#include void raiiTests() { printf("raiiTests=================\n"); vector( float ) v = { 25 }; push_last( v, 1 ); printf( "Having pushed, length is %ld\n", v`length ); float y = v[0]`val; printf( "by transit, got pos0 = %f\n", y ); { vector_exit(float) it = v[0]; float z = it`val; printf( "by exit, got pos0 = %f\n", z ); // forbid modification while locked #ifdef TRY_MOD_WHILE_LOCKED_1 push_last( v, 1 ); // runtime assertion failure printf( "Having pushed, length is %ld\n", v`length ); #endif } push_last( v, 2 ); printf( "Having pushed, length is %ld\n", v`length ); // deletion scope for some exits // point is the function decls and calls, though { void helperE(vector_exit(float) it) { float q = it`val; printf( "helperE sees %f\n", q ); } vector_exit(float) it2 = v[1]; helperE(it2); // can't call with implied exit (wish I could, low priority) #ifdef TRY_IMPLIED_EXIT_1 helperE( v[1] ); // Invalid application of existing declaration(s) #endif //------ vector_exit(float) producerE( vector( float ) & theVec ) { return theVec[0]; } vector_exit(float) it3 = producerE( v ); float z = it3`val; printf( "producerE gave %f\n", z ); float zzzz = producerE( v )`val; printf( "producerE again gave %f\n", zzzz ); //------ void helperT(vector_transit(float) it) { float q = it`val; printf( "helperT sees %f\n", q ); } helperT( v[1] ); //------ vector_transit(float) producerT( vector( float ) & theVec ) { return theVec[0]; } float zz = producerT( v )`val; printf( "producerT gave %f\n", zz ); } //======= { vector_permit(float) it = v[0]; float z = it`val; printf( "by permit, got pos0 = %f\n", z ); // allow modification while permits exist push_last( v, 1 ); printf( "Having pushed, length is %ld\n", v`length ); // forbid passing permit by value #ifdef TRY_PASS_PERMIT_BYVAL_1 void f( vector_permit(float) xx ) { printf("can't get here\n"); } f( it ); // Unique best alternative includes deleted identifier #endif // can declare function that returns permit (wish to forbid) vector_permit(float) g( vector( float ) & theVec ) { return theVec[0]; // want to forbid } // forbid calling a function that returns permit by value #ifdef TRY_RETURN_PERMIT_BYVAL_1 vector_permit(float) ofG = g( v ); // Unique best alternative includes deleted identifier #endif // allow declaration of permit, populating from exit vector_exit(float) h( vector( float ) & theVec ) { return theVec[0]; } vector_permit(float) ofH = h( v ); float zh = ofH`val; printf( "into permit from call, got ofH = %f\n", zh ); } } void stayValidTests() { printf("stayValidTests============\n"); vector( float ) v = { 4 }; push_last(v, 0.0f); push_last(v, 0.1f); push_last(v, 0.2f); // v is [0.0, 0.1, 0.2] vector_permit(float) iter = v[1]; // iter at 0.1 float val1 = iter`val; printf("before %f\n", val1); insert_before( v, 1, 98.6f ); // v is [0.0, 98.6, 0.1, 0.2]; iter at 0.1 float val2 = iter`val; printf("after, logical: %f\n", val2); // we had filled it to the brim assert( v`capacity == 4 && v`length == 4 ); push_last(v, -100); // v is [0.0, 98.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3]; iter at 0.1, but RTP it's not looking at the old memory's 0.1 // that made it bigger assert( v`capacity > 5 && v`length == 5 ); v[2] = -0.1f; // v is [0.0, 98.6, -0.1, 0.2, 0.3]; iter at -0.1, where only the new memory had that change float val3 = iter`val; printf("after, physical: %f\n", val3); } void loopTests() { printf("loopTests=================\n"); vector(float) v = { 4 }; push_last(v, 0.0f); push_last(v, 0.1f); push_last(v, 0.2f); float toPrint; while( vector_exit(float) it = v`origin; it`moveNext ) { toPrint *= it; printf("loop sees %f\n", toPrint); } } int main() { raiiTests(); stayValidTests(); loopTests(); }