// Partial autogen means that some lifecycle functions are possible to generate, and needed, while // others are impossible to generate, but unneeded. #ifdef ERR1 #define BAD(...) __VA_ARGS__ #else #define BAD(...) #endif void testAllNested() { // Declaring your own empty ctor leaves an autogen dtor usable struct thing1 {}; void ?{}( thing1 & ) { printf( "custom ctor\n"); } void test1() { printf("test1\n"); thing1 x; } // Declaring your own empty ctor and dtor leaves an autogen copy ctor usable struct thing2 {}; void ?{}( thing2 & ) { printf( "custom ctor\n"); } void ^?{}( thing2 & ) { printf( "custom dtor\n"); } void test2() { printf("test2\n"); thing2 x; thing2 y = x; } // Deleting the autogen copy ctor also deletes the autogen empty ctor struct thing3 {}; void ?{}( thing3 &, thing3 ) = void; void test3() { printf("test3\n"); BAD( thing3 x; ) // Unique best alternative includes deleted identifier } struct thing456 {}; void ?{}( thing456 & ) { printf( "custom ctor\n"); } void ?{}( thing456 &, thing456 ) = void; thing456 & ?=?( thing456 &, thing456 ) = void; void ^?{}( thing456 & ) { printf( "custom dtor\n"); } struct wrapper1 { thing456 x; }; struct wrapper2 { wrapper1 x; }; // Deleting some autogens and declaring your own for the others leaves yours usable // and the deleted ones cleanly deleted void test4() { printf("test4\n"); thing456 x; BAD( thing456 y = x; ) // Unique best alternative includes deleted identifier } // Wrapping v4 leaves yours usable via autogen // and the autogen-lifts of your deleted ones are not usable void test5() { printf("test5\n"); wrapper1 x; BAD( wrapper1 y = x; ) // Unique best alternative includes deleted identifier } // Wrapping again works similarly void test6() { printf("test6\n"); wrapper2 x; BAD( wrapper2 y = x; ) // Unique best alternative includes deleted identifier } test1(); test2(); test3(); test4(); test5(); test6(); } // ===== Repeat, now as top-level declarations // Declaring your own empty ctor leaves an autogen dtor usable struct thing1 {}; void ?{}( thing1 & ) { printf( "custom ctor\n"); } void test1() { printf("test1\n"); thing1 x; } // Declaring your own empty ctor and dtor leaves an autogen copy ctor usable struct thing2 {}; void ?{}( thing2 & ) { printf( "custom ctor\n"); } void ^?{}( thing2 & ) { printf( "custom dtor\n"); } void test2() { printf("test2\n"); thing2 x; thing2 y = x; } // Deleting the autogen copy ctor also deletes the autogen empty ctor struct thing3 {}; void ?{}( thing3 &, thing3 ) = void; void test3() { printf("test3\n"); BAD( thing3 x; ) // Unique best alternative includes deleted identifier } struct thing456 {}; void ?{}( thing456 & ) { printf( "custom ctor\n"); } void ?{}( thing456 &, thing456 ) = void; thing456 & ?=?( thing456 &, thing456 ) = void; void ^?{}( thing456 & ) { printf( "custom dtor\n"); } struct wrapper1 { thing456 x; }; struct wrapper2 { wrapper1 x; }; // Deleting some autogens and declaring your own for the others leaves yours usable // and the deleted ones cleanly deleted void test4() { printf("test4\n"); thing456 x; BAD( thing456 y = x; ) // Unique best alternative includes deleted identifier } // Wrapping v4 leaves yours usable via autogen // and the autogen-lifts of your deleted ones are not usable void test5() { printf("test5\n"); wrapper1 x; BAD( wrapper1 y = x; ) // Unique best alternative includes deleted identifier } // Wrapping again works similarly void test6() { printf("test6\n"); wrapper2 x; BAD( wrapper2 y = x; ) // Unique best alternative includes deleted identifier } int main() { printf("====== Top-level declarations ======\n"); test1(); test2(); test3(); test4(); test5(); test6(); printf("====== Function-nested declarations ======\n"); testAllNested(); }