// // Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2015 University of Waterloo // // The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the // file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall. // // TypedefTable.cc -- // // Author : Rodolfo G. Esteves // Created On : Sat May 16 15:20:13 2015 // Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr // Last Modified On : Sat May 16 15:24:03 2015 // Update Count : 2 // #include #include #include "TypedefTable.h" #include using namespace std; #if 0 #include #define debugPrint(x ) cerr << x #else #define debugPrint( x ) #endif TypedefTable::TypedefTable() : currentScope( 0 ) {} bool TypedefTable::isKind( string identifier, kind_t kind ) const { tableType::const_iterator id_pos = table.find( identifier ); if ( id_pos == table.end()) { return true; } else { return (*((*id_pos ).second.begin())).kind == kind; } } bool TypedefTable::isIdentifier( string identifier ) const { return isKind( identifier, ID ); } bool TypedefTable::isTypedef( string identifier ) const { return isKind( identifier, TD ); } bool TypedefTable::isTypegen( string identifier ) const { return isKind( identifier, TG ); } void TypedefTable::addToScope( const std::string &identifier, kind_t kind, int scope ) { if ( currentContext != "" && scope == contextScope ) { DeferredEntry entry = { identifier, kind }; contexts[currentContext].push_back( entry ); } else { debugPrint( "Adding " << identifier << " as type " << kind << " scope " << scope << " from scope " << currentScope << endl ); Entry newEntry = { scope, kind }; tableType::iterator curPos = table.find( identifier ); if ( curPos == table.end()) { list newList; newList.push_front( newEntry ); table[identifier] = newList; } else { list::iterator listPos = (*curPos ).second.begin(); while ( listPos != (*curPos ).second.end() && listPos->scope > scope ) { listPos++; } (*curPos ).second.insert( listPos, newEntry ); } } } void TypedefTable::addToCurrentScope( const std::string &identifier, kind_t kind ) { addToScope( identifier, kind, currentScope ); } void TypedefTable::addToCurrentScope( kind_t kind ) { addToCurrentScope( nextIdentifiers.top(), kind ); } void TypedefTable::addToEnclosingScope( const std::string &identifier, kind_t kind ) { assert( currentScope >= 1 ); addToScope( identifier, kind, currentScope - 1 ); } void TypedefTable::addToEnclosingScope( kind_t kind ) { addToEnclosingScope( nextIdentifiers.top(), kind ); } void TypedefTable::addToEnclosingScope2( const std::string &identifier, kind_t kind ) { assert( currentScope >= 2 ); addToScope( identifier, kind, currentScope - 2 ); } void TypedefTable::addToEnclosingScope2( kind_t kind ) { addToEnclosingScope2( nextIdentifiers.top(), kind ); } void TypedefTable::setNextIdentifier( const std::string &identifier ) { nextIdentifiers.top() = identifier; } void TypedefTable::openContext( std::string contextName ) { map< string, deferListType >::iterator i = contexts.find( contextName ); if ( i != contexts.end() ) { deferListType &entries = i->second; for ( deferListType::iterator i = entries.begin(); i != entries.end(); i++) { addToEnclosingScope( i->identifier, i->kind ); } } } void TypedefTable::enterScope( void ) { currentScope += 1; deferListStack.push( deferListType() ); nextIdentifiers.push( "" ); debugPrint( "Entering scope " << currentScope << ", nextIdentifiers size is " << nextIdentifiers.size() << endl ); } void TypedefTable::leaveScope( void ) { debugPrint( "Leaving scope " << currentScope << endl ); for ( tableType::iterator i = table.begin(); i != table.end(); ) { list &declList = (*i ).second; while (! declList.empty() && declList.front().scope == currentScope ) { declList.pop_front(); } if ( declList.empty() ) { // standard idom for erasing during traversal table.erase( i++ ); } else ++i; } currentScope -= 1; for ( deferListType::iterator i = deferListStack.top().begin(); i != deferListStack.top().end(); i++) { addToCurrentScope( i->identifier, i->kind ); } deferListStack.pop(); debugPrint( "nextIdentifiers size is " << nextIdentifiers.size() << " top is " << nextIdentifiers.top() << endl ); nextIdentifiers.pop(); } void TypedefTable::enterContext( std::string contextName ) { currentContext = contextName; contextScope = currentScope; } void TypedefTable::leaveContext( void ) { currentContext = ""; } void TypedefTable::print( void ) const { for ( tableType::const_iterator i = table.begin(); i != table.end(); i++) { debugPrint( (*i ).first << ": " ); list declList = (*i ).second; for ( list::const_iterator j = declList.begin(); j != declList.end(); j++ ) { debugPrint( "(" << (*j ).scope << " " << (*j).kind << ") " ); } debugPrint( endl ); } } // Local Variables: // // tab-width: 4 // // mode: c++ // // compile-command: "make install" // // End: //