// // Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2015 University of Waterloo // // The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the // file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall. // // cfa.cc -- // // Author : Peter A. Buhr // Created On : Tue Aug 20 13:44:49 2002 // Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr // Last Modified On : Tue Oct 31 11:40:44 2017 // Update Count : 160 // #include #include // perror #include // putenv, exit #include // execvp #include // STL version #include "config.h" // configure info using std::cerr; using std::endl; using std::string; using std::to_string; //#define __DEBUG_H__ bool prefix( string arg, string pre ) { return arg.substr( 0, pre.size() ) == pre; } // prefix void shuffle( const char *args[], int S, int E, int N ) { // S & E index 1 passed the end so adjust with -1 #ifdef __DEBUG_H__ cerr << "shuffle:" << S << " " << E << " " << N << endl; #endif // __DEBUG_H__ for ( int j = E-1 + N; j > S-1 + N; j -=1 ) { #ifdef __DEBUG_H__ cerr << "\t" << j << " " << j-N << endl; #endif // __DEBUG_H__ args[j] = args[j-N]; } // for } // shuffle #define str(s) #s int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { string Version( CFA_VERSION_LONG ); // current version number from CONFIG string Major( str( CFA_VERSION_MAJOR ) ), Minor( str( CFA_VERSION_MINOR ) ), Patch( str( CFA_VERSION_PATCH ) ); string installincdir( CFA_INCDIR ); // fixed location of include files string installlibdir( CFA_LIBDIR ); // fixed location of cc1 and cfa-cpp commands string heading; // banner printed at start of cfa compilation string arg; // current command-line argument during command-line parsing string Bprefix; // path where gcc looks for compiler command steps string langstd; // language standard string compiler_path( CFA_BACKEND_CC ); // path/name of C compiler string compiler_name; // name of C compiler bool nonoptarg = false; // indicates non-option argument specified bool link = true; // linking as well as compiling bool verbose = false; // -v flag bool quiet = false; // -quiet flag bool debug = true; // -debug flag bool help = false; // -help flag bool CFA_flag = false; // -CFA flag bool cpp_flag = false; // -E or -M flag, preprocessor only bool std_flag = false; // -std= flag bool noincstd_flag = false; // -no-include-stdhdr= flag bool debugging __attribute(( unused )) = false; // -g flag const char *args[argc + 100]; // cfa command line values, plus some space for additional flags int sargs = 1; // starting location for arguments in args list int nargs = sargs; // number of arguments in args list; 0 => command name const char *libs[argc + 20]; // non-user libraries must come separately, plus some added libraries and flags int nlibs = 0; #ifdef __DEBUG_H__ cerr << "CFA:" << endl; #endif // __DEBUG_H__ // process command-line arguments for ( int i = 1; i < argc; i += 1 ) { #ifdef __DEBUG_H__ cerr << "argv[" << i << "]:\"" << argv[i] << "\"" << endl; #endif // __DEBUG_H__ arg = argv[i]; // convert to string value #ifdef __DEBUG_H__ cerr << "arg:\"" << arg << "\"" << endl; #endif // __DEBUG_H__ if ( prefix( arg, "-" ) ) { // pass through arguments if ( arg == "-Xlinker" || arg == "-o" ) { args[nargs] = argv[i]; // pass the argument along nargs += 1; i += 1; if ( i == argc ) continue; // next argument available ? args[nargs] = argv[i]; // pass the argument along nargs += 1; } else if ( arg == "-XCFA" ) { // CFA pass through i += 1; args[nargs] = ( *new string( string("-D__CFA_FLAG__=") + argv[i] ) ).c_str(); nargs += 1; // CFA specific arguments } else if ( arg == "-CFA" ) { CFA_flag = true; // strip the -CFA flag link = false; args[nargs] = "-E"; // replace the argument with -E nargs += 1; } else if ( arg == "-debug" ) { debug = true; // strip the debug flag } else if ( arg == "-nodebug" ) { debug = false; // strip the nodebug flag } else if ( arg == "-quiet" ) { quiet = true; // strip the quiet flag } else if ( arg == "-noquiet" ) { quiet = false; // strip the noquiet flag } else if ( arg == "-help" ) { help = true; // strip the help flag } else if ( arg == "-nohelp" ) { help = false; // strip the nohelp flag } else if ( arg == "-no-include-stdhdr" ) { noincstd_flag = true; // strip the no-include-stdhdr flag } else if ( arg == "-compiler" ) { // use the user specified compiler i += 1; if ( i == argc ) continue; // next argument available ? compiler_path = argv[i]; if ( putenv( (char *)( *new string( string( "__U_COMPILER__=" ) + argv[i]) ).c_str() ) != 0 ) { cerr << argv[0] << " error, cannot set environment variable." << endl; exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } // if // C specific arguments } else if ( arg == "-v" ) { verbose = true; // verbosity required args[nargs] = argv[i]; // pass the argument along nargs += 1; } else if ( arg == "-g" ) { debugging = true; // symbolic debugging required args[nargs] = argv[i]; // pass the argument along nargs += 1; } else if ( prefix( arg, "-std=" ) ) { std_flag = true; // -std=XX provided args[nargs] = argv[i]; // pass the argument along nargs += 1; } else if ( prefix( arg, "-B" ) ) { Bprefix = arg.substr(2); // strip the -B flag args[nargs] = ( *new string( string("-D__GCC_BPREFIX__=") + Bprefix ) ).c_str(); nargs += 1; } else if ( prefix( arg, "-b" ) ) { if ( arg.length() == 2 ) { // separate argument ? i += 1; if ( i == argc ) continue; // next argument available ? arg += argv[i]; // concatenate argument } // if // later versions of gcc require the -b option to appear at the start of the command line shuffle( args, sargs, nargs, 1 ); // make room at front of argument list args[sargs] = ( *new string( arg ) ).c_str(); // pass the argument along if ( putenv( (char *)( *new string( string( "__GCC_MACHINE__=" ) + arg ) ).c_str() ) != 0 ) { cerr << argv[0] << " error, cannot set environment variable." << endl; exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } // if sargs += 1; nargs += 1; } else if ( prefix( arg, "-V" ) ) { if ( arg.length() == 2 ) { // separate argument ? i += 1; if ( i == argc ) continue; // next argument available ? arg += argv[i]; // concatenate argument } // if // later versions of gcc require the -V option to appear at the start of the command line shuffle( args, sargs, nargs, 1 ); // make room at front of argument list args[sargs] = ( *new string( arg ) ).c_str(); // pass the argument along if ( putenv( (char *)( *new string( string( "__GCC_VERSION__=" ) + arg ) ).c_str() ) != 0 ) { cerr << argv[0] << " error, cannot set environment variable." << endl; exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } // if sargs += 1; nargs += 1; } else if ( arg == "-c" || arg == "-S" || arg == "-E" || arg == "-M" || arg == "-MM" ) { args[nargs] = argv[i]; // pass the argument along nargs += 1; if ( arg == "-E" || arg == "-M" || arg == "-MM" ) { cpp_flag = true; // cpp only } // if link = false; // no linkage required } else if ( arg[1] == 'l' ) { // if the user specifies a library, load it after user code libs[nlibs] = argv[i]; nlibs += 1; } else { // concatenate any other arguments args[nargs] = argv[i]; nargs += 1; } // if } else { // concatenate other arguments args[nargs] = argv[i]; nargs += 1; nonoptarg = true; } // if } // for #ifdef __DEBUG_H__ cerr << "args:"; for ( int i = 1; i < nargs; i += 1 ) { cerr << " " << args[i]; } // for cerr << endl; #endif // __DEBUG_H__ if ( cpp_flag && CFA_flag ) { cerr << argv[0] << " error, cannot use -E and -CFA flags together." << endl; exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } // if // add the CFA include-library paths, which allow direct access to header files without directory qualification args[nargs] = "-I" CFA_INCDIR; nargs += 1; if ( ! noincstd_flag ) { // do not use during build args[nargs] = "-I" CFA_INCDIR "/stdhdr"; nargs += 1; } // if args[nargs] = "-I" CFA_INCDIR "/concurrency"; nargs += 1; args[nargs] = "-I" CFA_INCDIR "/containers"; nargs += 1; #ifdef HAVE_LIBCFA if ( link ) { #if ! defined(HAVE_LIBCFA_RELEASE) if( !debug ) { cerr << "error: Option -nodebug is not available, libcfa was not installed." << endl; exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } #endif #if ! defined(HAVE_LIBCFA_DEBUG) if( debug ) { cerr << "error: Option -debug is not available, libcfa-d was not installed." << endl; exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } #endif // include the cfa library in case it's needed args[nargs] = "-L" CFA_LIBDIR; nargs += 1; if( debug ) { args[nargs] = "-lcfa-d"; } else { args[nargs] = "-lcfa"; } nargs += 1; args[nargs] = "-lpthread"; nargs += 1; args[nargs] = "-ldl"; nargs += 1; args[nargs] = "-lrt"; nargs += 1; args[nargs] = "-Xlinker"; nargs += 1; args[nargs] = "--undefined=__cfaabi_dbg_bits_write"; nargs += 1; args[nargs] = "-Xlinker"; nargs += 1; args[nargs] = "--undefined=__cfaabi_interpose_startup"; nargs += 1; } // if #endif //HAVE_LIBCFA // Add exception flags (unconditionally) args[nargs] = "-fexceptions"; nargs += 1; // add the correct set of flags based on the type of compile this is args[nargs] = ( *new string( string("-D__CFA_MAJOR__=") + Major ) ).c_str(); nargs += 1; args[nargs] = ( *new string( string("-D__CFA_MINOR__=") + Minor ) ).c_str(); nargs += 1; args[nargs] = ( *new string( string("-D__CFA_PATCH__=") + Patch ) ).c_str(); nargs += 1; args[nargs] = "-D__CFA__"; nargs += 1; args[nargs] = "-D__CFORALL__"; nargs += 1; args[nargs] = "-D__cforall"; nargs += 1; if ( cpp_flag ) { args[nargs] = "-D__CPP__"; nargs += 1; } // if shuffle( args, sargs, nargs, 1 ); // make room at front of argument list nargs += 1; if ( CFA_flag ) { args[sargs] = "-D__CFA_FLAG__=-N"; args[nargs] = "-D__CFA_PREPROCESS_"; nargs += 1; } else { args[sargs] = "-D__CFA_FLAG__=-L"; } // if sargs += 1; if ( debug ) { heading += " (debug)"; args[nargs] = "-D__CFA_DEBUG__"; nargs += 1; } else { heading += " (no debug)"; } // if if ( Bprefix.length() == 0 ) { Bprefix = installlibdir; args[nargs] = ( *new string( string("-D__GCC_BPREFIX__=") + Bprefix ) ).c_str(); nargs += 1; } // if // execute the compilation command args[0] = compiler_path.c_str(); // set compiler command for exec // find actual name of the compiler independent of the path to it int p = compiler_path.find_last_of( '/' ); // scan r -> l for first '/' if ( p == -1 ) { compiler_name = compiler_path; } else { compiler_name = *new string( compiler_path.substr( p + 1 ) ); } // if if ( prefix( compiler_name, "gcc" ) ) { // allow suffix on gcc name args[nargs] = "-no-integrated-cpp"; nargs += 1; args[nargs] = "-Wno-deprecated"; nargs += 1; if ( ! std_flag ) { // default c99, if none specified args[nargs] = "-std=gnu99"; nargs += 1; } // if args[nargs] = "-fgnu89-inline"; nargs += 1; args[nargs] = "-D__int8_t_defined"; // prevent gcc type-size attributes nargs += 1; args[nargs] = ( *new string( string("-B") + Bprefix + "/" ) ).c_str(); nargs += 1; args[nargs] = "-lm"; nargs += 1; } else { cerr << argv[0] << " error, compiler \"" << compiler_name << "\" unsupported." << endl; exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } // if for ( int i = 0; i < nlibs; i += 1 ) { // copy non-user libraries after all user libraries args[nargs] = libs[i]; nargs += 1; } // for args[nargs] = NULL; // terminate with NULL #ifdef __DEBUG_H__ cerr << "nargs: " << nargs << endl; cerr << "args:" << endl; for ( int i = 0; args[i] != NULL; i += 1 ) { cerr << " \"" << args[i] << "\"" << endl; } // for #endif // __DEBUG_H__ if ( ! quiet ) { cerr << "CFA " << "Version " << Version << heading << endl; if ( help ) { cerr << "-debug\t\t\t: use cfa runtime with debug checking" << endl << "-help\t\t\t: print this help message" << endl << "-quiet\t\t\t: print no messages from the cfa command" << endl << "-CFA\t\t\t: run the cpp preprocessor and the cfa-cpp translator" << endl << "-XCFA -cfa-cpp-flag\t: pass next flag as-is to the cfa-cpp translator" << endl << "...\t\t\t: any other " << compiler_name << " flags" << endl; } // if } // if if ( verbose ) { if ( argc == 2 ) exit( EXIT_SUCCESS ); // if only the -v flag is specified, do not invoke gcc for ( int i = 0; args[i] != NULL; i += 1 ) { cerr << args[i] << " "; } // for cerr << endl; } // if if ( ! nonoptarg ) { cerr << argv[0] << " error, no input files" << endl; exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } // if // execute the command and return the result execvp( args[0], (char *const *)args ); // should not return perror( "CFA Translator error: cfa level, execvp" ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } // main // Local Variables: // // tab-width: 4 // // mode: c++ // // compile-command: "make install" // // End: //