//---------------------------------------------------------------- // When test // Ensures that when clauses on waitfor are respected //----------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static const unsigned long N = 4_998ul; static inline void rand_yield() { yield(((unsigned)rand48()) % 10); } monitor global_t { int last_call; bool done; }; void ?{} ( global_t & this ) { this.last_call = 6; this.done = false; } void ^?{} ( global_t & mutex this ) {} global_t global; bool call1( global_t & mutex this ) { this.last_call = 1; return this.done; } bool call2( global_t & mutex this ) { this.last_call = 2; return this.done; } bool call3( global_t & mutex this ) { this.last_call = 3; return this.done; } bool call4( global_t & mutex this ) { this.last_call = 4; return this.done; } bool call5( global_t & mutex this ) { this.last_call = 5; return this.done; } bool call6( global_t & mutex this ) { this.last_call = 6; return this.done; } thread caller_t{}; void main( caller_t & this ) { while( true ) { rand_yield(); if( call1( global ) ) return; rand_yield(); if( call2( global ) ) return; rand_yield(); if( call3( global ) ) return; rand_yield(); if( call4( global ) ) return; rand_yield(); if( call5( global ) ) return; rand_yield(); if( call6( global ) ) return; } } void arbiter( global_t & mutex this ) { for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ ) { when( this.last_call == 6 ) waitfor( call1, this ) { if( this.last_call != 1) { serr | "Expected last_call to be 1 got" | this.last_call | endl; } } or when( this.last_call == 1 ) waitfor( call2, this ) { if( this.last_call != 2) { serr | "Expected last_call to be 2 got" | this.last_call | endl; } } or when( this.last_call == 2 ) waitfor( call3, this ) { if( this.last_call != 3) { serr | "Expected last_call to be 3 got" | this.last_call | endl; } } or when( this.last_call == 3 ) waitfor( call4, this ) { if( this.last_call != 4) { serr | "Expected last_call to be 4 got" | this.last_call | endl; } } or when( this.last_call == 4 ) waitfor( call5, this ) { if( this.last_call != 5) { serr | "Expected last_call to be 5 got" | this.last_call | endl; } } or when( this.last_call == 5 ) waitfor( call6, this ) { if( this.last_call != 6) { serr | "Expected last_call to be 6 got" | this.last_call | endl; } } sout | this.last_call | endl; } this.done = true; } thread arbiter_t{}; void main( arbiter_t & this ) { arbiter( global ); } int main() { rand48seed( time(NULL) ); sout | "Starting" | endl; { arbiter_t arbiter; caller_t callers[7]; } sout | "Stopping" | endl; }