#include #include #include namespace diet { /* A DIET ( Discrete Interval Encoding Tree ) range-map */ class diet_tree_exception : public std::exception { public: diet_tree_exception() {} diet_tree_exception( std::string _what ) : what( _what ) {} ~diet_tree_exception() throw () {} std::string get_what() const { return what; } void set_what( std::string newValue ) { what = newValue; } private: std::string what; }; template < typename T > class diet_tree_node; template < typename T > class diet_tree_iterator; template< typename key_type > class diet_tree { typedef key_type OrderedValue; typedef OrderedValue T; friend class diet_tree_iterator; public: typedef OrderedValue value_type; typedef diet_tree_iterator iterator; typedef std::pair pair_type; diet_tree() : root(0), left(0), right(0) {} ~diet_tree() { if ( root != 0 ) { delete root; root = 0; } if ( left != 0 ) { delete left; left = 0; } if ( right != 0 ) { delete right; right = 0; } } void insert( value_type _lo, value_type _hi ) { if ( _lo > _hi ) return; // throw exception? if ( root == 0 ) root = new diet_tree_node(_lo, _hi); else { value_type lo = root->get_lo(), hi = root->get_hi(); if ( _lo < lo ) { if ( _hi > hi ) { /* can either minimize the work or minimize the number of nodes. Let's minimize the work. */ if ( left == 0 ) left = new diet_tree(); left->insert( _lo, lo ); if ( right == 0 ) right = new diet_tree(); right->insert( _hi, hi ); return; } else if ( _hi < lo ) { if ( left == 0 ) left = new diet_tree(); left->insert( _lo, _hi ); } else if ( _hi <= hi ) { if ( left == 0 ) left = new diet_tree(); left->insert( _lo, _hi ); root->set_range(_hi,hi); } } else if (_lo >= lo && _hi <= hi ) { root->set_range(_lo,_hi); } else if ( _hi > hi) { if ( _lo > hi ) { if ( right == 0 ) right = new diet_tree(); right->insert( _lo, _hi ); } else if ( _lo < hi ) { root->set_range(lo, _lo); if ( right == 0 ) right = new diet_tree(); right->insert(_lo, _hi); } } } return; } void insert( std::pair p ) { insert(p.first, p.second); } pair_type get_range_pair() const { return pair_type(root->get_lo(),root->get_hi()); } /* void display( std::ostream &os = std::cout ) { if ( root != 0 ) { if ( left != 0 ) left->display(os); os << "(" << root->get_lo() << ", " << root->get_hi() << ")" << std::endl; if ( right != 0 ) right->display(os); } return; } */ iterator begin() { return iterator( this ); } iterator end() { return iterator( (diet_tree< value_type > *)0 ); } protected: diet_tree( diet_tree_node< OrderedValue > *_root ) : root( _root ) {} private: diet_tree_node< value_type > *root; diet_tree< value_type > *left, *right; }; template< typename OrderedValue > class diet_tree_node { public: typedef OrderedValue value_type; diet_tree_node( const OrderedValue &_lo, const OrderedValue &_hi ) : lo( _lo ), hi( _hi ) { if ( lo >= hi ) throw diet_tree_exception( "Invalid range" ); } void set_range(const OrderedValue &newLo, const OrderedValue &newHi) { lo = newLo; hi = newHi; } OrderedValue get_lo() const { return lo; } OrderedValue get_hi() const { return hi; } private: OrderedValue lo, hi; }; /* forward iterator */ template < typename T > class diet_tree_iterator { typedef diet_tree_iterator self; typedef typename diet_tree::pair_type pair_type; public: // typedef forward_iterator_tag iterator_category; diet_tree_iterator( diet_tree *_tree ) : current( _tree ) { // current is allowed to be 0 only for `end' if (_tree != 0) go_leftmost(); } ~diet_tree_iterator() {} pair_type operator*() { if ( current == 0 ) throw diet_tree_exception( "Invalid dereference" ); return current->get_range_pair(); } bool operator==( const diet_tree_iterator &other ) { return current == other.current; } bool operator!=( const diet_tree_iterator &other ) { return current != other.current; } diet_tree_iterator operator++() { assert(current != 0); if ( current->right == 0 ) if ( ! st.empty() ) { current = st.top(); st.pop(); } else current = 0; else { current = current->right; go_leftmost(); } return *this; } diet_tree_iterator operator++(int) { self temp = *this; this->operator++(); return temp; } private: void go_leftmost() { assert(current != 0); diet_tree *next = 0; while ( current->left != 0 ) { next = current->left; st.push( current ); current = next; } return; } void defrag() { /* join adjacent trees */ return; } diet_tree *current; std::stack< diet_tree * > st; }; template < typename Key, typename Value > class diet_tree_assoc_node : public diet_tree_node { public: typedef Key key_type; typedef Value data_type; typedef std::pair value_type; private: Value data; }; } // namespace diet /* Local Variables: mode: c++ End: */