# # Copyright (C) Lynn Tran, Jiachen Zhang 2018 # # utils-gdb.py -- # # Author : Lynn Tran # Created On : Mon Oct 1 22:06:09 2018 # Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr # Last Modified On : Sat Jan 19 14:16:10 2019 # Update Count : 11 # """ To run this extension, the python name has to be as same as one of the loaded library Additionally, the file must exist in a folder which is in gdb's safe path """ import collections import gdb import re # set these signal handlers with some settings (nostop, noprint, pass) gdb.execute('handle SIGALRM nostop noprint pass') gdb.execute('handle SIGUSR1 nostop noprint pass') CfaTypes = collections.namedtuple('CfaTypes', 'cluster_ptr processor_ptr thread_ptr int_ptr thread_state yield_state') class ThreadInfo: tid = 0 cluster = None value = None def __init__(self, cluster, value): self.cluster = cluster self.value = value def is_system(self): return False # A named tuple representing information about a stack StackInfo = collections.namedtuple('StackInfo', 'sp fp pc') # A global variable to keep track of stack information as one switches from one # task to another task STACK = [] not_supported_error_msg = "Not a supported command for this language" def is_cforall(): return True def get_cfa_types(): # GDB types for various structures/types in CFA return CfaTypes(cluster_ptr = gdb.lookup_type('struct cluster').pointer(), processor_ptr = gdb.lookup_type('struct processor').pointer(), thread_ptr = gdb.lookup_type('struct $thread').pointer(), int_ptr = gdb.lookup_type('int').pointer(), thread_state = gdb.lookup_type('enum __Coroutine_State'), yield_state = gdb.lookup_type('enum __Preemption_Reason')) def get_addr(addr): """ NOTE: sketchy solution to retrieve address. There is a better solution... @addr: str of an address that can be in a format 0xfffff Return: str of just the address """ str_addr = str(addr) ending_addr_index = str_addr.find('<') if ending_addr_index == -1: return str(addr) return str_addr[:ending_addr_index].strip() def print_usage(obj): print(obj.__doc__) def parse(args): """ Split the argument list in string format, where each argument is separated by whitespace delimiter, to a list of arguments like argv @args: str of arguments Return: [] if args is an empty string list if args is not empty """ # parse the string format of arguments and return a list of arguments argv = args.split(' ') if len(argv) == 1 and argv[0] == '': return [] return argv def get_cluster_root(): """ Return: gdb.Value of globalClusters.root (is an address) """ cluster_root = gdb.parse_and_eval('_X11mainClusterPS7cluster_1') if cluster_root.address == 0x0: print('No clusters, program terminated') return cluster_root def get_sched_lock(): """ Return: gdb.Value of __scheduler_lock """ lock = gdb.parse_and_eval('_X16__scheduler_lockPS20__scheduler_RWLock_t_1') if lock.address == 0x0: print('No scheduler lock, program terminated') return lock def all_clusters(): if not is_cforall(): return None cluster_root = get_cluster_root() if cluster_root.address == 0x0: return curr = cluster_root ret = [curr] while True: curr = curr['_X4nodeS26__cluster____dbg_node_cltr_1']['_X4nextPS7cluster_1'] if curr == cluster_root: break ret.append(curr) return ret def all_processors(): if not is_cforall(): return None cfa_t = get_cfa_types() # get processors from registration to the RWlock lock = get_sched_lock() #get number of elements count = lock['_X5readyVj_1'] #find all the procs raw_procs = [lock['_X4dataPS21__scheduler_lock_id_t_1'][i]['_X6handleVPS16__processor_id_t_1'] for i in range(count)] # pre cast full procs procs = [p.cast(cfa_t.processor_ptr) for p in raw_procs if p['_X9full_procb_1']] # sort procs by clusters return sorted(procs, key=lambda p: p['_X4cltrPS7cluster_1']) def tls_for_pthread(pthrd): prev = gdb.selected_thread() inf = gdb.selected_inferior() thrd = inf.thread_from_thread_handle( pthrd ) thrd.switch() tls = gdb.parse_and_eval('&_X9kernelTLSS16KernelThreadData_1') prev.switch() return tls def tls_for_proc(proc): return tls_for_pthread(proc['_X13kernel_threadm_1']) def thread_for_pthread(pthrd): return tls_for_pthread(pthrd)['_X11this_threadVPS7$thread_1'] def thread_for_proc(proc): return tls_for_proc(proc)['_X11this_threadVPS7$thread_1'] def find_curr_thread(): # btstr = gdb.execute('bt', to_string = True).splitlines() # if len(btstr) == 0: # print('error') # return None # return btstr[0].split('this=',1)[1].split(',')[0].split(')')[0] return None def lookup_cluster(name = None): """ Look up a cluster given its ID @name: str Return: gdb.Value """ if not is_cforall(): return None root = get_cluster_root() if root.address == 0x0: return None if not name: return root # lookup for the task associated with the id cluster = None curr = root while True: if curr['_X4namePKc_1'].string() == name: cluster = curr.address break curr = curr['_X4nodeS26__cluster____dbg_node_cltr_1']['_X4nextPS7cluster_1'] if curr == root or curr == 0x0: break if not cluster: print("Cannot find a cluster with the name: {}.".format(name)) return None return cluster def lookup_threads_by_cluster(cluster): # Iterate through a circular linked list of threads and accumulate them in an array threads = [] cfa_t = get_cfa_types() root = cluster['_X7threadsS8__dllist_S7$thread__1']['_X4headPY15__TYPE_generic__1'].cast(cfa_t.thread_ptr) if root == 0x0 or root.address == 0x0: print('There are no tasks for cluster: {}'.format(cluster)) return threads curr = root tid = 0 sid = -1 while True: t = ThreadInfo(cluster, curr) if t.is_system(): t.tid = sid sid -= 1 else: t.tid = tid tid += 1 threads.append(t) curr = curr['node']['next'] if curr == root or curr == 0x0: break return threads def system_thread(thread): return False def adjust_stack(pc, fp, sp): # pop sp, fp, pc from global stack gdb.execute('set $pc = {}'.format(pc)) gdb.execute('set $rbp = {}'.format(fp)) gdb.execute('set $sp = {}'.format(sp)) ############################ COMMAND IMPLEMENTATION ######################### class Clusters(gdb.Command): """Cforall: Display currently known clusters Usage: info clusters : print out all the clusters """ def __init__(self): super(Clusters, self).__init__('info clusters', gdb.COMMAND_USER) def print_cluster(self, cluster_name, cluster_address): print('{:>20} {:>20}'.format(cluster_name, cluster_address)) #entry point from gdb def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): if not is_cforall(): return if arg: print("info clusters does not take arguments") print_usage(self) return self.print_cluster('Name', 'Address') for c in all_clusters(): self.print_cluster(c['_X4namePKc_1'].string(), str(c)) print("") ############ class Processors(gdb.Command): """Cforall: Display currently known processors Usage: info processors : print out all the processors info processors : print out all processors in a given cluster """ def __init__(self): super(Processors, self).__init__('info processors', gdb.COMMAND_USER) def print_processor(self, processor): should_stop = processor['_X12do_terminateVb_1'] if not should_stop: midle = processor['_X6$linksS7$dlinks_S9processor__1']['_X4nextS9$mgd_link_Y13__tE_generic___1']['_X4elemPY13__tE_generic__1'] != 0x0 end = processor['_X6$linksS7$dlinks_S9processor__1']['_X4nextS9$mgd_link_Y13__tE_generic___1']['_X10terminatorPv_1'] != 0x0 status = 'Idle' if midle or end else 'Active' else: stop_count = processor['_X10terminatedS9semaphore_1']['_X5counti_1'] status_str = 'Last Thread' if stop_count >= 0 else 'Terminating' status = '{}({},{})'.format(status_str, should_stop, stop_count) print('{:>20} {:>11} {:<7} {:<}'.format( processor['_X4namePKc_1'].string(), status, str(processor['_X18pending_preemptionb_1']), str(processor) )) tls = tls_for_proc( processor ) thrd = tls['_X11this_threadVPS7$thread_1'] if thrd != 0x0: tname = '{} {}'.format(thrd['self_cor']['name'].string(), str(thrd)) else: tname = None print('{:>20} {}'.format('Thread', tname)) print('{:>20} {}'.format('TLS', tls)) #entry point from gdb def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): if not is_cforall(): return if not arg: clusters = all_clusters() else: clusters = [lookup_cluster(arg)] if not clusters: print("No Cluster matching arguments found") return procs = all_processors() print('{:>20} {:>11} {:<7} {}'.format('Processor', '', 'Pending', 'Object')) print('{:>20} {:>11} {:<7} {}'.format('Name', 'Status', 'Yield', 'Address')) cl = None for p in procs: # if this is a different cluster print it if cl != p['_X4cltrPS7cluster_1']: if cl: print() cl = p['_X4cltrPS7cluster_1'] print('Cluster {}'.format(cl['_X4namePKc_1'].string())) # print the processor information self.print_processor(p) print() ############ class Threads(gdb.Command): """Cforall: Display currently known threads Usage: cfathreads : print Main Cluster threads, application threads only cfathreads all : print all clusters, all threads cfathreads : print cluster threads, application threads only """ def __init__(self): # The first parameter of the line below is the name of the command. You # can call it 'uc++ task' super(Threads, self).__init__('info cfathreads', gdb.COMMAND_USER) def print_formatted(self, marked, tid, name, state, address): print('{:>1} {:>4} {:>20} {:>10} {:>20}'.format('*' if marked else ' ', tid, name, state, address)) def print_thread(self, thread, tid, marked): cfa_t = get_cfa_types() ys = str(thread['preempted'].cast(cfa_t.yield_state)) if ys == '_X15__NO_PREEMPTIONKM19__Preemption_Reason_1': state = str(thread['state'].cast(cfa_t.thread_state)) elif ys == '_X18__ALARM_PREEMPTIONKM19__Preemption_Reason_1': state = 'preempted' elif ys == '_X19__MANUAL_PREEMPTIONKM19__Preemption_Reason_1': state = 'yield' elif ys == '_X17__POLL_PREEMPTIONKM19__Preemption_Reason_1': state = 'poll' else: print("error: thread {} in undefined preemption state {}".format(thread, ys)) state = 'error' self.print_formatted(marked, tid, thread['self_cor']['name'].string(), state, str(thread)) def print_threads_by_cluster(self, cluster, print_system = False): # Iterate through a circular linked list of tasks and print out its # name along with address associated to each cluster threads = lookup_threads_by_cluster(cluster) if not threads: return running_thread = find_curr_thread() if running_thread is None: print('Could not identify current thread') self.print_formatted(False, '', 'Name', 'State', 'Address') for t in threads: if not t.is_system() or print_system: self.print_thread(t.value, t.tid, t.value == running_thread if running_thread else False) print() def print_all_threads(self): for c in all_clusters(): self.print_threads_by_cluster(c, False) def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): """ @arg: str @from_tty: bool """ if not is_cforall(): return if not arg: cluster = lookup_cluster() if not cluster: print("Could not find Main Cluster") return # only tasks and main self.print_threads_by_cluster(cluster, False) elif arg == 'all': # all threads, all clusters self.print_all_threads() else: cluster = lookup_cluster(arg) if not cluster: print("Could not find cluster '{}'".format(arg)) return # all tasks, specified cluster self.print_threads_by_cluster(cluster, True) ############ class Thread(gdb.Command): """Cforall: Switch to specified user threads Usage: cfathread : switch stack to thread id on main cluster cfathread 0x
: switch stack to thread on any cluster cfathread : switch stack to thread on specified cluster """ def __init__(self): # The first parameter of the line below is the name of the command. You # can call it 'uc++ task' super(Thread, self).__init__('cfathread', gdb.COMMAND_USER) ############################ AUXILIARY FUNCTIONS ######################### def switchto(self, thread): """Change to a new task by switching to a different stack and manually adjusting sp, fp and pc @task_address: str 2 supported format: in hex format : literal hexadecimal address Ex: 0xffffff in name of the pointer to the task "task_name": pointer of the variable name of the cluster Ex: T* s -> task_name = s Return: gdb.value of the cluster's address """ try: if not gdb.lookup_symbol('__cfactx_switch'): print('__cfactx_switch symbol is unavailable') return except: print('here 3') cfa_t = get_cfa_types() state = thread['state'].cast(cfa_t.thread_state) try: if state == gdb.parse_and_eval('Halted'): print('Cannot switch to a terminated thread') return if state == gdb.parse_and_eval('Start'): print('Cannjot switch to a thread not yet run') return except: print("here 2") return context = thread['context'] # must be at frame 0 to set pc register gdb.execute('select-frame 0') if gdb.selected_frame().architecture().name() != 'i386:x86-64': print('gdb debugging only supported for i386:x86-64 for now') return # gdb seems to handle things much better if we pretend we just entered the context switch # pretend the pc is __cfactx_switch and adjust the sp, base pointer doesn't need to change # lookup for sp,fp and uSwitch xsp = context['SP'] + 40 # 40 = 5 64bit registers : %r15, %r14, %r13, %r12, %rbx WARNING: x64 specific xfp = context['FP'] # convert string so we can strip out the address try: xpc = get_addr(gdb.parse_and_eval('__cfactx_switch').address) except: print("here") return # push sp, fp, pc into a global stack global STACK sp = gdb.parse_and_eval('$sp') fp = gdb.parse_and_eval('$fp') pc = gdb.parse_and_eval('$pc') stack_info = StackInfo(sp = sp, fp = fp, pc = pc) STACK.append(stack_info) # update registers for new task # print('switching to {} ({}) : [{}, {}, {}]'.format(thread['self_cor']['name'].string(), str(thread), str(xsp), str(xfp), str(xpc))) print('switching to thread {} ({})'.format(str(thread), thread['self_cor']['name'].string())) gdb.execute('set $rsp={}'.format(xsp)) gdb.execute('set $rbp={}'.format(xfp)) gdb.execute('set $pc={}'.format(xpc)) def find_matching_gdb_thread_id(): """ Parse the str from info thread to get the number """ info_thread_str = gdb.execute('info thread', to_string=True).splitlines() for thread_str in info_thread_str: if thread_str.find('this={}'.format(task)) != -1: thread_id_pattern = r'^\*?\s+(\d+)\s+Thread' # retrive gdb thread id return re.match(thread_id_pattern, thread_str).group(1) # check if the task is running or not if task_state == gdb.parse_and_eval('uBaseTask::Running'): # find the equivalent thread from info thread gdb_thread_id = find_matching_gdb_thread_id() if gdb_thread_id is None: print('cannot find the thread id to switch to') return # switch to that thread based using thread command gdb.execute('thread {}'.format(gdb_thread_id)) def switchto_id(self, tid, cluster): """ @cluster: cluster object @tid: int """ threads = lookup_threads_by_cluster( cluster ) for t in threads: if t.tid == tid: self.switchto(t.value) return print("Cound not find thread by id '{}'".format(tid)) def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): """ @arg: str @from_tty: bool """ if not is_cforall(): return argv = parse(arg) if argv[0].isdigit(): cname = " ".join(argv[1:]) if len(argv) > 1 else None cluster = lookup_cluster(cname) if not cluster: print("Could not find cluster '{}'".format(cname if cname else "Main Cluster")) return try: tid = int(argv[0]) except: print("'{}' not a valid thread id".format(argv[0])) print_usage(self) return # by id, userCluster self.switchto_id(tid, cluster) elif argv[0].startswith('0x') or argv[0].startswith('0X'): self.switchto(argv[0]) # by address, any cluster ############ class PrevThread(gdb.Command): """Switch back to previous task on the stack""" usage_msg = 'prevtask' def __init__(self): super(PrevThread, self).__init__('prevtask', gdb.COMMAND_USER) def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): """ @arg: str @from_tty: bool """ global STACK if len(STACK) != 0: # must be at frame 0 to set pc register gdb.execute('select-frame 0') # pop stack stack_info = STACK.pop() pc = get_addr(stack_info.pc) sp = stack_info.sp fp = stack_info.fp # pop sp, fp, pc from global stack adjust_stack(pc, fp, sp) # must be at C++ frame to access C++ vars gdb.execute('frame 1') else: print('empty stack') class ResetOriginFrame(gdb.Command): """Reset to the origin frame prior to continue execution again""" usage_msg = 'resetOriginFrame' def __init__(self): super(ResetOriginFrame, self).__init__('reset', gdb.COMMAND_USER) def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): """ @arg: str @from_tty: bool """ global STACK if len(STACK) != 0: stack_info = STACK.pop(0) STACK.clear() pc = get_addr(stack_info.pc) sp = stack_info.sp fp = stack_info.fp # pop sp, fp, pc from global stack adjust_stack(pc, fp, sp) # must be at C++ frame to access C++ vars gdb.execute('frame 1') #else: #print('reset: empty stack') #probably does not have to print msg Clusters() Processors() ResetOriginFrame() PrevThread() Threads() Thread() # Local Variables: # # mode: Python # # End: #