Jun 22, 2017, 9:43:02 AM (7 years ago)
Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…>
ADT, aaron-thesis, arm-eh, ast-experimental, cleanup-dtors, deferred_resn, demangler, enum, forall-pointer-decay, jacob/cs343-translation, jenkins-sandbox, master, new-ast, new-ast-unique-expr, new-env, no_list, persistent-indexer, pthread-emulation, qualifiedEnum, resolv-new, with_gc
405c592 (diff), e9a3b20b (diff)
Note: this is a merge changeset, the changes displayed below correspond to the merge itself.
Use the (diff) links above to see all the changes relative to each parent.

Merge branch 'master' of plg.uwaterloo.ca:software/cfa/cfa-cc

1 edited


  • src/Parser/ExpressionNode.cc

    r405c592 r1a18423  
    1010// Created On       : Sat May 16 13:17:07 2015
    1111// Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr
    12 // Last Modified On : Wed May 17 21:31:01 2017
    13 // Update Count     : 527
     12// Last Modified On : Wed Jun 21 16:44:46 2017
     13// Update Count     : 541
    6262        bool dec = true, Unsigned = false;                                      // decimal, unsigned constant
    6363        int size;                                                                                       // 0 => int, 1 => long, 2 => long long
    64         unsigned long long v;                                                           // converted integral value
     64        unsigned long long int v;                                                               // converted integral value
    6565        size_t last = str.length() - 1;                                         // last character of constant
    118118        } // if
    120         Expression * ret = new ConstantExpr( Constant( new BasicType( emptyQualifiers, kind[Unsigned][size] ), str ) );
     120        Expression * ret = new ConstantExpr( Constant( new BasicType( emptyQualifiers, kind[Unsigned][size] ), str, v ) );
    121121        delete &str;                                                                            // created by lex
    122122        return ret;
    133133        // floating-point constant has minimum of 2 characters: 1. or .1
    134134        size_t last = str.length() - 1;
     135        double v;
     137        sscanf( str.c_str(), "%lg", &v );
    136139        if ( checkI( str[last] ) ) {                                            // imaginary ?
    150153        } // if
    152         Expression * ret = new ConstantExpr( Constant( new BasicType( emptyQualifiers, kind[complx][size] ), str ) );
     155        Expression * ret = new ConstantExpr( Constant( new BasicType( emptyQualifiers, kind[complx][size] ), str, v ) );
    153156        delete &str;                                                                            // created by lex
    154157        return ret;
    157160Expression *build_constantChar( const std::string & str ) {
    158         Expression * ret = new ConstantExpr( Constant( new BasicType( emptyQualifiers, BasicType::Char ), str ) );
     161        Expression * ret = new ConstantExpr( Constant( new BasicType( emptyQualifiers, BasicType::Char ), str, (unsigned long long int)(unsigned char)str[1] ) );
    159162        delete &str;                                                                            // created by lex
    160163        return ret;
    164167        // string should probably be a primitive type
    165168        ArrayType *at = new ArrayType( emptyQualifiers, new BasicType( Type::Qualifiers( Type::Const ), BasicType::Char ),
    166                                 new ConstantExpr( Constant( new BasicType( emptyQualifiers, BasicType::UnsignedInt ),
    167                                                                                         toString( str.size()+1-2 ) ) ),  // +1 for '\0' and -2 for '"'
     169                                                                   new ConstantExpr( Constant::from_ulong( str.size() + 1 - 2 ) ),  // +1 for '\0' and -2 for '"'
    168170                                                                   false, false );
    169         ConstantExpr * ret = new ConstantExpr( Constant( at, str ) );
     171        // constant 0 is ignored for pure string value
     172        ConstantExpr * ret = new ConstantExpr( Constant( at, str, (unsigned long long int)0 ) );
    170173        delete &str;                                                                            // created by lex
    171174        return ret;
    174177Expression *build_constantZeroOne( const std::string & str ) {
    175         Expression * ret = new ConstantExpr( Constant( str == "0" ? (Type *)new ZeroType( emptyQualifiers ) : (Type*)new OneType( emptyQualifiers ), str ) );
     178        Expression * ret = new ConstantExpr( Constant( str == "0" ? (Type *)new ZeroType( emptyQualifiers ) : (Type*)new OneType( emptyQualifiers ), str,
     179                                                                                                   str == "0" ? (unsigned long long int)0 : (unsigned long long int)1 ) );
    176180        delete &str;                                                                            // created by lex
    177181        return ret;
    184188        std::stringstream ss( str );
    185189        ss >> a >> dot >> b;
    186         UntypedMemberExpr * ret = new UntypedMemberExpr(
    187                 new ConstantExpr( Constant( new BasicType( emptyQualifiers, BasicType::SignedInt ), toString( b ) ) ),
    188                 new ConstantExpr( Constant( new BasicType( emptyQualifiers, BasicType::SignedInt ), toString( a ) ) ) );
     190        UntypedMemberExpr * ret = new UntypedMemberExpr( new ConstantExpr( Constant::from_int( b ) ), new ConstantExpr( Constant::from_int( a ) ) );
    189191        delete &str;
    190192        return ret;
    347349Expression *build_valexpr( StatementNode *s ) {
    348         return new UntypedValofExpr( maybeMoveBuild< Statement >(s), nullptr );
     350        return new StmtExpr( dynamic_cast< CompoundStmt * >(maybeMoveBuild< Statement >(s) ) );
    350352Expression *build_typevalue( DeclarationNode *decl ) {
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