#pragma once extern "C" { #define NULL 0 #define assert(cond) if (! (cond)) { printf("Assertion failed: (%s) at %s:%d\n", #cond, __FILE__, __LINE__); abort(); } } // #include // #include forall(T) trait Comparable { int ??(T t1, T t2); // xxx - unbound type variable problems when trying to use new instead of create // forall( otype T, ttype Params | { void ?{}(T *, Params); } ) T * new( Params p ); // To-do: properly use height or balance factor // Right now I'm recomputing the height for each // node multiple times. It's Theta-log(n), but still.. // Balanced Binary Search Tree of void pointers; almost an AVL tree - // just needs to make use of the balance factor properly // Operations: // ?{}, ^?{} // create - allocate a new tree. Just a wrapper around malloc which also calls the tree constructor. // find - search through the tree for the given key; return the associated value // empty - return true if the tree is empty // insert - insert node with key and value pair. Returns 0 on success // remove - remove node with the given key, returns 0 on success, 1 on failure // copy - deep copy of a tree // for_each - applies the given function to every data element in the tree // assumes that a non-zero return value is an error, will return // the error code from func // temporary: need forward decl to get around typedef problem forall(K | Comparable(K), V) struct tree; forall(K | Comparable(K), V) struct tree { K key; V value; tree(K, V) * parent; tree(K, V) * left; tree(K, V) * right; int balance; }; forall(K | Comparable(K), V) void ?{}(tree(K, V) &t, K key, V value); forall(K | Comparable(K), V) void ^?{}(tree(K, V) & t); forall(K | Comparable(K), V) tree(K, V) * create(K key, V value); forall(K | Comparable(K), V) V * find(tree(K, V) * t, K key); forall(K | Comparable(K), V) int empty(tree(K, V) * t); // returns the root of the tree forall(K | Comparable(K), V) int insert(tree(K, V) ** t, K key, V value); forall(K | Comparable(K), V) int remove(tree(K, V) ** t, K key); forall(K | Comparable(K), V) void copy(tree(K, V) * src, tree(K, V) ** ret); forall(K | Comparable(K), V) void for_each(tree(K, V) * t, void (*func)(V)); // // Helper function to print trees // forall(otype K | Comparable(K), otype V) // void printTree(tree * t, int level){ // if (empty(t)){ // return; // } // printTree(t->left, level+1); // printf("key: %d, value: %s, level: %d\n", t->key, t->value, level); // printTree(t->right, level+1); // } // // inorder traversal of t // // prints each key, followed by the value // forall(otype K | Comparable(K), otype V) // void printTree(tree(K, V) * t){ // printTree(t, 0); // }