// // Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2015 University of Waterloo // // The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the // file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall. // // Mangler.cc -- // // Author : Richard C. Bilson // Created On : Sun May 17 21:40:29 2015 // Last Modified By : Andrew Beach // Last Modified On : Fri Oct 21 16:18:00 2022 // Update Count : 75 // #include "Mangler.h" #include // for copy, transform #include // for assert, assertf #include // for const_mem_fun_t, mem_fun #include // for ostream_iterator, back_insert_ite... #include // for _List_iterator, list, _List_const... #include // for string, char_traits, operator<< #include "AST/Pass.hpp" #include "CodeGen/OperatorTable.h" // for OperatorInfo, operatorLookup #include "Common/ToString.hpp" // for toCString #include "Common/SemanticError.h" // for SemanticError namespace Mangle { namespace { /// Mangles names to a unique C identifier struct Mangler : public ast::WithShortCircuiting, public ast::WithVisitorRef, public ast::WithGuards { Mangler( Mangle::Mode mode ); Mangler( const Mangler & ) = delete; void previsit( const ast::Node * ) { visit_children = false; } void postvisit( const ast::ObjectDecl * declaration ); void postvisit( const ast::FunctionDecl * declaration ); void postvisit( const ast::TypeDecl * declaration ); void postvisit( const ast::VoidType * voidType ); void postvisit( const ast::BasicType * basicType ); void postvisit( const ast::PointerType * pointerType ); void postvisit( const ast::ArrayType * arrayType ); void postvisit( const ast::ReferenceType * refType ); void postvisit( const ast::FunctionType * functionType ); void postvisit( const ast::StructInstType * aggregateUseType ); void postvisit( const ast::UnionInstType * aggregateUseType ); void postvisit( const ast::EnumInstType * aggregateUseType ); void postvisit( const ast::TypeInstType * aggregateUseType ); void postvisit( const ast::TraitInstType * inst ); void postvisit( const ast::TupleType * tupleType ); void postvisit( const ast::VarArgsType * varArgsType ); void postvisit( const ast::ZeroType * zeroType ); void postvisit( const ast::OneType * oneType ); void postvisit( const ast::QualifiedType * qualType ); /// The result is the current constructed mangled name. std::string result() const { return mangleName; } private: std::string mangleName; ///< Mangled name being constructed typedef std::map< std::string, std::pair< int, int > > VarMapType; VarMapType varNums; ///< Map of type variables to indices int nextVarNum; ///< Next type variable index bool isTopLevel; ///< Is the Mangler at the top level bool mangleOverridable; ///< Specially mangle overridable built-in methods bool typeMode; ///< Produce a unique mangled name for a type bool mangleGenericParams; ///< Include generic parameters in name mangling if true bool inFunctionType = false; ///< Include type qualifiers if false. bool inQualifiedType = false; ///< Add start/end delimiters around qualified type private: Mangler( bool mangleOverridable, bool typeMode, bool mangleGenericParams, int nextVarNum, const VarMapType& varNums ); friend class ast::Pass; private: void mangleDecl( const ast::DeclWithType *declaration ); void mangleRef( const ast::BaseInstType *refType, const std::string & prefix ); void printQualifiers( const ast::Type *type ); }; // Mangler } // namespace std::string mangle( const ast::Node * decl, Mangle::Mode mode ) { return ast::Pass::read( decl, mode ); } namespace { Mangler::Mangler( Mangle::Mode mode ) : nextVarNum( 0 ), isTopLevel( true ), mangleOverridable ( ! mode.no_overrideable ), typeMode ( mode.type ), mangleGenericParams( ! mode.no_generic_params ) {} Mangler::Mangler( bool mangleOverridable, bool typeMode, bool mangleGenericParams, int nextVarNum, const VarMapType& varNums ) : varNums( varNums ), nextVarNum( nextVarNum ), isTopLevel( false ), mangleOverridable( mangleOverridable ), typeMode( typeMode ), mangleGenericParams( mangleGenericParams ) {} void Mangler::mangleDecl( const ast::DeclWithType * decl ) { bool wasTopLevel = isTopLevel; if ( isTopLevel ) { varNums.clear(); nextVarNum = 0; isTopLevel = false; } // if mangleName += Encoding::manglePrefix; const CodeGen::OperatorInfo * opInfo = CodeGen::operatorLookup( decl->name ); if ( opInfo ) { mangleName += std::to_string( opInfo->outputName.size() ) + opInfo->outputName; } else { mangleName += std::to_string( decl->name.size() ) + decl->name; } // if decl->get_type()->accept( *visitor ); if ( mangleOverridable && decl->linkage.is_overrideable ) { // want to be able to override autogenerated and intrinsic routines, // so they need a different name mangling if ( decl->linkage == ast::Linkage::AutoGen ) { mangleName += Encoding::autogen; } else if ( decl->linkage == ast::Linkage::Intrinsic ) { mangleName += Encoding::intrinsic; } else { // if we add another kind of overridable function, this has to change assert( false && "unknown overrideable linkage" ); } // if } isTopLevel = wasTopLevel; } void Mangler::postvisit( const ast::ObjectDecl * decl ) { mangleDecl( decl ); } void Mangler::postvisit( const ast::FunctionDecl * decl ) { mangleDecl( decl ); } void Mangler::postvisit( const ast::VoidType * voidType ) { printQualifiers( voidType ); mangleName += Encoding::void_t; } void Mangler::postvisit( const ast::BasicType * basicType ) { printQualifiers( basicType ); assertf( basicType->kind < ast::BasicType::NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES, "Unhandled basic type: %d", basicType->kind ); mangleName += Encoding::basicTypes[ basicType->kind ]; } void Mangler::postvisit( const ast::PointerType * pointerType ) { printQualifiers( pointerType ); // mangle void (*f)() and void f() to the same name to prevent overloading on functions and function pointers if ( ! pointerType->base.as() ) mangleName += Encoding::pointer; maybe_accept( pointerType->base.get(), *visitor ); } void Mangler::postvisit( const ast::ArrayType * arrayType ) { // TODO: encode dimension printQualifiers( arrayType ); mangleName += Encoding::array + "0"; arrayType->base->accept( *visitor ); } void Mangler::postvisit( const ast::ReferenceType * refType ) { // don't print prefix (e.g. 'R') for reference types so that references and non-references do not overload. // Further, do not print the qualifiers for a reference type (but do run printQualifers because of TypeDecls, etc.), // by pretending every reference type is a function parameter. GuardValue( inFunctionType ); inFunctionType = true; printQualifiers( refType ); refType->base->accept( *visitor ); } void Mangler::postvisit( const ast::FunctionType * functionType ) { printQualifiers( functionType ); mangleName += Encoding::function; // turn on inFunctionType so that printQualifiers does not print most qualifiers for function parameters, // since qualifiers on outermost parameter type do not differentiate function types, e.g., // void (*)(const int) and void (*)(int) are the same type, but void (*)(const int *) and void (*)(int *) are different GuardValue( inFunctionType ); inFunctionType = true; if (functionType->returns.empty()) mangleName += Encoding::void_t; else accept_each( functionType->returns, *visitor ); mangleName += "_"; accept_each( functionType->params, *visitor ); mangleName += "_"; } void Mangler::mangleRef( const ast::BaseInstType * refType, const std::string & prefix ) { printQualifiers( refType ); mangleName += prefix + std::to_string( refType->name.length() ) + refType->name; if ( mangleGenericParams && ! refType->params.empty() ) { mangleName += "_"; for ( const ast::Expr * param : refType->params ) { auto paramType = dynamic_cast< const ast::TypeExpr * >( param ); assertf(paramType, "Aggregate parameters should be type expressions: %s", toCString(param)); paramType->type->accept( *visitor ); } mangleName += "_"; } } void Mangler::postvisit( const ast::StructInstType * aggregateUseType ) { mangleRef( aggregateUseType, Encoding::struct_t ); } void Mangler::postvisit( const ast::UnionInstType * aggregateUseType ) { mangleRef( aggregateUseType, Encoding::union_t ); } void Mangler::postvisit( const ast::EnumInstType * aggregateUseType ) { mangleRef( aggregateUseType, Encoding::enum_t ); } void Mangler::postvisit( const ast::TypeInstType * typeInst ) { VarMapType::iterator varNum = varNums.find( typeInst->name ); if ( varNum == varNums.end() ) { mangleRef( typeInst, Encoding::type ); } else { printQualifiers( typeInst ); // Note: Can't use name here, since type variable names do not actually disambiguate a function, e.g. // forall(dtype T) void f(T); // forall(dtype S) void f(S); // are equivalent and should mangle the same way. This is accomplished by numbering the type variables when they // are first found and prefixing with the appropriate encoding for the type class. assertf( varNum->second.second < ast::TypeDecl::NUMBER_OF_KINDS, "Unhandled type variable kind: %d", varNum->second.second ); mangleName += Encoding::typeVariables[varNum->second.second] + std::to_string( varNum->second.first ); } // if } void Mangler::postvisit( const ast::TraitInstType * inst ) { printQualifiers( inst ); mangleName += std::to_string( inst->name.size() ) + inst->name; } void Mangler::postvisit( const ast::TupleType * tupleType ) { printQualifiers( tupleType ); mangleName += Encoding::tuple + std::to_string( tupleType->types.size() ); accept_each( tupleType->types, *visitor ); } void Mangler::postvisit( const ast::VarArgsType * varArgsType ) { printQualifiers( varArgsType ); static const std::string vargs = "__builtin_va_list"; mangleName += Encoding::type + std::to_string( vargs.size() ) + vargs; } void Mangler::postvisit( const ast::ZeroType * ) { mangleName += Encoding::zero; } void Mangler::postvisit( const ast::OneType * ) { mangleName += Encoding::one; } void Mangler::postvisit( const ast::QualifiedType * qualType ) { bool inqual = inQualifiedType; if ( !inqual ) { // N marks the start of a qualified type inQualifiedType = true; mangleName += Encoding::qualifiedTypeStart; } qualType->parent->accept( *visitor ); qualType->child->accept( *visitor ); if ( !inqual ) { // E marks the end of a qualified type inQualifiedType = false; mangleName += Encoding::qualifiedTypeEnd; } } void Mangler::postvisit( const ast::TypeDecl * decl ) { // TODO: is there any case where mangling a TypeDecl makes sense? If so, this code needs to be // fixed to ensure that two TypeDecls mangle to the same name when they are the same type and vice versa. // Note: The current scheme may already work correctly for this case, I have not thought about this deeply // and the case has not yet come up in practice. Alternatively, if not then this code can be removed // aside from the assert false. assertf(false, "Mangler should not visit typedecl: %s", toCString(decl)); assertf( decl->kind < ast::TypeDecl::Kind::NUMBER_OF_KINDS, "Unhandled type variable kind: %d", decl->kind ); mangleName += Encoding::typeVariables[ decl->kind ] + std::to_string( decl->name.length() ) + decl->name; } // For debugging: __attribute__((unused)) void printVarMap( const std::map< std::string, std::pair< int, int > > &varMap, std::ostream &os ) { for ( std::map< std::string, std::pair< int, int > >::const_iterator i = varMap.begin(); i != varMap.end(); ++i ) { os << i->first << "(" << i->second.first << "/" << i->second.second << ")" << std::endl; } // for } void Mangler::printQualifiers( const ast::Type * type ) { // skip if not including qualifiers if ( typeMode ) return; auto funcType = dynamic_cast( type ); if ( funcType && !funcType->forall.empty() ) { std::list< std::string > assertionNames; int dcount = 0, fcount = 0, vcount = 0, acount = 0; mangleName += Encoding::forall; for ( auto & decl : funcType->forall ) { switch ( decl->kind ) { case ast::TypeDecl::Dtype: dcount++; break; case ast::TypeDecl::Ftype: fcount++; break; case ast::TypeDecl::Ttype: vcount++; break; default: assertf( false, "unimplemented kind for type variable %s", SymTab::Mangler::Encoding::typeVariables[decl->kind].c_str() ); } // switch varNums[ decl->name ] = std::make_pair( nextVarNum, (int)decl->kind ); } // for for ( auto & assert : funcType->assertions ) { assertionNames.push_back( ast::Pass::read( assert->var.get(), mangleOverridable, typeMode, mangleGenericParams, nextVarNum, varNums ) ); acount++; } // for mangleName += std::to_string( dcount ) + "_" + std::to_string( fcount ) + "_" + std::to_string( vcount ) + "_" + std::to_string( acount ) + "_"; for ( const auto & a : assertionNames ) mangleName += a; mangleName += "_"; } // if if ( ! inFunctionType ) { // these qualifiers do not distinguish the outermost type of a function parameter if ( type->is_const() ) { mangleName += Encoding::qualifiers.at( ast::CV::Const ); } // if if ( type->is_volatile() ) { mangleName += Encoding::qualifiers.at( ast::CV::Volatile ); } // if // Removed due to restrict not affecting function compatibility in GCC // if ( type->get_isRestrict() ) { // mangleName += "E"; // } // if if ( type->is_atomic() ) { mangleName += Encoding::qualifiers.at( ast::CV::Atomic ); } // if } if ( type->is_mutex() ) { mangleName += Encoding::qualifiers.at( ast::CV::Mutex ); } // if if ( inFunctionType ) { // turn off inFunctionType so that types can be differentiated for nested qualifiers GuardValue( inFunctionType ); inFunctionType = false; } } } // namespace } // namespace Mangle // Local Variables: // // tab-width: 4 // // mode: c++ // // compile-command: "make install" // // End: //