Changeset 9e0a360 for doc/user/user.tex

Jun 23, 2019, 11:46:19 PM (6 years ago)
Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…>
ADT, arm-eh, ast-experimental, enum, forall-pointer-decay, jacob/cs343-translation, jenkins-sandbox, master, new-ast, new-ast-unique-expr, pthread-emulation, qualifiedEnum
397edf7, 54dd994, 70a141d4, c1ea11b

rewrite iostream section, add more manipulator, formatting

1 edited


  • doc/user/user.tex

    re764ee1 r9e0a360  
    1111%% Created On       : Wed Apr  6 14:53:29 2016
    1212%% Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr
    13 %% Last Modified On : Sun May  5 18:24:50 2019
    14 %% Update Count     : 3489
     13%% Last Modified On : Sat Jun 15 16:29:45 2019
     14%% Update Count     : 3847
    255255®forall( otype T )® T identity( T val ) { return val; }
    256 int forty_two = identity( 42 );                         §\C{// T is bound to int, forty\_two == 42}§
     256int forty_two = identity( 42 ); §\C{// T is bound to int, forty\_two == 42}§
    258258% extending the C type system with parametric polymorphism and overloading, as opposed to the \Index*[C++]{\CC{}} approach of object-oriented extensions.
    283283double key = 5.0, vals[10] = { /* 10 sorted floating values */ };
    284 double * val = (double *)bsearch( &key, vals, 10, sizeof(vals[0]), comp );      §\C{// search sorted array}§
     284double * val = (double *)bsearch( &key, vals, 10, sizeof(vals[0]), comp ); §\C{// search sorted array}§
    286286which can be augmented simply with a polymorphic, type-safe, \CFA-overloaded wrappers:
    292292forall( otype T | { int ?<?( T, T ); } ) unsigned int bsearch( T key, const T * arr, size_t size ) {
    293         T * result = bsearch( key, arr, size ); §\C{// call first version}§
    294         return result ? result - arr : size; }  §\C{// pointer subtraction includes sizeof(T)}§
    296 double * val = bsearch( 5.0, vals, 10 );        §\C{// selection based on return type}§
     293        T * result = bsearch( key, arr, size ); §\C{// call first version}§
     294        return result ? result - arr : size; } §\C{// pointer subtraction includes sizeof(T)}§
     296double * val = bsearch( 5.0, vals, 10 ); §\C{// selection based on return type}§
    297297int posn = bsearch( 5.0, vals, 10 );
    307307forall( dtype T | sized(T) ) T * malloc( void ) { return (T *)malloc( sizeof(T) ); }
    308 int * ip = malloc();                                            §\C{// select type and size from left-hand side}§
     308int * ip = malloc(); §\C{// select type and size from left-hand side}§
    309309double * dp = malloc();
    310310struct S {...} * sp = malloc();
    319319char ®abs®( char );
    320 extern "C" { int ®abs®( int ); }                        §\C{// use default C routine for int}§
     320extern "C" { int ®abs®( int ); } §\C{// use default C routine for int}§
    321321long int ®abs®( long int );
    322322long long int ®abs®( long long int );
    427427#ifndef __CFORALL__
    428 #include <stdio.h>§\indexc{stdio.h}§            §\C{// C header file}§
     428#include <stdio.h>§\indexc{stdio.h}§ §\C{// C header file}§
    430 #include <fstream>§\indexc{fstream}§            §\C{// \CFA header file}§
     430#include <fstream>§\indexc{fstream}§ §\C{// \CFA header file}§
    512512Keyword clashes are accommodated by syntactic transformations using the \CFA backquote escape-mechanism:
    514 int ®`®otype®`® = 3;                                            §\C{// make keyword an identifier}§
     514int ®`®otype®`® = 3; §\C{// make keyword an identifier}§
    515515double ®`®forall®`® = 3.5;
    524524// include file uses the CFA keyword "with".
    525 #if ! defined( with )                                           §\C{// nesting ?}§
    526 #define with ®`®with®`®                                         §\C{// make keyword an identifier}§
     525#if ! defined( with ) §\C{// nesting ?}§
     526#define with ®`®with®`® §\C{// make keyword an identifier}§
    527527#define __CFA_BFD_H__
    530 ®#include_next <bfdlink.h>                      §\C{// must have internal check for multiple expansion}§
     530®#include_next <bfdlink.h> §\C{// must have internal check for multiple expansion}§
    532532#if defined( with ) && defined( __CFA_BFD_H__ ) §\C{// reset only if set}§
    544544Numeric constants are extended to allow \Index{underscore}s\index{constant!underscore}, \eg:
    546 2®_®147®_®483®_®648;                                            §\C{// decimal constant}§
    547 56®_®ul;                                                                        §\C{// decimal unsigned long constant}§
    548 0®_®377;                                                                        §\C{// octal constant}§
    549 0x®_®ff®_®ff;                                                           §\C{// hexadecimal constant}§
    550 0x®_®ef3d®_®aa5c;                                                       §\C{// hexadecimal constant}§
    551 3.141®_®592®_®654;                                                      §\C{// floating constant}§
    552 10®_®e®_®+1®_®00;                                                       §\C{// floating constant}§
    553 0x®_®ff®_®ff®_®p®_®3;                                           §\C{// hexadecimal floating}§
    554 0x®_®1.ffff®_®ffff®_®p®_®128®_®l;                       §\C{// hexadecimal floating long constant}§
    555 L®_®§"\texttt{\textbackslash{x}}§®_®§\texttt{ff}§®_®§\texttt{ee}"§;     §\C{// wide character constant}§
     5462®_®147®_®483®_®648; §\C{// decimal constant}§
     54756®_®ul; §\C{// decimal unsigned long constant}§
     5480®_®377; §\C{// octal constant}§
     5490x®_®ff®_®ff; §\C{// hexadecimal constant}§
     5500x®_®ef3d®_®aa5c; §\C{// hexadecimal constant}§
     5513.141®_®592®_®654; §\C{// floating constant}§
     55210®_®e®_®+1®_®00; §\C{// floating constant}§
     5530x®_®ff®_®ff®_®p®_®3; §\C{// hexadecimal floating}§
     5540x®_®1.ffff®_®ffff®_®p®_®128®_®l; §\C{// hexadecimal floating long constant}§
     555L®_®§"\texttt{\textbackslash{x}}§®_®§\texttt{ff}§®_®§\texttt{ee}"§; §\C{// wide character constant}§
    557557The rules for placement of underscores are:
    612612(Does not make sense for ©do©-©while©.)
    614 if ( ®int x = f()® ) ...                                        §\C{// x != 0}§
    615 if ( ®int x = f(), y = g()® ) ...                       §\C{// x != 0 \&\& y != 0}§
    616 if ( ®int x = f(), y = g(); x < y® ) ...        §\C{// relational expression}§
     614if ( ®int x = f()® ) ... §\C{// x != 0}§
     615if ( ®int x = f(), y = g()® ) ... §\C{// x != 0 \&\& y != 0}§
     616if ( ®int x = f(), y = g(); x < y® ) ... §\C{// relational expression}§
    617617if ( ®struct S { int i; } x = { f() }; x.i < 4® ) §\C{// relational expression}§
    619 while ( ®int x = f()® ) ...                                     §\C{// x != 0}§
    620 while ( ®int x = f(), y = g()® ) ...            §\C{// x != 0 \&\& y != 0}§
     619while ( ®int x = f()® ) ... §\C{// x != 0}§
     620while ( ®int x = f(), y = g()® ) ... §\C{// x != 0 \&\& y != 0}§
    621621while ( ®int x = f(), y = g(); x < y® ) ... §\C{// relational expression}§
    622622while ( ®struct S { int i; } x = { f() }; x.i < 4® ) ... §\C{// relational expression}§
    893893switch ( x ) {
    894         ®int y = 1;®                                                    §\C{// unreachable initialization}§
    895         ®x = 7;®                                                                §\C{// unreachable code without label/branch}§
     894        ®int y = 1;® §\C{// unreachable initialization}§
     895        ®x = 7;® §\C{// unreachable code without label/branch}§
    896896  case 0: ...
    897897        ...
    898         ®int z = 0;®                                                    §\C{// unreachable initialization, cannot appear after case}§
     898        ®int z = 0;® §\C{// unreachable initialization, cannot appear after case}§
    899899        z = 2;
    900900  case 1:
    901         ®x = z;®                                                                §\C{// without fall through, z is uninitialized}§
     901        ®x = z;® §\C{// without fall through, z is uninitialized}§
    937937  ®case 5:
    938938        ...
    939         ®fallthru®;                                                             §\C{// explicit fall through}§
     939        ®fallthru®; §\C{// explicit fall through}§
    940940  case 7:
    941941        ...
    942         ®break®                                                                 §\C{// explicit end of switch (redundant)}§
     942        ®break® §\C{// explicit end of switch (redundant)}§
    943943  default:
    944944        j = 3;
    962962switch ( x ) {
    963         ®int i = 0;®                                                    §\C{// allowed only at start}§
     963        ®int i = 0;® §\C{// allowed only at start}§
    964964  case 0:
    965965        ...
    966         ®int j = 0;®                                                    §\C{// disallowed}§
     966        ®int j = 0;® §\C{// disallowed}§
    967967  case 1:
    968968        {
    969                 ®int k = 0;®                                            §\C{// allowed at different nesting levels}§
     969                ®int k = 0;® §\C{// allowed at different nesting levels}§
    970970                ...
    971           ®case 2:®                                                             §\C{// disallow case in nested statements}§
     971          ®case 2:® §\C{// disallow case in nested statements}§
    972972        }
    973973  ...
    10201020switch ( i ) {
    1021   case ®1~5:®                                   §\C{// 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}§
     1021  case ®1~5:® §\C{// 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}§
    10221022        ...
    1023   case ®10~15:®                                 §\C{// 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15}§
     1023  case ®10~15:® §\C{// 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15}§
    10241024        ...
    11521152Grouping heterogeneous data into \newterm{aggregate}s (structure/union) is a common programming practice, and an aggregate can be further organized into more complex structures, such as arrays and containers:
    1154 struct S {                                                                      §\C{// aggregate}§
    1155         char c;                                                                 §\C{// fields}§
     1154struct S { §\C{// aggregate}§
     1155        char c; §\C{// fields}§
    11561156        int i;
    11571157        double d;
    11631163void f( S s ) {
    1164         ®s.®c; ®s.®i; ®s.®d;                                    §\C{// access containing fields}§
     1164        ®s.®c; ®s.®i; ®s.®d; §\C{// access containing fields}§
    11701170struct S {
    1171         char c;                                                                 §\C{// fields}§
     1171        char c; §\C{// fields}§
    11721172        int i;
    11731173        double d;
    1174         void f() {                                                              §\C{// implicit ``this'' aggregate}§
    1175                 ®this->®c; ®this->®i; ®this->®d;        §\C{// access containing fields}§
     1174        void f() { §\C{// implicit ``this'' aggregate}§
     1175                ®this->®c; ®this->®i; ®this->®d; §\C{// access containing fields}§
    11761176        }
    11821182struct T { double m, n; };
    1183 int S::f( T & t ) {                                                     §\C{// multiple aggregate parameters}§
    1184         c; i; d;                                                                §\C{\color{red}// this--{\textgreater}.c, this--{\textgreater}.i, this--{\textgreater}.d}§
    1185         ®t.®m; ®t.®n;                                                   §\C{// must qualify}§
     1183int S::f( T & t ) { §\C{// multiple aggregate parameters}§
     1184        c; i; d; §\C{\color{red}// this--{\textgreater}.c, this--{\textgreater}.i, this--{\textgreater}.d}§
     1185        ®t.®m; ®t.®n; §\C{// must qualify}§
    11901190Hence, the qualified fields become variables with the side-effect that it is easier to optimizing field references in a block.
    1192 void f( S & this ) ®with ( this )® {            §\C{// with statement}§
    1193         c; i; d;                                                                §\C{\color{red}// this.c, this.i, this.d}§
     1192void f( S & this ) ®with ( this )® { §\C{// with statement}§
     1193        c; i; d; §\C{\color{red}// this.c, this.i, this.d}§
    11961196with the generality of opening multiple aggregate-parameters:
    1198 void f( S & s, T & t ) ®with ( s, t )® {        §\C{// multiple aggregate parameters}§
    1199         c; i; d;                                                                §\C{\color{red}// s.c, s.i, s.d}§
    1200         m; n;                                                                   §\C{\color{red}// t.m, t.n}§
     1198void f( S & s, T & t ) ®with ( s, t )® { §\C{// multiple aggregate parameters}§
     1199        c; i; d; §\C{\color{red}// s.c, s.i, s.d}§
     1200        m; n; §\C{\color{red}// t.m, t.n}§
    12201220struct T { int ®i®; int k; int m; } t, w;
    12211221with ( s, t ) {
    1222         j + k;                                                                  §\C{// unambiguous, s.j + t.k}§
    1223         m = 5.0;                                                                §\C{// unambiguous, t.m = 5.0}§
    1224         m = 1;                                                                  §\C{// unambiguous, s.m = 1}§
    1225         int a = m;                                                              §\C{// unambiguous, a = s.i }§
    1226         double b = m;                                                   §\C{// unambiguous, b = t.m}§
    1227         int c = s.i + t.i;                                              §\C{// unambiguous, qualification}§
    1228         (double)m;                                                              §\C{// unambiguous, cast}§
     1222        j + k; §\C{// unambiguous, s.j + t.k}§
     1223        m = 5.0; §\C{// unambiguous, t.m = 5.0}§
     1224        m = 1; §\C{// unambiguous, s.m = 1}§
     1225        int a = m; §\C{// unambiguous, a = s.i }§
     1226        double b = m; §\C{// unambiguous, b = t.m}§
     1227        int c = s.i + t.i; §\C{// unambiguous, qualification}§
     1228        (double)m; §\C{// unambiguous, cast}§
    12361236There is an interesting problem between parameters and the function-body ©with©, \eg:
    1238 void ?{}( S & s, int i ) with ( s ) {           §\C{// constructor}§
    1239         ®s.i = i;®  j = 3;  m = 5.5;                    §\C{// initialize fields}§
     1238void ?{}( S & s, int i ) with ( s ) { §\C{// constructor}§
     1239        ®s.i = i;®  j = 3;  m = 5.5; §\C{// initialize fields}§
    12561256Finally, a cast may be used to disambiguate among overload variables in a ©with© expression:
    1258 with ( w ) { ... }                                                      §\C{// ambiguous, same name and no context}§
    1259 with ( (S)w ) { ... }                                           §\C{// unambiguous, cast}§
     1258with ( w ) { ... } §\C{// ambiguous, same name and no context}§
     1259with ( (S)w ) { ... } §\C{// unambiguous, cast}§
    12611261and ©with© expressions may be complex expressions with type reference (see Section~\ref{s:References}) to aggregate:
    12621262% \begin{cfa}
    12631263% struct S { int i, j; } sv;
    1264 % with ( sv ) {                                                         §\C{// implicit reference}§
     1264% with ( sv ) { §\C{// implicit reference}§
    12651265%       S & sr = sv;
    1266 %       with ( sr ) {                                                   §\C{// explicit reference}§
     1266%       with ( sr ) { §\C{// explicit reference}§
    12671267%               S * sp = &sv;
    1268 %               with ( *sp ) {                                          §\C{// computed reference}§
    1269 %                       i = 3; j = 4;                                   §\C{\color{red}// sp--{\textgreater}i, sp--{\textgreater}j}§
     1268%               with ( *sp ) { §\C{// computed reference}§
     1269%                       i = 3; j = 4; §\C{\color{red}// sp--{\textgreater}i, sp--{\textgreater}j}§
    12701270%               }
    1271 %               i = 2; j = 3;                                           §\C{\color{red}// sr.i, sr.j}§
     1271%               i = 2; j = 3; §\C{\color{red}// sr.i, sr.j}§
    12721272%       }
    1273 %       i = 1; j = 2;                                                   §\C{\color{red}// sv.i, sv.j}§
     1273%       i = 1; j = 2; §\C{\color{red}// sv.i, sv.j}§
    12741274% }
    12751275% \end{cfa}
    12791279class C {
    12801280        int i, j;
    1281         int mem() {                                                             §\C{\color{red}// implicit "this" parameter}§
    1282                 i = 1;                                                          §\C{\color{red}// this->i}§
    1283                 j = 2;                                                          §\C{\color{red}// this->j}§
     1281        int mem() { §\C{\color{red}// implicit "this" parameter}§
     1282                i = 1; §\C{\color{red}// this->i}§
     1283                j = 2; §\C{\color{red}// this->j}§
    12841284        }
    12891289struct S { int i, j; };
    1290 int mem( S & ®this® ) {                                         §\C{// explicit "this" parameter}§
    1291         ®this.®i = 1;                                                   §\C{// "this" is not elided}§
     1290int mem( S & ®this® ) { §\C{// explicit "this" parameter}§
     1291        ®this.®i = 1; §\C{// "this" is not elided}§
    12921292        ®this.®j = 2;
    12971297\CFA provides a ©with© clause/statement (see Pascal~\cite[\S~4.F]{Pascal}) to elided the "©this.©" by opening a scope containing field identifiers, changing the qualified fields into variables and giving an opportunity for optimizing qualified references.
    1299 int mem( S & this ) ®with( this )® {            §\C{// with clause}§
    1300         i = 1;                                                                  §\C{\color{red}// this.i}§
    1301         j = 2;                                                                  §\C{\color{red}// this.j}§
     1299int mem( S & this ) ®with( this )® { §\C{// with clause}§
     1300        i = 1; §\C{\color{red}// this.i}§
     1301        j = 2; §\C{\color{red}// this.j}§
    13161316        struct S1 { ... } s1;
    13171317        struct S2 { ... } s2;
    1318         ®with( s1 )® {                                                  §\C{// with statement}§
     1318        ®with( s1 )® { §\C{// with statement}§
    13191319                // access fields of s1 without qualification
    1320                 ®with s2® {                                                     §\C{// nesting}§
     1320                ®with s2® { §\C{// nesting}§
    13211321                        // access fields of s1 and s2 without qualification
    13221322                }
    13731373Non-local transfer can cause stack unwinding, \ie non-local routine termination, depending on the kind of raise.
    1375 exception_t E {};                                                       §\C{// exception type}§
     1375exception_t E {}; §\C{// exception type}§
    13761376void f(...) {
    1377         ... throw E{}; ...                                              §\C{// termination}§
    1378         ... throwResume E{}; ...                                §\C{// resumption}§
     1377        ... throw E{}; ... §\C{// termination}§
     1378        ... throwResume E{}; ... §\C{// resumption}§
    13801380try {
    14421442For example, a routine returning a \Index{pointer} to an array of integers is defined and used in the following way:
    1444 int ®(*®f®())[®5®]® {...};                              §\C{// definition}§
    1445  ... ®(*®f®())[®3®]® += 1;                              §\C{// usage}§
     1444int ®(*®f®())[®5®]® {...}; §\C{// definition}§
     1445 ... ®(*®f®())[®3®]® += 1; §\C{// usage}§
    14471447Essentially, the return type is wrapped around the routine name in successive layers (like an \Index{onion}).
    16351635*x = 3;                 // implicit dereference
    16361636int * ®const® y = (int *)104;
    1637 *y = *x;                // implicit dereference
     1637*y = *x;                        // implicit dereference
    1651 lda             r1,100  // load address of x
    1652 ld               r2,(r1)          // load value of x
    1653 lda             r3,104  // load address of y
    1654 st               r2,(r3)          // store x into y
     1651lda             r1,100   // load address of x
     1652ld               r2,(r1)   // load value of x
     1653lda             r3,104   // load address of y
     1654st               r2,(r3)   // store x into y
    1659 ld              r2,(100)        // load value of x
    1661 st              r2,(104)        // store x into y
     1659ld              r2,(100)   // load value of x
     1661st              r2,(104)   // store x into y
    16741674int x, y, ®*® p1, ®*® p2, ®**® p3;
    1675 p1 = ®&®x;              // p1 points to x
    1676 p2 = p1;                // p2 points to x
    1677 p1 = ®&®y;              // p1 points to y
    1678 p3 = &p2;               // p3 points to p2
     1675p1 = ®&®x;    // p1 points to x
     1676p2 = p1;    // p2 points to x
     1677p1 = ®&®y;    // p1 points to y
     1678p3 = &p2;  // p3 points to p2
    16871687For example, \Index*{Algol68}~\cite{Algol68} infers pointer dereferencing to select the best meaning for each pointer usage
    1689 p2 = p1 + x;                                    §\C{// compiler infers *p2 = *p1 + x;}§
     1689p2 = p1 + x; §\C{// compiler infers *p2 = *p1 + x;}§
    16911691Algol68 infers the following dereferencing ©*p2 = *p1 + x©, because adding the arbitrary integer value in ©x© to the address of ©p1© and storing the resulting address into ©p2© is an unlikely operation.
    16951695In C, objects of pointer type always manipulate the pointer object's address:
    1697 p1 = p2;                                                §\C{// p1 = p2\ \ rather than\ \ *p1 = *p2}§
    1698 p2 = p1 + x;                                    §\C{// p2 = p1 + x\ \ rather than\ \ *p2 = *p1 + x}§
     1697p1 = p2; §\C{// p1 = p2\ \ rather than\ \ *p1 = *p2}§
     1698p2 = p1 + x; §\C{// p2 = p1 + x\ \ rather than\ \ *p2 = *p1 + x}§
    17001700even though the assignment to ©p2© is likely incorrect, and the programmer probably meant:
    1702 p1 = p2;                                                §\C{// pointer address assignment}§
    1703 ®*®p2 = ®*®p1 + x;                              §\C{// pointed-to value assignment / operation}§
     1702p1 = p2; §\C{// pointer address assignment}§
     1703®*®p2 = ®*®p1 + x; §\C{// pointed-to value assignment / operation}§
    17051705The C semantics work well for situations where manipulation of addresses is the primary meaning and data is rarely accessed, such as storage management (©malloc©/©free©).
    17191719int x, y, ®&® r1, ®&® r2, ®&&® r3;
    1720 ®&®r1 = &x;                                             §\C{// r1 points to x}§
    1721 ®&®r2 = &r1;                                    §\C{// r2 points to x}§
    1722 ®&®r1 = &y;                                             §\C{// r1 points to y}§
    1723 ®&&®r3 = ®&®&r2;                                §\C{// r3 points to r2}§
     1720®&®r1 = &x; §\C{// r1 points to x}§
     1721®&®r2 = &r1; §\C{// r2 points to x}§
     1722®&®r1 = &y; §\C{// r1 points to y}§
     1723®&&®r3 = ®&®&r2; §\C{// r3 points to r2}§
    17241724r2 = ((r1 + r2) * (r3 - r1)) / (r3 - 15); §\C{// implicit dereferencing}§
    17371737For a \CFA reference type, the cancellation on the left-hand side of assignment leaves the reference as an address (\Index{lvalue}):
    1739 (&®*®)r1 = &x;                                  §\C{// (\&*) cancel giving address in r1 not variable pointed-to by r1}§
     1739(&®*®)r1 = &x; §\C{// (\&*) cancel giving address in r1 not variable pointed-to by r1}§
    17411741Similarly, the address of a reference can be obtained for assignment or computation (\Index{rvalue}):
    1743 (&(&®*®)®*®)r3 = &(&®*®)r2;             §\C{// (\&*) cancel giving address in r2, (\&(\&*)*) cancel giving address in r3}§
     1743(&(&®*®)®*®)r3 = &(&®*®)r2; §\C{// (\&*) cancel giving address in r2, (\&(\&*)*) cancel giving address in r3}§
    17451745Cancellation\index{cancellation!pointer/reference}\index{pointer!cancellation} works to arbitrary depth.
    17491749int x, *p1 = &x, **p2 = &p1, ***p3 = &p2,
    17501750                 &r1 = x,    &&r2 = r1,   &&&r3 = r2;
    1751 ***p3 = 3;                                              §\C{// change x}§
    1752 r3 = 3;                                                 §\C{// change x, ***r3}§
    1753 **p3 = ...;                                             §\C{// change p1}§
    1754 &r3 = ...;                                              §\C{// change r1, (\&*)**r3, 1 cancellation}§
    1755 *p3 = ...;                                              §\C{// change p2}§
    1756 &&r3 = ...;                                             §\C{// change r2, (\&(\&*)*)*r3, 2 cancellations}§
    1757 &&&r3 = p3;                                             §\C{// change r3 to p3, (\&(\&(\&*)*)*)r3, 3 cancellations}§
     1751***p3 = 3; §\C{// change x}§
     1752r3 = 3; §\C{// change x, ***r3}§
     1753**p3 = ...; §\C{// change p1}§
     1754&r3 = ...; §\C{// change r1, (\&*)**r3, 1 cancellation}§
     1755*p3 = ...; §\C{// change p2}§
     1756&&r3 = ...; §\C{// change r2, (\&(\&*)*)*r3, 2 cancellations}§
     1757&&&r3 = p3; §\C{// change r3 to p3, (\&(\&(\&*)*)*)r3, 3 cancellations}§
    17591759Furthermore, both types are equally performant, as the same amount of dereferencing occurs for both types.
    17621762As for a pointer type, a reference type may have qualifiers:
    1764 const int cx = 5;                                       §\C{// cannot change cx;}§
    1765 const int & cr = cx;                            §\C{// cannot change what cr points to}§
    1766 ®&®cr = &cx;                                            §\C{// can change cr}§
    1767 cr = 7;                                                         §\C{// error, cannot change cx}§
    1768 int & const rc = x;                                     §\C{// must be initialized}§
    1769 ®&®rc = &x;                                                     §\C{// error, cannot change rc}§
    1770 const int & const crc = cx;                     §\C{// must be initialized}§
    1771 crc = 7;                                                        §\C{// error, cannot change cx}§
    1772 ®&®crc = &cx;                                           §\C{// error, cannot change crc}§
     1764const int cx = 5; §\C{// cannot change cx;}§
     1765const int & cr = cx; §\C{// cannot change what cr points to}§
     1766®&®cr = &cx; §\C{// can change cr}§
     1767cr = 7; §\C{// error, cannot change cx}§
     1768int & const rc = x; §\C{// must be initialized}§
     1769®&®rc = &x; §\C{// error, cannot change rc}§
     1770const int & const crc = cx; §\C{// must be initialized}§
     1771crc = 7; §\C{// error, cannot change cx}§
     1772®&®crc = &cx; §\C{// error, cannot change crc}§
    17741774Hence, for type ©& const©, there is no pointer assignment, so ©&rc = &x© is disallowed, and \emph{the address value cannot be the null pointer unless an arbitrary pointer is coerced\index{coercion} into the reference}:
    1776 int & const cr = *0;                            §\C{// where 0 is the int * zero}§
     1776int & const cr = *0; §\C{// where 0 is the int * zero}§
    17781778Note, constant reference-types do not prevent \Index{addressing errors} because of explicit storage-management:
    17811781cr = 5;
    17821782free( &cr );
    1783 cr = 7;                                                         §\C{// unsound pointer dereference}§
     1783cr = 7; §\C{// unsound pointer dereference}§
    18071807int w, x, y, z, & ar[3] = { x, y, z }; §\C{// initialize array of references}§
    1808 &ar[1] = &w;                                            §\C{// change reference array element}§
    1809 typeof( ar[1] ) p;                                      §\C{// (gcc) is int, \ie the type of referenced object}§
    1810 typeof( &ar[1] ) q;                                     §\C{// (gcc) is int \&, \ie the type of reference}§
    1811 sizeof( ar[1] ) == sizeof( int );       §\C{// is true, \ie the size of referenced object}§
    1812 sizeof( &ar[1] ) == sizeof( int *)      §\C{// is true, \ie the size of a reference}§
     1808&ar[1] = &w; §\C{// change reference array element}§
     1809typeof( ar[1] ) p; §\C{// (gcc) is int, \ie the type of referenced object}§
     1810typeof( &ar[1] ) q; §\C{// (gcc) is int \&, \ie the type of reference}§
     1811sizeof( ar[1] ) == sizeof( int ); §\C{// is true, \ie the size of referenced object}§
     1812sizeof( &ar[1] ) == sizeof( int *) §\C{// is true, \ie the size of a reference}§
    18271827Therefore, for pointer/reference initialization, the initializing value must be an address not a value.
    1829 int * p = &x;                                           §\C{// assign address of x}§
    1830 ®int * p = x;®                                          §\C{// assign value of x}§
    1831 int & r = x;                                            §\C{// must have address of x}§
     1829int * p = &x; §\C{// assign address of x}§
     1830®int * p = x;® §\C{// assign value of x}§
     1831int & r = x; §\C{// must have address of x}§
    18331833Like the previous example with C pointer-arithmetic, it is unlikely assigning the value of ©x© into a pointer is meaningful (again, a warning is usually given).
    18381838Similarly, when a reference type is used for a parameter/return type, the call-site argument does not require a reference operator for the same reason.
    1840 int & f( int & r );                                     §\C{// reference parameter and return}§
    1841 z = f( x ) + f( y );                            §\C{// reference operator added, temporaries needed for call results}§
     1840int & f( int & r ); §\C{// reference parameter and return}§
     1841z = f( x ) + f( y ); §\C{// reference operator added, temporaries needed for call results}§
    18431843Within routine ©f©, it is possible to change the argument by changing the corresponding parameter, and parameter ©r© can be locally reassigned within ©f©.
    18661866void f( int & r );
    18671867void g( int * p );
    1868 f( 3 );                   g( ®&®3 );            §\C{// compiler implicit generates temporaries}§
    1869 f( x + y );             g( ®&®(x + y) );        §\C{// compiler implicit generates temporaries}§
     1868f( 3 );                   g( ®&®3 ); §\C{// compiler implicit generates temporaries}§
     1869f( x + y );             g( ®&®(x + y) ); §\C{// compiler implicit generates temporaries}§
    18711871Essentially, there is an implicit \Index{rvalue} to \Index{lvalue} conversion in this case.\footnote{
    18791879void f( int i );
    1880 void (* fp)( int );                                     §\C{// routine pointer}§
    1881 fp = f;                                                         §\C{// reference initialization}§
    1882 fp = &f;                                                        §\C{// pointer initialization}§
    1883 fp = *f;                                                        §\C{// reference initialization}§
    1884 fp(3);                                                          §\C{// reference invocation}§
    1885 (*fp)(3);                                                       §\C{// pointer invocation}§
     1880void (* fp)( int ); §\C{// routine pointer}§
     1881fp = f; §\C{// reference initialization}§
     1882fp = &f; §\C{// pointer initialization}§
     1883fp = *f; §\C{// reference initialization}§
     1884fp(3); §\C{// reference invocation}§
     1885(*fp)(3); §\C{// pointer invocation}§
    18871887While C's treatment of routine objects has similarity to inferring a reference type in initialization contexts, the examples are assignment not initialization, and all possible forms of assignment are possible (©f©, ©&f©, ©*f©) without regard for type.
    18881888Instead, a routine object should be referenced by a ©const© reference:
    1890 ®const® void (®&® fr)( int ) = f;       §\C{// routine reference}§
    1891 fr = ...                                                        §\C{// error, cannot change code}§
    1892 &fr = ...;                                                      §\C{// changing routine reference}§
    1893 fr( 3 );                                                        §\C{// reference call to f}§
    1894 (*fr)(3);                                                       §\C{// error, incorrect type}§
     1890®const® void (®&® fr)( int ) = f; §\C{// routine reference}§
     1891fr = ... §\C{// error, cannot change code}§
     1892&fr = ...; §\C{// changing routine reference}§
     1893fr( 3 ); §\C{// reference call to f}§
     1894(*fr)(3); §\C{// error, incorrect type}§
    18961896because the value of the routine object is a routine literal, \ie the routine code is normally immutable during execution.\footnote{
    19141914int x, * px, ** ppx, *** pppx, **** ppppx;
    19151915int & rx = x, && rrx = rx, &&& rrrx = rrx ;
    1916 x = rrrx;               // rrrx is an lvalue with type int &&& (equivalent to x)
    1917 px = &rrrx;             // starting from rrrx, &rrrx is an rvalue with type int *&&& (&x)
    1918 ppx = &&rrrx;   // starting from &rrrx, &&rrrx is an rvalue with type int **&& (&rx)
    1919 pppx = &&&rrrx; // starting from &&rrrx, &&&rrrx is an rvalue with type int ***& (&rrx)
    1920 ppppx = &&&&rrrx; // starting from &&&rrrx, &&&&rrrx is an rvalue with type int **** (&rrrx)
     1916x = rrrx; §\C[2.0in]{// rrrx is an lvalue with type int \&\&\& (equivalent to x)}§
     1917px = &rrrx; §\C{// starting from rrrx, \&rrrx is an rvalue with type int *\&\&\& (\&x)}§
     1918ppx = &&rrrx; §\C{// starting from \&rrrx, \&\&rrrx is an rvalue with type int **\&\& (\&rx)}§
     1919pppx = &&&rrrx; §\C{// starting from \&\&rrrx, \&\&\&rrrx is an rvalue with type int ***\& (\&rrx)}§
     1920ppppx = &&&&rrrx; §\C{// starting from \&\&\&rrrx, \&\&\&\&rrrx is an rvalue with type int **** (\&rrrx)}§
    19221922The following example shows the second rule applied to different \Index{lvalue} contexts:
    19241924int x, * px, ** ppx, *** pppx;
    19251925int & rx = x, && rrx = rx, &&& rrrx = rrx ;
    1926 rrrx = 2;               // rrrx is an lvalue with type int &&& (equivalent to x)
    1927 &rrrx = px;             // starting from rrrx, &rrrx is an rvalue with type int *&&& (rx)
    1928 &&rrrx = ppx;   // starting from &rrrx, &&rrrx is an rvalue with type int **&& (rrx)
    1929 &&&rrrx = pppx; // starting from &&rrrx, &&&rrrx is an rvalue with type int ***& (rrrx)
     1926rrrx = 2; §\C{// rrrx is an lvalue with type int \&\&\& (equivalent to x)}§
     1927&rrrx = px; §\C{// starting from rrrx, \&rrrx is an rvalue with type int *\&\&\& (rx)}§
     1928&&rrrx = ppx; §\C{// starting from \&rrrx, \&\&rrrx is an rvalue with type int **\&\& (rrx)}§
     1929&&&rrrx = pppx; §\C{// starting from \&\&rrrx, \&\&\&rrrx is an rvalue with type int ***\& (rrrx)}\CRT§
    19411941int x;
    1942 x + 1;                  // lvalue variable (int) converts to rvalue for expression
     1942x + 1; §\C[2.0in]{// lvalue variable (int) converts to rvalue for expression}§
    19441944An rvalue has no type qualifiers (©cv©), so the lvalue qualifiers are dropped.
    19511951int x, &r = x, f( int p );
    1952 x = ®r® + f( ®r® );  // lvalue reference converts to rvalue
     1952x = ®r® + f( ®r® ); §\C{// lvalue reference converts to rvalue}§
    19541954An rvalue has no type qualifiers (©cv©), so the reference qualifiers are dropped.
    19571957lvalue to reference conversion: \lstinline[deletekeywords=lvalue]@lvalue-type cv1 T@ converts to ©cv2 T &©, which allows implicitly converting variables to references.
    1959 int x, &r = ®x®, f( int & p ); // lvalue variable (int) convert to reference (int &)
    1960 f( ®x® );               // lvalue variable (int) convert to reference (int &)
     1959int x, &r = ®x®, f( int & p ); §\C{// lvalue variable (int) convert to reference (int \&)}§
     1960f( ®x® ); §\C{// lvalue variable (int) convert to reference (int \&)}§
    19621962Conversion can restrict a type, where ©cv1© $\le$ ©cv2©, \eg passing an ©int© to a ©const volatile int &©, which has low cost.
    19691969int x, & f( int & p );
    1970 f( ®x + 3® );   // rvalue parameter (int) implicitly converts to lvalue temporary reference (int &)
    1971 ®&f®(...) = &x; // rvalue result (int &) implicitly converts to lvalue temporary reference (int &)
     1970f( ®x + 3® );   §\C[1.5in]{// rvalue parameter (int) implicitly converts to lvalue temporary reference (int \&)}§
     1971®&f®(...) = &x; §\C{// rvalue result (int \&) implicitly converts to lvalue temporary reference (int \&)}\CRT§
    19731973In both case, modifications to the temporary are inaccessible (\Index{warning}).
    21582158in both cases the type is assumed to be void as opposed to old style C defaults of int return type and unknown parameter types, respectively, as in:
    2160 [§\,§] g();                                                     §\C{// no input or output parameters}§
    2161 [ void ] g( void );                                     §\C{// no input or output parameters}§
     2160[§\,§] g(); §\C{// no input or output parameters}§
     2161[ void ] g( void ); §\C{// no input or output parameters}§
    21782178typedef int foo;
    2179 int f( int (* foo) );                           §\C{// foo is redefined as a parameter name}§
     2179int f( int (* foo) ); §\C{// foo is redefined as a parameter name}§
    21812181The string ``©int (* foo)©'' declares a C-style named-parameter of type pointer to an integer (the parenthesis are superfluous), while the same string declares a \CFA style unnamed parameter of type routine returning integer with unnamed parameter of type pointer to foo.
    21852185C-style declarations can be used to declare parameters for \CFA style routine definitions, \eg:
    2187 [ int ] f( * int, int * );                      §\C{// returns an integer, accepts 2 pointers to integers}§
    2188 [ * int, int * ] f( int );                      §\C{// returns 2 pointers to integers, accepts an integer}§
     2187[ int ] f( * int, int * ); §\C{// returns an integer, accepts 2 pointers to integers}§
     2188[ * int, int * ] f( int ); §\C{// returns 2 pointers to integers, accepts an integer}§
    21902190The reason for allowing both declaration styles in the new context is for backwards compatibility with existing preprocessor macros that generate C-style declaration-syntax, as in:
    21922192#define ptoa( n, d ) int (*n)[ d ]
    2193 int f( ptoa( p, 5 ) ) ...                       §\C{// expands to int f( int (*p)[ 5 ] )}§
    2194 [ int ] f( ptoa( p, 5 ) ) ...           §\C{// expands to [ int ] f( int (*p)[ 5 ] )}§
     2193int f( ptoa( p, 5 ) ) ... §\C{// expands to int f( int (*p)[ 5 ] )}§
     2194[ int ] f( ptoa( p, 5 ) ) ... §\C{// expands to [ int ] f( int (*p)[ 5 ] )}§
    21962196Again, programmers are highly encouraged to use one declaration form or the other, rather than mixing the forms.
    22142214        int z;
    22152215        ... x = 0; ... y = z; ...
    2216         ®return;®                                                       §\C{// implicitly return x, y}§
     2216        ®return;® §\C{// implicitly return x, y}§
    22242224[ int x, int y ] f() {
    22252225        ...
    2226 }                                                                               §\C{// implicitly return x, y}§
     2226} §\C{// implicitly return x, y}§
    22282228In this case, the current values of ©x© and ©y© are returned to the calling routine just as if a ©return© had been encountered.
    22332233[ int x, int y ] f( int, x, int y ) {
    22342234        ...
    2235 }                                                                               §\C{// implicitly return x, y}§
     2235} §\C{// implicitly return x, y}§
    22372237This notation allows the compiler to eliminate temporary variables in nested routine calls.
    2239 [ int x, int y ] f( int, x, int y );    §\C{// prototype declaration}§
     2239[ int x, int y ] f( int, x, int y ); §\C{// prototype declaration}§
    22402240int a, b;
    22412241[a, b] = f( f( f( a, b ) ) );
    22512251as well, parameter names are optional, \eg:
    2253 [ int x ] f ();                                                 §\C{// returning int with no parameters}§
    2254 [ * int ] g (int y);                                    §\C{// returning pointer to int with int parameter}§
    2255 [ ] h ( int, char );                                    §\C{// returning no result with int and char parameters}§
    2256 [ * int, int ] j ( int );                               §\C{// returning pointer to int and int, with int parameter}§
     2253[ int x ] f (); §\C{// returning int with no parameters}§
     2254[ * int ] g (int y); §\C{// returning pointer to int with int parameter}§
     2255[ ] h ( int, char ); §\C{// returning no result with int and char parameters}§
     2256[ * int, int ] j ( int ); §\C{// returning pointer to int and int, with int parameter}§
    22582258This syntax allows a prototype declaration to be created by cutting and pasting source text from the routine definition header (or vice versa).
    22752275The syntax for pointers to \CFA routines specifies the pointer name on the right, \eg:
    2277 * [ int x ] () fp;                                              §\C{// pointer to routine returning int with no parameters}§
    2278 * [ * int ] (int y) gp;                                 §\C{// pointer to routine returning pointer to int with int parameter}§
    2279 * [ ] (int,char) hp;                                    §\C{// pointer to routine returning no result with int and char parameters}§
    2280 * [ * int,int ] ( int ) jp;                             §\C{// pointer to routine returning pointer to int and int, with int parameter}§
     2277* [ int x ] () fp; §\C{// pointer to routine returning int with no parameters}§
     2278* [ * int ] (int y) gp; §\C{// pointer to routine returning pointer to int with int parameter}§
     2279* [ ] (int,char) hp; §\C{// pointer to routine returning no result with int and char parameters}§
     2280* [ * int,int ] ( int ) jp; §\C{// pointer to routine returning pointer to int and int, with int parameter}§
    22822282While parameter names are optional, \emph{a routine name cannot be specified};
    22832283for example, the following is incorrect:
    2285 * [ int x ] f () fp;                                    §\C{// routine name "f" is not allowed}§
     2285* [ int x ] f () fp; §\C{// routine name "f" is not allowed}§
    23062306whereas a named (keyword) call may be:
    2308 p( z : 3, x : 4, y : 7 );       §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 4, 7, 3 )}§
     2308p( z : 3, x : 4, y : 7 );  §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 4, 7, 3 )}§
    23102310Here the order of the arguments is unimportant, and the names of the parameters are used to associate argument values with the corresponding parameters.
    23232323For example, the following routine prototypes and definition are all valid.
    2325 void p( int, int, int );                        §\C{// equivalent prototypes}§
     2325void p( int, int, int ); §\C{// equivalent prototypes}§
    23262326void p( int x, int y, int z );
    23272327void p( int y, int x, int z );
    23282328void p( int z, int y, int x );
    2329 void p( int q, int r, int s ) {}        §\C{// match with this definition}§
     2329void p( int q, int r, int s ) {} §\C{// match with this definition}§
    23312331Forcing matching parameter names in routine prototypes with corresponding routine definitions is possible, but goes against a strong tradition in C programming.
    23392339int f( int x, double y );
    2341 f( j : 3, i : 4 );                              §\C{// 1st f}§
    2342 f( x : 7, y : 8.1 );                    §\C{// 2nd f}§
    2343 f( 4, 5 );                                              §\C{// ambiguous call}§
     2341f( j : 3, i : 4 ); §\C{// 1st f}§
     2342f( x : 7, y : 8.1 ); §\C{// 2nd f}§
     2343f( 4, 5 );  §\C{// ambiguous call}§
    23452345However, named arguments compound routine resolution in conjunction with conversions:
    2347 f( i : 3, 5.7 );                                §\C{// ambiguous call ?}§
     2347f( i : 3, 5.7 ); §\C{// ambiguous call ?}§
    23492349Depending on the cost associated with named arguments, this call could be resolvable or ambiguous.
    23592359the allowable positional calls are:
    2361 p();                                                    §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 1, 2, 3 )}§
    2362 p( 4 );                                                 §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 4, 2, 3 )}§
    2363 p( 4, 4 );                                              §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 4, 4, 3 )}§
    2364 p( 4, 4, 4 );                                   §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 4, 4, 4 )}§
     2361p(); §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 1, 2, 3 )}§
     2362p( 4 ); §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 4, 2, 3 )}§
     2363p( 4, 4 ); §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 4, 4, 3 )}§
     2364p( 4, 4, 4 ); §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 4, 4, 4 )}§
    23652365// empty arguments
    2366 p(  , 4, 4 );                                   §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 1, 4, 4 )}§
    2367 p( 4,  , 4 );                                   §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 4, 2, 4 )}§
    2368 p( 4, 4,   );                                   §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 4, 4, 3 )}§
    2369 p( 4,  ,   );                                   §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 4, 2, 3 )}§
    2370 p(  , 4,   );                                   §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 1, 4, 3 )}§
    2371 p(  ,  , 4 );                                   §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 1, 2, 4 )}§
    2372 p(  ,  ,   );                                   §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 1, 2, 3 )}§
     2366p(  , 4, 4 ); §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 1, 4, 4 )}§
     2367p( 4,  , 4 ); §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 4, 2, 4 )}§
     2368p( 4, 4,   ); §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 4, 4, 3 )}§
     2369p( 4,  ,   ); §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 4, 2, 3 )}§
     2370p(  , 4,   ); §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 1, 4, 3 )}§
     2371p(  ,  , 4 ); §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 1, 2, 4 )}§
     2372p(  ,  ,   ); §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 1, 2, 3 )}§
    23742374Here the missing arguments are inserted from the default values in the parameter list.
    23942394Default values may only appear in a prototype versus definition context:
    2396 void p( int x, int y = 2, int z = 3 );          §\C{// prototype: allowed}§
    2397 void p( int, int = 2, int = 3 );                        §\C{// prototype: allowed}§
    2398 void p( int x, int y = 2, int z = 3 ) {}        §\C{// definition: not allowed}§
     2396void p( int x, int y = 2, int z = 3 ); §\C{// prototype: allowed}§
     2397void p( int, int = 2, int = 3 ); §\C{// prototype: allowed}§
     2398void p( int x, int y = 2, int z = 3 ) {} §\C{// definition: not allowed}§
    24002400The reason for this restriction is to allow separate compilation.
    24222422void p( int x, int y = 2, int z = 3... );
    2423 p( 1, 4, 5, 6, z : 3 );         §\C{// assume p( /* positional */, ... , /* named */ );}§
    2424 p( 1, z : 3, 4, 5, 6 );         §\C{// assume p( /* positional */, /* named */, ... );}§
     2423p( 1, 4, 5, 6, z : 3 ); §\C{// assume p( /* positional */, ... , /* named */ );}§
     2424p( 1, z : 3, 4, 5, 6 ); §\C{// assume p( /* positional */, /* named */, ... );}§
    24262426The first call is an error because arguments 4 and 5 are actually positional not ellipse arguments;
    24522452Furthermore, overloading cannot handle accessing default arguments in the middle of a positional list, via a missing argument, such as:
    2454 p( 1, /* default */, 5 );               §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 1, 2, 5 )}§
     2454p( 1, /* default */, 5 ); §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 1, 2, 5 )}§
    24662466struct {
    2467         int f1;                                 §\C{// named field}§
    2468         int f2 : 4;                             §\C{// named field with bit field size}§
    2469         int : 3;                                §\C{// unnamed field for basic type with bit field size}§
    2470         int ;                                   §\C{// disallowed, unnamed field}§
    2471         int *;                                  §\C{// disallowed, unnamed field}§
    2472         int (*)( int );                 §\C{// disallowed, unnamed field}§
     2467        int f1; §\C{// named field}§
     2468        int f2 : 4; §\C{// named field with bit field size}§
     2469        int : 3; §\C{// unnamed field for basic type with bit field size}§
     2470        int ; §\C{// disallowed, unnamed field}§
     2471        int *; §\C{// disallowed, unnamed field}§
     2472        int (*)( int ); §\C{// disallowed, unnamed field}§
    24792479struct {
    2480         int , , ;                               §\C{// 3 unnamed fields}§
     2480        int , , ; §\C{// 3 unnamed fields}§
    25722572const unsigned int size = 5;
    25732573int ia[size];
    2574 ...                                             §\C{// assign values to array ia}§
    2575 qsort( ia, size );              §\C{// sort ascending order using builtin ?<?}§
     2574... §\C{// assign values to array ia}§
     2575qsort( ia, size ); §\C{// sort ascending order using builtin ?<?}§
    25772577        ®int ?<?( int x, int y ) { return x > y; }® §\C{// nested routine}§
    2578         qsort( ia, size );      §\C{// sort descending order by local redefinition}§
     2578        qsort( ia, size ); §\C{// sort descending order by local redefinition}§
    25842584The following program in undefined in \CFA (and Indexc{gcc})
    2586 [* [int]( int )] foo() {                §\C{// int (* foo())( int )}§
     2586[* [int]( int )] foo() { §\C{// int (* foo())( int )}§
    25872587        int ®i® = 7;
    25882588        int bar( int p ) {
    2589                 ®i® += 1;                               §\C{// dependent on local variable}§
     2589                ®i® += 1; §\C{// dependent on local variable}§
    25902590                sout | ®i®;
    25912591        }
    2592         return bar;                                     §\C{// undefined because of local dependence}§
     2592        return bar; §\C{// undefined because of local dependence}§
    25942594int main() {
    2595         * [int]( int ) fp = foo();      §\C{// int (* fp)( int )}§
     2595        * [int]( int ) fp = foo(); §\C{// int (* fp)( int )}§
    25962596        sout | fp( 3 );
    26062606In C and \CFA, lists of elements appear in several contexts, such as the parameter list of a routine call.
    2608 f( ®2, x, 3 + i® );                             §\C{// element list}§
     2608f( ®2, x, 3 + i® ); §\C{// element list}§
    26102610A list of elements is called a \newterm{tuple}, and is different from a \Index{comma expression}.
    26232623typedef struct { int quot, rem; } div_t;        §\C[7cm]{// from include stdlib.h}§
    26242624div_t div( int num, int den );
    2625 div_t qr = div( 13, 5 );                                        §\C{// return quotient/remainder aggregate}§
    2626 printf( "%d %d\n", qr.quot, qr.rem );           §\C{// print quotient/remainder}§
     2625div_t qr = div( 13, 5 ); §\C{// return quotient/remainder aggregate}§
     2626printf( "%d %d\n", qr.quot, qr.rem ); §\C{// print quotient/remainder}§
    26282628This approach requires a name for the return type and fields, where \Index{naming} is a common programming-language issue.
    26342634For example, consider C's \Indexc{modf} function, which returns the integral and fractional part of a floating value.
    2636 double modf( double x, double * i );            §\C{// from include math.h}§
    2637 double intp, frac = modf( 13.5, &intp );        §\C{// return integral and fractional components}§
    2638 printf( "%g %g\n", intp, frac );                        §\C{// print integral/fractional components}§
     2636double modf( double x, double * i ); §\C{// from include math.h}§
     2637double intp, frac = modf( 13.5, &intp ); §\C{// return integral and fractional components}§
     2638printf( "%g %g\n", intp, frac ); §\C{// print integral/fractional components}§
    26402640This approach requires allocating storage for the return values, which complicates the call site with a sequence of variable declarations leading to the call.
    26632663When a function call is passed as an argument to another call, the best match of actual arguments to formal parameters is evaluated given all possible expression interpretations in the current scope.
    2665 void g( int, int );                                                     §\C{// 1}§
    2666 void g( double, double );                                       §\C{// 2}§
    2667 g( div( 13, 5 ) );                                                      §\C{// select 1}§
    2668 g( modf( 13.5 ) );                                                      §\C{// select 2}§
     2665void g( int, int ); §\C{// 1}§
     2666void g( double, double ); §\C{// 2}§
     2667g( div( 13, 5 ) ); §\C{// select 1}§
     2668g( modf( 13.5 ) ); §\C{// select 2}§
    26702670In this case, there are two overloaded ©g© routines.
    26752675The previous examples can be rewritten passing the multiple returned-values directly to the ©printf© function call.
    2677 [ int, int ] div( int x, int y );                       §\C{// from include stdlib}§
    2678 printf( "%d %d\n", div( 13, 5 ) );                      §\C{// print quotient/remainder}§
    2680 [ double, double ] modf( double x );            §\C{// from include math}§
    2681 printf( "%g %g\n", modf( 13.5 ) );                      §\C{// print integral/fractional components}§
     2677[ int, int ] div( int x, int y ); §\C{// from include stdlib}§
     2678printf( "%d %d\n", div( 13, 5 ) ); §\C{// print quotient/remainder}§
     2680[ double, double ] modf( double x ); §\C{// from include math}§
     2681printf( "%g %g\n", modf( 13.5 ) ); §\C{// print integral/fractional components}§
    26832683This approach provides the benefits of compile-time checking for appropriate return statements as in aggregation, but without the required verbosity of declaring a new named type.
    26902690int quot, rem;
    2691 [ quot, rem ] = div( 13, 5 );                           §\C{// assign multiple variables}§
    2692 printf( "%d %d\n", quot, rem );                         §\C{// print quotient/remainder}\CRT§
     2691[ quot, rem ] = div( 13, 5 ); §\C{// assign multiple variables}§
     2692printf( "%d %d\n", quot, rem ); §\C{// print quotient/remainder}\CRT§
    26942694Here, the multiple return-values are matched in much the same way as passing multiple return-values to multiple parameters in a call.
    27162716In \CFA, it is possible to overcome this restriction by declaring a \newterm{tuple variable}.
    2718 [int, int] ®qr® = div( 13, 5 );                 §\C{// initialize tuple variable}§
    2719 printf( "%d %d\n", ®qr® );                              §\C{// print quotient/remainder}§
     2718[int, int] ®qr® = div( 13, 5 ); §\C{// initialize tuple variable}§
     2719printf( "%d %d\n", ®qr® ); §\C{// print quotient/remainder}§
    27212721It is now possible to match the multiple return-values to a single variable, in much the same way as \Index{aggregation}.
    27232723One way to access the individual components of a tuple variable is with assignment.
    2725 [ quot, rem ] = qr;                                             §\C{// assign multiple variables}§
     2725[ quot, rem ] = qr; §\C{// assign multiple variables}§
    27462746[int, double] * p;
    2748 int y = x.0;                                                    §\C{// access int component of x}§
    2749 y = f().1;                                                              §\C{// access int component of f}§
    2750 p->0 = 5;                                                               §\C{// access int component of tuple pointed-to by p}§
    2751 g( x.1, x.0 );                                                  §\C{// rearrange x to pass to g}§
    2752 double z = [ x, f() ].0.1;                              §\C{// access second component of first component of tuple expression}§
     2748int y = x.0; §\C{// access int component of x}§
     2749y = f().1; §\C{// access int component of f}§
     2750p->0 = 5; §\C{// access int component of tuple pointed-to by p}§
     2751g( x.1, x.0 ); §\C{// rearrange x to pass to g}§
     2752double z = [ x, f() ].0.1; §\C{// access second component of first component of tuple expression}§
    27542754Tuple-index expressions can occur on any tuple-typed expression, including tuple-returning functions, square-bracketed tuple expressions, and other tuple-index expressions, provided the retrieved component is also a tuple.
    28172817double y;
    28182818[int, double] z;
    2819 [y, x] = 3.14;                                                  §\C{// mass assignment}§
     2819[y, x] = 3.14; §\C{// mass assignment}§
    28202820[x, y] = z;                                                         §\C{// multiple assignment}§
    28212821z = 10;                                                         §\C{// mass assignment}§
    2822 z = [x, y];                                                             §\C{// multiple assignment}§
     2822z = [x, y]; §\C{// multiple assignment}§
    28242824Let $L_i$ for $i$ in $[0, n)$ represent each component of the flattened left side, $R_i$ represent each component of the flattened right side of a multiple assignment, and $R$ represent the right side of a mass assignment.
    28642864        double c, d;
    28652865        [ void ] f( [ int, int ] );
    2866         f( [ c, a ] = [ b, d ] = 1.5 );  // assignments in parameter list
     2866        f( [ c, a ] = [ b, d ] = 1.5 ); §\C{// assignments in parameter list}§
    28682868The tuple expression begins with a mass assignment of ©1.5© into ©[b, d]©, which assigns ©1.5© into ©b©, which is truncated to ©1©, and ©1.5© into ©d©, producing the tuple ©[1, 1.5]© as a result.
    28782878struct S;
    2879 void ?{}(S *);         // (1)
    2880 void ?{}(S *, int);    // (2)
    2881 void ?{}(S * double);  // (3)
    2882 void ?{}(S *, S);      // (4)
    2884 [S, S] x = [3, 6.28];  // uses (2), (3), specialized constructors
    2885 [S, S] y;              // uses (1), (1), default constructor
    2886 [S, S] z = x.0;        // uses (4), (4), copy constructor
     2879void ?{}(S *); §\C{// (1)}§
     2880void ?{}(S *, int); §\C{// (2)}§
     2881void ?{}(S * double); §\C{// (3)}§
     2882void ?{}(S *, S); §\C{// (4)}§
     2884[S, S] x = [3, 6.28]; §\C{// uses (2), (3), specialized constructors}§
     2885[S, S] y; §\C{// uses (1), (1), default constructor}§
     2886[S, S] z = x.0; §\C{// uses (4), (4), copy constructor}§
    28882888In this example, ©x© is initialized by the multiple constructor calls ©?{}(&x.0, 3)© and ©?{}(&x.1, 6.28)©, while ©y© is initialized by two default constructor calls ©?{}(&y.0)© and ©?{}(&y.1)©.
    29252925A member-access tuple may be used anywhere a tuple can be used, \eg:
    2927 s.[ y, z, x ] = [ 3, 3.2, 'x' ];                §\C{// equivalent to s.x = 'x', s.y = 3, s.z = 3.2}§
    2928 f( s.[ y, z ] );                                                §\C{// equivalent to f( s.y, s.z )}§
     2927s.[ y, z, x ] = [ 3, 3.2, 'x' ]; §\C{// equivalent to s.x = 'x', s.y = 3, s.z = 3.2}§
     2928f( s.[ y, z ] ); §\C{// equivalent to f( s.y, s.z )}§
    29302930Note, the fields appearing in a record-field tuple may be specified in any order;
    29362936void f( double, long );
    2938 f( x.[ 0, 3 ] );                                                §\C{// f( x.0, x.3 )}§
    2939 x.[ 0, 1 ] = x.[ 1, 0 ];                                §\C{// [ x.0, x.1 ] = [ x.1, x.0 ]}§
     2938f( x.[ 0, 3 ] ); §\C{// f( x.0, x.3 )}§
     2939x.[ 0, 1 ] = x.[ 1, 0 ]; §\C{// [ x.0, x.1 ] = [ x.1, x.0 ]}§
    29402940[ long, int, long ] y = x.[ 2, 0, 2 ];
    29552955[ int, float, double ] f();
    2956 [ double, float ] x = f().[ 2, 1 ];             §\C{// f() called once}§
     2956[ double, float ] x = f().[ 2, 1 ]; §\C{// f() called once}§
    29672967That is, a cast can be used to select the type of an expression when it is ambiguous, as in the call to an overloaded function.
    2969 int f();     // (1)
    2970 double f();  // (2)
    2972 f();       // ambiguous - (1),(2) both equally viable
    2973 (int)f();  // choose (2)
     2969int f(); §\C{// (1)}§
     2970double f(); §\C{// (2)}§
     2972f(); §\C{// ambiguous - (1),(2) both equally viable}§
     2973(int)f(); §\C{// choose (2)}§
    29752975Since casting is a fundamental operation in \CFA, casts need to be given a meaningful interpretation in the context of tuples.
    29792979void g();
    2981 (void)f();  // valid, ignore results
    2982 (int)g();   // invalid, void cannot be converted to int
     2981(void)f(); §\C{// valid, ignore results}§
     2982(int)g(); §\C{// invalid, void cannot be converted to int}§
    29842984struct A { int x; };
    2985 (struct A)f();  // invalid, int cannot be converted to A
     2985(struct A)f(); §\C{// invalid, int cannot be converted to A}§
    29872987In C, line 4 is a valid cast, which calls ©f© and discards its result.
    29992999        [int, [int, int], int] g();
    3001         ([int, double])f();           // (1) valid
    3002         ([int, int, int])g();         // (2) valid
    3003         ([void, [int, int]])g();      // (3) valid
    3004         ([int, int, int, int])g();    // (4) invalid
    3005         ([int, [int, int, int]])g();  // (5) invalid
     3001        ([int, double])f(); §\C{// (1) valid}§
     3002        ([int, int, int])g(); §\C{// (2) valid}§
     3003        ([void, [int, int]])g(); §\C{// (3) valid}§
     3004        ([int, int, int, int])g(); §\C{// (4) invalid}§
     3005        ([int, [int, int, int]])g(); §\C{// (5) invalid}§
    30633063void f([int, int], int, int);
    3065 f([0, 0], 0, 0);    // no cost
    3066 f(0, 0, 0, 0);      // cost for structuring
    3067 f([0, 0,], [0, 0]); // cost for flattening
    3068 f([0, 0, 0], 0);    // cost for flattening and structuring
     3065f([0, 0], 0, 0); §\C{// no cost}§
     3066f(0, 0, 0, 0); §\C{// cost for structuring}§
     3067f([0, 0,], [0, 0]); §\C{// cost for flattening}§
     3068f([0, 0, 0], 0); §\C{// cost for flattening and structuring}§
    31293129[ unsigned int, char ]
    31303130[ double, double, double ]
    3131 [ * int, int * ]                §\C{// mix of CFA and ANSI}§
     3131[ * int, int * ] §\C{// mix of CFA and ANSI}§
    31323132[ * [ 5 ] int, * * char, * [ [ int, int ] ] (int, int) ]
    31363136Examples of declarations using tuple types are:
    3138 [ int, int ] x;                 §\C{// 2 element tuple, each element of type int}§
    3139 * [ char, char ] y;             §\C{// pointer to a 2 element tuple}§
     3138[ int, int ] x; §\C{// 2 element tuple, each element of type int}§
     3139* [ char, char ] y; §\C{// pointer to a 2 element tuple}§
    31403140[ [ int, int ] ] z ([ int, int ]);
    31543154[ int, int ] w1;
    31553155[ int, int, int ] w2;
    3156 [ void ] f (int, int, int); /* three input parameters of type int */
    3157 [ void ] g ([ int, int, int ]); /* 3 element tuple as input */
     3156[ void ] f (int, int, int); §\C{// three input parameters of type int}§
     3157[ void ] g ([ int, int, int ]); §\C{3 element tuple as input}§
    31583158f( [ 1, 2, 3 ] );
    31593159f( w1, 3 );
    32353235[ int, int, int, int ] w = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ];
    32363236int x = 5;
    3237 [ x, w ] = [ w, x ];            §\C{// all four tuple coercions}§
     3237[ x, w ] = [ w, x ]; §\C{// all four tuple coercions}§
    32393239Starting on the right-hand tuple in the last assignment statement, w is opened, producing a tuple of four values;
    33233323both these examples produce indeterminate results:
    3325 f( x++, x++ );                          §\C{// C routine call with side effects in arguments}§
    3326 [ v1, v2 ] = [ x++, x++ ];      §\C{// side effects in righthand side of multiple assignment}§
     3325f( x++, x++ ); §\C{// C routine call with side effects in arguments}§
     3326[ v1, v2 ] = [ x++, x++ ]; §\C{// side effects in righthand side of multiple assignment}§
    3348 \section{I/O Library}
    3349 \label{s:IOLibrary}
    3350 \index{input/output library}
    3352 The goal of \CFA I/O is to simplify the common cases\index{I/O!common case}, while fully supporting polymorphism and user defined types in a consistent way.
    3353 The approach combines ideas from \CC and Python.
    3354 The \CFA header file for the I/O library is \Indexc{fstream}.
    3356 The common case is printing out a sequence of variables separated by whitespace.
     3348\section{I/O Stream Library}
     3350\index{input/output stream library}
     3351\index{stream library}
     3353The goal of \CFA input/output (I/O) is to simplify the common cases\index{I/O!common case}, while fully supporting polymorphism and user defined types in a consistent way.
     3354\CFA I/O combines ideas from C ©printf©, \CC, and Python.
     3355I/O can be unformatted or formatted.
     3356Unformatted means \CFA selects the output or input format for values that match with the type of a variable.
     3357Formatted means additional information is specified to augment how an output or input of value is interpreted.
     3358\CFA formatting is a cross between C ©printf© and \CC ©cout© manipulators.
     3361©printf© format codes are dense, making them difficult to read and remember.
     3362\CFA/\CC format manipulators are named, making them easier to read and remember.
     3364©printf© separates format codes from associated variables, making it difficult to match codes with variables.
     3365\CFA/\CC co-locate codes with associated variables, where \CFA has the tighter binding.
     3367Format manipulators in \CC have global rather than local effect, except ©setw©.
     3368Hence, it is common programming practice to toggle manipulators on and then back to the default to prevent downstream side-effects.
     3369Without this programming style, errors occur when moving prints, as manipulator effects incorrectly flow into the new location.
     3370(To guarantee no side-effects, manipulator values must be saved and restored across function calls.)
     3372The \CFA header file for the I/O library is \Indexc{fstream.hfa}.
     3374For unformatted output, the common case is printing a sequence of variables separated by whitespace.
    3375 1 2 3
     33931® ®2® ®3
    3379 The \CFA form has half the characters of the \CC form, and is similar to \Index*{Python} I/O with respect to implicit separators.
    3380 Similar simplification occurs for \Index{tuple} I/O, which prints all tuple values separated by ``\lstinline[showspaces=true]@, @''.
     3397The \CFA form has half the characters of the \CC form, and is similar to \Index*{Python} I/O with respect to implicit separators and newline.
     3398Similar simplification occurs for \Index{tuple} I/O, which flattens the tuple and prints each value separated by ``\lstinline[showspaces=true]@, @''.
    33823400[int, [ int, int ] ] t1 = [ 1, [ 2, 3 ] ], t2 = [ 4, [ 5, 6 ] ];
    3383 sout | t1 | t2;                                         §\C{// print tuples}§
     3401sout | t1 | t2; §\C{// print tuples}§
    338634041®, ®2®, ®3 4®, ®5®, ®6
    3388 Finally, \CFA uses the logical-or operator for I/O as it is the lowest-priority overloadable operator, other than assignment.
     3406Finally, \CFA uses the logical-or operator for I/O as it is the lowest-priority \emph{overloadable} operator, other than assignment.
    33893407Therefore, fewer output expressions require parenthesis.
    3395 sout | x * 3 | y + 1 | z << 2 | x == y | (x | y) | (x || y) | (x > z ? 1 : 2);
     3413sout | x * 3 | y + 1 | z << 2 | x == y | ®(®x | y®)® | ®(®x || y®)® | ®(®x > z ? 1 : 2®)®;
    3401 cout << x * 3 << y + 1 << ®(®z << 2®)® << ®(®x == y®)® << (x | y) << (x || y) << (x > z ? 1 : 2) << endl;
     3419cout << x * 3 << y + 1 << ®(®z << 2®)® << ®(®x == y®)® << ®(®x | y®)® << ®(®x || y®)® << ®(®x > z ? 1 : 2®)® << endl;
    3410 There is a weak similarity between the \CFA logical-or operator and the Shell pipe-operator for moving data, where data flows in the correct direction for input but the opposite direction for output.
     3428Input and output use a uniform operator, ©|©, rather than separate operators, as in ©>>© and ©<<© for \CC.
     3429There is a weak similarity between the \CFA logical-or operator and the \Index{Shell pipe-operator} for moving data, where data flows in the correct direction for input but the opposite direction for output.
     3431For unformatter input, the common case is reading a sequence of values separated by whitespace, where the type of an input constant must match with the type of the input variable.
     3435int x;   double y   char z;
     3439\multicolumn{1}{@{}l@{}}{\usebox\LstBox} \\
     3440\multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{3em}}}{\textbf{\CFA}}        & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{\CC}}      \\
     3442sin | x | y | z;
     3446cin >> x >> y >> z;
     3450®1® ®2.5® ®A®
     3454®1® ®2.5® ®A®
    34133461\subsection{Implicit Separator}
    3415 The \Index{implicit separator}\index{I/O!separator} character (space/blank) is a separator not a terminator.
     3463The \Index{implicit separator}\index{I/O!separator} character (space/blank) is a separator not a terminator for output.
    34163464The rules for implicitly adding the separator are:
    3443 A separator does not appear before a C string starting with the (extended) \Index*{ASCII}\index{ASCII!extended} characters: \lstinline[mathescape=off,basicstyle=\tt]@([{=$£¥¡¿«@
     3492A seperator does not appear before a C string starting with the (extended) \Index*{ASCII}\index{ASCII!extended} characters: \lstinline[basicstyle=\tt]@,.;!?)]}%¢»@
     3494sout | 1 | ", x" | 2 | ". x" | 3 | "; x" | 4 | "! x" | 5 | "? x" | 6 | "% x"
     3495                | 7 | "¢ x" | 8 | "» x" | 9 | ") x" | 10 | "] x" | 11 | "} x";
     34981®,® x 2®.® x 3®;® x 4®!® x 5®?® x 6®%® x 7§\color{red}\textcent§ x 8®»® x 9®)® x 10®]® x 11®}® x
     3500where \lstinline[basicstyle=\tt]@»@ is a closing citation mark.
     3503A separator does not appear after a C string ending with the (extended) \Index*{ASCII}\index{ASCII!extended} characters: \lstinline[mathescape=off,basicstyle=\tt]@([{=$£¥¡¿«@
    3457 {\lstset{language=CFA,deletedelim=**[is][]{¢}{¢}}
    3458 A seperator does not appear after a C string ending with the (extended) \Index*{ASCII}\index{ASCII!extended} characters: \lstinline[basicstyle=\tt]@,.;!?)]}%¢»@
    3459 \begin{cfa}[belowskip=0pt]
    3460 sout | 1 | ", x" | 2 | ". x" | 3 | "; x" | 4 | "! x" | 5 | "? x" | 6 | "% x"
    3461                 | 7 | "¢ x" | 8 | "» x" | 9 | ") x" | 10 | "] x" | 11 | "} x";
    3462 \end{cfa}
    3463 \begin{cfa}[basicstyle=\tt,showspaces=true,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt]
    3464 1®,® x 2®.® x 3®;® x 4®!® x 5®?® x 6®%® x 7§\color{red}\textcent§ x 8®»® x 9®)® x 10®]® x 11®}® x
    3465 \end{cfa}}%
    3466 where \lstinline[basicstyle=\tt]@»@ is a closing citation mark.
    3468 \item
    3469 A seperator does not appear before or after a C string begining/ending with the \Index*{ASCII} quote or whitespace characters: \lstinline[basicstyle=\tt,showspaces=true]@`'": \t\v\f\r\n@
     3517A seperator does not appear before/after a C string starting/ending with the \Index*{ASCII} quote or whitespace characters: \lstinline[basicstyle=\tt,showspaces=true]@`'": \t\v\f\r\n@
    34713519sout | "x`" | 1 | "`x'" | 2 | "'x\"" | 3 | "\"x:" | 4 | ":x " | 5 | " x\t" | 6 | "\tx";
    3488 \subsection{Manipulator}
    3490 The following \CC-style \Index{manipulator}s and routines control implicit seperation.
     3536\subsection{Separation Manipulators}
     3538The following \Index{manipulator}s control \Index{implicit output separation}.
     3539The effect of these manipulators is global for an output stream (except ©sepOn© and ©sepOff©).
    3493 Routines \Indexc{sepSet}\index{manipulator!sepSet@©sepSet©} and \Indexc{sep}\index{manipulator!sep@©sep©}/\Indexc{sepGet}\index{manipulator!sepGet@©sepGet©} set and get the separator string.
     3542\Indexc{sepSet}\index{manipulator!sepSet@©sepSet©} and \Indexc{sep}\index{manipulator!sep@©sep©}/\Indexc{sepGet}\index{manipulator!sepGet@©sepGet©} set and get the separator string.
    34943543The separator string can be at most 16 characters including the ©'\0'© string terminator (15 printable characters).
    3496 sepSet( sout, ", $" );                                          §\C{// set separator from " " to ", \$"}§
     3545sepSet( sout, ", $" ); §\C{// set separator from " " to ", \$"}§
    34973546sout | 1 | 2 | 3 | " \"" | ®sep® | "\"";
    3505 sepSet( sout, " " );                                            §\C{// reset separator to " "}§
     3554sepSet( sout, " " ); §\C{// reset separator to " "}§
    35063555sout | 1 | 2 | 3 | " \"" | ®sepGet( sout )® | "\"";
    35113560©sepGet© can be used to store a separator and then restore it:
    3513 char store[®sepSize®];                                          §\C{// sepSize is the maximum separator size}§
    3514 strcpy( store, sepGet( sout ) );                          §\C{// copy current separator}§
    3515 sepSet( sout, "_" );                                            §\C{// change separator to underscore}§
     3562char store[®sepSize®]; §\C{// sepSize is the maximum separator size}§
     3563strcpy( store, sepGet( sout ) ); §\C{// copy current separator}§
     3564sepSet( sout, "_" ); §\C{// change separator to underscore}§
    35163565sout | 1 | 2 | 3;
    3522 sepSet( sout, store );                                          §\C{// change separator back to original}§
     3571sepSet( sout, store ); §\C{// change separator back to original}§
    35233572sout | 1 | 2 | 3;
    3530 Routine \Indexc{sepSetTuple}\index{manipulator!sepSetTuple@©sepSetTuple©} and \Indexc{sepTuple}\index{manipulator!sepTuple@©sepTuple©}/\Indexc{sepGetTuple}\index{manipulator!sepGetTuple@©sepGetTuple©} get and set the tuple separator-string.
     3579\Indexc{sepSetTuple}\index{manipulator!sepSetTuple@©sepSetTuple©} and \Indexc{sepTuple}\index{manipulator!sepTuple@©sepTuple©}/\Indexc{sepGetTuple}\index{manipulator!sepGetTuple@©sepGetTuple©} get and set the tuple separator-string.
    35313580The tuple separator-string can be at most 16 characters including the ©'\0'© string terminator (15 printable characters).
    3533 sepSetTuple( sout, " " );                                       §\C{// set tuple separator from ", " to " "}§
     3582sepSetTuple( sout, " " ); §\C{// set tuple separator from ", " to " "}§
    35343583sout | t1 | t2 | " \"" | ®sepTuple® | "\"";
    3540 sepSetTuple( sout, ", " );                                      §\C{// reset tuple separator to ", "}§
     3589sepSetTuple( sout, ", " ); §\C{// reset tuple separator to ", "}§
    35413590sout | t1 | t2 | " \"" | ®sepGetTuple( sout )® | "\"";
    3549 Manipulators \Indexc{sepDisable}\index{manipulator!sepDisable@©sepDisable©} and \Indexc{sepEnable}\index{manipulator!sepEnable@©sepEnable©} \emph{globally} toggle printing the separator, \ie the seperator is adjusted with respect to all subsequent printed items.
     3598\Indexc{sepDisable}\index{manipulator!sepDisable@©sepDisable©} and \Indexc{sepEnable}\index{manipulator!sepEnable@©sepEnable©} toggle printing the separator.
    3551 sout | sepDisable | 1 | 2 | 3;                  §\C{// globally turn off implicit separator}§
     3600sout | sepDisable | 1 | 2 | 3; §\C{// turn off implicit separator}§
    3557 sout | sepEnable | 1 | 2 | 3;           §\C{// globally turn on implicit separator}§
     3606sout | sepEnable | 1 | 2 | 3; §\C{// turn on implicit separator}§
    3564 Manipulators \Indexc{sepOn}\index{manipulator!sepOn@©sepOn©} and \Indexc{sepOff}\index{manipulator!sepOff@©sepOff©} \emph{locally} toggle printing the separator, \ie the seperator is adjusted only with respect to the next printed item.
     3613\Indexc{sepOn}\index{manipulator!sepOn@©sepOn©} and \Indexc{sepOff}\index{manipulator!sepOff@©sepOff©} toggle printing the separator with respect to the next printed item, and then return to the global seperator setting.
    3566 sout | 1 | sepOff | 2 | 3;                      §\C{// locally turn off implicit separator
     3615sout | 1 | sepOff | 2 | 3; §\C{// turn off implicit separator for the next item
    3572 sout | sepDisable | 1 | sepOn | 2 | 3; §\C{// locally turn on implicit separator
     3621sout | sepDisable | 1 | sepOn | 2 | 3; §\C{// turn on implicit separator for the next item
    35773626The tuple separator also responses to being turned on and off.
    3579 sout | t1 | sepOff | t2;                                §\C{// locally turn on/off implicit separator}§
     3628sout | t1 | sepOff | t2; §\C{// locally turn on/off implicit separator}§
    35853634use ©sep© to accomplish this functionality.
    3587 sout | sepOn | 1 | 2 | 3 | sepOn;       §\C{// sepOn does nothing at start/end of line}§
     3636sout | sepOn | 1 | 2 | 3 | sepOn; §\C{// sepOn does nothing at start/end of line}§
    3593 sout | sep | 1 | 2 | 3 | sep ;          §\C{// use sep to print separator at start/end of line}§
     3642sout | sep | 1 | 2 | 3 | sep ; §\C{// use sep to print separator at start/end of line}§
    35963645® ®1 2 3® ®
     3650\subsection{Newline Manipulators}
     3652The following \Index{manipulator} controls \Index{newline separation} for input and output.
     3654For input:
     3657\Indexc{nl}\index{manipulator!nl@©nl©} scans characters until the next newline character, i.e., ignore the remaining characters in the line.
     3659\Indexc{nlOn}\index{manipulator!nlOn@©nlOn©} reads the newline character, when reading single characters.
     3661\Indexc{nlOff}\index{manipulator!nlOff@©nlOff©} does \emph{not} read the newline character, when reading single characters.
     3663For example, in:
     3665sin | i | ®nl® | j;
     36661 ®2®
     3669variable ©i© is assigned 1, the 2 is skipped, and variable ©j© is assigned 3.
     3671For output:
     3674\Indexc{nl}\index{manipulator!nl@©nl©} inserts a newline.
     3676sout | nl; §\C{// only print newline}§
     3677sout | 2; §\C{// implicit newline}§
     3678sout | 3 | nl | 4 | nl; §\C{// terminating nl merged with implicit newline}§
     3679sout | 5 | nl | nl; §\C{// again terminating nl merged with implicit newline}§
     3680sout | 6; §\C{// implicit newline}§
     3689Note, a terminating ©nl© is merged (overrides) with the implicit newline at the end of the ©sout© expression, otherwise it is impossible to to print a single newline
     3691\Indexc{nlOn}\index{manipulator!nlOn@©nlOn©} implicitly prints a newline at the end of each output expression.
     3693\Indexc{nlOff}\index{manipulator!nlOff@©nlOff©} does \emph{not} implicitly print a newline at the end of each output expression.
     3697\subsection{Output Value Manipulators}
     3699The following \Index{manipulator}s control formatting of output values (printing), and only affect the format of the argument.
     3702\Indexc{bin}( integer )\index{manipulator!bin@©bin©} print value in base 2 preceded by ©0b©/©0B©.
     3704sout | bin( 0 ) | bin( 27HH ) | bin( 27H ) | bin( 27 ) | bin( 27L );
     37050b0 0b11011 0b11011 0b11011 0b11011
     3706sout | bin( -27HH ) | bin( -27H ) | bin( -27 ) | bin( -27L );
     37070b11100101 0b1111111111100101 0b11111111111111111111111111100101 0b(58 1s)100101
     3711\Indexc{oct}( integer )\index{manipulator!oct@©oct©} print value in base 8 preceded by ©0©.
     3713sout | oct( 0 ) | oct( 27HH ) | oct( 27H ) | oct( 27 ) | oct( 27L );
     37140 033 033 033 033
     3715sout | oct( -27HH ) | oct( -27H ) | oct( -27 ) | oct( -27L );
     37160345 0177745 037777777745 01777777777777777777745
     3718Note, octal 0 is \emph{not} preceded by ©0© to prevent confusion.
     3721\Indexc{hex}( integer / floating-point )\index{manipulator!hex@©hex©} print value in base 16 preceded by ©0x©/©0X©.
     3723sout | hex( 0 ) | hex( 27HH ) | hex( 27H ) | hex( 27 ) | hex( 27L );
     37240 0x1b 0x1b 0x1b 0x1b
     3725sout | hex( -27HH ) | hex( -27H ) | hex( -27 ) | hex( -27L );
     37260xe5 0xffe5 0xffffffe5 0xffffffffffffffe5
     3728sout | hex( 0.0 ) | hex( 27.5F ) | hex( 27.5 ) | hex( 27.5L );
     37290x0.p+0 0x1.b8p+4 0x1.b8p+4 0xd.cp+1
     3730sout | hex( -27.5F ) | hex( -27.5 ) | hex( -27.5L );
     3731-0x1.b8p+4 -0x1.b8p+4 -0xd.cp+1
     3735\Indexc{sci}( floating-point )\index{manipulator!sci@©sci©} print value in scientific notation with exponent.
     3736Default is 6 digits of precision.
     3738sout | sci( 0.0 ) | sci( 27.5 ) | sci( -27.5 );
     37390.000000e+00 2.750000e+01 -2.750000e+01
     3743\Indexc{upcase}( bin / hex / floating-point )\index{manipulator!upcase@©upcase©} print letters in a value in upper case. Lower case is the default.
     3745sout | upcase( bin( 27 ) ) | upcase( hex( 27 ) ) | upcase( 27.5e-10 ) | upcase( hex( 27.5 ) );
     37460®B®11011 0®X®1®B® 2.75®E®-09 0®X®1.®B®8®P®+4
     3750\Indexc{nobase}( integer )\index{manipulator!nobase@©nobase©} do not precede ©bin©, ©oct©, ©hex© with ©0b©/©0B©, ©0©, or ©0x©/©0X©. Printing the base is the default.
     3752sout | nobase( bin( 27 ) ) | nobase( oct( 27 ) ) | nobase( hex( 27 ) );
     375311011 33 1b
     3757\Indexc{nodp}( floating-point )\index{manipulator!nodp@©nodp©} do not print a decimal point if there are no fractional digits.
     3758Printing a decimal point is the default, if there are no fractional digits.
     3760sout | 0. | nodp( 0. ) | 27.0 | nodp( 27.0 ) | nodp( 27.5 );
     37610.0 ®0® 27.0 ®27® 27.5
     3765\Indexc{sign}( integer / floating-point )\index{manipulator!sign@©sign©} prefix with plus or minus sign (©+© or ©-©). Only printing the minus sign is the default.
     3767sout | sign( 27 ) | sign( -27 ) | sign( 27. ) | sign( -27. ) | sign( 27.5 ) | sign( -27.5 );
     3768®+®27 -27 ®+®27.0 -27.0 ®+®27.5 -27.5
     3772\Indexc{wd}©( unsigned char minimum, T val )©\index{manipulator!wd@©wd©}, ©wd( unsigned char minimum, unsigned char precision, T val )©
     3773For all types, ©minimum© is the minimum number of printed characters.
     3774If the value is shorter than the minimum, it is padded on the right with spaces.
     3776sout | wd( 4, 34) | wd( 3, 34 ) | wd( 2, 34 );
     3777sout | wd( 10, 4.) | wd( 9, 4. ) | wd( 8, 4. );
     3778sout | wd( 4, "ab" ) | wd( 3, "ab" ) | wd( 2, "ab" );
     3781®  ®34 ® ®34 34
     3782®  ®4.000000 ® ®4.000000 4.000000
     3783®  ®ab ® ®ab ab
     3784    ab    ab ab
     3786If the value is larger, it is printed without truncation, ignoring the ©minimum©.
     3788sout | wd( 4, 34567 ) | wd( 3, 34567 ) | wd( 2, 34567 );
     3789sout | wd( 4, 3456. ) | wd( 3, 3456. ) | wd( 2, 3456. );
     3790sout | wd( 4, "abcde" ) | wd( 3, "abcde" ) | wd( 2,"abcde" );
     37933456®7® 345®67® 34®567®
     37943456®.® 345®6.® 34®56.®
     3795abcd®e® abc®de® ab®cde®
     3798For integer types, ©precision© is the minimum number of printed digits.
     3799If the value is shorter, it is padded on the left with leading zeros.
     3801sout | wd( 4,3, 34 ) | wd( 8,4, 34 ) | wd( 10,10, 34 );
     3804 ®0®34     ®00®34 ®00000000®34
     3806If the value is larger, it is printed without truncation, ignoring the ©precision©.
     3808sout | wd( 4,1, 3456 ) | wd( 8,2, 3456 ) | wd( 10,3, 3456 );
     38113456     3456       3456
     3813If ©precision© is 0, nothing is printed for zero.
     3814If ©precision© is greater than the minimum, it becomes the minimum.
     3816sout | wd( 4,0, 0 ) | wd( 3,10, 34 );
     3819®    ® ®00000000®34
     3821For floating-point types, ©precision© is the minimum number of digits after the decimal point.
     3823sout | wd( 6,3, 27.5 ) | wd( 8,1, 27.5 ) | wd( 8,0, 27.5 ) | wd( 3,8, 27.5 );
     382627.®500®     27.®5®      28. 27.®50000000®
     3828For the C-string type, ©precision© is the maximum number of printed characters, so the string is truncared if it exceeds the maximum.
     3830sout | wd( 6,8, "abcd" ) | wd( 6,8, "abcdefghijk" ) | wd( 6,3, "abcd" );
     3833  abcd abcdefgh    abc
     3837\Indexc{ws( unsigned char minimum, unsigned char significant, floating-point )}\index{manipulator!ws@©ws©}
     3838For floating-point type, ©minimum© is the same as for manipulator ©wd©, but ©significant© is the maximum number of significant digits to be printed for both the integer and fractions (versus only the fraction for ©wd©).
     3839If a value's significant digits is greater than ©significant©, the last significant digit is rounded up.
     3841sout | ws(6,6, 234.567) | ws(6,5, 234.567) | ws(6,4, 234.567) | ws(6,3, 234.567);
     3844234.567 234.5®7®  234.®6®    23®5®
     3846If a value's magnitude is greater than ©significant©, the value is printed in scientific notation with the specified number of significant digits.
     3848sout | ws(6,6, 234567.) | ws(6,5, 234567.) | ws(6,4, 234567.) | ws(6,3, 234567.);
     3851234567. 2.3457®e+05® 2.346®e+05® 2.35®e+05®
     3853If ©significant© is greater than ©minimum©, it defines the number of printed characters.
     3855sout | ws(3,6, 234567.) | ws(4,6, 234567.) | ws(5,6, 234567.) | ws(6,6, 234567.);
     3858234567. 234567. 234567. 234567.
     3862\Indexc{left}( field-width )\index{manipulator!left@©left©} left justify within the given field.
     3864sout | left(wd(4, 27)) | left(wd(10, 27.)) | left(wd(10, 27.5)) | left(wd(4,3, 27)) | left(wd(10,3, 27.5));
     386727®  ® 27.000000  27.500000  027  27.500®    ®
     3871\Indexc{pad0}( field-width )\index{manipulator!pad0@©pad0©} left pad with zeroes (0).
     3873sout | pad0( wd( 4, 27 ) ) | pad0( wd( 4,3, 27 ) ) | pad0( wd( 8,3, 27.5 ) );
     3874®00®27  ®0®27 ®00®27.500
     3935\subsection{Input Value Manipulators}
     3937The format of numeric input values in the same as C constants without a trailing type suffix, as the input value-type is denoted by the input variable.
     3938For ©_Bool© type, the constants are ©true© and ©false©.
     3939For integral types, any number of digits, optionally preceded by a sign (©+© or ©-©), where a
     3942©1©-©9© prefix introduces a decimal value (©0©-©9©),
     3944©0© prefix introduces an octal value (©0©-©7©), and
     3946©0x© or ©0X© prefix introduces a hexadecimal value (©0©-©f©) with lower or upper case letters.
     3948For floating-point types, any number of decimal digits, optionally preceded by a sign (©+© or ©-©), optionally containing a decimal point, and optionally followed by an exponent, ©e© or ©E©, with signed (optional) decimal digits.
     3949Floating-point values can also be written in hexadecimal format preceded by ©0x© or ©0X© with hexadecimal digits and exponent denoted by ©p© or ©P©.
     3951For the C-string type, the input values are \emph{not} the same as C-string constants, \ie double quotes bracketing arbitrary text with escape sequences.
     3952Instead, the next sequence of non-whitespace characters are read, and the input sequence is terminated with delimiter ©'\0'©.
     3953The string variable \emph{must} be large enough to contain the input sequence.
     3955The following \Index{manipulator}s control formatting of input values (reading), and only affect the format of the argument.
     3959\Indexc{skip( const char * pattern )}\index{manipulator!skip@©skip©} / ©skip( unsigned int length )© / ©const char * pattern©
     3960The argument defines a ©pattern© or ©length©.
     3961The ©pattern© is composed of white-space and non-white-space characters, where \emph{any} white-space character matches 0 or more input white-space characters (hence, consecutive white-space characters in the pattern are combined), and each non-white-space character matches exactly with an input character.
     3962The ©length© is composed of the next $N$ characters, including the newline character.
     3963If the match successes, the input characters are discarded, and input continues with the next character.
     3964If the match fails, the input characters are left unread.
     3966char sk[$\,$] = "abc";
     3967sin | "abc " | skip( sk ) | skip( 5 ); // match input sequence
     3970®abc   ®
     3971®abc  ®
     3976\Indexc{wdi}©( unsigned int maximum, T & val )©\index{manipulator!wdi@©wdi©}
     3977For all types except ©char©, ©maximum© is the maximum number of characters read for the current operation.
     3979char s[10];   int i;   double d;   
     3980sin | wdi( 4, s ) | wdi( 3, i ) | wdi( 8, d );  // c == "abcd", i == 123, d == 3.456E+2
     3985Note, input ©wdi© cannot be overloaded with output ©wd© because both have the same parameters but return different types.
     3986Currently, \CFA cannot distinguish between these two manipulators in the middle of an ©sout©/©sin© expression based on return type.
     3989\Indexc{ignore( T & val )}\index{manipulator!ignore@©ignore©}
     3990For all types, the data is read from the stream depending on the argument type but ignored, \ie it is not stored in the argument.
     3992double d;
     3993sin | ignore( d );  // d is unchanged
     3996®  -75.35e-4® 25
     4000\Indexc{incl( const char * scanset, char * s )}\index{manipulator!incl@©incl©}
     4001For the C-string type, the argument defines a ©scanset© that matches any number of characters \emph{in} the set.
     4002Matching characters are read into the C string and null terminated.
     4004char s[10];
     4005sin | incl( "abc", s );
     4012\Indexc{excl( const char * scanset, char * s )}\index{manipulator!excl@©excl©}
     4013For the C-string type, the argument defines a ©scanset© that matches any number of characters \emph{not in} the set.
     4014Non-matching characters are read into the C string and null terminated.
     4016char s[10];
     4017sin | excl( "abc", s );
    4024 preventing having to determine or write long generic types,
    4025 \item
    4026 ensure secondary variables, related to a primary variable, always have the same type.
     4392not determining or writing long generic types,
     4394ensuring secondary variables, related to a primary variable, always have the same type.
    40464414There is also the conundrum in type inferencing of when to \emph{\Index{brand}} a type.
    40474415That is, when is the type of the variable more important than the type of its initialization expression.
    4048 For example, if a change is made in an initialization expression, it can cause significant cascading type changes and/or errors.
     4416For example, if a change is made in an initialization expression, it can cause cascading type changes and/or errors.
    40494417At some point, a variable type needs to remain constant and the expression to be in error when it changes.
    42804648coroutine Fibonacci {
    4281         int fn;                                                         §\C{// used for communication}§
     4649        int fn; §\C{// used for communication}§
    42834651void ?{}( Fibonacci * this ) {
    42864654void main( Fibonacci * this ) {
    4287         int fn1, fn2;                                           §\C{// retained between resumes}§
    4288         this->fn = 0;                                           §\C{// case 0}§
     4655        int fn1, fn2; §\C{// retained between resumes}§
     4656        this->fn = 0; §\C{// case 0}§
    42894657        fn1 = this->fn;
    4290         suspend();                                                      §\C{// return to last resume}§
    4292         this->fn = 1;                                           §\C{// case 1}§
     4658        suspend(); §\C{// return to last resume}§
     4660        this->fn = 1; §\C{// case 1}§
    42934661        fn2 = fn1;
    42944662        fn1 = this->fn;
    4295         suspend();                                                      §\C{// return to last resume}§
    4297         for ( ;; ) {                                            §\C{// general case}§
     4663        suspend(); §\C{// return to last resume}§
     4665        for ( ;; ) { §\C{// general case}§
    42984666                this->fn = fn1 + fn2;
    42994667                fn2 = fn1;
    43004668                fn1 = this->fn;
    4301                 suspend();                                              §\C{// return to last resume}§
     4669                suspend(); §\C{// return to last resume}§
    43024670        } // for
    43044672int next( Fibonacci * this ) {
    4305         resume( this );                                         §\C{// transfer to last suspend}§
     4673        resume( this ); §\C{// transfer to last suspend}§
    43064674        return this->fn;
    58486216In \CFA, there are ambiguous cases with dereference and operator identifiers, \eg ©int *?*?()©, where the string ©*?*?© can be interpreted as:
    5850 *?§\color{red}\textvisiblespace§*?              §\C{// dereference operator, dereference operator}§
    5851 *§\color{red}\textvisiblespace§?*?              §\C{// dereference, multiplication operator}§
     6218*?§\color{red}\textvisiblespace§*? §\C{// dereference operator, dereference operator}§
     6219*§\color{red}\textvisiblespace§?*? §\C{// dereference, multiplication operator}§
    58536221By default, the first interpretation is selected, which does not yield a meaningful parse.
    5903 x;                                                              §\C{// int x}§
    5904 *y;                                                             §\C{// int *y}§
    5905 f( p1, p2 );                                    §\C{// int f( int p1, int p2 );}§
    5906 g( p1, p2 ) int p1, p2;                 §\C{// int g( int p1, int p2 );}§
     6271x; §\C{// int x}§
     6272*y; §\C{// int *y}§
     6273f( p1, p2 ); §\C{// int f( int p1, int p2 );}§
     6274g( p1, p2 ) int p1, p2; §\C{// int g( int p1, int p2 );}§
    59086276\CFA continues to support K\&R routine definitions:
    5910 f( a, b, c )                                    §\C{// default int return}§
    5911         int a, b; char c                        §\C{// K\&R parameter declarations}§
     6278f( a, b, c ) §\C{// default int return}§
     6279        int a, b; char c §\C{// K\&R parameter declarations}§
    59136281        ...
    59286296int rtn( int i );
    59296297int rtn( char c );
    5930 rtn( 'x' );                                             §\C{// programmer expects 2nd rtn to be called}§
     6298rtn( 'x' ); §\C{// programmer expects 2nd rtn to be called}§
    59326300\item[Rationale:] it is more intuitive for the call to ©rtn© to match the second version of definition of ©rtn© rather than the first.
    59506318\item[Change:] make string literals ©const©:
    5952 char * p = "abc";                               §\C{// valid in C, deprecated in \CFA}§
    5953 char * q = expr ? "abc" : "de"; §\C{// valid in C, invalid in \CFA}§
     6320char * p = "abc"; §\C{// valid in C, deprecated in \CFA}§
     6321char * q = expr ? "abc" : "de"; §\C{// valid in C, invalid in \CFA}§
    59556323The type of a string literal is changed from ©[] char© to ©const [] char©.
    59596327char * p = "abc";
    5960 p[0] = 'w';                                             §\C{// segment fault or change constant literal}§
     6328p[0] = 'w'; §\C{// segment fault or change constant literal}§
    59626330The same problem occurs when passing a string literal to a routine that changes its argument.
    59706338\item[Change:] remove \newterm{tentative definitions}, which only occurs at file scope:
    5972 int i;                                                  §\C{// forward definition}§
    5973 int *j = ®&i®;                                  §\C{// forward reference, valid in C, invalid in \CFA}§
    5974 int i = 0;                                              §\C{// definition}§
     6340int i; §\C{// forward definition}§
     6341int *j = ®&i®; §\C{// forward reference, valid in C, invalid in \CFA}§
     6342int i = 0; §\C{// definition}§
    59766344is valid in C, and invalid in \CFA because duplicate overloaded object definitions at the same scope level are disallowed.
    59796347struct X { int i; struct X *next; };
    5980 static struct X a;                              §\C{// forward definition}§
     6348static struct X a; §\C{// forward definition}§
    59816349static struct X b = { 0, ®&a® };§\C{// forward reference, valid in C, invalid in \CFA}§
    5982 static struct X a = { 1, &b };  §\C{// definition}§
     6350static struct X a = { 1, &b }; §\C{// definition}§
    59846352\item[Rationale:] avoids having different initialization rules for builtin types and user-defined types.
    59956363struct Person {
    59966364        enum ®Colour® { R, G, B };      §\C[7cm]{// nested type}§
    5997         struct Face {                           §\C{// nested type}§
    5998                 ®Colour® Eyes, Hair;    §\C{// type defined outside (1 level)}§
     6365        struct Face { §\C{// nested type}§
     6366                ®Colour® Eyes, Hair; §\C{// type defined outside (1 level)}§
    59996367        };
    6000         ®.Colour® shirt;                        §\C{// type defined outside (top level)}§
    6001         ®Colour® pants;                         §\C{// type defined same level}§
    6002         Face looks[10];                         §\C{// type defined same level}§
     6368        ®.Colour® shirt; §\C{// type defined outside (top level)}§
     6369        ®Colour® pants; §\C{// type defined same level}§
     6370        Face looks[10]; §\C{// type defined same level}§
    6004 ®Colour® c = R;                                 §\C{// type/enum defined same level}§
     6372®Colour® c = R; §\C{// type/enum defined same level}§
    60056373Person®.Colour® pc = Person®.®R;§\C{// type/enum defined inside}§
    6006 Person®.®Face pretty;                   §\C{// type defined inside}\CRT§
     6374Person®.®Face pretty; §\C{// type defined inside}\CRT§
    60086376In C, the name of the nested types belongs to the same scope as the name of the outermost enclosing structure, \ie the nested types are hoisted to the scope of the outer-most type, which is not useful and confusing.
    60216389\item[Difficulty of converting:] Semantic transformation. To make the struct type name visible in the scope of the enclosing struct, the struct tag could be declared in the scope of the enclosing struct, before the enclosing struct is defined. Example:
    6023 struct Y;                                               §\C{// struct Y and struct X are at the same scope}§
     6391struct Y; §\C{// struct Y and struct X are at the same scope}§
    60246392struct X {
    60256393        struct Y { /* ... */ } y;
    60376405void foo() {
    6038         int * b = malloc( sizeof(int) );        §\C{// implicitly convert void * to int *}§
    6039         char * c = b;                           §\C{// implicitly convert int * to void *, and then void * to char *}§
     6406        int * b = malloc( sizeof(int) ); §\C{// implicitly convert void * to int *}§
     6407        char * c = b; §\C{// implicitly convert int * to void *, and then void * to char *}§
    6300 forall( otype T | { int ?<?( T, T ); } )        §\C{// location}§
     6668forall( otype T | { int ?<?( T, T ); } ) §\C{// location}§
    63016669T * bsearch( T key, const T * arr, size_t dim );§\indexc{bsearch}§
    6303 forall( otype T | { int ?<?( T, T ); } )        §\C{// position}§
     6671forall( otype T | { int ?<?( T, T ); } ) §\C{// position}§
    63046672unsigned int bsearch( T key, const T * arr, size_t dim );
    63096677forall( otype E | { int ?<?( E, E ); } ) {
    6310         E * bsearch( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim );§\indexc{bsearch}§     §\C{// location}§
     6678        E * bsearch( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim );§\indexc{bsearch}§ §\C{// location}§
    63116679        size_t bsearch( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim );§\C{// position}§
    63126680        E * bsearchl( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim );§\indexc{bsearchl}§
    63566724void srandom( unsigned int seed );§\indexc{srandom}§
    63576725char random( void );§\indexc{random}§
    6358 char random( char u );                                          §\C{// [0,u)}§
    6359 char random( char l, char u );                          §\C{// [l,u)}§
     6726char random( char u ); §\C{// [0,u)}§
     6727char random( char l, char u ); §\C{// [l,u)}§
    63606728int random( void );
    6361 int random( int u );                                            §\C{// [0,u)}§
    6362 int random( int l, int u );                                     §\C{// [l,u)}§
     6729int random( int u ); §\C{// [0,u)}§
     6730int random( int l, int u ); §\C{// [l,u)}§
    63636731unsigned int random( void );
    6364 unsigned int random( unsigned int u );          §\C{// [0,u)}§
     6732unsigned int random( unsigned int u ); §\C{// [0,u)}§
    63656733unsigned int random( unsigned int l, unsigned int u ); §\C{// [l,u)}§
    63666734long int random( void );
    6367 long int random( long int u );                          §\C{// [0,u)}§
    6368 long int random( long int l, long int u );      §\C{// [l,u)}§
     6735long int random( long int u ); §\C{// [0,u)}§
     6736long int random( long int l, long int u ); §\C{// [l,u)}§
    63696737unsigned long int random( void );
    63706738unsigned long int random( unsigned long int u ); §\C{// [0,u)}§
    64176785[ int, long double ] remquo( long double, long double );
    6419 float div( float, float, int * );§\indexc{div}§ §\C{// alternative name for remquo}§
     6787float div( float, float, int * );§\indexc{div}§ §\C{// alternative name for remquo}§
    64206788double div( double, double, int * );
    64216789long double div( long double, long double, int * );
    65736941long double atan2( long double, long double );
    6575 float atan( float, float );                                     §\C{// alternative name for atan2}§
     6943float atan( float, float ); §\C{// alternative name for atan2}§
    65766944double atan( double, double );§\indexc{atan}§
    65776945long double atan( long double, long double );
    67657133struct Duration {
    6766         int64_t tv;                                                     §\C{// nanoseconds}§
     7134        int64_t tv; §\C{// nanoseconds}§
    68957263struct Time {
    6896         uint64_t tv;                                            §\C{// nanoseconds since UNIX epoch}§
     7264        uint64_t tv; §\C{// nanoseconds since UNIX epoch}§
    69667334struct Clock {
    6967         Duration offset;                                        §\C{// for virtual clock: contains offset from real-time}§
    6968         int clocktype;                                          §\C{// implementation only -1 (virtual), CLOCK\_REALTIME}§
     7335        Duration offset; §\C{// for virtual clock: contains offset from real-time}§
     7336        int clocktype; §\C{// implementation only -1 (virtual), CLOCK\_REALTIME}§
    69747342void ?{}( Clock & clk, Duration adj );
    6976 Duration getResNsec();                                  §\C{// with nanoseconds}§
    6977 Duration getRes();                                              §\C{// without nanoseconds}§
    6979 Time getTimeNsec();                                             §\C{// with nanoseconds}§
    6980 Time getTime();                                                 §\C{// without nanoseconds}§
     7344Duration getResNsec(); §\C{// with nanoseconds}§
     7345Duration getRes(); §\C{// without nanoseconds}§
     7347Time getTimeNsec(); §\C{// with nanoseconds}§
     7348Time getTime(); §\C{// without nanoseconds}§
    69817349Time getTime( Clock & clk );
    69827350Time ?()( Clock & clk );
    6996 void ?{}( Int * this );                                 §\C{// constructor/destructor}§
     7364void ?{}( Int * this ); §\C{// constructor/destructor}§
    69977365void ?{}( Int * this, Int init );
    69987366void ?{}( Int * this, zero_t );
    70037371void ^?{}( Int * this );
    7005 Int ?=?( Int * lhs, Int rhs );                  §\C{// assignment}§
     7373Int ?=?( Int * lhs, Int rhs ); §\C{// assignment}§
    70067374Int ?=?( Int * lhs, long int rhs );
    70077375Int ?=?( Int * lhs, unsigned long int rhs );
    70207388unsigned long int narrow( Int val );
    7022 int ?==?( Int oper1, Int oper2 );               §\C{// comparison}§
     7390int ?==?( Int oper1, Int oper2 ); §\C{// comparison}§
    70237391int ?==?( Int oper1, long int oper2 );
    70247392int ?==?( long int oper2, Int oper1 );
    70567424int ?>=?( unsigned long int oper1, Int oper2 );
    7058 Int +?( Int oper );                                             §\C{// arithmetic}§
     7426Int +?( Int oper ); §\C{// arithmetic}§
    70597427Int -?( Int oper );
    70607428Int ~?( Int oper );
    71387506Int ?>>=?( Int * lhs, mp_bitcnt_t shift );
    7140 Int abs( Int oper );                                    §\C{// number functions}§
     7508Int abs( Int oper ); §\C{// number functions}§
    71417509Int fact( unsigned long int N );
    71427510Int gcd( Int oper1, Int oper2 );
    72497617// implementation
    72507618struct Rational {§\indexc{Rational}§
    7251         long int numerator, denominator;        §\C{// invariant: denominator > 0}§
     7619        long int numerator, denominator; §\C{// invariant: denominator > 0}§
    72527620}; // Rational
    7254 Rational rational();                                    §\C{// constructors}§
     7622Rational rational(); §\C{// constructors}§
    72557623Rational rational( long int n );
    72567624Rational rational( long int n, long int d );
    72587626void ?{}( Rational * r, one_t );
    7260 long int numerator( Rational r );               §\C{// numerator/denominator getter/setter}§
     7628long int numerator( Rational r ); §\C{// numerator/denominator getter/setter}§
    72617629long int numerator( Rational r, long int n );
    72627630long int denominator( Rational r );
    72637631long int denominator( Rational r, long int d );
    7265 int ?==?( Rational l, Rational r );             §\C{// comparison}§
     7633int ?==?( Rational l, Rational r ); §\C{// comparison}§
    72667634int ?!=?( Rational l, Rational r );
    72677635int ?<?( Rational l, Rational r );
    72707638int ?>=?( Rational l, Rational r );
    7272 Rational -?( Rational r );                              §\C{// arithmetic}§
     7640Rational -?( Rational r ); §\C{// arithmetic}§
    72737641Rational ?+?( Rational l, Rational r );
    72747642Rational ?-?( Rational l, Rational r );
    72767644Rational ?/?( Rational l, Rational r );
    7278 double widen( Rational r );                             §\C{// conversion}§
     7646double widen( Rational r ); §\C{// conversion}§
    72797647Rational narrow( double f, long int md );
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