// // Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2015 University of Waterloo // // The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the // file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall. // // ValidateType.cc -- Validate and normalize types. // // Author : Andrew Beach // Created On : Mon May 16 16:21:00 2022 // Last Modified By : Andrew Beach // Last Modified On : Tue May 17 14:06:00 2022 // Update Count : 0 // #include "ValidateType.h" #include "CodeGen/OperatorTable.h" #include "Common/PassVisitor.h" #include "SymTab/FixFunction.h" #include "SynTree/Declaration.h" #include "SynTree/Type.h" namespace SymTab { namespace { /// Replaces enum types by int, and function or array types in function /// parameter and return lists by appropriate pointers. struct EnumAndPointerDecay_old { void previsit( EnumDecl * aggregateDecl ); void previsit( FunctionType * func ); }; void EnumAndPointerDecay_old::previsit( EnumDecl * enumDecl ) { // Set the type of each member of the enumeration to be EnumConstant for ( std::list< Declaration * >::iterator i = enumDecl->members.begin(); i != enumDecl->members.end(); ++i ) { ObjectDecl * obj = dynamic_cast< ObjectDecl * >( * i ); assert( obj ); obj->set_type( new EnumInstType( Type::Qualifiers( Type::Const ), enumDecl->name ) ); } // for } template< typename DWTList > void fixFunctionList( DWTList & dwts, bool isVarArgs, FunctionType * func ) { auto nvals = dwts.size(); bool containsVoid = false; for ( auto & dwt : dwts ) { // fix each DWT and record whether a void was found containsVoid |= fixFunction( dwt ); } // the only case in which "void" is valid is where it is the only one in the list if ( containsVoid && ( nvals > 1 || isVarArgs ) ) { SemanticError( func, "invalid type void in function type " ); } // one void is the only thing in the list; remove it. if ( containsVoid ) { delete dwts.front(); dwts.clear(); } } void EnumAndPointerDecay_old::previsit( FunctionType * func ) { // Fix up parameters and return types fixFunctionList( func->parameters, func->isVarArgs, func ); fixFunctionList( func->returnVals, false, func ); } /// Associates forward declarations of aggregates with their definitions struct LinkReferenceToTypes_old final : public WithIndexer, public WithGuards, public WithVisitorRef, public WithShortCircuiting { LinkReferenceToTypes_old( const Indexer * indexer ); void postvisit( TypeInstType * typeInst ); void postvisit( EnumInstType * enumInst ); void postvisit( StructInstType * structInst ); void postvisit( UnionInstType * unionInst ); void postvisit( TraitInstType * traitInst ); void previsit( QualifiedType * qualType ); void postvisit( QualifiedType * qualType ); void postvisit( QualifiedNameExpr * qualExpr ); void postvisit( EnumDecl * enumDecl ); void postvisit( StructDecl * structDecl ); void postvisit( UnionDecl * unionDecl ); void postvisit( TraitDecl * traitDecl ); void previsit( StructDecl * structDecl ); void previsit( UnionDecl * unionDecl ); void renameGenericParams( std::list< TypeDecl * > & params ); private: const Indexer * local_indexer; typedef std::map< std::string, std::list< EnumInstType * > > ForwardEnumsType; typedef std::map< std::string, std::list< StructInstType * > > ForwardStructsType; typedef std::map< std::string, std::list< UnionInstType * > > ForwardUnionsType; ForwardEnumsType forwardEnums; ForwardStructsType forwardStructs; ForwardUnionsType forwardUnions; /// true if currently in a generic type body, so that type parameter instances can be renamed appropriately bool inGeneric = false; }; LinkReferenceToTypes_old::LinkReferenceToTypes_old( const Indexer * other_indexer ) : WithIndexer( false ) { if ( other_indexer ) { local_indexer = other_indexer; } else { local_indexer = &indexer; } // if } void LinkReferenceToTypes_old::postvisit( EnumInstType * enumInst ) { const EnumDecl * st = local_indexer->lookupEnum( enumInst->name ); // it's not a semantic error if the enum is not found, just an implicit forward declaration if ( st ) { enumInst->baseEnum = const_cast(st); // Just linking in the node } // if if ( ! st || ! st->body ) { // use of forward declaration forwardEnums[ enumInst->name ].push_back( enumInst ); } // if } void LinkReferenceToTypes_old::postvisit( StructInstType * structInst ) { const StructDecl * st = local_indexer->lookupStruct( structInst->name ); // it's not a semantic error if the struct is not found, just an implicit forward declaration if ( st ) { structInst->baseStruct = const_cast(st); // Just linking in the node } // if if ( ! st || ! st->body ) { // use of forward declaration forwardStructs[ structInst->name ].push_back( structInst ); } // if } void LinkReferenceToTypes_old::postvisit( UnionInstType * unionInst ) { const UnionDecl * un = local_indexer->lookupUnion( unionInst->name ); // it's not a semantic error if the union is not found, just an implicit forward declaration if ( un ) { unionInst->baseUnion = const_cast(un); // Just linking in the node } // if if ( ! un || ! un->body ) { // use of forward declaration forwardUnions[ unionInst->name ].push_back( unionInst ); } // if } void LinkReferenceToTypes_old::previsit( QualifiedType * ) { visit_children = false; } void LinkReferenceToTypes_old::postvisit( QualifiedType * qualType ) { // linking only makes sense for the 'oldest ancestor' of the qualified type qualType->parent->accept( * visitor ); } void LinkReferenceToTypes_old::postvisit( QualifiedNameExpr * qualExpr ) { const EnumDecl * st = local_indexer->lookupEnum( qualExpr->type_decl->name ); qualExpr->type_decl = const_cast(st); } // expand assertions from trait instance, performing the appropriate type variable substitutions template< typename Iterator > void expandAssertions( TraitInstType * inst, Iterator out ) { assertf( inst->baseTrait, "Trait instance not linked to base trait: %s", toCString( inst ) ); std::list< DeclarationWithType * > asserts; for ( Declaration * decl : inst->baseTrait->members ) { asserts.push_back( strict_dynamic_cast( decl->clone() ) ); } // substitute trait decl parameters for instance parameters applySubstitution( inst->baseTrait->parameters.begin(), inst->baseTrait->parameters.end(), inst->parameters.begin(), asserts.begin(), asserts.end(), out ); } void LinkReferenceToTypes_old::postvisit( TraitDecl * traitDecl ) { if ( traitDecl->name == "sized" ) { // "sized" is a special trait - flick the sized status on for the type variable assertf( traitDecl->parameters.size() == 1, "Built-in trait 'sized' has incorrect number of parameters: %zd", traitDecl->parameters.size() ); TypeDecl * td = traitDecl->parameters.front(); td->set_sized( true ); } // move assertions from type parameters into the body of the trait for ( TypeDecl * td : traitDecl->parameters ) { for ( DeclarationWithType * assert : td->assertions ) { if ( TraitInstType * inst = dynamic_cast< TraitInstType * >( assert->get_type() ) ) { expandAssertions( inst, back_inserter( traitDecl->members ) ); } else { traitDecl->members.push_back( assert->clone() ); } } deleteAll( td->assertions ); td->assertions.clear(); } // for } void LinkReferenceToTypes_old::postvisit( TraitInstType * traitInst ) { // handle other traits const TraitDecl * traitDecl = local_indexer->lookupTrait( traitInst->name ); if ( ! traitDecl ) { SemanticError( traitInst->location, "use of undeclared trait " + traitInst->name ); } // if if ( traitDecl->parameters.size() != traitInst->parameters.size() ) { SemanticError( traitInst, "incorrect number of trait parameters: " ); } // if traitInst->baseTrait = const_cast(traitDecl); // Just linking in the node // need to carry over the 'sized' status of each decl in the instance for ( auto p : group_iterate( traitDecl->parameters, traitInst->parameters ) ) { TypeExpr * expr = dynamic_cast< TypeExpr * >( std::get<1>(p) ); if ( ! expr ) { SemanticError( std::get<1>(p), "Expression parameters for trait instances are currently unsupported: " ); } if ( TypeInstType * inst = dynamic_cast< TypeInstType * >( expr->get_type() ) ) { TypeDecl * formalDecl = std::get<0>(p); TypeDecl * instDecl = inst->baseType; if ( formalDecl->get_sized() ) instDecl->set_sized( true ); } } // normalizeAssertions( traitInst->members ); } void LinkReferenceToTypes_old::postvisit( EnumDecl * enumDecl ) { // visit enum members first so that the types of self-referencing members are updated properly // Replace the enum base; right now it works only for StructEnum if ( enumDecl->base ) { if ( const TypeInstType * base = dynamic_cast< TypeInstType * >(enumDecl->base) ) { if ( const StructDecl * decl = local_indexer->lookupStruct( base->name ) ) { enumDecl->base = new StructInstType( Type::Qualifiers(), const_cast< StructDecl * >( decl ) ); // Just linking in the node } } else if ( const PointerType * ptr = dynamic_cast< PointerType * >(enumDecl->base) ) { if ( const TypeInstType * ptrBase = dynamic_cast< TypeInstType * >( ptr->base ) ) { if ( const StructDecl * decl = local_indexer->lookupStruct( ptrBase->name ) ) { enumDecl->base = new PointerType( Type::Qualifiers(), new StructInstType( Type::Qualifiers(), const_cast< StructDecl * >( decl ) ) ); } } } } if ( enumDecl->body ) { ForwardEnumsType::iterator fwds = forwardEnums.find( enumDecl->name ); if ( fwds != forwardEnums.end() ) { for ( std::list< EnumInstType * >::iterator inst = fwds->second.begin(); inst != fwds->second.end(); ++inst ) { (* inst)->baseEnum = enumDecl; } // for forwardEnums.erase( fwds ); } // if } // if } void LinkReferenceToTypes_old::renameGenericParams( std::list< TypeDecl * > & params ) { // rename generic type parameters uniquely so that they do not conflict with user-defined function forall parameters, e.g. // forall(otype T) // struct Box { // T x; // }; // forall(otype T) // void f(Box(T) b) { // ... // } // The T in Box and the T in f are different, so internally the naming must reflect that. GuardValue( inGeneric ); inGeneric = ! params.empty(); for ( TypeDecl * td : params ) { td->name = "__" + td->name + "_generic_"; } } void LinkReferenceToTypes_old::previsit( StructDecl * structDecl ) { renameGenericParams( structDecl->parameters ); } void LinkReferenceToTypes_old::previsit( UnionDecl * unionDecl ) { renameGenericParams( unionDecl->parameters ); } void LinkReferenceToTypes_old::postvisit( StructDecl * structDecl ) { // visit struct members first so that the types of self-referencing members are updated properly // xxx - need to ensure that type parameters match up between forward declarations and definition (most importantly, number of type parameters and their def> if ( structDecl->body ) { ForwardStructsType::iterator fwds = forwardStructs.find( structDecl->name ); if ( fwds != forwardStructs.end() ) { for ( std::list< StructInstType * >::iterator inst = fwds->second.begin(); inst != fwds->second.end(); ++inst ) { (* inst)->baseStruct = structDecl; } // for forwardStructs.erase( fwds ); } // if } // if } void LinkReferenceToTypes_old::postvisit( UnionDecl * unionDecl ) { if ( unionDecl->body ) { ForwardUnionsType::iterator fwds = forwardUnions.find( unionDecl->name ); if ( fwds != forwardUnions.end() ) { for ( std::list< UnionInstType * >::iterator inst = fwds->second.begin(); inst != fwds->second.end(); ++inst ) { (* inst)->baseUnion = unionDecl; } // for forwardUnions.erase( fwds ); } // if } // if } void LinkReferenceToTypes_old::postvisit( TypeInstType * typeInst ) { // ensure generic parameter instances are renamed like the base type if ( inGeneric && typeInst->baseType ) typeInst->name = typeInst->baseType->name; if ( const NamedTypeDecl * namedTypeDecl = local_indexer->lookupType( typeInst->name ) ) { if ( const TypeDecl * typeDecl = dynamic_cast< const TypeDecl * >( namedTypeDecl ) ) { typeInst->set_isFtype( typeDecl->kind == TypeDecl::Ftype ); } // if } // if } /* // expand assertions from trait instance, performing the appropriate type variable substitutions template< typename Iterator > void expandAssertions( TraitInstType * inst, Iterator out ) { assertf( inst->baseTrait, "Trait instance not linked to base trait: %s", toCString( inst ) ); std::list< DeclarationWithType * > asserts; for ( Declaration * decl : inst->baseTrait->members ) { asserts.push_back( strict_dynamic_cast( decl->clone() ) ); } // substitute trait decl parameters for instance parameters applySubstitution( inst->baseTrait->parameters.begin(), inst->baseTrait->parameters.end(), inst->parameters.begin(), asserts.begin(), asserts.end(), out ); }*/ /// Replace all traits in assertion lists with their assertions. void expandTraits( std::list< TypeDecl * > & forall ) { for ( TypeDecl * type : forall ) { std::list< DeclarationWithType * > asserts; asserts.splice( asserts.end(), type->assertions ); // expand trait instances into their members for ( DeclarationWithType * assertion : asserts ) { if ( TraitInstType * traitInst = dynamic_cast< TraitInstType * >( assertion->get_type() ) ) { // expand trait instance into all of its members expandAssertions( traitInst, back_inserter( type->assertions ) ); delete traitInst; } else { // pass other assertions through type->assertions.push_back( assertion ); } // if } // for } // for } struct TraitExpander_old final { void previsit( FunctionType * type ) { expandTraits( type->forall ); } void previsit( StructDecl * decl ) { expandTraits( decl->parameters ); } void previsit( UnionDecl * decl ) { expandTraits( decl->parameters ); } }; /*struct TraitExpander_old final { void previsit( FunctionType * ); void previsit( StructDecl * ); void previsit( UnionDecl * ); }; void TraitExpander_old::previsit( FunctionType * ftype ) { expandTraits( ftype->forall ); } void TraitExpander_old::previsit( StructDecl * aggrDecl ) { expandTraits( aggrDecl->parameters ); } void TraitExpander_old::previsit( UnionDecl * aggrDecl ) { expandTraits( aggrDecl->parameters ); }*/ /// Fix each function in the assertion list and check for invalid void type. void fixAssertions( std::list< TypeDecl * > & forall, BaseSyntaxNode * node ) { for ( TypeDecl * type : forall ) { for ( DeclarationWithType *& assertion : type->assertions ) { bool isVoid = fixFunction( assertion ); if ( isVoid ) { SemanticError( node, "invalid type void in assertion of function " ); } // if } // for } } struct AssertionFixer_old final { void previsit( FunctionType * type ) { fixAssertions( type->forall, type ); } void previsit( StructDecl * decl ) { fixAssertions( decl->parameters, decl ); } void previsit( UnionDecl * decl ) { fixAssertions( decl->parameters, decl ); } }; /* struct AssertionFixer_old final { void previsit( FunctionType * ); void previsit( StructDecl * ); void previsit( UnionDecl * ); }; void AssertionFixer_old::previsit( FunctionType * ftype ) { fixAssertions( ftype->forall, ftype ); } void AssertionFixer_old::previsit( StructDecl * aggrDecl ) { fixAssertions( aggrDecl->parameters, aggrDecl ); } void AssertionFixer_old::previsit( UnionDecl * aggrDecl ) { fixAssertions( aggrDecl->parameters, aggrDecl ); }*/ struct CheckOperatorTypes_old final { void previsit( ObjectDecl * ); }; void CheckOperatorTypes_old::previsit( ObjectDecl * object ) { // ensure that operator names only apply to functions or function pointers if ( CodeGen::isOperator( object->name ) && ! dynamic_cast< FunctionType * >( object->type->stripDeclarator() ) ) { SemanticError( object->location, toCString( "operator ", object->name.c_str(), " is not a function or function pointer." ) ); } } struct FixUniqueIds_old final { void previsit( DeclarationWithType * decl ) { decl->fixUniqueId(); } }; //void FixUniqueIds_old::previsit( DeclarationWithType * decl ) { // decl->fixUniqueId(); //} } // namespace void validateType( Type *type, const Indexer *indexer ) { PassVisitor epc; PassVisitor lrt( indexer ); PassVisitor te; PassVisitor af; PassVisitor cot; PassVisitor fui; type->accept( epc ); type->accept( lrt ); type->accept( te ); type->accept( af ); type->accept( cot ); type->accept( fui ); } void decayEnumsAndPointers( std::list< Declaration * > & translationUnit ) { PassVisitor epc; acceptAll( translationUnit, epc ); } void linkReferenceToTypes( std::list< Declaration * > & translationUnit ) { PassVisitor lrt( nullptr ); acceptAll( translationUnit, lrt ); // must happen before autogen, because sized flag needs to propagate to generated functions } void decayForallPointers( std::list< Declaration * > & translationUnit ) { PassVisitor te; acceptAll( translationUnit, te ); PassVisitor af; acceptAll( translationUnit, af ); PassVisitor cot; acceptAll( translationUnit, cot ); PassVisitor fui; acceptAll( translationUnit, fui ); } } // namespace SymTab // Local Variables: // // tab-width: 4 // // mode: c++ // // compile-command: "make install" // // End: //