// // Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2015 University of Waterloo // // The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the // file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall. // // ScopedMap.h -- // // Author : Aaron B. Moss // Created On : Fri Feb 19 13:55:00 2016 // Last Modified By : Aaron B. Moss // Last Modified On : Fri Feb 19 13:55:00 2016 // Update Count : 1 // #ifndef _TYPEMAP_H #define _TYPEMAP_H #include #include #include #include #include "SynTree/Type.h" #include "SynTree/Visitor.h" namespace ResolvExpr { /// A map from types to some value; lookup is done by structural decomposition on types. /// The TypeMap stores its values by reference, so stored objects should be kept alive by the caller. /// The scoping mechanism essentially by keeping a list of changes to roll back, then rolling them back /// WARNING: This map is only incompletely and approximately consistent with the resolution rules in Unify.cc; /// it has potential, if extended, to form the basis of a resolver that is more performant than the current /// linear-search-by-unification approach, but is only currently used for finding assignment operators in GenPoly::box. template< typename Value > class TypeMap { /// Map of names to types typedef typename std::map< std::string, Value* > ValueMap; typedef typename ValueMap::iterator ValueMapIterator; Value *voidValue; ///< Value for void type Value *basicValue[BasicType::NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES]; ///< Values for basic types Value *pointerValue; ///< Value for all pointer types Value *voidPointerValue; ///< Value for void* types Value *functionPointerValue; ///< Value for all function pointer types ValueMap structValue; ///< Values for struct types, indexed by name ValueMap unionValue; ///< Values for struct types, indexed by name ValueMap enumValue; ///< Values for struct types, indexed by name /// Information needed to roll back one scope change struct Rollback { /// One scope of pointer rollbacks typedef std::vector< std::pair< Value **, Value* > > PointerScope; /// One scope of map rollbacks typedef std::vector< std::pair< ValueMapIterator, Value* > > MapScope; PointerScope pointers; ///< Value pointers to roll back to their previous state MapScope mapNodes; ///< Value map iterators to roll back to their previous state void addRollback( Value **loc, Value *old ) { pointers.push_back( std::make_pair( loc, old ) ); } void addRollback( ValueMapIterator loc, Value *old ) { mapNodes.push_back( std::make_pair( loc, old ) ); } }; std::vector< Rollback > scopes; ///< Scope rollback information struct Lookup : public Visitor { Lookup( TypeMap &typeMap ) : typeMap( typeMap ), found( 0 ), toInsert( 0 ) {} /// Inserts a new value into the map; returns the old value (if set, NULL otherwise). /// key must be non-null. Value *insert( Type *key, Value *val ) { toInsert = val; key->accept( *this ); return found; } /// Looks up a value in the map. /// key must be non-null. Value *find( Type *key ) { //toInsert = 0; key->accept( *this ); return found; } void findAndReplace( Value *&loc ) { found = loc; if ( toInsert ) { typeMap.scopes.back().addRollback( &loc, found ); loc = toInsert; } } void findAndReplace( ValueMap &map, const std::string &name ) { ValueMapIterator loc = map.find( name ); if ( loc != map.end() ) { found = loc->second; if ( toInsert ) { typeMap.scopes.back().addRollback( loc, found ); loc->second = toInsert; } } else if ( toInsert ) { loc = map.insert( loc, std::make_pair( name, toInsert ) ); typeMap.scopes.back().addRollback( loc, found ); } } virtual void visit( VoidType *voidType ) { findAndReplace( typeMap.voidValue ); } virtual void visit( BasicType *basicType ) { findAndReplace( typeMap.basicValue[basicType->get_kind()] ); } virtual void visit( PointerType *pointerType ) { // NOTE This is one of the places where the apporoximation of the resolver is (deliberately) poor; // A better version would likely not equate all pointer types to a match. if ( dynamic_cast< FunctionType* >( pointerType->get_base() ) ) { findAndReplace( typeMap.functionPointerValue ); } else if ( dynamic_cast< VoidType* >( pointerType->get_base() ) ) { findAndReplace( typeMap.voidPointerValue ); } else { findAndReplace( typeMap.pointerValue ); } } virtual void visit( ArrayType *arrayType ) { if ( dynamic_cast< FunctionType* >( arrayType->get_base() ) ) { findAndReplace( typeMap.functionPointerValue ); } else { findAndReplace( typeMap.pointerValue ); } } virtual void visit( FunctionType *functionType ) { findAndReplace( typeMap.functionPointerValue ); } virtual void visit( StructInstType *structType ) { findAndReplace( typeMap.structValue, structType->get_name() ); } virtual void visit( UnionInstType *unionType ) { findAndReplace( typeMap.unionValue, unionType->get_name() ); } virtual void visit( EnumInstType *enumType ) { findAndReplace( typeMap.enumValue, enumType->get_name() ); } TypeMap &typeMap; ///< map storage Value *found; ///< Value found (NULL if none yet) Value *toInsert; ///< Value to insert (NULL if a lookup) }; // class Lookup friend class Lookup; public: /// Starts a new scope void beginScope() { Rollback scope; scopes.push_back(scope); } /// Ends a scope; rolls back any changes made during that scope void endScope() { Rollback &scope = scopes.back(); /// Roll back pointer changes for (unsigned i = 0; i < scope.pointers.size(); ++i) { *scope.pointers[i].first = scope.pointers[i].second; } /// Roll back map changes for (unsigned i = 0; i < scope.mapNodes.size(); ++i) { scope.mapNodes[i].first->second = scope.mapNodes[i].second; } scopes.pop_back(); } TypeMap() : voidValue( 0 ), pointerValue( 0 ), voidPointerValue( 0 ), functionPointerValue( 0 ), structValue(), unionValue(), enumValue(), scopes() { beginScope(); for (int i = 0; i < BasicType::NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES; ++i) { basicValue[i] = 0; } } /// Inserts a new value into the map; returns the old value (if set, NULL otherwise). /// key, val must be non-null. Value *insert( Type *key, Value *val ) { Lookup searcher( *this ); return searcher.insert( key, val ); } /// Looks up a value in the map. /// key must be non-null Value *find( Type *key ) { Lookup searcher( *this ); return searcher.find( key ); } }; // class TypeMap } // namespace ResolvExpr #endif // _TYPEMAP_H // Local Variables: // // tab-width: 4 // // mode: c++ // // compile-command: "make install" // // End: //