/* -*- Mode: C -*- * * Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2015 University of Waterloo * * The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the * file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall. * * lex.ll -- * * Author : Rodolfo Gabriel Esteves * Created On : Sat Dec 15 11:45:59 2001 * Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr * Last Modified On : Wed Jun 28 22:57:17 2017 * Update Count : 253 */ %option stack %option yylineno %{ #include #include #include using namespace std; #include "ParserTypes.h" #include "parser.hh" #define RETURN_TOKEN( kind ) yylval.tokenp = new Token( yytext, ws_list, kind ); return kind; list ws_list; string comment_str; string code_str; %} integer [0-9]+ identifier [a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]* simple_escape ['"?\\] escape_sequence [\\]{simple_escape} c_char [^'\\\n]|{escape_sequence} s_char [^"\\\n]|{escape_sequence} %x C_COMMENT STR C_CODE /* ---------------------------- Token Section ---------------------------- */ %% "/*" { /* C style comments */ #if defined(DEBUG_ALL) | defined(DEBUG_COMMENT) cerr << "\"/*\" : " << yytext << endl; #endif if ( YYSTATE == C_CODE ) code_str += yytext; else comment_str += yytext; yy_push_state(C_COMMENT); } (.|"\n") { /* C style comments */ #if defined(DEBUG_ALL) | defined(DEBUG_COMMENT) cerr << "(.|\\n) : " << yytext << endl; #endif if ( yy_top_state() == C_CODE ) code_str += yytext; else comment_str += yytext; } "*/" { /* C style comments */ #if defined(DEBUG_ALL) | defined(DEBUG_COMMENT) cerr << "\"*/\" : " << yytext << endl; #endif if ( yy_top_state() == C_CODE ) code_str += yytext; else { comment_str += yytext; //cerr << "C COMMENT : " << endl << comment_str << endl; ws_list.push_back( comment_str ); comment_str = ""; } yy_pop_state(); } "//"[^\n]*"\n" { /* C++ style comments */ #if defined(DEBUG_ALL) | defined(DEBUG_COMMENT) cerr << "\"//\"[^\\n]*\"\n\" : " << yytext << endl; #endif if ( YYSTATE == C_CODE ) code_str += yytext; else { comment_str += yytext; //cerr << "C++ COMMENT : " << endl << comment_str << endl; ws_list.push_back( comment_str ); comment_str = ""; } } ";" { RETURN_TOKEN( ';' ) } ":" { RETURN_TOKEN( ':' ) } "|" { RETURN_TOKEN( '|' ) } "," { RETURN_TOKEN( ',' ) } "<" { RETURN_TOKEN( '<' ) } ">" { RETURN_TOKEN( '>' ) } [[:space:]]+ { /* [ \t\n]+ */ ws_list.push_back( yytext ); //cerr << "WS : " << "\"" << yytext << "\"" << endl; } "{" { RETURN_TOKEN( '{' ) } "}" { RETURN_TOKEN( '}' ) } "{" { #if defined(DEBUG_ALL) | defined(DEBUG_C) cerr << ". : " << yytext << endl; #endif code_str += yytext; RETURN_TOKEN( '{' ) } "}" { #if defined(DEBUG_ALL) | defined(DEBUG_C) cerr << ". : " << yytext << endl; #endif code_str += yytext; RETURN_TOKEN( '}' ) } "%%" { RETURN_TOKEN( MARK ) } "%{" { RETURN_TOKEN( LCURL ) } "%}" { RETURN_TOKEN( RCURL ) } ^"%union" { RETURN_TOKEN( UNION ) } ^"%start" { RETURN_TOKEN( START ) } ^"%token" { RETURN_TOKEN( TOKEN ) } ^"%type" { RETURN_TOKEN( TYPE ) } ^"%left" { RETURN_TOKEN( LEFT ) } ^"%right" { RETURN_TOKEN( RIGHT ) } ^"%nonassoc" { RETURN_TOKEN( NONASSOC ) } ^"%pure_parser" { RETURN_TOKEN( PURE_PARSER ) } ^"%semantic_parser" { RETURN_TOKEN( SEMANTIC_PARSER ) } ^"%expect" { RETURN_TOKEN( EXPECT ) } ^"%thong" { RETURN_TOKEN( THONG ) } "%prec" { RETURN_TOKEN( PREC ) } {integer} { RETURN_TOKEN( INTEGER ); } [']{c_char}['] { RETURN_TOKEN( CHARACTER ); } {identifier} { RETURN_TOKEN( IDENTIFIER ); } ["]{s_char}*["] { /* hide braces "{}" in strings */ #if defined(DEBUG_ALL) | defined(DEBUG_C) cerr << ". : " << yytext << endl; #endif code_str += yytext; } (.|\n) { /* must be last rule of C_CODE */ #if defined(DEBUG_ALL) | defined(DEBUG_C) cerr << ". : " << yytext << endl; #endif code_str += yytext; } . { printf("UNKNOWN CHARACTER:%s\n", yytext); } /* unknown characters */ %% void lexC(void) { BEGIN(C_CODE); } string lexYacc(void) { BEGIN(INITIAL); //cerr << "CODE: " << endl << code_str << endl; string temp( code_str ); code_str = ""; return temp; } // Local Variables: // // mode: c++ // // tab-width: 4 // // compile-command: "make install" // // End: //