// // Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2018 University of Waterloo // // The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the // file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall. // // LinkReferenceToTypes.cpp -- Connect instance types to declarations. // // Author : Andrew Beach // Created On : Thr Apr 21 11:41:00 2022 // Last Modified By : Andrew Beach // Last Modified On : Fri Jul 14 9:19:00 2023 // Update Count : 3 // #include "Validate/LinkReferenceToTypes.hpp" #include "AST/Pass.hpp" #include "AST/TranslationUnit.hpp" #include "Validate/ForallPointerDecay.hpp" #include "Validate/NoIdSymbolTable.hpp" namespace Validate { namespace { struct LinkTypesCore : public WithNoIdSymbolTable, public ast::WithCodeLocation, public ast::WithDeclsToAdd<>, public ast::WithGuards, public ast::WithShortCircuiting, public ast::WithVisitorRef { ast::TypeInstType const * postvisit( ast::TypeInstType const * type ); ast::EnumInstType const * postvisit( ast::EnumInstType const * type ); ast::StructInstType const * postvisit( ast::StructInstType const * type ); ast::UnionInstType const * postvisit( ast::UnionInstType const * type ); ast::TraitInstType const * postvisit( ast::TraitInstType const * type ); void previsit( ast::QualifiedType const * type ); void postvisit( ast::QualifiedType const * type ); ast::EnumDecl const * postvisit( ast::EnumDecl const * decl ); ast::StructDecl const * previsit( ast::StructDecl const * decl ); void postvisit( ast::StructDecl const * decl ); ast::UnionDecl const * previsit( ast::UnionDecl const * decl ); void postvisit( ast::UnionDecl const * decl ); ast::TraitDecl const * postvisit( ast::TraitDecl const * decl ); private: using ForwardStructsType = std::map< std::string, std::list< ast::StructInstType * > >; using ForwardUnionsType = std::map< std::string, std::list< ast::UnionInstType * > >; using ForwardEnumsType = std::map< std::string, std::list< ast::EnumInstType * > >; ForwardStructsType forwardStructs; ForwardUnionsType forwardUnions; ForwardEnumsType forwardEnums; /// true if currently in a generic type body, /// so that type parameter instances can be renamed appropriately bool inGeneric = false; template AggrDecl const * renameGenericParams( AggrDecl const * decl ); // This cluster is used to add declarations (before) but outside of // any "namespaces" which would qualify the names. bool inNamespace = false; std::list> declsToAddOutside; /// The "leaveNamespace" is handled by guard. void enterNamespace(); /// Puts the decl on the back of declsToAddAfter once traversal is /// outside of any namespaces. void addDeclAfterOutside( ast::Decl const * ); }; void LinkTypesCore::enterNamespace() { if ( inNamespace ) return; inNamespace = true; GuardAction( [this](){ inNamespace = false; declsToAddAfter.splice( declsToAddAfter.begin(), declsToAddOutside ); } ); } void LinkTypesCore::addDeclAfterOutside( ast::Decl const * decl ) { if ( inNamespace ) { declsToAddOutside.emplace_back( decl ); } else { declsToAddAfter.emplace_back( decl ); } } ast::TypeInstType const * LinkTypesCore::postvisit( ast::TypeInstType const * type ) { auto mut = ast::mutate( type ); if ( inGeneric && mut->base ) { mut->name = mut->base->name; } if ( auto namedTypeDecl = symtab.lookupType( mut->name ) ) { if ( auto typeDecl = dynamic_cast( namedTypeDecl ) ) { mut->kind = typeDecl->kind; } } return mut; } ast::EnumInstType const * LinkTypesCore::postvisit( ast::EnumInstType const * type ) { ast::EnumDecl const * decl = symtab.lookupEnum( type->name ); // It's not a semantic error if the enum is not found, just an implicit forward declaration. // The unset code location is used to detect imaginary declarations. // (They may never be used for enumerations.) if ( !decl || decl->location.isUnset() ) { assert( location ); ast::EnumDecl * mut = new ast::EnumDecl( *location, type->name ); mut->linkage = ast::Linkage::Compiler; decl = mut; symtab.addEnum( decl ); addDeclAfterOutside( decl ); } ast::EnumInstType * mut = ast::mutate( type ); // Just linking in the node. mut->base = decl; if ( !decl->body ) { forwardEnums[ mut->name ].push_back( mut ); } return mut; } ast::StructInstType const * LinkTypesCore::postvisit( ast::StructInstType const * type ) { ast::StructDecl const * decl = symtab.lookupStruct( type->name ); // It's not a semantic error if the struct is not found, just an implicit forward declaration. // The unset code location is used to detect imaginary declarations. if ( !decl || decl->location.isUnset() ) { assert( location ); ast::StructDecl * mut = new ast::StructDecl( *location, type->name ); mut->linkage = ast::Linkage::Compiler; decl = mut; symtab.addStruct( decl ); addDeclAfterOutside( decl ); } ast::StructInstType * mut = ast::mutate( type ); // Just linking in the node. mut->base = decl; if ( !decl->body ) { forwardStructs[ mut->name ].push_back( mut ); } return mut; } ast::UnionInstType const * LinkTypesCore::postvisit( ast::UnionInstType const * type ) { ast::UnionDecl const * decl = symtab.lookupUnion( type->name ); // It's not a semantic error if the union is not found, just an implicit forward declaration. // The unset code location is used to detect imaginary declarations. if ( !decl || decl->location.isUnset() ) { assert( location ); ast::UnionDecl * mut = new ast::UnionDecl( *location, type->name ); mut->linkage = ast::Linkage::Compiler; decl = mut; symtab.addUnion( decl ); addDeclAfterOutside( decl ); } ast::UnionInstType * mut = ast::mutate( type ); // Just linking in the node. mut->base = decl; if ( !decl->body ) { forwardUnions[ mut->name ].push_back( mut ); } return mut; } ast::TraitInstType const * LinkTypesCore::postvisit( ast::TraitInstType const * type ) { assert( location ); ast::TraitDecl const * decl = symtab.lookupTrait( type->name ); if ( !decl ) { SemanticError( *location, "use of undeclared trait " + type->name ); } else if ( decl->params.size() != type->params.size() ) { SemanticError( *location, "incorrect number of trait parameters: " ); } auto mut = ast::mutate( type ); // Just linking in the node. mut->base = decl; // Need to carry over the 'sized' status of each decl in the instance. for ( auto p : group_iterate( decl->params, type->params ) ) { ast::TypeExpr const * expr = std::get<1>(p).as(); if ( !expr ) { SemanticError( std::get<1>(p).get(), "Expression parameters for trait instances are currently unsupported: " ); } if ( auto inst = expr->type.as() ) { ast::ptr const & formalDecl = std::get<0>(p); if ( !formalDecl->sized ) { continue; } // To do this modification we need to reach through a readonly // pointer. The Pass doesn't quite work in that way, so we just // ensure it mutates in-place so it should work out. ast::TypeDecl const * base = inst->base.get(); assert( base->unique() ); ast::TypeDecl * mutBase = ast::mutate( base ); mutBase->sized = true; } } return mut; } void LinkTypesCore::previsit( ast::QualifiedType const * ) { visit_children = false; } void LinkTypesCore::postvisit( ast::QualifiedType const * type ) { // Linking only makes sense for the 'oldest ancestor' of the qualified type. type->parent->accept( *visitor ); } ast::EnumDecl const * LinkTypesCore::postvisit( ast::EnumDecl const * decl ) { // After visiting enum members for self-referencing members, // we replace the enum base. Right now it only works for StructDecl. if ( decl->base ) { if ( auto base = decl->base.as() ) { if ( auto structDecl = symtab.lookupStruct( base->name ) ) { auto mut = ast::mutate( decl ); mut->base = new ast::StructInstType( structDecl ); decl = mut; } // visit the base } else if ( auto ptr = decl->base.as() ) { if ( auto base = ptr->base.as() ) { if ( auto structDecl = symtab.lookupStruct( base->name ) ) { auto mut = ast::mutate( decl ); mut->base = new ast::PointerType( new ast::StructInstType( structDecl ) ); decl = mut; } } } } // This section is common with struct/union, except for the return value. if ( !decl->body ) { return decl; } ForwardEnumsType::iterator fwds = forwardEnums.find( decl->name ); if ( fwds != forwardEnums.end() ) { for ( auto inst : fwds->second ) { inst->base = decl; } forwardEnums.erase( fwds ); } return decl; } template AggrDecl const * LinkTypesCore::renameGenericParams( AggrDecl const * decl ) { GuardValue( inGeneric ) = !decl->params.empty(); if ( !inGeneric ) { return decl; } auto mut = ast::mutate( decl ); for ( ast::ptr & typeDecl : mut->params ) { typeDecl.get_and_mutate()->name = "__" + typeDecl->name + "_generic_"; } return mut; } ast::StructDecl const * LinkTypesCore::previsit( ast::StructDecl const * decl ) { enterNamespace(); return renameGenericParams( decl ); } void LinkTypesCore::postvisit( ast::StructDecl const * decl ) { if ( !decl->body ) { return; } ForwardStructsType::iterator fwds = forwardStructs.find( decl->name ); if ( fwds != forwardStructs.end() ) { for ( auto inst : fwds->second ) { inst->base = decl; } forwardStructs.erase( fwds ); } } ast::UnionDecl const * LinkTypesCore::previsit( ast::UnionDecl const * decl ) { enterNamespace(); return renameGenericParams( decl ); } void LinkTypesCore::postvisit( ast::UnionDecl const * decl ) { if ( !decl->body ) { return; } ForwardUnionsType::iterator fwds = forwardUnions.find( decl->name ); if ( fwds != forwardUnions.end() ) { for ( auto inst : fwds->second ) { inst->base = decl; } forwardUnions.erase( fwds ); } } ast::TraitDecl const * LinkTypesCore::postvisit( ast::TraitDecl const * decl ) { // There is some overlap with code from decayForallPointers, // perhaps reorganization or shared helper functions are called for. // Move assertions from type parameters into the body of the trait. auto mut = ast::mutate( decl ); for ( ast::ptr const & td : decl->params ) { auto expanded = expandAssertions( td->assertions ); for ( auto declWithType : expanded ) { mut->members.emplace_back( declWithType.release() ); } } return mut; } } // namespace void linkReferenceToTypes( ast::TranslationUnit & translationUnit ) { ast::Pass::run( translationUnit ); } } // namespace Validate // Local Variables: // // tab-width: 4 // // mode: c++ // // compile-command: "make install" // // End: //