// // Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2015 University of Waterloo // // The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the // file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall. // // parser.yy -- // // Author : Peter A. Buhr // Created On : Sat Sep 1 20:22:55 2001 // Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr // Last Modified On : Wed Aug 23 14:53:20 2017 // Update Count : 2702 // // This grammar is based on the ANSI99/11 C grammar, specifically parts of EXPRESSION and STATEMENTS, and on the C // grammar by James A. Roskind, specifically parts of DECLARATIONS and EXTERNAL DEFINITIONS. While parts have been // copied, important changes have been made in all sections; these changes are sufficient to constitute a new grammar. // In particular, this grammar attempts to be more syntactically precise, i.e., it parses less incorrect language syntax // that must be subsequently rejected by semantic checks. Nevertheless, there are still several semantic checks // required and many are noted in the grammar. Finally, the grammar is extended with GCC and CFA language extensions. // Acknowledgments to Richard Bilson, Glen Ditchfield, and Rodolfo Gabriel Esteves who all helped when I got stuck with // the grammar. // The root language for this grammar is ANSI99/11 C. All of ANSI99/11 is parsed, except for: // // 1. designation with '=' (use ':' instead) // // Most of the syntactic extensions from ANSI90 to ANSI11 C are marked with the comment "C99/C11". This grammar also has // two levels of extensions. The first extensions cover most of the GCC C extensions, except for: // // 1. designation with and without '=' (use ':' instead) // 2. attributes not allowed in parenthesis of declarator // // All of the syntactic extensions for GCC C are marked with the comment "GCC". The second extensions are for Cforall // (CFA), which fixes several of C's outstanding problems and extends C with many modern language concepts. All of the // syntactic extensions for CFA C are marked with the comment "CFA". As noted above, there is one unreconcileable // parsing problem between C99 and CFA with respect to designators; this is discussed in detail before the "designation" // grammar rule. %{ #define YYDEBUG_LEXER_TEXT (yylval) // lexer loads this up each time #define YYDEBUG 1 // get the pretty debugging code to compile #undef __GNUC_MINOR__ #include #include #include "ParseNode.h" #include "TypedefTable.h" #include "TypeData.h" #include "LinkageSpec.h" using namespace std; extern DeclarationNode * parseTree; extern LinkageSpec::Spec linkage; extern TypedefTable typedefTable; stack< LinkageSpec::Spec > linkageStack; void appendStr( string *to, string *from ) { // "abc" "def" "ghi" => "abcdefghi", remove new text from quotes and insert before last quote in old string. to->insert( to->length() - 1, from->substr( 1, from->length() - 2 ) ); } // appendStr DeclarationNode * distAttr( DeclarationNode * specifier, DeclarationNode * declList ) { // distribute declaration_specifier across all declared variables, e.g., static, const, __attribute__. DeclarationNode * cur = declList, * cl = (new DeclarationNode)->addType( specifier ); //cur->addType( specifier ); for ( cur = dynamic_cast< DeclarationNode * >( cur->get_next() ); cur != nullptr; cur = dynamic_cast< DeclarationNode * >( cur->get_next() ) ) { cl->cloneBaseType( cur ); } // for declList->addType( cl ); // delete cl; return declList; } // distAttr void distExt( DeclarationNode * declaration ) { // distribute EXTENSION across all declarations for ( DeclarationNode *iter = declaration; iter != nullptr; iter = (DeclarationNode *)iter->get_next() ) { iter->set_extension( true ); } // for } // distExt bool forall = false; // aggregate have one or more forall qualifiers ? %} // Types declaration %union { Token tok; ParseNode * pn; ExpressionNode * en; DeclarationNode * decl; DeclarationNode::Aggregate aggKey; DeclarationNode::TypeClass tclass; StatementNode * sn; WaitForStmt * wfs; ConstantExpr * constant; IfCtl * ifctl; ForCtl * fctl; LabelNode * label; InitializerNode * in; OperKinds op; std::string * str; bool flag; CatchStmt::Kind catch_kind; } //************************* TERMINAL TOKENS ******************************** // keywords %token TYPEDEF %token EXTERN STATIC AUTO REGISTER %token THREADLOCAL // C11 %token INLINE FORTRAN // C99, extension ISO/IEC 9899:1999 Section J.5.9(1) %token NORETURN // C11 %token CONST VOLATILE %token RESTRICT // C99 %token ATOMIC // C11 %token FORALL LVALUE MUTEX VIRTUAL // CFA %token VOID CHAR SHORT INT LONG FLOAT DOUBLE SIGNED UNSIGNED %token BOOL COMPLEX IMAGINARY // C99 %token ZERO_T ONE_T // CFA %token VALIST // GCC %token TYPEOF LABEL // GCC %token ENUM STRUCT UNION %token COROUTINE MONITOR THREAD // CFA %token OTYPE FTYPE DTYPE TTYPE TRAIT // CFA %token SIZEOF OFFSETOF %token ATTRIBUTE EXTENSION // GCC %token IF ELSE SWITCH CASE DEFAULT DO WHILE FOR BREAK CONTINUE GOTO RETURN %token CHOOSE DISABLE ENABLE FALLTHRU TRY CATCH CATCHRESUME FINALLY THROW THROWRESUME AT WITH WHEN WAITFOR // CFA %token ASM // C99, extension ISO/IEC 9899:1999 Section J.5.10(1) %token ALIGNAS ALIGNOF GENERIC STATICASSERT // C11 // names and constants: lexer differentiates between identifier and typedef names %token IDENTIFIER QUOTED_IDENTIFIER TYPEDEFname TYPEGENname %token TIMEOUT WOR %token ATTR_IDENTIFIER ATTR_TYPEDEFname ATTR_TYPEGENname %token INTEGERconstant CHARACTERconstant STRINGliteral // Floating point constant is broken into three kinds of tokens because of the ambiguity with tuple indexing and // overloading constants 0/1, e.g., x.1 is lexed as (x)(.1), where (.1) is a factional constant, but is semantically // converted into the tuple index (.)(1). e.g., 3.x %token REALDECIMALconstant REALFRACTIONconstant FLOATINGconstant // multi-character operators %token ARROW // -> %token ICR DECR // ++ -- %token LS RS // << >> %token LE GE EQ NE // <= >= == != %token ANDAND OROR // && || %token ELLIPSIS // ... %token EXPassign MULTassign DIVassign MODassign // \= *= /= %= %token PLUSassign MINUSassign // += -= %token LSassign RSassign // <<= >>= %token ANDassign ERassign ORassign // &= ^= |= %token ATassign // @= %type identifier no_attr_identifier %type identifier_or_type_name no_attr_identifier_or_type_name attr_name %type quasi_keyword %type string_literal %type string_literal_list // expressions %type constant %type tuple tuple_expression_list %type ptrref_operator unary_operator assignment_operator %type primary_expression postfix_expression unary_expression %type cast_expression exponential_expression multiplicative_expression additive_expression %type shift_expression relational_expression equality_expression %type AND_expression exclusive_OR_expression inclusive_OR_expression %type logical_AND_expression logical_OR_expression %type conditional_expression constant_expression assignment_expression assignment_expression_opt %type comma_expression comma_expression_opt %type argument_expression_list argument_expression default_initialize_opt %type if_control_expression %type for_control_expression %type subrange %type asm_name_opt %type asm_operands_opt asm_operands_list asm_operand %type