// // Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2015 University of Waterloo // // The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the // file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall. // // iostream.c -- // // Author : Peter A. Buhr // Created On : Wed May 27 17:56:53 2015 // Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr // Last Modified On : Wed Mar 2 16:20:57 2016 // Update Count : 207 // #include "iostream" extern "C" { #include #include // strlen #include // DBL_DIG, LDBL_DIG #include // creal, cimag #include // isspace, ispunct } forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype * ?|?( ostype *os, char c ) { prtfmt( os, "%c", c ); return os; } // ?|? forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype * ?|?( ostype *os, short int si ) { if ( sepPrt( os ) ) prtfmt( os, "%s", sepGet( os ) ); else sepOn( os ); prtfmt( os, "%hd", si ); return os; } // ?|? forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype * ?|?( ostype *os, unsigned short int usi ) { if ( sepPrt( os ) ) prtfmt( os, "%s", sepGet( os ) ); else sepOn( os ); prtfmt( os, "%hu", usi ); return os; } // ?|? forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype * ?|?( ostype *os, int i ) { if ( sepPrt( os ) ) prtfmt( os, "%s", sepGet( os ) ); else sepOn( os ); prtfmt( os, "%d", i ); return os; } // ?|? forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype * ?|?( ostype *os, unsigned int ui ) { if ( sepPrt( os ) ) prtfmt( os, "%s", sepGet( os ) ); else sepOn( os ); prtfmt( os, "%u", ui ); return os; } // ?|? forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype * ?|?( ostype *os, long int li ) { if ( sepPrt( os ) ) prtfmt( os, "%s", sepGet( os ) ); else sepOn( os ); prtfmt( os, "%ld", li ); return os; } // ?|? forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype * ?|?( ostype *os, unsigned long int uli ) { if ( sepPrt( os ) ) prtfmt( os, "%s", sepGet( os ) ); else sepOn( os ); prtfmt( os, "%lu", uli ); return os; } // ?|? forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype * ?|?( ostype *os, long long int lli ) { if ( sepPrt( os ) ) prtfmt( os, "%s", sepGet( os ) ); else sepOn( os ); prtfmt( os, "%lld", lli ); return os; } // ?|? forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype * ?|?( ostype *os, unsigned long long int ulli ) { if ( sepPrt( os ) ) prtfmt( os, "%s", sepGet( os ) ); else sepOn( os ); prtfmt( os, "%llu", ulli ); return os; } // ?|? forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype * ?|?( ostype *os, float f ) { if ( sepPrt( os ) ) prtfmt( os, "%s", sepGet( os ) ); else sepOn( os ); prtfmt( os, "%g", f ); return os; } // ?|? forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype * ?|?( ostype *os, double d ) { if ( sepPrt( os ) ) prtfmt( os, "%s", sepGet( os ) ); else sepOn( os ); prtfmt( os, "%.*lg", DBL_DIG, d ); return os; } // ?|? forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype * ?|?( ostype *os, long double ld ) { if ( sepPrt( os ) ) prtfmt( os, "%s", sepGet( os ) ); else sepOn( os ); prtfmt( os, "%.*Lg", LDBL_DIG, ld ); return os; } // ?|? forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype * ?|?( ostype *os, float _Complex fc ) { os | crealf( fc ); if ( cimagf( fc ) >= 0 ) os | '+'; os | "" | cimagf( fc ) | 'i'; return os; } // ?|? forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype * ?|?( ostype *os, double _Complex dc ) { os | creal( dc ); if ( cimag( dc ) >= 0 ) os | '+'; os | "" | cimag( dc ) | 'i'; return os; } // ?|? forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype * ?|?( ostype *os, long double _Complex ldc ) { os | creall( ldc ); if ( cimagl( ldc ) >= 0 ) os | '+'; os | "" | cimagl( ldc ) | 'i'; return os; } // ?|? forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype * ?|?( ostype *os, const char *cp ) { int len = strlen( cp ); // null string => no separator if ( len == 0 ) { sepOff( os ); return os; } // first character NOT spacing or special punctuation => add left separator if ( sepPrt( os ) && isspace( cp[0] ) == 0 && cp[0] != '.' && cp[0] != ',' ) { prtfmt( os, "%s", sepGet( os ) ); } // if // last character is spacing or special punctuation => turn off separator for next item unsigned int posn = len - 1; if ( isspace( cp[posn] ) || cp[posn] == ':' || cp[posn] == '$' ) { sepOff( os ); } else { sepOn( os ); } // if return write( os, cp, len ); } // ?|? forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype * ?|?( ostype *os, const void *p ) { if ( sepPrt( os ) ) prtfmt( os, "%s", sepGet( os ) ); else sepOn( os ); prtfmt( os, "%p", p ); return os; } // ?|? forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype * ?|?( ostype *os, ostype * (* manip)( ostype * ) ) { return manip( os ); } // ?|? forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype * endl( ostype * os ) { os | '\n'; flush( os ); sepOff( os ); return os; } // endl forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype * sepOn( ostype * os ) { sepOn( os ); return os; } // sepOn forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype * sepOff( ostype * os ) { sepOff( os ); return os; } // sepOff //--------------------------------------- forall( type elttype | writeable( elttype ), type iteratortype | iterator( iteratortype, elttype ), dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) void write( iteratortype begin, iteratortype end, ostype *os ) { void print( elttype i ) { os | i; } for_each( begin, end, print ); } // ?|? forall( type elttype | writeable( elttype ), type iteratortype | iterator( iteratortype, elttype ), dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) void write_reverse( iteratortype begin, iteratortype end, ostype *os ) { void print( elttype i ) { os | i; } for_each_reverse( begin, end, print ); } // ?|? //--------------------------------------- forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype * ?|?( istype * is, char * c ) { scanfmt( is, "%c", c ); return is; } // ?|? forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype * ?|?( istype * is, short int * si ) { scanfmt( is, "%hd", si ); return is; } // ?|? forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype * ?|?( istype * is, unsigned short int * usi ) { scanfmt( is, "%hu", usi ); return is; } // ?|? forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype * ?|?( istype * is, int * i ) { scanfmt( is, "%d", i ); return is; } // ?|? forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype * ?|?( istype * is, unsigned int * ui ) { scanfmt( is, "%u", ui ); return is; } // ?|? forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype * ?|?( istype * is, long int * li ) { scanfmt( is, "%ld", li ); return is; } // ?|? forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype * ?|?( istype * is, unsigned long int * ulli ) { scanfmt( is, "%lu", ulli ); return is; } // ?|? forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype * ?|?( istype * is, long long int * lli ) { scanfmt( is, "%lld", lli ); return is; } // ?|? forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype * ?|?( istype * is, unsigned long long int * ulli ) { scanfmt( is, "%llu", ulli ); return is; } // ?|? forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype * ?|?( istype * is, float * f ) { scanfmt( is, "%f", f ); return is; } // ?|? forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype * ?|?( istype * is, double * d ) { scanfmt( is, "%lf", d ); return is; } // ?|? forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype * ?|?( istype * is, long double * ld ) { scanfmt( is, "%Lf", ld ); return is; } // ?|? forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype * ?|?( istype * is, float _Complex * fc ) { float re, im; scanfmt( is, "%g%gi", &re, &im ); *fc = re + im * _Complex_I; return is; } // ?|? forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype * ?|?( istype * is, double _Complex * dc ) { double re, im; scanfmt( is, "%lf%lfi", &re, &im ); *dc = re + im * _Complex_I; return is; } // ?|? forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype * ?|?( istype * is, long double _Complex * ldc ) { long double re, im; scanfmt( is, "%Lf%Lfi", &re, &im ); *ldc = re + im * _Complex_I; return is; } // ?|? _Istream_str1 str( char * s ) { _Istream_str1 s = { s }; return s; } forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype * ?|?( istype * is, _Istream_str1 str ) { scanfmt( is, "%s", str.s ); return is; } // str _Istream_str2 str( char * s, int size ) { _Istream_str2 s = { s, size }; return s; } forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype * ?|?( istype * is, _Istream_str2 str ) { char buf[16]; sprintf( buf, "%%%ds", str.size ); scanfmt( is, buf, str.s ); return is; } // str // Local Variables: // // tab-width: 4 // // compile-command: "cfa iostream.c" // // End: //