int main() { { // test multiple assignment and cascading assignment int u = 5, v = 6, x = 10, y = 11; [int, int] z = [100, 200]; // swap x, y and store the new [x, y] in [u, v] and in z; printf("u=%d v=%d x=%d y=%d z=[%d, %d]\n", u, v, x, y, z); z = [u, v] = [x, y] = [y, x]; printf("u=%d v=%d x=%d y=%d z=[%d, %d]\n", u, v, x, y, z); // shuffle elements -- v = z.0, z.0 = z.1, z.1 = u, u = v [v, z, u] = [z, u, v]; printf("u=%d v=%d z=[%d, %d]\n", u, v, z); // multiple assignment with tuple expression on right z = [111, 222]; [u, v] = [123, 456]; printf("u=%d v=%d z=[%d, %d]\n", u, v, z); } { // test mass assignment double d = 0.0; int i = 0; char c = '\0'; struct X { int z; } x; X ?=?(X * x, double d) {} [int, double, int] t; // no conversion from X to integral types, so this serves as a santiy // check that as long as this compiles, ?=?(_, x) is not generated. [t, x, d, i, c, x] = (double)-2153.12; printf("d=%lg i=%d c=%d t=[%d, %lg, %d]\n", d, i, (int)c, t); [x, c, i, d, x, t] = (double)-2153.12; printf("d=%lg i=%d c=%d t=[%d, %lg, %d]\n", d, i, (int)c, t); } }