/* * Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2015 University of Waterloo * * The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the * file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall. * * lex.l -- * * Author : Peter A. Buhr * Created On : Sat Sep 22 08:58:10 2001 * Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr * Last Modified On : Thu May 18 09:03:49 2017 * Update Count : 513 */ %option yylineno %option nounput %{ // This lexer assumes the program has been preprocessed by cpp. Hence, all user level preprocessor directive have been // performed and removed from the source. The only exceptions are preprocessor directives passed to the compiler (e.g., // line-number directives) and C/C++ style comments, which are ignored. //**************************** Includes and Defines **************************** #include #include // FILENAME_MAX #include "lex.h" #include "parser.h" // YACC generated definitions based on C++ grammar #include "ParseNode.h" #include "TypedefTable.h" char *yyfilename; std::string *strtext; // accumulate parts of character and string constant value #define RETURN_LOCN(x) yylval.tok.loc.file = yyfilename; yylval.tok.loc.line = yylineno; return( x ) #define RETURN_VAL(x) yylval.tok.str = new std::string( yytext ); RETURN_LOCN( x ) #define RETURN_CHAR(x) yylval.tok.str = nullptr; RETURN_LOCN( x ) #define RETURN_STR(x) yylval.tok.str = strtext; RETURN_LOCN( x ) #define WHITE_RETURN(x) // do nothing #define NEWLINE_RETURN() WHITE_RETURN( '\n' ) #define ASCIIOP_RETURN() RETURN_CHAR( (int)yytext[0] ) // single character operator #define NAMEDOP_RETURN(x) RETURN_CHAR( x ) // multichar operator, with a name #define NUMERIC_RETURN(x) rm_underscore(); RETURN_VAL( x ) // numeric constant #define KEYWORD_RETURN(x) RETURN_CHAR( x ) // keyword #define IDENTIFIER_RETURN() RETURN_VAL( typedefTable.isKind( yytext ) ) #define ATTRIBUTE_RETURN() RETURN_VAL( ATTR_IDENTIFIER ) void rm_underscore() { // Remove underscores in numeric constant by copying the non-underscore characters to the front of the string. yyleng = 0; for ( int i = 0; yytext[i] != '\0'; i += 1 ) { if ( yytext[i] != '_' ) { yytext[yyleng] = yytext[i]; yyleng += 1; } // if } // for yytext[yyleng] = '\0'; } %} octal [0-7] nonzero [1-9] decimal [0-9] hex [0-9a-fA-F] universal_char "\\"((u"_"?{hex_quad})|(U"_"?{hex_quad}{2})) // identifier, GCC: $ in identifier identifier ([a-zA-Z_$]|{universal_char})([0-9a-zA-Z_$]|{universal_char})* // attribute identifier, GCC: $ in identifier attr_identifier "@"{identifier} // numeric constants, CFA: '_' in constant hex_quad {hex}("_"?{hex}){3} integer_suffix "_"?(([uU](("ll"|"LL"|[lL])[iI]|[iI]?("ll"|"LL"|[lL])?))|([iI](("ll"|"LL"|[lL])[uU]|[uU]?("ll"|"LL"|[lL])?))|(("ll"|"LL"|[lL])([iI][uU]|[uU]?[iI]?))) octal_digits ({octal})|({octal}({octal}|"_")*{octal}) octal_prefix "0""_"? octal_constant (("0")|({octal_prefix}{octal_digits})){integer_suffix}? nonzero_digits ({nonzero})|({nonzero}({decimal}|"_")*{decimal}) decimal_constant {nonzero_digits}{integer_suffix}? hex_digits ({hex})|({hex}({hex}|"_")*{hex}) hex_prefix "0"[xX]"_"? hex_constant {hex_prefix}{hex_digits}{integer_suffix}? decimal_digits ({decimal})|({decimal}({decimal}|"_")*{decimal}) real_decimal {decimal_digits}"."{exponent}?{floating_suffix}? real_fraction "."{decimal_digits}{exponent}?{floating_suffix}? real_constant {decimal_digits}{real_fraction} exponent "_"?[eE]"_"?[+-]?{decimal_digits} // GCC: D (double) and iI (imaginary) suffixes, and DL (long double) floating_suffix "_"?([fFdDlL][iI]?|[iI][lLfFdD]?|"DL") floating_constant (({real_constant}{exponent}?)|({decimal_digits}{exponent})){floating_suffix}? binary_exponent "_"?[pP]"_"?[+-]?{decimal_digits} hex_fractional_constant ({hex_digits}?"."{hex_digits})|({hex_digits}".") hex_floating_constant {hex_prefix}(({hex_fractional_constant}{binary_exponent})|({hex_digits}{binary_exponent})){floating_suffix}? // character escape sequence, GCC: \e => esc character simple_escape "\\"[abefnrtv'"?\\] // ' stop highlighting octal_escape "\\"{octal}("_"?{octal}){0,2} hex_escape "\\""x""_"?{hex_digits} escape_seq {simple_escape}|{octal_escape}|{hex_escape}|{universal_char} cwide_prefix "L"|"U"|"u" swide_prefix {cwide_prefix}|"u8" // display/white-space characters h_tab [\011] form_feed [\014] v_tab [\013] c_return [\015] h_white [ ]|{h_tab} // overloadable operators op_unary_only "~"|"!" op_unary_binary "+"|"-"|"*" op_unary_pre_post "++"|"--" op_unary {op_unary_only}|{op_unary_binary}|{op_unary_pre_post} op_binary_only "/"|"%"|"^"|"&"|"|"|"<"|">"|"="|"=="|"!="|"<<"|">>"|"<="|">="|"+="|"-="|"*="|"/="|"%="|"&="|"|="|"^="|"<<="|">>=" op_binary_over {op_unary_binary}|{op_binary_only} // op_binary_not_over "?"|"->"|"."|"&&"|"||"|"@=" // operator {op_unary_pre_post}|{op_binary_over}|{op_binary_not_over} %x COMMENT %x BKQUOTE %x QUOTE %x STRING %% /* line directives */ ^{h_white}*"#"{h_white}*[0-9]+{h_white}*["][^"\n]+["].*"\n" { /* " stop highlighting */ static char filename[FILENAME_MAX]; // temporarily store current source-file name char *end_num; char *begin_string, *end_string; long lineno, length; lineno = strtol( yytext + 1, &end_num, 0 ); begin_string = strchr( end_num, '"' ); if ( begin_string ) { // file name ? end_string = strchr( begin_string + 1, '"' ); // look for ending delimiter assert( end_string ); // closing quote ? length = end_string - begin_string - 1; // file-name length without quotes or sentinel assert( length < FILENAME_MAX ); // room for sentinel ? memcpy( &filename, begin_string + 1, length ); // copy file name from yytext filename[ length ] = '\0'; // terminate string with sentinel //std::cout << "file " << filename << " line " << lineno << std::endl; yylineno = lineno; yyfilename = filename; } // if } /* ignore preprocessor directives (for now) */ ^{h_white}*"#"[^\n]*"\n" ; /* ignore C style comments (ALSO HANDLED BY CPP) */ "/*" { BEGIN COMMENT; } .|\n ; "*/" { BEGIN 0; } /* ignore C++ style comments (ALSO HANDLED BY CPP) */ "//"[^\n]*"\n" ; /* ignore whitespace */ {h_white}+ { WHITE_RETURN(' '); } ({v_tab}|{c_return}|{form_feed})+ { WHITE_RETURN(' '); } ({h_white}|{v_tab}|{c_return}|{form_feed})*"\n" { NEWLINE_RETURN(); } /* keywords */ _Alignas { KEYWORD_RETURN(ALIGNAS); } // C11 _Alignof { KEYWORD_RETURN(ALIGNOF); } // C11 __alignof { KEYWORD_RETURN(ALIGNOF); } // GCC __alignof__ { KEYWORD_RETURN(ALIGNOF); } // GCC asm { KEYWORD_RETURN(ASM); } __asm { KEYWORD_RETURN(ASM); } // GCC __asm__ { KEYWORD_RETURN(ASM); } // GCC _At { KEYWORD_RETURN(AT); } // CFA _Atomic { KEYWORD_RETURN(ATOMIC); } // C11 __attribute { KEYWORD_RETURN(ATTRIBUTE); } // GCC __attribute__ { KEYWORD_RETURN(ATTRIBUTE); } // GCC auto { KEYWORD_RETURN(AUTO); } _Bool { KEYWORD_RETURN(BOOL); } // C99 break { KEYWORD_RETURN(BREAK); } case { KEYWORD_RETURN(CASE); } catch { KEYWORD_RETURN(CATCH); } // CFA catchResume { KEYWORD_RETURN(CATCHRESUME); } // CFA char { KEYWORD_RETURN(CHAR); } choose { KEYWORD_RETURN(CHOOSE); } // CFA _Complex { KEYWORD_RETURN(COMPLEX); } // C99 __complex { KEYWORD_RETURN(COMPLEX); } // GCC __complex__ { KEYWORD_RETURN(COMPLEX); } // GCC const { KEYWORD_RETURN(CONST); } __const { KEYWORD_RETURN(CONST); } // GCC __const__ { KEYWORD_RETURN(CONST); } // GCC continue { KEYWORD_RETURN(CONTINUE); } coroutine { KEYWORD_RETURN(COROUTINE); } // CFA default { KEYWORD_RETURN(DEFAULT); } disable { KEYWORD_RETURN(DISABLE); } // CFA do { KEYWORD_RETURN(DO); } double { KEYWORD_RETURN(DOUBLE); } dtype { KEYWORD_RETURN(DTYPE); } // CFA else { KEYWORD_RETURN(ELSE); } enable { KEYWORD_RETURN(ENABLE); } // CFA enum { KEYWORD_RETURN(ENUM); } __extension__ { KEYWORD_RETURN(EXTENSION); } // GCC extern { KEYWORD_RETURN(EXTERN); } fallthrough { KEYWORD_RETURN(FALLTHRU); } // CFA fallthru { KEYWORD_RETURN(FALLTHRU); } // CFA finally { KEYWORD_RETURN(FINALLY); } // CFA float { KEYWORD_RETURN(FLOAT); } __float128 { KEYWORD_RETURN(FLOAT); } // GCC for { KEYWORD_RETURN(FOR); } forall { KEYWORD_RETURN(FORALL); } // CFA fortran { KEYWORD_RETURN(FORTRAN); } ftype { KEYWORD_RETURN(FTYPE); } // CFA _Generic { KEYWORD_RETURN(GENERIC); } // C11 goto { KEYWORD_RETURN(GOTO); } if { KEYWORD_RETURN(IF); } _Imaginary { KEYWORD_RETURN(IMAGINARY); } // C99 __imag { KEYWORD_RETURN(IMAGINARY); } // GCC __imag__ { KEYWORD_RETURN(IMAGINARY); } // GCC inline { KEYWORD_RETURN(INLINE); } // C99 __inline { KEYWORD_RETURN(INLINE); } // GCC __inline__ { KEYWORD_RETURN(INLINE); } // GCC int { KEYWORD_RETURN(INT); } __int128 { KEYWORD_RETURN(INT); } // GCC __label__ { KEYWORD_RETURN(LABEL); } // GCC long { KEYWORD_RETURN(LONG); } lvalue { KEYWORD_RETURN(LVALUE); } // CFA monitor { KEYWORD_RETURN(MONITOR); } // CFA mutex { KEYWORD_RETURN(MUTEX); } // CFA _Noreturn { KEYWORD_RETURN(NORETURN); } // C11 __builtin_offsetof { KEYWORD_RETURN(OFFSETOF); } // GCC one_t { NUMERIC_RETURN(ONE_T); } // CFA otype { KEYWORD_RETURN(OTYPE); } // CFA register { KEYWORD_RETURN(REGISTER); } restrict { KEYWORD_RETURN(RESTRICT); } // C99 __restrict { KEYWORD_RETURN(RESTRICT); } // GCC __restrict__ { KEYWORD_RETURN(RESTRICT); } // GCC return { KEYWORD_RETURN(RETURN); } short { KEYWORD_RETURN(SHORT); } signed { KEYWORD_RETURN(SIGNED); } __signed { KEYWORD_RETURN(SIGNED); } // GCC __signed__ { KEYWORD_RETURN(SIGNED); } // GCC sizeof { KEYWORD_RETURN(SIZEOF); } static { KEYWORD_RETURN(STATIC); } _Static_assert { KEYWORD_RETURN(STATICASSERT); } // C11 struct { KEYWORD_RETURN(STRUCT); } switch { KEYWORD_RETURN(SWITCH); } thread { KEYWORD_RETURN(THREAD); } // C11 _Thread_local { KEYWORD_RETURN(THREADLOCAL); } // C11 throw { KEYWORD_RETURN(THROW); } // CFA throwResume { KEYWORD_RETURN(THROWRESUME); } // CFA trait { KEYWORD_RETURN(TRAIT); } // CFA try { KEYWORD_RETURN(TRY); } // CFA ttype { KEYWORD_RETURN(TTYPE); } // CFA typedef { KEYWORD_RETURN(TYPEDEF); } typeof { KEYWORD_RETURN(TYPEOF); } // GCC __typeof { KEYWORD_RETURN(TYPEOF); } // GCC __typeof__ { KEYWORD_RETURN(TYPEOF); } // GCC union { KEYWORD_RETURN(UNION); } unsigned { KEYWORD_RETURN(UNSIGNED); } __builtin_va_list { KEYWORD_RETURN(VALIST); } // GCC void { KEYWORD_RETURN(VOID); } volatile { KEYWORD_RETURN(VOLATILE); } __volatile { KEYWORD_RETURN(VOLATILE); } // GCC __volatile__ { KEYWORD_RETURN(VOLATILE); } // GCC while { KEYWORD_RETURN(WHILE); } zero_t { NUMERIC_RETURN(ZERO_T); } // CFA /* identifier */ {identifier} { IDENTIFIER_RETURN(); } {attr_identifier} { ATTRIBUTE_RETURN(); } "`" { BEGIN BKQUOTE; } {identifier} { IDENTIFIER_RETURN(); } "`" { BEGIN 0; } /* numeric constants */ "0" { NUMERIC_RETURN(ZERO); } // CFA "1" { NUMERIC_RETURN(ONE); } // CFA {decimal_constant} { NUMERIC_RETURN(INTEGERconstant); } {octal_constant} { NUMERIC_RETURN(INTEGERconstant); } {hex_constant} { NUMERIC_RETURN(INTEGERconstant); } {real_decimal} { NUMERIC_RETURN(REALDECIMALconstant); } // must appear before floating_constant {real_fraction} { NUMERIC_RETURN(REALFRACTIONconstant); } // must appear before floating_constant {floating_constant} { NUMERIC_RETURN(FLOATINGconstant); } {hex_floating_constant} { NUMERIC_RETURN(FLOATINGconstant); } /* character constant, allows empty value */ ({cwide_prefix}[_]?)?['] { BEGIN QUOTE; rm_underscore(); strtext = new std::string( yytext, yyleng ); } [^'\\\n]* { strtext->append( yytext, yyleng ); } ['\n] { BEGIN 0; strtext->append( yytext, yyleng ); RETURN_STR(CHARACTERconstant); } /* ' stop highlighting */ /* string constant */ ({swide_prefix}[_]?)?["] { BEGIN STRING; rm_underscore(); strtext = new std::string( yytext, yyleng ); } [^"\\\n]* { strtext->append( yytext, yyleng ); } ["\n] { BEGIN 0; strtext->append( yytext, yyleng ); RETURN_STR(STRINGliteral); } /* " stop highlighting */ /* common character/string constant */ {escape_seq} { rm_underscore(); strtext->append( yytext, yyleng ); } "\\"{h_white}*"\n" {} // continuation (ALSO HANDLED BY CPP) "\\" { strtext->append( yytext, yyleng ); } // unknown escape character /* punctuation */ "@" { ASCIIOP_RETURN(); } "[" { ASCIIOP_RETURN(); } "]" { ASCIIOP_RETURN(); } "(" { ASCIIOP_RETURN(); } ")" { ASCIIOP_RETURN(); } "{" { ASCIIOP_RETURN(); } "}" { ASCIIOP_RETURN(); } "," { ASCIIOP_RETURN(); } // also operator ":" { ASCIIOP_RETURN(); } ";" { ASCIIOP_RETURN(); } "." { ASCIIOP_RETURN(); } // also operator "..." { NAMEDOP_RETURN(ELLIPSIS); } /* alternative C99 brackets, "<:" & "<:<:" handled by preprocessor */ "<:" { RETURN_VAL('['); } ":>" { RETURN_VAL(']'); } "<%" { RETURN_VAL('{'); } "%>" { RETURN_VAL('}'); } /* operators */ "!" { ASCIIOP_RETURN(); } "+" { ASCIIOP_RETURN(); } "-" { ASCIIOP_RETURN(); } "*" { ASCIIOP_RETURN(); } "/" { ASCIIOP_RETURN(); } "%" { ASCIIOP_RETURN(); } "^" { ASCIIOP_RETURN(); } "~" { ASCIIOP_RETURN(); } "&" { ASCIIOP_RETURN(); } "|" { ASCIIOP_RETURN(); } "<" { ASCIIOP_RETURN(); } ">" { ASCIIOP_RETURN(); } "=" { ASCIIOP_RETURN(); } "?" { ASCIIOP_RETURN(); } "++" { NAMEDOP_RETURN(ICR); } "--" { NAMEDOP_RETURN(DECR); } "==" { NAMEDOP_RETURN(EQ); } "!=" { NAMEDOP_RETURN(NE); } "<<" { NAMEDOP_RETURN(LS); } ">>" { NAMEDOP_RETURN(RS); } "<=" { NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE); } ">=" { NAMEDOP_RETURN(GE); } "&&" { NAMEDOP_RETURN(ANDAND); } "||" { NAMEDOP_RETURN(OROR); } "->" { NAMEDOP_RETURN(ARROW); } "+=" { NAMEDOP_RETURN(PLUSassign); } "-=" { NAMEDOP_RETURN(MINUSassign); } "*=" { NAMEDOP_RETURN(MULTassign); } "/=" { NAMEDOP_RETURN(DIVassign); } "%=" { NAMEDOP_RETURN(MODassign); } "&=" { NAMEDOP_RETURN(ANDassign); } "|=" { NAMEDOP_RETURN(ORassign); } "^=" { NAMEDOP_RETURN(ERassign); } "<<=" { NAMEDOP_RETURN(LSassign); } ">>=" { NAMEDOP_RETURN(RSassign); } "@=" { NAMEDOP_RETURN(ATassign); } // CFA /* CFA, operator identifier */ {op_unary}"?" { IDENTIFIER_RETURN(); } // unary "?"({op_unary_pre_post}|"()"|"[?]"|"{}") { IDENTIFIER_RETURN(); } "^?{}" { IDENTIFIER_RETURN(); } "?"{op_binary_over}"?" { IDENTIFIER_RETURN(); } // binary /* This rule handles ambiguous cases with operator identifiers, e.g., "int *?*?()", where the string "*?*?" can be lexed as "*"/"?*?" or "*?"/"*?". Since it is common practise to put a unary operator juxtaposed to an identifier, e.g., "*i", users will be annoyed if they cannot do this with respect to operator identifiers. Even with this special hack, there are 5 general cases that cannot be handled. The first case is for the function-call identifier "?()": int * ?()(); // declaration: space required after '*' * ?()(); // expression: space required after '*' Without the space, the string "*?()" is ambiguous without N character look ahead; it requires scanning ahead to determine if there is a '(', which is the start of an argument/parameter list. The 4 remaining cases occur in expressions: i++?i:0; // space required before '?' i--?i:0; // space required before '?' i?++i:0; // space required after '?' i?--i:0; // space required after '?' In the first two cases, the string "i++?" is ambiguous, where this string can be lexed as "i"/"++?" or "i++"/"?"; it requires scanning ahead to determine if there is a '(', which is the start of an argument list. In the second two cases, the string "?++x" is ambiguous, where this string can be lexed as "?++"/"x" or "?"/"++x"; it requires scanning ahead to determine if there is a '(', which is the start of an argument list. */ {op_unary}"?"({op_unary_pre_post}|"[?]"|{op_binary_over}"?") { // 1 or 2 character unary operator ? int i = yytext[1] == '?' ? 1 : 2; yyless( i ); // put back characters up to first '?' if ( i > 1 ) { NAMEDOP_RETURN( yytext[0] == '+' ? ICR : DECR ); } else { ASCIIOP_RETURN(); } // if } /* unknown characters */ . { printf("unknown character(s):\"%s\" on line %d\n", yytext, yylineno); } %% // Local Variables: // // mode: c++ // // tab-width: 4 // // compile-command: "make install" // // End: //