// // Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2015 University of Waterloo // // The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the // file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall. // // VirtualDtor.cpp -- generate code needed by the actor system // // Author : Colby Parsons // Created On : Tues Mar 14 15:16:42 2023 // Last Modified By : Colby Parsons // Last Modified On : Tues Mar 14 15:16:42 2023 // Update Count : 0 // #include "AST/Print.hpp" #include "AST/Decl.hpp" #include "AST/Pass.hpp" #include "AST/Type.hpp" #include "AST/Stmt.hpp" #include "AST/TranslationUnit.hpp" #include "AST/Expr.hpp" #include using namespace ast; using namespace std; namespace Virtual { struct CtorDtor { FunctionDecl * dtorSetup; // dtor init routine to add after last dtor for a struct FunctionDecl * deleteFn; FunctionDecl * lastDtor; // pointer to last occurence of dtor to know where to insert after CtorDtor() : dtorSetup(nullptr), deleteFn(nullptr), lastDtor(nullptr) {} }; class CtorDtorTable { unordered_map & structMap; public: // if dtor is last dtor for this decl return the routine to add afterwards // otherwise return nullptr FunctionDecl * getToAddLater( const StructDecl * decl, FunctionDecl * dtor, FunctionDecl ** retDeleteFn ) { auto iter = structMap.find( decl ); if ( iter == structMap.end() || iter->second.lastDtor != dtor ) return nullptr; // check if this is needed *retDeleteFn = iter->second.deleteFn; return iter->second.dtorSetup; } // return if the dtorSetup field has been defined for this decl bool inTable( const StructDecl * decl ) { auto iter = structMap.find( decl ); return iter->second.dtorSetup != nullptr; } void addLater( const StructDecl * decl, FunctionDecl * dtorSetup, FunctionDecl * deleteFn ) { auto iter = structMap.find( decl ); iter->second.dtorSetup = dtorSetup; iter->second.deleteFn = deleteFn; } void addDtor( const StructDecl * decl, FunctionDecl * dtor ) { auto iter = structMap.find( decl ); iter->second.lastDtor = dtor; } CtorDtorTable( unordered_map & structMap ) : structMap(structMap) {} }; struct CollectStructDecls : public ast::WithGuards { unordered_map & structDecls; StructDecl * parentDecl; bool insideStruct = false; bool namedDecl = false; const StructDecl ** virtualDtor; // finds and sets a ptr to the actor, message, and request structs, which are needed in the next pass void previsit( const StructDecl * decl ) { if ( !decl->body ) return; if( decl->name == "virtual_dtor" ) { structDecls.emplace( make_pair( decl, CtorDtor() ) ); *virtualDtor = decl; } else { GuardValue(insideStruct); insideStruct = true; parentDecl = mutate( decl ); } } // this catches structs of the form: // struct derived_type { virtual_dtor a; }; // since they should be: // struct derived_type { inline virtual_dtor; }; void previsit ( const ObjectDecl * decl ) { if ( insideStruct && ! decl->name.empty() ) { GuardValue(namedDecl); namedDecl = true; } } // this collects the derived actor and message struct decl ptrs void postvisit( const StructInstType * node ) { if ( ! *virtualDtor ) return; if ( insideStruct && !namedDecl ) { auto structIter = structDecls.find( node->aggr() ); if ( structIter != structDecls.end() ) structDecls.emplace( make_pair( parentDecl, CtorDtor() ) ); } } public: CollectStructDecls( unordered_map & structDecls, const StructDecl ** virtualDtor ): structDecls( structDecls ), virtualDtor(virtualDtor) {} }; // generates the forward decl of virtual dtor setting routine and delete routine // generates the call to the virtual dtor routine in each appropriate ctor // collects data needed for next pass that does the circular defn resolution // for dtor setters and delete fns (via table above) struct GenFuncsCreateTables : public ast::WithDeclsToAdd<> { unordered_map & structDecls; CtorDtorTable & torDecls; const StructDecl ** virtualDtor; // collects the dtor info for actors/messages // gens the dtor fwd decl and dtor call in ctor void previsit( const FunctionDecl * decl ) { if ( (decl->name != "?{}" && decl->name != "^?{}") || decl->params.size() == 0 || !decl->stmts || (decl->name == "^?{}" && decl->params.size() != 1)) return; // the first param should be a reference const ReferenceType * ref = dynamic_cast(decl->params.at(0)->get_type()); if ( !ref ) return; // the reference should be to a struct instance const StructInstType * instType = dynamic_cast(ref->base.get()); if ( !instType ) return; // return if not ctor/dtor for an actor or message auto structIter = structDecls.find( instType->aggr() ); if ( structIter == structDecls.end() ) return; // If first param not named we need to name it to use it if ( decl->params.at(0)->name == "" ) mutate( decl->params.at(0).get() )->name = "__CFA_Virt_Dtor_param"; if ( decl->name == "^?{}") { torDecls.addDtor( structIter->first, mutate( decl ) ); CompoundStmt * dtorBody = mutate( decl->stmts.get() ); // Adds the following to the start of any actor/message dtor: // __CFA_dtor_shutdown( this ); dtorBody->push_front( new IfStmt( decl->location, new UntypedExpr ( decl->location, new NameExpr( decl->location, "__CFA_dtor_shutdown" ), { new NameExpr( decl->location, decl->params.at(0)->name ) } ), new ReturnStmt( decl->location, nullptr ) ) ); return; } // not dtor by this point so must be ctor CompoundStmt * ctorBody = mutate( decl->stmts.get() ); // Adds the following to the end of any actor/message ctor: // __CFA_set_dtor( this ); ctorBody->push_back( new ExprStmt( decl->location, new UntypedExpr ( decl->location, new NameExpr( decl->location, "__CFA_set_dtor" ), { new NameExpr( decl->location, decl->params.at(0)->name ) } ) )); if ( torDecls.inTable( structIter->first ) ) return; // Generates the following: // void __CFA_set_dtor( Derived_type & this ){ // void (*__my_dtor)( Derived_type & ) = ^?{}; // this.__virtual_dtor = (void (*)( Base_type & ))__my_dtor; // this.__virtual_obj_start = (void *)(&this); // } CompoundStmt * setDtorBody = new CompoundStmt( decl->location ); // Function type is: (void (*)(Derived_type &)) FunctionType * derivedDtor = new FunctionType(); derivedDtor->params.push_back( ast::deepCopy( ref ) ); // Generates: // void (*__my_dtor)( Derived_type & ) = ^?{}; setDtorBody->push_back( new DeclStmt( decl->location, new ObjectDecl( decl->location, "__my_dtor", new PointerType( derivedDtor ), new SingleInit( decl->location, new NameExpr( decl->location, "^?{}" ) ) ) )); // Function type is: (void (*)( Base_type & )) FunctionType * baseDtor = new FunctionType(); baseDtor->params.push_back( new ReferenceType( new StructInstType( *virtualDtor ) ) ); // Generates: // __CFA_set_virt_dtor( this, (void (*)( Base_type & ))__my_dtor ) setDtorBody->push_back( new ExprStmt( decl->location, new UntypedExpr ( decl->location, new NameExpr( decl->location, "__CFA_set_virt_dtor" ), { new NameExpr( decl->location, "this" ), new CastExpr( decl->location, new NameExpr( decl->location, "__my_dtor" ), new PointerType( baseDtor ), ExplicitCast ) } ) )); // Generates: // __CFA_set_virt_start( (void *)(&this) ); setDtorBody->push_back( new ExprStmt( decl->location, new UntypedExpr ( decl->location, new NameExpr( decl->location, "__CFA_set_virt_start" ), { new NameExpr( decl->location, "this" ), new CastExpr( decl->location, new AddressExpr( decl->location, new NameExpr( decl->location, "this" )), new PointerType( new ast::VoidType() ), ExplicitCast ) } ) )); // put it all together into the complete function decl from above FunctionDecl * setDtorFunction = new FunctionDecl( decl->location, "__CFA_set_dtor", { new ObjectDecl( decl->location, "this", ast::deepCopy( ref ) ), }, // params {}, nullptr, // body { Storage::Static }, // storage Linkage::Cforall, // linkage {}, // attributes { Function::Inline } ); declsToAddBefore.push_back( ast::deepCopy( setDtorFunction ) ); setDtorFunction->stmts = setDtorBody; // The following generates the following specialized delete routine: // static inline void delete( derived_type * ptr ) { // if ( ptr ) // ^(*ptr){}; // __CFA_virt_free( *ptr ); // } CompoundStmt * deleteFnBody = new CompoundStmt( decl->location ); // Generates: // if ( ptr ) // ^(*ptr){}; deleteFnBody->push_back( new IfStmt( decl->location, UntypedExpr::createCall( decl->location, "?!=?", { new NameExpr( decl->location, "ptr" ), ConstantExpr::null( decl->location, new PointerType( ast::deepCopy( instType ) ) ) } ), new ExprStmt( decl->location, UntypedExpr::createCall( decl->location, "^?{}", { UntypedExpr::createDeref( decl->location, new NameExpr( decl->location, "ptr" )) } ) ) ) ); // Generates: // __CFA_virt_free( *ptr ); deleteFnBody->push_back( new ExprStmt( decl->location, UntypedExpr::createCall( decl->location, "__CFA_virt_free", { UntypedExpr::createDeref( decl->location, new NameExpr( decl->location, "ptr" )) } ) ) ); FunctionDecl * deleteFn = new FunctionDecl( decl->location, "delete", { new ObjectDecl( decl->location, "ptr", new PointerType( ast::deepCopy( instType ) ) ), }, // params {}, nullptr, // body { Storage::Static }, // storage Linkage::Cforall, // linkage {}, // attributes { Function::Inline } ); declsToAddBefore.push_back( ast::deepCopy( deleteFn ) ); deleteFn->stmts = deleteFnBody; torDecls.addLater( structIter->first, setDtorFunction, deleteFn ); } public: GenFuncsCreateTables( unordered_map & structDecls, CtorDtorTable & torDecls, const StructDecl ** virtualDtor ): structDecls(structDecls), torDecls(torDecls), virtualDtor(virtualDtor) {} }; // generates the trailing definitions of dtor setting routines for virtual dtors on messages and actors // generates the function defns of __CFA_set_dtor // separate pass is needed since __CFA_set_dtor needs to be defined after // the last dtor defn which is found in prior pass struct GenSetDtor : public ast::WithDeclsToAdd<> { unordered_map & structDecls; // set of decls that inherit from virt dtor CtorDtorTable & torDecls; // handles adding the declaration of the dtor init routine after the last dtor detected void postvisit( const FunctionDecl * decl ) { if ( decl->name != "^?{}" || !decl->stmts || decl->params.size() != 1 ) return; // the one param should be a reference const ReferenceType * ref = dynamic_cast(decl->params.at(0)->get_type()); if ( !ref ) return; // the reference should be to a struct instance const StructInstType * instType = dynamic_cast(ref->base.get()); if ( !instType ) return; FunctionDecl * deleteRtn; // returns nullptr if not in table FunctionDecl * maybeAdd = torDecls.getToAddLater( instType->aggr(), mutate( decl ), &deleteRtn ); if ( maybeAdd ) { declsToAddAfter.push_back( maybeAdd ); declsToAddAfter.push_back( deleteRtn ); } } public: GenSetDtor( unordered_map & structDecls, CtorDtorTable & torDecls ): structDecls(structDecls), torDecls(torDecls) {} }; void implementVirtDtors( TranslationUnit & translationUnit ) { // unordered_map to collect all derived types and associated data unordered_map structDecls; CtorDtorTable torDecls( structDecls ); const StructDecl * virtualDtorPtr = nullptr; const StructDecl ** virtualDtor = &virtualDtorPtr; // first pass collects all structs that inherit from virtual_dtor Pass::run( translationUnit, structDecls, virtualDtor ); // second pass locates all dtor/ctor routines that need modifying or need fns inserted before/after Pass::run( translationUnit, structDecls, torDecls, virtualDtor ); // The third pass adds the forward decls needed to resolve circular defn problems Pass::run( translationUnit, structDecls, torDecls ); } } // namespace Virtual // Local Variables: // // tab-width: 4 // // mode: c++ // // compile-command: "make install" // // End: //