//---------------------------------------------------------------- // Recursion test // Ensures that proper ordering occurs between the nested waitfors //----------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static const unsigned long N = 5_000ul; static inline void rand_yield() { yield(((unsigned)rand48()) % 10); } enum state_t { FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, LAST, STOP }; void shuffle(enum state_t * array) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int j = ((unsigned)rand48()) % 4; enum state_t t = array[j]; array[j] = array[i]; array[i] = t; } } monitor global_t { int counter; volatile bool ready; state_t actions[4]; }; void ?{} ( global_t & this ) { this.counter = 0; this.ready = false; this.actions[0] = FIRST; this.actions[1] = SECOND; this.actions[2] = THIRD; this.actions[3] = LAST; shuffle( this.actions ); } void ^?{} ( global_t & mutex this ) {} global_t global; state_t call4( global_t & mutex this, int idx ) { sout | "Last"; rand_yield(); this.counter++; this.ready = false; shuffle( this.actions ); return this.counter < N ? (state_t)this.actions[idx] : (state_t)STOP; } state_t call3( global_t & mutex this, int idx ) { sout | "3rd"; rand_yield(); waitfor( call4, this ); rand_yield(); sout | "3rd"; return this.counter < N ? (state_t)this.actions[idx] : (state_t)STOP; } state_t call2( global_t & mutex this, int idx ) { sout | "2nd"; rand_yield(); waitfor( call3, this ); rand_yield(); sout | "2nd"; return this.counter < N ? (state_t)this.actions[idx] : (state_t)STOP; } state_t call1( global_t & mutex this, int idx ) { this.ready = true; sout | this.counter | "1st"; rand_yield(); waitfor( call2, this ); rand_yield(); sout | "1st" | endl; return this.counter < N ? (state_t)this.actions[idx] : (state_t)STOP; } thread waiter_t{ int idx; state_t state; }; void ^?{} ( waiter_t & mutex this ) {} void ?{} ( waiter_t & this ) {} void ?{}( waiter_t & this, int idx, state_t state ) { this.idx = idx; this.state = state; } void main( waiter_t & this ) { while( this.state != STOP ) { rand_yield(); switch( this.state ) { case FIRST : this.state = call1( global, this.idx ); break; case SECOND : while( !global.ready ) { yield(); } this.state = call2( global, this.idx ); break; case THIRD : while( !global.ready ) { yield(); } this.state = call3( global, this.idx ); break; case LAST : while( !global.ready ) { yield(); } this.state = call4( global, this.idx ); break; case STOP : serr | "This should not happen" | endl; } } } static waiter_t * volatile the_threads; int main() { rand48seed( time(NULL) ); sout | "Starting" | endl; { waiter_t waiters[4] = { { 0, FIRST }, { 1, SECOND }, { 2, THIRD }, { 3, LAST } }; the_threads = waiters; } sout | "Stopping" | endl; }