set terminal pdf color enhanced size 6.0in,3.0in font "Times,17" #set terminal postscript portrait enhanced size 7.5, 10. color solid 9.5; #set terminal wxt size 950,1250 DIR="pictures" set macros set output "build/string-graph-pta-sharing.pdf" #set pointsize 2.0 set grid set key top left set xtics (1,2,5,10,20,50,100,200,500) set logscale x set logscale y 2 set xlabel "String Length being appended (mean, geo. dist.), log scale" offset 2,0 set ylabel "Time per append (ns, mean), log_{2} scale" set linetype 3 dashtype 2 set linetype 4 dashtype 2 plot DIR."/string-graph-pta-sharing.dat" \ i 0 using 1:2 title columnheader(1) with linespoints lt rgb "blue" pt 2 ps 1 lw 1, \ '' i 1 using 1:2 title columnheader(1) with linespoints lt rgb "red" pt 3 ps 1 lw 1, \ '' i 2 using 1:2 title columnheader(1) with linespoints lt rgb "blue" pt 6 ps 1 lw 1, \ '' i 3 using 1:2 title columnheader(1) with linespoints lt rgb "red" pt 8 ps 1 lw 1, \ '' i 4 using 1:2 title columnheader(1) with linespoints lt rgb "black" pt 10 ps 1 lw 1