/* * This file is part of the Cforall project * * $Id: FindFunction.cc,v 1.5 2005/08/29 20:14:13 rcbilson Exp $ * */ #include "FindFunction.h" #include "SynTree/Type.h" #include "SynTree/Declaration.h" #include "SynTree/Visitor.h" namespace GenPoly { class FindFunction : public Mutator { public: FindFunction( std::list< FunctionType* > &functions, const TyVarMap &tyVars, bool replaceMode, FindFunctionPredicate predicate ); virtual Type *mutate( FunctionType *functionType ); virtual Type *mutate( PointerType *pointerType ); private: void handleForall( const std::list< TypeDecl* > &forall ); std::list< FunctionType* > &functions; TyVarMap tyVars; bool replaceMode; FindFunctionPredicate predicate; }; void findFunction( Type *type, std::list< FunctionType* > &functions, const TyVarMap &tyVars, FindFunctionPredicate predicate ) { FindFunction finder( functions, tyVars, false, predicate ); type->acceptMutator( finder ); } void findAndReplaceFunction( Type *&type, std::list< FunctionType* > &functions, const TyVarMap &tyVars, FindFunctionPredicate predicate ) { FindFunction finder( functions, tyVars, true, predicate ); type = type->acceptMutator( finder ); } FindFunction::FindFunction( std::list< FunctionType* > &functions, const TyVarMap &tyVars, bool replaceMode, FindFunctionPredicate predicate ) : functions( functions ), tyVars( tyVars ), replaceMode( replaceMode ), predicate( predicate ) { } void FindFunction::handleForall( const std::list< TypeDecl* > &forall ) { for ( std::list< TypeDecl* >::const_iterator i = forall.begin(); i != forall.end(); ++i ) { TyVarMap::iterator var = tyVars.find( (*i)->get_name() ); if ( var != tyVars.end() ) { tyVars.erase( var ); } } } Type* FindFunction::mutate( FunctionType *functionType ) { TyVarMap oldTyVars = tyVars; handleForall( functionType->get_forall() ); mutateAll( functionType->get_returnVals(), *this ); Type *ret = functionType; if ( predicate( functionType, tyVars ) ) { functions.push_back( functionType ); if ( replaceMode ) { ret = new FunctionType( Type::Qualifiers(), true ); } } tyVars = oldTyVars; return ret; } Type * FindFunction::mutate( PointerType *pointerType ) { TyVarMap oldTyVars = tyVars; handleForall( pointerType->get_forall() ); Type *ret = Mutator::mutate( pointerType ); tyVars = oldTyVars; return ret; } } // namespace GenPoly