#!/usr/bin/python3 from pybin.tools import * from pybin.test_run import * from pybin import settings import argparse import itertools import re import sys import tempfile import time import os import psutil import signal ################################################################################ # help functions ################################################################################ def find_tests(): expected = [] def match_test(path): match = re.search("^%s\/([\w\/\-_]*).expect\/([\w\-_]+)(\.[\w\-_]+)?\.txt$" % settings.SRCDIR, path) if match : test = Test() test.name = match.group(2) test.path = match.group(1) test.arch = match.group(3)[1:] if match.group(3) else None expected.append(test) path_walk( match_test ) return expected # reads the directory ./.expect and indentifies the tests def list_tests( includes, excludes ): # tests directly in the .expect folder will always be processed test_list = find_tests() # if we have a limited number of includes, filter by them if includes: test_list = [x for x in test_list if x.target().startswith( tuple(includes) ) ] # # if we have a folders to excludes, filter by them if excludes: test_list = [x for x in test_list if not x.target().startswith( tuple(excludes) ) ] # sort the test alphabetically for convenience test_list.sort(key=lambda t: ('~' if t.arch else '') + t.target() + (t.arch if t.arch else '')) return test_list # from the found tests, filter all the valid tests/desired tests def valid_tests( options ): tests = [] # if we are regenerating the tests we need to find the information of the # already existing tests and create new info for the new tests if options.regenerate_expected : for testname in options.tests : testname = canonical_path( testname ) # first check if this is a valid name to regenerate if Test.valid_name(testname): # this is a valid name, let's check if it already exists found = [test for test in all_tests if canonical_path( test.target() ) == testname] if not found: # it's a new name, create it according to the name and specified architecture if options.arch: # user specified one or multiple architectures, assume the tests will have architecture specific results tests.extend( [Test.new_target(testname, arch) for arch in settings.all_arch] ) else: # user didn't specify an architecture, just create a cross platform test tests.append( Test.new_target( testname, None ) ) elif len(found) == 1 and not found[0].arch: # we found a single test, the user better be wanting to create a cross platform test if options.arch: print('ERROR: "%s", test has no specified architecture but --arch was specified, ignoring it' % testname, file=sys.stderr) else: tests.append( found[0] ) else: # this test is already cross platform, just add a test for each platform the user asked tests.extend( [Test.new_target(testname, arch) for arch in settings.all_arch] ) # print a warning if it users didn't ask for a specific architecture if not options.arch: print('WARNING: "%s", test has architecture specific expected files but --arch was not specified, regenerating only for current host' % testname, file=sys.stderr) else : print('ERROR: "%s", tests are not allowed to end with a C/C++/CFA extension, ignoring it' % testname, file=sys.stderr) else : # otherwise we only need to validate that all tests are present in the complete list for testname in options.tests: test = [t for t in all_tests if path_cmp( t.target(), testname )] if test : tests.extend( test ) else : print('ERROR: No expected file for test %s, ignoring it' % testname, file=sys.stderr) return tests # parses the option def parse_args(): # create a parser with the arguments for the tests script parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Script which runs cforall tests') parser.add_argument('--debug', help='Run all tests in debug or release', type=comma_separated(yes_no), default='yes') parser.add_argument('--install', help='Run all tests based on installed binaries or tree binaries', type=comma_separated(yes_no), default='no') parser.add_argument('--arch', help='Test for specific architecture', type=comma_separated(str), default=None) parser.add_argument('--continue', help='When multiple specifications are passed (debug/install/arch), sets whether or not to continue if the last specification failed', type=yes_no, default='yes', dest='continue_') parser.add_argument('--timeout', help='Maximum duration in seconds after a single test is considered to have timed out', type=int, default=120) parser.add_argument('--global-timeout', help='Maximum cumulative duration in seconds after the ALL tests are considered to have timed out', type=int, default=7200) parser.add_argument('--timeout-with-gdb', help='Instead of killing the command when it times out, orphan it and print process id to allow gdb to attach', type=yes_no, default="no") parser.add_argument('--dry-run', help='Don\'t run the tests, only output the commands', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--list', help='List all test available', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--all', help='Run all test available', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--regenerate-expected', help='Regenerate the .expect by running the specified tets, can be used with --all option', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--archive-errors', help='If called with a valid path, on test crashes the test script will copy the core dump and the executable to the specified path.', type=str, default='') parser.add_argument('-j', '--jobs', help='Number of tests to run simultaneously', type=int) parser.add_argument('--list-comp', help='List all valide arguments', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-I','--include', help='Directory of test to include, can be used multiple time, All if omitted', action='append') parser.add_argument('-E','--exclude', help='Directory of test to exclude, can be used multiple time, None if omitted', action='append') parser.add_argument('tests', metavar='test', type=str, nargs='*', help='a list of tests to run') try: options = parser.parse_args() except: print('ERROR: invalid arguments', file=sys.stderr) parser.print_help(sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) # script must have at least some tests to run or be listing listing = options.list or options.list_comp all_tests = options.all some_tests = len(options.tests) > 0 some_dirs = len(options.include) > 0 if options.include else 0 # check that exactly one of the booleans is set to true if not sum( (listing, all_tests, some_tests, some_dirs) ) > 0 : print('''ERROR: must have option '--all', '--list', '--include', '-I' or non-empty test list''', file=sys.stderr) parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) return options ################################################################################ # running test functions ################################################################################ def success(val): return val == 0 or settings.dry_run def no_rule(file, target): return not settings.dry_run and file_contains_only(file, "make: *** No rule to make target `%s'. Stop." % target) # logic to run a single test and return the result (No handling of printing or other test framework logic) def run_single_test(test): # find the output file based on the test name and options flag exe_file = test.target_executable(); out_file = test.target_output() err_file = test.error_log() cmp_file = test.expect() in_file = test.input() # prepare the proper directories test.prepare() # ---------- # MAKE # ---------- # build, skipping to next test on error with Timed() as comp_dur: make_ret, _ = make( test.target(), output_file=subprocess.DEVNULL, error=out_file, error_file = err_file ) # ---------- # RUN # ---------- # run everything in a temp directory to make sure core file are handled properly run_dur = None with tempdir(): # if the make command succeeds continue otherwise skip to diff if success(make_ret): with Timed() as run_dur: if settings.dry_run or is_exe(exe_file): # run test retcode, _ = sh(exe_file, output_file=out_file, input_file=in_file, timeout=True) else : # simply cat the result into the output retcode = cat(exe_file, out_file) else: retcode = mv(err_file, out_file) if success(retcode): if settings.generating : # if we are only generating the output we still need to check that the test actually exists if no_rule(out_file, test.target()) : retcode = 1 error = "\t\tNo make target for test %s!" % test.target() rm(out_file) else: error = None else : # fetch return code and error from the diff command retcode, error = diff(cmp_file, out_file) else: if os.stat(out_file).st_size < 1048576: with open (out_file, "r", encoding='latin-1') as myfile: # use latin-1 so all chars mean something. error = myfile.read() else: error = "Output log can't be read, file is bigger than 1MB, see {} for actual error\n".format(out_file) ret, info = core_info(exe_file) error = error + info if error else info if settings.archive: error = error + '\n' + core_archive(settings.archive, test.target(), exe_file) # clean the executable rm(exe_file) return retcode, error, [comp_dur.duration, run_dur.duration if run_dur else None] # run a single test and handle the errors, outputs, printing, exception handling, etc. def run_test_worker(t) : try : # print formated name name_txt = '{0:{width}} '.format(t.target(), width=settings.output_width) retcode, error, duration = run_single_test(t) # update output based on current action result_txt = TestResult.toString( retcode, duration ) #print result with error if needed text = '\t' + name_txt + result_txt out = sys.stdout if error : text = text + '\n' + error return retcode == TestResult.SUCCESS, text except KeyboardInterrupt: return False, "" except Exception as ex: print("Unexpected error in worker thread running {}: {}".format(t.target(), ex), file=sys.stderr) sys.stderr.flush() return False, "" # run the given list of tests with the given parameters def run_tests(tests, jobs) : # clean the sandbox from previous commands make('clean', output_file=subprocess.DEVNULL, error=subprocess.DEVNULL) # since python prints stacks by default on a interrupt, redo the interrupt handling to be silent def worker_init(): def sig_int(signal_num, frame): pass signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sig_int) # create the executor for our jobs and handle the signal properly pool = multiprocessing.Pool(jobs, worker_init) failed = False def stop(x, y): print("Tests interrupted by user", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, stop) # for each test to run try : num = len(tests) fancy = sys.stdout.isatty() results = pool.imap_unordered( run_test_worker, tests, chunksize = 1 ) for i, (succ, txt) in enumerate(timed(results, timeout = settings.timeout.total), 1) : if not succ : failed = True print(" " + txt) if(fancy and i != num): print("%d/%d" % (i, num), end='\r') sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Tests interrupted by user", file=sys.stderr) pool.terminate() pool.join() failed = True except multiprocessing.TimeoutError: print("ERROR: Test suite timed out", file=sys.stderr) pool.terminate() pool.join() failed = True killgroup() # needed to cleanly kill all children # clean the workspace make('clean', output_file=subprocess.DEVNULL, error=subprocess.DEVNULL) return failed ################################################################################ # main loop ################################################################################ if __name__ == "__main__": # parse the command line arguments options = parse_args() # init global settings settings.init( options ) # users may want to simply list the tests if options.list_comp : # fetch the liest of all valid tests tests = list_tests( None, None ) # print the possible options print("-h --help --debug --dry-run --list --arch --all --regenerate-expected --archive-errors --install --timeout --global-timeout --timeout-with-gdb -j --jobs -I --include -E --exclude --continue ", end='') print(" ".join(map(lambda t: "%s" % (t.target()), tests))) elif options.list : # fetch the liest of all valid tests tests = list_tests( options.include, options.exclude ) # print the available tests fancy_print("\n".join(map(lambda t: t.toString(), tests))) else : # fetch the liest of all valid tests all_tests = list_tests( options.include, options.exclude ) # if user wants all tests than no other treatement of the test list is required if options.all or options.include : tests = all_tests #otherwise we need to validate that the test list that was entered is valid else : tests = valid_tests( options ) # make sure we have at least some test to run if not tests : print('ERROR: No valid test to run', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) # prep invariants settings.prep_output(tests) failed = 0 # check if the expected files aren't empty if not options.regenerate_expected: for t in tests: if is_empty(t.expect()): print('WARNING: test "{}" has empty .expect file'.format(t.target()), file=sys.stderr) # for each build configurations, run the test with Timed() as total_dur: for arch, debug, install in itertools.product(settings.all_arch, settings.all_debug, settings.all_install): settings.arch = arch settings.debug = debug settings.install = install # filter out the tests for a different architecture # tests are the same across debug/install local_tests = settings.arch.filter( tests ) options.jobs, forceJobs = job_count( options, local_tests ) settings.update_make_cmd(forceJobs, options.jobs) # check the build configuration works settings.validate() # print configuration print('%s %i tests on %i cores (%s:%s)' % ( 'Regenerating' if settings.generating else 'Running', len(local_tests), options.jobs, settings.arch.string, settings.debug.string )) # otherwise run all tests and make sure to return the correct error code failed = run_tests(local_tests, options.jobs) if failed: result = 1 if not settings.continue_: break print('Tests took %s' % fmtDur( total_dur.duration )) sys.exit( failed )