# set terminal pdfcairo size 6,3 # BUILD = "build/" set terminal pslatex size 6.25,2.5 color solid # RUNTIME # set output BUILD."cfa-time.tex" set xlabel "\\textsc{cfa-co} runtime (s)" set ylabel "runtime (s)" set logscale xy set key outside plot for [i=2:6] 'evaluation/cfa-time.tsv' using 2:i title columnheader # MEMORY # set output BUILD."cfa-mem.tex" set ylabel "peak memory (MB)" plot for [i=2:6] 'evaluation/cfa-mem-by-time.tsv' using 7:(column(i)/1000) title columnheader # # RUNTIME SPEEDUP # # set output BUILD."cfa-speedup.pdf" # set ylabel "time factor of cfa-co" # unset logscale y # plot for [i=2:6] 'evaluation/cfa-time.tsv' using 2:(column(i)/column(2)) title columnheader # # MEMORY SPEEDUP # # set output BUILD."cfa-mem-speedup.pdf" # set ylabel "peak memory factor of cfa-co" # unset logscale y # plot for [i=2:6] 'evaluation/cfa-mem-by-time.tsv' using 7:(column(i)/column(2)) title columnheader