// // Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2015 University of Waterloo // // The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the // file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall. // // TypeSubstitution.cc -- // // Author : Richard C. Bilson // Created On : Mon May 18 07:44:20 2015 // Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr // Last Modified On : Thu Mar 16 15:54:35 2017 // Update Count : 4 // #include // for ostream, basic_ostream, operator<<, endl #include "Type.h" // for TypeInstType, Type, StructInstType, UnionInstType #include "TypeSubstitution.h" TypeSubstitution::TypeSubstitution() { } TypeSubstitution::TypeSubstitution( const TypeSubstitution &other ) { initialize( other, *this ); } TypeSubstitution::~TypeSubstitution() { for ( TypeEnvType::iterator i = typeEnv.begin(); i != typeEnv.end(); ++i ) { delete( i->second ); } for ( VarEnvType::iterator i = varEnv.begin(); i != varEnv.end(); ++i ) { delete( i->second ); } } TypeSubstitution &TypeSubstitution::operator=( const TypeSubstitution &other ) { if ( this == &other ) return *this; initialize( other, *this ); return *this; } void TypeSubstitution::initialize( const TypeSubstitution &src, TypeSubstitution &dest ) { dest.typeEnv.clear(); dest.varEnv.clear(); dest.add( src ); } void TypeSubstitution::add( const TypeSubstitution &other ) { for ( TypeEnvType::const_iterator i = other.typeEnv.begin(); i != other.typeEnv.end(); ++i ) { typeEnv[ i->first ] = i->second->clone(); } // for for ( VarEnvType::const_iterator i = other.varEnv.begin(); i != other.varEnv.end(); ++i ) { varEnv[ i->first ] = i->second->clone(); } // for } void TypeSubstitution::add( std::string formalType, Type *actualType ) { TypeEnvType::iterator i = typeEnv.find( formalType ); if ( i != typeEnv.end() ) { delete i->second; } // if typeEnv[ formalType ] = actualType->clone(); } void TypeSubstitution::remove( std::string formalType ) { TypeEnvType::iterator i = typeEnv.find( formalType ); if ( i != typeEnv.end() ) { delete i->second; typeEnv.erase( formalType ); } // if } Type *TypeSubstitution::lookup( std::string formalType ) const { TypeEnvType::const_iterator i = typeEnv.find( formalType ); // break on not in substitution set if ( i == typeEnv.end() ) return 0; // attempt to transitively follow TypeInstType links. while ( TypeInstType *actualType = dynamic_cast< TypeInstType* >( i->second ) ) { const std::string& typeName = actualType->get_name(); // break cycles in the transitive follow if ( formalType == typeName ) break; // Look for the type this maps to, returning previous mapping if none-such i = typeEnv.find( typeName ); if ( i == typeEnv.end() ) return actualType; } // return type from substitution set return i->second; #if 0 if ( i == typeEnv.end() ) { return 0; } else { return i->second; } // if #endif } bool TypeSubstitution::empty() const { return typeEnv.empty() && varEnv.empty(); } namespace { struct EnvTrimmer { const TypeSubstitution * env; TypeSubstitution * newEnv; EnvTrimmer( const TypeSubstitution * env, TypeSubstitution * newEnv ) : env( env ), newEnv( newEnv ){} void previsit( TypeDecl * tyDecl ) { // transfer known bindings for seen type variables if ( Type * t = env->lookup( tyDecl->name ) ) { newEnv->add( tyDecl->name, t ); } } }; } // namespace /// reduce environment to just the parts that are referenced in a given expression TypeSubstitution * TypeSubstitution::newFromExpr( Expression * expr, const TypeSubstitution * env ) { if ( env ) { TypeSubstitution * newEnv = new TypeSubstitution(); PassVisitor trimmer( env, newEnv ); expr->accept( trimmer ); return newEnv; } return nullptr; } void TypeSubstitution::normalize() { PassVisitor sub( *this, true ); do { sub.pass.subCount = 0; sub.pass.freeOnly = true; for ( TypeEnvType::iterator i = typeEnv.begin(); i != typeEnv.end(); ++i ) { i->second = i->second->acceptMutator( sub ); } } while ( sub.pass.subCount ); } Type * TypeSubstitution::Substituter::postmutate( TypeInstType *inst ) { BoundVarsType::const_iterator bound = boundVars.find( inst->name ); if ( bound != boundVars.end() ) return inst; TypeEnvType::const_iterator i = sub.typeEnv.find( inst->get_name() ); if ( i == sub.typeEnv.end() ) { return inst; } else { // cut off infinite loop for the case where a type is bound to itself. // Note: this does not prevent cycles in the general case, so it may be necessary to do something more sophisticated here. // TODO: investigate preventing type variables from being bound to themselves in the first place. if ( TypeInstType * replacement = dynamic_cast< TypeInstType * >( i->second ) ) { if ( inst->name == replacement->name ) { return inst; } } // std::cerr << "found " << inst->name << ", replacing with " << i->second << std::endl; subCount++; Type * newtype = i->second->clone(); newtype->get_qualifiers() |= inst->get_qualifiers(); delete inst; // Note: need to recursively apply substitution to the new type because normalize does not substitute bound vars, but bound vars must be substituted when not in freeOnly mode. return newtype->acceptMutator( *visitor ); } // if } Expression * TypeSubstitution::Substituter::postmutate( NameExpr * nameExpr ) { VarEnvType::const_iterator i = sub.varEnv.find( nameExpr->name ); if ( i == sub.varEnv.end() ) { return nameExpr; } else { subCount++; delete nameExpr; return i->second->clone(); } // if } void TypeSubstitution::Substituter::premutate( Type * type ) { GuardValue( boundVars ); // bind type variables from forall-qualifiers if ( freeOnly ) { for ( Type::ForallList::const_iterator tyvar = type->forall.begin(); tyvar != type->forall.end(); ++tyvar ) { boundVars.insert( (*tyvar)->name ); } // for } // if } template< typename TypeClass > void TypeSubstitution::Substituter::handleAggregateType( TypeClass * type ) { GuardValue( boundVars ); // bind type variables from forall-qualifiers if ( freeOnly ) { for ( Type::ForallList::const_iterator tyvar = type->forall.begin(); tyvar != type->forall.end(); ++tyvar ) { boundVars.insert( (*tyvar)->name ); } // for // bind type variables from generic type instantiations std::list< TypeDecl* > *baseParameters = type->get_baseParameters(); if ( baseParameters && ! type->parameters.empty() ) { for ( std::list< TypeDecl* >::const_iterator tyvar = baseParameters->begin(); tyvar != baseParameters->end(); ++tyvar ) { boundVars.insert( (*tyvar)->name ); } // for } // if } // if } void TypeSubstitution::Substituter::premutate( StructInstType * aggregateUseType ) { handleAggregateType( aggregateUseType ); } void TypeSubstitution::Substituter::premutate( UnionInstType *aggregateUseType ) { handleAggregateType( aggregateUseType ); } void TypeSubstitution::print( std::ostream &os, Indenter indent ) const { os << indent << "Types:" << std::endl; for ( TypeEnvType::const_iterator i = typeEnv.begin(); i != typeEnv.end(); ++i ) { os << indent+1 << i->first << " -> "; i->second->print( os, indent+2 ); os << std::endl; } // for os << indent << "Non-types:" << std::endl; for ( VarEnvType::const_iterator i = varEnv.begin(); i != varEnv.end(); ++i ) { os << indent+1 << i->first << " -> "; i->second->print( os, indent+2 ); os << std::endl; } // for } std::ostream & operator<<( std::ostream & out, const TypeSubstitution & sub ) { sub.print( out ); return out; } // Local Variables: // // tab-width: 4 // // mode: c++ // // compile-command: "make install" // // End: //