// Test virtual casts with polymorphic types. /* IMPORTANT: The virtual system has not been finalized. However the * exception system does depend on the work-in-progress version currently * supported. That is also why the tests under the exception directory. */ #include #include struct __cfatid_struct_mono_base { __cfavir_type_info const * parent; }; __attribute__(( cfa_linkonce )) struct __cfatid_struct_mono_base __cfatid_mono_base = { (__cfavir_type_info *)0, }; struct mono_base_vtable { __cfatid_struct_mono_base const * const __cfavir_typeid; }; struct mono_base { mono_base_vtable const * virtual_table; }; forall(T) struct __cfatid_struct_mono_child { __cfatid_struct_mono_base const * parent; }; forall(T) struct mono_child_vtable { __cfatid_struct_mono_child(T) const * const __cfavir_typeid; }; forall(T) struct mono_child { mono_child_vtable(T) const * virtual_table; }; __cfatid_struct_mono_child(int) __cfatid_mono_child @= { &__cfatid_mono_base, }; mono_child_vtable(int) _mono_child_vtable_instance @= { &__cfatid_mono_child, }; void mono_poly_test(void) { mono_child(int) child = { &_mono_child_vtable_instance }; mono_base * base = (virtual mono_base *)&child; assert(base); } forall(U) struct __cfatid_struct_poly_base { __cfavir_type_info const * parent; }; forall(U) struct poly_base_vtable { __cfatid_struct_poly_base(U) const * const __cfavir_typeid; }; forall(U) struct poly_base { poly_base_vtable(U) const * virtual_table; }; forall(V) struct __cfatid_struct_poly_child { __cfatid_struct_poly_base(V) const * parent; }; forall(V) struct poly_child_vtable { __cfatid_struct_poly_child(V) const * const __cfavir_typeid; }; forall(V) struct poly_child { poly_child_vtable(V) const * virtual_table; }; __cfatid_struct_poly_base(int) __cfatid_poly_base @= { (__cfavir_type_info *)0, }; __cfatid_struct_poly_child(int) __cfatid_poly_child = { &__cfatid_poly_base, }; poly_child_vtable(int) _poly_child_vtable_instance @= { &__cfatid_poly_child, }; void poly_poly_test() { poly_child(int) child = { &_poly_child_vtable_instance }; poly_base(int) * base = (virtual poly_base(int) *)&child; assert(base); } int main(void) { mono_poly_test(); poly_poly_test(); sout | "done"; }