elemSize, tAlign); test_use(t1p, elemSize / elemSize); free(t1p); t1p = alloc( dim ); test_base(t1p, size, tAlign); test_use(t1p, size / elemSize); free(t1p); t1p = alloc( 0 ); test_base(t1p, 0, libAlign); free(t1p); dp = alloc( dim ); t1p = alloc( dp`resize ); test_base(t1p, elemSize, tAlign); test_use(t1p, elemSize / elemSize); free(t1p); t1p = alloc( ((double*)0p)`resize ); test_base(t1p, elemSize, tAlign); test_use(t1p, elemSize / elemSize); free(t1p); dp = alloc( dim ); t1p = alloc( dim, dp`resize ); test_base(t1p, size, tAlign); test_use(t1p, size / elemSize); free(t1p); dp = alloc( dim ); t1p = alloc( 0, dp`resize ); test_base(t1p, 0, libAlign); free(t1p); t1p = alloc( dim, ((double*)0p)`resize ); test_base(t1p, size, tAlign); test_use(t1p, size / elemSize); free(t1p); t1p = alloc( 0, ((double*)0p)`resize ); test_base(t1p, 0, libAlign); free(t1p); t1op = alloc( dim, ((T1){0xdeadbeef})`fill ); t1p = alloc( dim, t1op`realloc ); test_base(t1p, size, tAlign); test_fill(t1p, 0, dim, (T1){0xdeadbeef}); test_use(t1p, size / elemSize); free(t1p); t1op = alloc( dim, ((T1){0xdeadbeef})`fill ); t1p = alloc( 0, t1op`realloc ); test_base(t1p, 0, libAlign); free(t1p); t1p = alloc( dim, ((T1*)0p)`realloc ); test_base(t1p, size, tAlign); test_use(t1p, size / elemSize); free(t1p); t1p = alloc( 0, ((T1*)0p)`realloc ); test_base(t1p, 0, libAlign); free(t1p); t1op = alloc( dim, ((T1){0xdeadbeef})`fill ); t1p = alloc( dim, t1op`resize ); test_base(t1p, size, tAlign); test_use(t1p, size / elemSize); free(t1p); t1p = alloc( FillC`fill ); test_base(t1p, elemSize, tAlign); test_fill(t1p, 0, elemSize, FillC); test_use(t1p, elemSize / elemSize); free(t1p); t1p = alloc( FillT1`fill ); test_base(t1p, elemSize, tAlign); test_fill(t1p, 0, 1, FillT1); test_use(t1p, elemSize / elemSize); free(t1p); t1p = alloc( dim, FillC`fill ); test_base(t1p, size, tAlign); test_fill(t1p, 0, size, FillC); test_use(t1p, size / elemSize); free(t1p); t1p = alloc( 0, FillC`fill ); test_base(t1p, 0, libAlign); free(t1p); t1p = alloc( dim, FillT1`fill ); test_base(t1p, size, tAlign); test_fill(t1p, 0, dim, FillT1); test_use(t1p, size / elemSize); free(t1p); t1p = alloc( 0, FillT1`fill ); test_base(t1p, 0, libAlign); free(t1p); t1p = alloc( dim, [FillT1A, dim / 4]`fill ); test_base(t1p, size, tAlign); test_fill(t1p, 0, size/4, FillT1A); test_use(t1p, size / elemSize); free(t1p); t1p = alloc( 0, [FillT1A, dim / 4]`fill ); test_base(t1p, 0, libAlign); free(t1p); t1op = alloc( dim, ((T1){0xdeadbeef})`fill ); t1p = alloc( dim, t1op`realloc, FillC`fill ); test_base(t1p, size, tAlign); test_fill(t1p, 0, dim, (T1){0xdeadbeef}); test_use(t1p, size / elemSize); free(t1p); t1op = alloc( dim, ((T1){0xdeadbeef})`fill ); t1p = alloc( dim / 4, t1op`realloc, FillC`fill ); test_base(t1p, size / 4, tAlign); test_fill(t1p, 0, dim / 4, (T1){0xdeadbeef}); test_use(t1p, size / 4 / elemSize); free(t1p); t1op = alloc( dim, ((T1){0xdeadbeef})`fill ); t1p = alloc( dim * 4, t1op`realloc, FillC`fill ); test_base(t1p, size * 4, tAlign); test_fill(t1p, 0, dim, (T1){0xdeadbeef}); test_fill(t1p, size, size * 4, FillC); test_use(t1p, size * 4 / elemSize); free(t1p); t1op = alloc( dim, ((T1){0xdeadbeef})`fill ); t1p = alloc( 0, t1op`realloc, FillC`fill ); test_base(t1p, 0, libAlign); free(t1p); t1p = alloc( dim, ((T1*)0p)`realloc, FillC`fill ); test_base(t1p, size, tAlign); test_fill(t1p, 0, size, FillC); test_use(t1p, size / elemSize); free(t1p); t1p = alloc( 0, ((T1*)0p)`realloc, FillC`fill ); test_base(t1p, 0, libAlign); free(t1p); t1op = alloc( dim, ((T1){0xdeadbeef})`fill ); t1p = alloc( dim, t1op`realloc, FillT1`fill ); test_base(t1p, size, tAlign); test_fill(t1p, 0, dim, (T1){0xdeadbeef}); test_use(t1p, size / elemSize); free(t1p); t1op = alloc( dim, ((T1){0xdeadbeef})`fill ); t1p = alloc( dim / 4, t1op`realloc, FillT1`fill ); test_base(t1p, size / 4, tAlign); test_fill(t1p, 0, dim / 4, (T1){0xdeadbeef}); test_use(t1p, size / 4 / elemSize); free(t1p); t1op = alloc( dim, ((T1){0xdeadbeef})`fill ); t1p = alloc( dim * 4, t1op`realloc, FillT1`fill ); test_base(t1p, size * 4, tAlign); test_fill(t1p, 0, dim, (T1){0xdeadbeef}); test_fill(t1p, dim, dim * 4, FillT1); test_use(t1p, size * 4 / elemSize); free(t1p); t1op = alloc( dim, ((T1){0xdeadbeef})`fill ); t1p = alloc( 0, t1op`realloc, FillT1`fill ); test_base(t1p, 0, libAlign); free(t1p); t1p = alloc( dim, ((T1*)0p)`realloc, FillT1`fill ); test_base(t1p, size, tAlign); test_fill(t1p, 0, dim, FillT1); test_use(t1p, size / elemSize); free(t1p); // t1p = alloc( (T1*)0p, 0, FillT1 ); // est_base(t1p, 0, tAlign); // free(t1p); t1p = alloc( align`align ); test_base(t1p, elemSize, align); test_use(t1p, elemSize / elemSize); free(t1p); t1p = alloc( dim, align`align ); test_base(t1p, size, align); test_use(t1p, size / elemSize); free(t1p); t1p = alloc( 0, align`align ); test_base(t1p, 0, libAlign); free(t1p); t1op = alloc( dim, ((T1){0xdeadbeef})`fill ); t1p = alloc( t1op`realloc, align`align ); test_base(t1p, elemSize, align); test_fill(t1p, 0, 1, (T1){0xdeadbeef}); test_use(t1p, elemSize / elemSize); free(t1p); // t1p = alloc( ((T1*)0p)`realloc, align`align ); // est_base(t1p, elemSize, align); // est_use(t1p, elemSize / elemSize); // free(t1p); dp = alloc( dim ); t1p = alloc( dp`resize, align`align ); test_base(t1p, elemSize, align); test_use(t1p, elemSize / elemSize); free(t1p); // t1p = alloc( ((double*)0p)`resize, align`align ); // est_base(t1p, elemSize, align); // est_use(t1p, elemSize / elemSize); // free(t1p); t1op = alloc( dim, ((T1){0xdeadbeef})`fill ); t1p = alloc( dim, t1op`realloc, align`align ); test_base(t1p, size, align); test_fill(t1p, 0, dim, (T1){0xdeadbeef}); test_use(t1p, size / elemSize); free(t1p); t1op = alloc( dim, ((T1){0xdeadbeef})`fill ); t1p = alloc( 0, t1op`realloc, align`align ); test_base(t1p, 0, libAlign); free(t1p); // t1p = alloc( dim, ((T1*)0p)`realloc, align`align ); // est_base(t1p, size, align); // est_use(t1p, size / elemSize); // free(t1p); // t1p = alloc( 0, ((T1*)0p)`realloc, align`align ); // est_base(t1p, 0, align); // free(t1p); t1p = alloc( align`align, FillC`fill ); test_base(t1p, elemSize, align); test_fill(t1p, 0, elemSize, FillC); test_use(t1p, elemSize / elemSize); free(t1p); t1p = alloc( align`align, FillT1`fill ); test_base(t1p, elemSize, align); test_fill(t1p, 0, 1, FillT1); test_use(t1p, elemSize / elemSize); free(t1p); t1p = alloc( dim, align`align, FillC`fill ); test_base(t1p, size, align); test_fill(t1p, 0, size, FillC); test_use(t1p, size / elemSize); free(t1p); t1p = alloc( 0, align`align, FillC`fill ); test_base(t1p, 0, libAlign); free(t1p); t1p = alloc( dim, align`align, FillT1`fill ); test_base(t1p, size, align); test_fill(t1p, 0, dim, FillT1); test_use(t1p, size / elemSize); free(t1p); t1p = alloc( 0, align`align, FillT1`fill ); test_base(t1p, 0, libAlign); free(t1p); t1p = alloc( dim, align`align, [FillT1A, dim / 4]`fill ); test_base(t1p, size, align); test_fill(t1p, 0, size/4, FillT1A); test_use(t1p, size / elemSize); free(t1p); t1p = alloc( 0, align`align, [FillT1A, dim / 4]`fill ); test_base(t1p, 0, libAlign); free(t1p); t1op = alloc( dim, ((T1){0xdeadbeef})`fill ); t1p = alloc( dim, t1op`realloc, align`align, FillC`fill ); test_base(t1p, size, align); test_fill(t1p, 0, dim, (T1){0xdeadbeef}); test_use(t1p, size / elemSize); free(t1p); t1op = alloc( dim, ((T1){0xdeadbeef})`fill ); t1p = alloc( dim / 4, t1op`realloc, align`align, FillC`fill ); test_base(t1p, size / 4, align); test_fill(t1p, 0, dim / 4, (T1){0xdeadbeef}); test_use(t1p, size / 4 / elemSize); free(t1p); t1op = alloc( dim, ((T1){0xdeadbeef})`fill ); t1p = alloc( dim * 4, t1op`realloc, align`align, FillC`fill ); test_base(t1p, size * 4, align); test_fill(t1p, 0, dim, (T1){0xdeadbeef}); test_fill(t1p, size, size * 4, FillC); test_use(t1p, size * 4 / elemSize); free(t1p); t1op = alloc( dim, ((T1){0xdeadbeef})`fill ); t1p = alloc( 0, t1op`realloc, align`align, FillC`fill ); test_base(t1p, 0, libAlign); free(t1p); // t1p = alloc( dim, ((T1*)0p)`realloc, align`align, FillC`fill ); // est_base(t1p, size, align); // est_fill(t1p, 0, size, FillC); // est_use(t1p, size / elemSize); // free(t1p); // t1p = alloc( 0, ((T1*)0p)`realloc, align`align, FillC`fill ); // est_base(t1p, 0, align); // free(t1p); t1op = alloc( dim, ((T1){0xdeadbeef})`fill); t1p = alloc( dim, t1op`realloc, align`align, FillT1`fill ); test_base(t1p, size, align); test_fill(t1p, 0, dim, (T1){0xdeadbeef}); test_use(t1p, size / elemSize); free(t1p); t1op = alloc( dim, ((T1){0xdeadbeef})`fill ); t1p = alloc( dim / 4, t1op`realloc, align`align, FillT1`fill ); test_base(t1p, size / 4, align); test_fill(t1p, 0, dim / 4, (T1){0xdeadbeef}); test_use(t1p, size / 4 / elemSize); free(t1p); t1op = alloc( dim, ((T1){0xdeadbeef})`fill ); t1p = alloc( dim * 4, t1op`realloc, align`align, FillT1`fill ); test_base(t1p, size * 4, align); test_fill(t1p, 0, dim, (T1){0xdeadbeef}); test_fill(t1p, dim, dim * 4, FillT1); test_use(t1p, size * 4 / elemSize); free(t1p); t1op = alloc( dim, ((T1){0xdeadbeef})`fill ); t1p = alloc( 0, t1op`realloc, align`align, FillT1`fill ); test_base(t1p, 0, libAlign); free(t1p); // t1p = alloc( dim, ((T1*)0p)`realloc, align`aling, FillT1`fill ); // est_base(t1p, size, align); // est_fill(t1p, 0, dim, FillT1); // est_use(t1p, size / elemSize); // free(t1p); // t1p = alloc( 0, ((T1*)0p)`realloc, align`align, FillT1`fill ); // est_base(t1p, 0, align); // free(t1p); if (tests_failed == 0) printf("PASSED alloc tests (aligned struct)\n\n"); else printf("failed alloc tests (aligned struct) : %d/%d\n\n", tests_failed, tests_total); printf("(if applicable) alignment error below indicates memory trashing caused by test_use.\n\n"); free(FillA); free(FillT1A); return 0; } // main