// // Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2015 University of Waterloo // // The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the // file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall. // // Validate.cc -- // // Author : Richard C. Bilson // Created On : Sun May 17 21:50:04 2015 // Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr // Last Modified On : Tue Jul 12 17:49:21 2016 // Update Count : 298 // // The "validate" phase of translation is used to take a syntax tree and convert it into a standard form that aims to be // as regular in structure as possible. Some assumptions can be made regarding the state of the tree after this pass is // complete, including: // // - No nested structure or union definitions; any in the input are "hoisted" to the level of the containing struct or // union. // // - All enumeration constants have type EnumInstType. // // - The type "void" never occurs in lists of function parameter or return types; neither do tuple types. A function // taking no arguments has no argument types, and tuples are flattened. // // - No context instances exist; they are all replaced by the set of declarations signified by the context, instantiated // by the particular set of type arguments. // // - Every declaration is assigned a unique id. // // - No typedef declarations or instances exist; the actual type is substituted for each instance. // // - Each type, struct, and union definition is followed by an appropriate assignment operator. // // - Each use of a struct or union is connected to a complete definition of that struct or union, even if that // definition occurs later in the input. #include #include #include "Common/ScopedMap.h" #include "Common/utility.h" #include "Common/UniqueName.h" #include "Validate.h" #include "SynTree/Visitor.h" #include "SynTree/Mutator.h" #include "SynTree/Type.h" #include "SynTree/Expression.h" #include "SynTree/Statement.h" #include "SynTree/TypeSubstitution.h" #include "Indexer.h" #include "FixFunction.h" // #include "ImplementationType.h" #include "GenPoly/DeclMutator.h" #include "AddVisit.h" #include "MakeLibCfa.h" #include "TypeEquality.h" #include "Autogen.h" #include "ResolvExpr/typeops.h" #include #include "InitTweak/InitTweak.h" #define debugPrint( x ) if ( doDebug ) { std::cout << x; } namespace SymTab { class HoistStruct : public Visitor { public: /// Flattens nested struct types static void hoistStruct( std::list< Declaration * > &translationUnit ); std::list< Declaration * > &get_declsToAdd() { return declsToAdd; } virtual void visit( StructDecl *aggregateDecl ); virtual void visit( UnionDecl *aggregateDecl ); virtual void visit( CompoundStmt *compoundStmt ); virtual void visit( SwitchStmt *switchStmt ); private: HoistStruct(); template< typename AggDecl > void handleAggregate( AggDecl *aggregateDecl ); std::list< Declaration * > declsToAdd; bool inStruct; }; /// Replaces enum types by int, and function or array types in function parameter and return lists by appropriate pointers. class EnumAndPointerDecayPass : public Visitor { typedef Visitor Parent; virtual void visit( EnumDecl *aggregateDecl ); virtual void visit( FunctionType *func ); }; /// Associates forward declarations of aggregates with their definitions class Pass2 final : public Indexer { typedef Indexer Parent; public: Pass2( bool doDebug, const Indexer *indexer ); private: using Indexer::visit; void visit( StructInstType *structInst ) final; void visit( UnionInstType *unionInst ) final; void visit( TraitInstType *contextInst ) final; void visit( StructDecl *structDecl ) final; void visit( UnionDecl *unionDecl ) final; void visit( TypeInstType *typeInst ) final; const Indexer *indexer; typedef std::map< std::string, std::list< StructInstType * > > ForwardStructsType; typedef std::map< std::string, std::list< UnionInstType * > > ForwardUnionsType; ForwardStructsType forwardStructs; ForwardUnionsType forwardUnions; }; /// Replaces array and function types in forall lists by appropriate pointer type class Pass3 : public Indexer { typedef Indexer Parent; public: Pass3( const Indexer *indexer ); private: virtual void visit( ObjectDecl *object ); virtual void visit( FunctionDecl *func ); const Indexer *indexer; }; class ReturnChecker : public Visitor { public: /// Checks that return statements return nothing if their return type is void /// and return something if the return type is non-void. static void checkFunctionReturns( std::list< Declaration * > & translationUnit ); private: virtual void visit( FunctionDecl * functionDecl ); virtual void visit( ReturnStmt * returnStmt ); std::list< DeclarationWithType * > returnVals; }; class EliminateTypedef : public Mutator { public: EliminateTypedef() : scopeLevel( 0 ) {} /// Replaces typedefs by forward declarations static void eliminateTypedef( std::list< Declaration * > &translationUnit ); private: virtual Declaration *mutate( TypedefDecl *typeDecl ); virtual TypeDecl *mutate( TypeDecl *typeDecl ); virtual DeclarationWithType *mutate( FunctionDecl *funcDecl ); virtual DeclarationWithType *mutate( ObjectDecl *objDecl ); virtual CompoundStmt *mutate( CompoundStmt *compoundStmt ); virtual Type *mutate( TypeInstType *aggregateUseType ); virtual Expression *mutate( CastExpr *castExpr ); virtual Declaration *mutate( StructDecl * structDecl ); virtual Declaration *mutate( UnionDecl * unionDecl ); virtual Declaration *mutate( EnumDecl * enumDecl ); virtual Declaration *mutate( TraitDecl * contextDecl ); template AggDecl *handleAggregate( AggDecl * aggDecl ); template void addImplicitTypedef( AggDecl * aggDecl ); typedef std::unique_ptr TypedefDeclPtr; typedef ScopedMap< std::string, std::pair< TypedefDeclPtr, int > > TypedefMap; typedef std::map< std::string, TypeDecl * > TypeDeclMap; TypedefMap typedefNames; TypeDeclMap typedeclNames; int scopeLevel; }; class VerifyCtorDtorAssign : public Visitor { public: /// ensure that constructors, destructors, and assignment have at least one /// parameter, the first of which must be a pointer, and that ctor/dtors have no /// return values. static void verify( std::list< Declaration * > &translationUnit ); virtual void visit( FunctionDecl *funcDecl ); }; class CompoundLiteral final : public GenPoly::DeclMutator { DeclarationNode::StorageClass storageclass = DeclarationNode::NoStorageClass; using GenPoly::DeclMutator::mutate; DeclarationWithType * mutate( ObjectDecl *objectDecl ) final; Expression *mutate( CompoundLiteralExpr *compLitExpr ) final; }; void validate( std::list< Declaration * > &translationUnit, bool doDebug ) { EnumAndPointerDecayPass epc; Pass2 pass2( doDebug, 0 ); Pass3 pass3( 0 ); CompoundLiteral compoundliteral; EliminateTypedef::eliminateTypedef( translationUnit ); HoistStruct::hoistStruct( translationUnit ); autogenerateRoutines( translationUnit ); // moved up, used to be below compoundLiteral - currently needs EnumAndPointerDecayPass acceptAll( translationUnit, epc ); acceptAll( translationUnit, pass2 ); ReturnChecker::checkFunctionReturns( translationUnit ); compoundliteral.mutateDeclarationList( translationUnit ); acceptAll( translationUnit, pass3 ); VerifyCtorDtorAssign::verify( translationUnit ); } void validateType( Type *type, const Indexer *indexer ) { EnumAndPointerDecayPass epc; Pass2 pass2( false, indexer ); Pass3 pass3( indexer ); type->accept( epc ); type->accept( pass2 ); type->accept( pass3 ); } void HoistStruct::hoistStruct( std::list< Declaration * > &translationUnit ) { HoistStruct hoister; acceptAndAdd( translationUnit, hoister, true ); } HoistStruct::HoistStruct() : inStruct( false ) { } void filter( std::list< Declaration * > &declList, bool (*pred)( Declaration * ), bool doDelete ) { std::list< Declaration * >::iterator i = declList.begin(); while ( i != declList.end() ) { std::list< Declaration * >::iterator next = i; ++next; if ( pred( *i ) ) { if ( doDelete ) { delete *i; } // if declList.erase( i ); } // if i = next; } // while } bool isStructOrUnion( Declaration *decl ) { return dynamic_cast< StructDecl * >( decl ) || dynamic_cast< UnionDecl * >( decl ); } template< typename AggDecl > void HoistStruct::handleAggregate( AggDecl *aggregateDecl ) { if ( inStruct ) { // Add elements in stack order corresponding to nesting structure. declsToAdd.push_front( aggregateDecl ); Visitor::visit( aggregateDecl ); } else { inStruct = true; Visitor::visit( aggregateDecl ); inStruct = false; } // if // Always remove the hoisted aggregate from the inner structure. filter( aggregateDecl->get_members(), isStructOrUnion, false ); } void HoistStruct::visit( StructDecl *aggregateDecl ) { handleAggregate( aggregateDecl ); } void HoistStruct::visit( UnionDecl *aggregateDecl ) { handleAggregate( aggregateDecl ); } void HoistStruct::visit( CompoundStmt *compoundStmt ) { addVisit( compoundStmt, *this ); } void HoistStruct::visit( SwitchStmt *switchStmt ) { addVisit( switchStmt, *this ); } void EnumAndPointerDecayPass::visit( EnumDecl *enumDecl ) { // Set the type of each member of the enumeration to be EnumConstant for ( std::list< Declaration * >::iterator i = enumDecl->get_members().begin(); i != enumDecl->get_members().end(); ++i ) { ObjectDecl * obj = dynamic_cast< ObjectDecl * >( *i ); assert( obj ); obj->set_type( new EnumInstType( Type::Qualifiers( true, false, false, false, false, false ), enumDecl->get_name() ) ); } // for Parent::visit( enumDecl ); } namespace { template< typename DWTList > void fixFunctionList( DWTList & dwts, FunctionType * func ) { // the only case in which "void" is valid is where it is the only one in the list; then it should be removed // entirely other fix ups are handled by the FixFunction class typedef typename DWTList::iterator DWTIterator; DWTIterator begin( dwts.begin() ), end( dwts.end() ); if ( begin == end ) return; FixFunction fixer; DWTIterator i = begin; *i = (*i)->acceptMutator( fixer ); if ( fixer.get_isVoid() ) { DWTIterator j = i; ++i; delete *j; dwts.erase( j ); if ( i != end ) { throw SemanticError( "invalid type void in function type ", func ); } // if } else { ++i; for ( ; i != end; ++i ) { FixFunction fixer; *i = (*i )->acceptMutator( fixer ); if ( fixer.get_isVoid() ) { throw SemanticError( "invalid type void in function type ", func ); } // if } // for } // if } } void EnumAndPointerDecayPass::visit( FunctionType *func ) { // Fix up parameters and return types fixFunctionList( func->get_parameters(), func ); fixFunctionList( func->get_returnVals(), func ); Visitor::visit( func ); } Pass2::Pass2( bool doDebug, const Indexer *other_indexer ) : Indexer( doDebug ) { if ( other_indexer ) { indexer = other_indexer; } else { indexer = this; } // if } void Pass2::visit( StructInstType *structInst ) { Parent::visit( structInst ); StructDecl *st = indexer->lookupStruct( structInst->get_name() ); // it's not a semantic error if the struct is not found, just an implicit forward declaration if ( st ) { //assert( ! structInst->get_baseStruct() || structInst->get_baseStruct()->get_members().empty() || ! st->get_members().empty() ); structInst->set_baseStruct( st ); } // if if ( ! st || st->get_members().empty() ) { // use of forward declaration forwardStructs[ structInst->get_name() ].push_back( structInst ); } // if } void Pass2::visit( UnionInstType *unionInst ) { Parent::visit( unionInst ); UnionDecl *un = indexer->lookupUnion( unionInst->get_name() ); // it's not a semantic error if the union is not found, just an implicit forward declaration if ( un ) { unionInst->set_baseUnion( un ); } // if if ( ! un || un->get_members().empty() ) { // use of forward declaration forwardUnions[ unionInst->get_name() ].push_back( unionInst ); } // if } void Pass2::visit( TraitInstType *contextInst ) { Parent::visit( contextInst ); TraitDecl *ctx = indexer->lookupTrait( contextInst->get_name() ); if ( ! ctx ) { throw SemanticError( "use of undeclared context " + contextInst->get_name() ); } // if for ( std::list< TypeDecl * >::const_iterator i = ctx->get_parameters().begin(); i != ctx->get_parameters().end(); ++i ) { for ( std::list< DeclarationWithType * >::const_iterator assert = (*i )->get_assertions().begin(); assert != (*i )->get_assertions().end(); ++assert ) { if ( TraitInstType *otherCtx = dynamic_cast< TraitInstType * >(*assert ) ) { cloneAll( otherCtx->get_members(), contextInst->get_members() ); } else { contextInst->get_members().push_back( (*assert )->clone() ); } // if } // for } // for if ( ctx->get_parameters().size() != contextInst->get_parameters().size() ) { throw SemanticError( "incorrect number of context parameters: ", contextInst ); } // if // need to clone members of the context for ownership purposes std::list< Declaration * > members; std::transform( ctx->get_members().begin(), ctx->get_members().end(), back_inserter( members ), [](Declaration * dwt) { return dwt->clone(); } ); applySubstitution( ctx->get_parameters().begin(), ctx->get_parameters().end(), contextInst->get_parameters().begin(), members.begin(), members.end(), back_inserter( contextInst->get_members() ) ); } void Pass2::visit( StructDecl *structDecl ) { // visit struct members first so that the types of self-referencing members are updated properly Parent::visit( structDecl ); if ( ! structDecl->get_members().empty() ) { ForwardStructsType::iterator fwds = forwardStructs.find( structDecl->get_name() ); if ( fwds != forwardStructs.end() ) { for ( std::list< StructInstType * >::iterator inst = fwds->second.begin(); inst != fwds->second.end(); ++inst ) { (*inst )->set_baseStruct( structDecl ); } // for forwardStructs.erase( fwds ); } // if } // if } void Pass2::visit( UnionDecl *unionDecl ) { Parent::visit( unionDecl ); if ( ! unionDecl->get_members().empty() ) { ForwardUnionsType::iterator fwds = forwardUnions.find( unionDecl->get_name() ); if ( fwds != forwardUnions.end() ) { for ( std::list< UnionInstType * >::iterator inst = fwds->second.begin(); inst != fwds->second.end(); ++inst ) { (*inst )->set_baseUnion( unionDecl ); } // for forwardUnions.erase( fwds ); } // if } // if } void Pass2::visit( TypeInstType *typeInst ) { if ( NamedTypeDecl *namedTypeDecl = lookupType( typeInst->get_name() ) ) { if ( TypeDecl *typeDecl = dynamic_cast< TypeDecl * >( namedTypeDecl ) ) { typeInst->set_isFtype( typeDecl->get_kind() == TypeDecl::Ftype ); } // if } // if } Pass3::Pass3( const Indexer *other_indexer ) : Indexer( false ) { if ( other_indexer ) { indexer = other_indexer; } else { indexer = this; } // if } /// Fix up assertions void forallFixer( Type *func ) { for ( std::list< TypeDecl * >::iterator type = func->get_forall().begin(); type != func->get_forall().end(); ++type ) { std::list< DeclarationWithType * > toBeDone, nextRound; toBeDone.splice( toBeDone.end(), (*type )->get_assertions() ); while ( ! toBeDone.empty() ) { for ( std::list< DeclarationWithType * >::iterator assertion = toBeDone.begin(); assertion != toBeDone.end(); ++assertion ) { if ( TraitInstType *ctx = dynamic_cast< TraitInstType * >( (*assertion )->get_type() ) ) { for ( std::list< Declaration * >::const_iterator i = ctx->get_members().begin(); i != ctx->get_members().end(); ++i ) { DeclarationWithType *dwt = dynamic_cast< DeclarationWithType * >( *i ); assert( dwt ); nextRound.push_back( dwt->clone() ); } delete ctx; } else { FixFunction fixer; *assertion = (*assertion )->acceptMutator( fixer ); if ( fixer.get_isVoid() ) { throw SemanticError( "invalid type void in assertion of function ", func ); } (*type )->get_assertions().push_back( *assertion ); } // if } // for toBeDone.clear(); toBeDone.splice( toBeDone.end(), nextRound ); } // while } // for } void Pass3::visit( ObjectDecl *object ) { forallFixer( object->get_type() ); if ( PointerType *pointer = dynamic_cast< PointerType * >( object->get_type() ) ) { forallFixer( pointer->get_base() ); } // if Parent::visit( object ); object->fixUniqueId(); } void Pass3::visit( FunctionDecl *func ) { forallFixer( func->get_type() ); Parent::visit( func ); func->fixUniqueId(); } void ReturnChecker::checkFunctionReturns( std::list< Declaration * > & translationUnit ) { ReturnChecker checker; acceptAll( translationUnit, checker ); } void ReturnChecker::visit( FunctionDecl * functionDecl ) { std::list< DeclarationWithType * > oldReturnVals = returnVals; returnVals = functionDecl->get_functionType()->get_returnVals(); Visitor::visit( functionDecl ); returnVals = oldReturnVals; } void ReturnChecker::visit( ReturnStmt * returnStmt ) { // Previously this also checked for the existence of an expr paired with no return values on // the function return type. This is incorrect, since you can have an expression attached to // a return statement in a void-returning function in C. The expression is treated as if it // were cast to void. if ( returnStmt->get_expr() == NULL && returnVals.size() != 0 ) { throw SemanticError( "Non-void function returns no values: " , returnStmt ); } } bool isTypedef( Declaration *decl ) { return dynamic_cast< TypedefDecl * >( decl ); } void EliminateTypedef::eliminateTypedef( std::list< Declaration * > &translationUnit ) { EliminateTypedef eliminator; mutateAll( translationUnit, eliminator ); if ( eliminator.typedefNames.count( "size_t" ) ) { // grab and remember declaration of size_t SizeType = eliminator.typedefNames["size_t"].first->get_base()->clone(); } else { // xxx - missing global typedef for size_t - default to long unsigned int, even though that may be wrong // eventually should have a warning for this case. SizeType = new BasicType( Type::Qualifiers(), BasicType::LongUnsignedInt ); } filter( translationUnit, isTypedef, true ); } Type *EliminateTypedef::mutate( TypeInstType * typeInst ) { // instances of typedef types will come here. If it is an instance // of a typdef type, link the instance to its actual type. TypedefMap::const_iterator def = typedefNames.find( typeInst->get_name() ); if ( def != typedefNames.end() ) { Type *ret = def->second.first->get_base()->clone(); ret->get_qualifiers() += typeInst->get_qualifiers(); // place instance parameters on the typedef'd type if ( ! typeInst->get_parameters().empty() ) { ReferenceToType *rtt = dynamic_cast(ret); if ( ! rtt ) { throw SemanticError("cannot apply type parameters to base type of " + typeInst->get_name()); } rtt->get_parameters().clear(); cloneAll( typeInst->get_parameters(), rtt->get_parameters() ); mutateAll( rtt->get_parameters(), *this ); // recursively fix typedefs on parameters } // if delete typeInst; return ret; } else { TypeDeclMap::const_iterator base = typedeclNames.find( typeInst->get_name() ); assert( base != typedeclNames.end() ); typeInst->set_baseType( base->second ); } // if return typeInst; } Declaration *EliminateTypedef::mutate( TypedefDecl * tyDecl ) { Declaration *ret = Mutator::mutate( tyDecl ); if ( typedefNames.count( tyDecl->get_name() ) == 1 && typedefNames[ tyDecl->get_name() ].second == scopeLevel ) { // typedef to the same name from the same scope // must be from the same type Type * t1 = tyDecl->get_base(); Type * t2 = typedefNames[ tyDecl->get_name() ].first->get_base(); if ( ! ResolvExpr::typesCompatible( t1, t2, Indexer() ) ) { throw SemanticError( "cannot redefine typedef: " + tyDecl->get_name() ); } } else { typedefNames[ tyDecl->get_name() ] = std::make_pair( TypedefDeclPtr( tyDecl ), scopeLevel ); } // if // When a typedef is a forward declaration: // typedef struct screen SCREEN; // the declaration portion must be retained: // struct screen; // because the expansion of the typedef is: // void rtn( SCREEN *p ) => void rtn( struct screen *p ) // hence the type-name "screen" must be defined. // Note, qualifiers on the typedef are superfluous for the forward declaration. if ( StructInstType *aggDecl = dynamic_cast< StructInstType * >( tyDecl->get_base() ) ) { return new StructDecl( aggDecl->get_name() ); } else if ( UnionInstType *aggDecl = dynamic_cast< UnionInstType * >( tyDecl->get_base() ) ) { return new UnionDecl( aggDecl->get_name() ); } else if ( EnumInstType *enumDecl = dynamic_cast< EnumInstType * >( tyDecl->get_base() ) ) { return new EnumDecl( enumDecl->get_name() ); } else { return ret->clone(); } // if } TypeDecl *EliminateTypedef::mutate( TypeDecl * typeDecl ) { TypedefMap::iterator i = typedefNames.find( typeDecl->get_name() ); if ( i != typedefNames.end() ) { typedefNames.erase( i ) ; } // if typedeclNames[ typeDecl->get_name() ] = typeDecl; return typeDecl; } DeclarationWithType *EliminateTypedef::mutate( FunctionDecl * funcDecl ) { typedefNames.beginScope(); DeclarationWithType *ret = Mutator::mutate( funcDecl ); typedefNames.endScope(); return ret; } DeclarationWithType *EliminateTypedef::mutate( ObjectDecl * objDecl ) { typedefNames.beginScope(); DeclarationWithType *ret = Mutator::mutate( objDecl ); typedefNames.endScope(); // is the type a function? if ( FunctionType *funtype = dynamic_cast( ret->get_type() ) ) { // replace the current object declaration with a function declaration return new FunctionDecl( ret->get_name(), ret->get_storageClass(), ret->get_linkage(), funtype, 0, ret->get_isInline(), ret->get_isNoreturn() ); } else if ( objDecl->get_isInline() || objDecl->get_isNoreturn() ) { throw SemanticError( "invalid inline or _Noreturn specification in declaration of ", objDecl ); } // if return ret; } Expression *EliminateTypedef::mutate( CastExpr * castExpr ) { typedefNames.beginScope(); Expression *ret = Mutator::mutate( castExpr ); typedefNames.endScope(); return ret; } CompoundStmt *EliminateTypedef::mutate( CompoundStmt * compoundStmt ) { typedefNames.beginScope(); scopeLevel += 1; CompoundStmt *ret = Mutator::mutate( compoundStmt ); scopeLevel -= 1; std::list< Statement * >::iterator i = compoundStmt->get_kids().begin(); while ( i != compoundStmt->get_kids().end() ) { std::list< Statement * >::iterator next = i+1; if ( DeclStmt *declStmt = dynamic_cast< DeclStmt * >( *i ) ) { if ( dynamic_cast< TypedefDecl * >( declStmt->get_decl() ) ) { delete *i; compoundStmt->get_kids().erase( i ); } // if } // if i = next; } // while typedefNames.endScope(); return ret; } // there may be typedefs nested within aggregates in order for everything to work properly, these should be removed // as well template AggDecl *EliminateTypedef::handleAggregate( AggDecl * aggDecl ) { std::list::iterator it = aggDecl->get_members().begin(); for ( ; it != aggDecl->get_members().end(); ) { std::list< Declaration * >::iterator next = it+1; if ( dynamic_cast< TypedefDecl * >( *it ) ) { delete *it; aggDecl->get_members().erase( it ); } // if it = next; } return aggDecl; } template void EliminateTypedef::addImplicitTypedef( AggDecl * aggDecl ) { if ( typedefNames.count( aggDecl->get_name() ) == 0 ) { Type *type = nullptr; if ( StructDecl * newDeclStructDecl = dynamic_cast< StructDecl * >( aggDecl ) ) { type = new StructInstType( Type::Qualifiers(), newDeclStructDecl->get_name() ); } else if ( UnionDecl * newDeclUnionDecl = dynamic_cast< UnionDecl * >( aggDecl ) ) { type = new UnionInstType( Type::Qualifiers(), newDeclUnionDecl->get_name() ); } else if ( EnumDecl * newDeclEnumDecl = dynamic_cast< EnumDecl * >( aggDecl ) ) { type = new EnumInstType( Type::Qualifiers(), newDeclEnumDecl->get_name() ); } // if TypedefDeclPtr tyDecl( new TypedefDecl( aggDecl->get_name(), DeclarationNode::NoStorageClass, type ) ); typedefNames[ aggDecl->get_name() ] = std::make_pair( std::move( tyDecl ), scopeLevel ); } // if } Declaration *EliminateTypedef::mutate( StructDecl * structDecl ) { addImplicitTypedef( structDecl ); Mutator::mutate( structDecl ); return handleAggregate( structDecl ); } Declaration *EliminateTypedef::mutate( UnionDecl * unionDecl ) { addImplicitTypedef( unionDecl ); Mutator::mutate( unionDecl ); return handleAggregate( unionDecl ); } Declaration *EliminateTypedef::mutate( EnumDecl * enumDecl ) { addImplicitTypedef( enumDecl ); Mutator::mutate( enumDecl ); return handleAggregate( enumDecl ); } Declaration *EliminateTypedef::mutate( TraitDecl * contextDecl ) { Mutator::mutate( contextDecl ); return handleAggregate( contextDecl ); } void VerifyCtorDtorAssign::verify( std::list< Declaration * > & translationUnit ) { VerifyCtorDtorAssign verifier; acceptAll( translationUnit, verifier ); } void VerifyCtorDtorAssign::visit( FunctionDecl * funcDecl ) { FunctionType * funcType = funcDecl->get_functionType(); std::list< DeclarationWithType * > &returnVals = funcType->get_returnVals(); std::list< DeclarationWithType * > ¶ms = funcType->get_parameters(); if ( InitTweak::isCtorDtorAssign( funcDecl->get_name() ) ) { if ( params.size() == 0 ) { throw SemanticError( "Constructors, destructors, and assignment functions require at least one parameter ", funcDecl ); } if ( ! dynamic_cast< PointerType * >( params.front()->get_type() ) ) { throw SemanticError( "First parameter of a constructor, destructor, or assignment function must be a pointer ", funcDecl ); } if ( InitTweak::isCtorDtor( funcDecl->get_name() ) && returnVals.size() != 0 ) { throw SemanticError( "Constructors and destructors cannot have explicit return values ", funcDecl ); } } Visitor::visit( funcDecl ); } DeclarationWithType * CompoundLiteral::mutate( ObjectDecl *objectDecl ) { storageclass = objectDecl->get_storageClass(); DeclarationWithType * temp = Mutator::mutate( objectDecl ); storageclass = DeclarationNode::NoStorageClass; return temp; } Expression *CompoundLiteral::mutate( CompoundLiteralExpr *compLitExpr ) { // transform [storage_class] ... (struct S){ 3, ... }; // into [storage_class] struct S temp = { 3, ... }; static UniqueName indexName( "_compLit" ); ObjectDecl *tempvar = new ObjectDecl( indexName.newName(), storageclass, LinkageSpec::C, 0, compLitExpr->get_type(), compLitExpr->get_initializer() ); compLitExpr->set_type( 0 ); compLitExpr->set_initializer( 0 ); delete compLitExpr; DeclarationWithType * newtempvar = mutate( tempvar ); addDeclaration( newtempvar ); // add modified temporary to current block return new VariableExpr( newtempvar ); } } // namespace SymTab // Local Variables: // // tab-width: 4 // // mode: c++ // // compile-command: "make install" // // End: //