// // Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2015 University of Waterloo // // The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the // file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall. // // AlternativeFinder.cc -- // // Author : Richard C. Bilson // Created On : Sat May 16 23:52:08 2015 // Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr // Last Modified On : Thu Nov 1 21:00:56 2018 // Update Count : 35 // #include // for copy #include // for strict_dynamic_cast, assert, assertf #include // for size_t #include // for operator<<, cerr, ostream, endl #include // for back_insert_iterator, back_inserter #include // for _List_iterator, list, _List_const_... #include // for _Rb_tree_iterator, map, _Rb_tree_c... #include // for allocator_traits<>::value_type, unique_ptr #include // for pair #include // for vector #include "CompilationState.h" // for resolvep #include "Alternative.h" // for AltList, Alternative #include "AlternativeFinder.h" #include "Common/SemanticError.h" // for SemanticError #include "Common/utility.h" // for deleteAll, printAll, CodeLocation #include "Cost.h" // for Cost, Cost::zero, operator<<, Cost... #include "ExplodedActual.h" // for ExplodedActual #include "InitTweak/InitTweak.h" // for getFunctionName #include "RenameVars.h" // for RenameVars, global_renamer #include "ResolveAssertions.h" // for resolveAssertions #include "ResolveTypeof.h" // for resolveTypeof #include "Resolver.h" // for resolveStmtExpr #include "SymTab/Indexer.h" // for Indexer #include "SymTab/Mangler.h" // for Mangler #include "SymTab/Validate.h" // for validateType #include "SynTree/Constant.h" // for Constant #include "SynTree/Declaration.h" // for DeclarationWithType, TypeDecl, Dec... #include "SynTree/Expression.h" // for Expression, CastExpr, NameExpr #include "SynTree/Initializer.h" // for SingleInit, operator<<, Designation #include "SynTree/SynTree.h" // for UniqueId #include "SynTree/Type.h" // for Type, FunctionType, PointerType #include "Tuples/Explode.h" // for explode #include "Tuples/Tuples.h" // for isTtype, handleTupleAssignment #include "Unify.h" // for unify #include "typeops.h" // for adjustExprType, polyCost, castCost #define PRINT( text ) if ( resolvep ) { text } //#define DEBUG_COST using std::move; /// copies any copyable type template T copy(const T& x) { return x; } namespace ResolvExpr { struct AlternativeFinder::Finder : public WithShortCircuiting { Finder( AlternativeFinder & altFinder ) : altFinder( altFinder ), indexer( altFinder.indexer ), alternatives( altFinder.alternatives ), env( altFinder.env ), targetType( altFinder.targetType ) {} void previsit( BaseSyntaxNode * ) { visit_children = false; } void postvisit( ApplicationExpr * applicationExpr ); void postvisit( UntypedExpr * untypedExpr ); void postvisit( AddressExpr * addressExpr ); void postvisit( LabelAddressExpr * labelExpr ); void postvisit( CastExpr * castExpr ); void postvisit( VirtualCastExpr * castExpr ); void postvisit( UntypedMemberExpr * memberExpr ); void postvisit( MemberExpr * memberExpr ); void postvisit( NameExpr * variableExpr ); void postvisit( VariableExpr * variableExpr ); void postvisit( ConstantExpr * constantExpr ); void postvisit( SizeofExpr * sizeofExpr ); void postvisit( AlignofExpr * alignofExpr ); void postvisit( UntypedOffsetofExpr * offsetofExpr ); void postvisit( OffsetofExpr * offsetofExpr ); void postvisit( OffsetPackExpr * offsetPackExpr ); void postvisit( AttrExpr * attrExpr ); void postvisit( LogicalExpr * logicalExpr ); void postvisit( ConditionalExpr * conditionalExpr ); void postvisit( CommaExpr * commaExpr ); void postvisit( ImplicitCopyCtorExpr * impCpCtorExpr ); void postvisit( ConstructorExpr * ctorExpr ); void postvisit( RangeExpr * rangeExpr ); void postvisit( UntypedTupleExpr * tupleExpr ); void postvisit( TupleExpr * tupleExpr ); void postvisit( TupleIndexExpr * tupleExpr ); void postvisit( TupleAssignExpr * tupleExpr ); void postvisit( UniqueExpr * unqExpr ); void postvisit( StmtExpr * stmtExpr ); void postvisit( UntypedInitExpr * initExpr ); void postvisit( InitExpr * initExpr ); void postvisit( DeletedExpr * delExpr ); void postvisit( GenericExpr * genExpr ); /// Adds alternatives for anonymous members void addAnonConversions( const Alternative & alt ); /// Adds alternatives for member expressions, given the aggregate, conversion cost for that aggregate, and name of the member template< typename StructOrUnionType > void addAggMembers( StructOrUnionType *aggInst, Expression *expr, const Alternative &alt, const Cost &newCost, const std::string & name ); /// Adds alternatives for member expressions where the left side has tuple type void addTupleMembers( TupleType *tupleType, Expression *expr, const Alternative &alt, const Cost &newCost, Expression *member ); /// Adds alternatives for offsetof expressions, given the base type and name of the member template< typename StructOrUnionType > void addOffsetof( StructOrUnionType *aggInst, const std::string &name ); /// Takes a final result and checks if its assertions can be satisfied template void validateFunctionAlternative( const Alternative &func, ArgPack& result, const std::vector& results, OutputIterator out ); /// Finds matching alternatives for a function, given a set of arguments template void makeFunctionAlternatives( const Alternative &func, FunctionType *funcType, const ExplodedArgs& args, OutputIterator out ); /// Sets up parameter inference for an output alternative template< typename OutputIterator > void inferParameters( Alternative &newAlt, OutputIterator out ); private: AlternativeFinder & altFinder; const SymTab::Indexer &indexer; AltList & alternatives; const TypeEnvironment &env; Type *& targetType; }; Cost sumCost( const AltList &in ) { Cost total = Cost::zero; for ( AltList::const_iterator i = in.begin(); i != in.end(); ++i ) { total += i->cost; } return total; } void printAlts( const AltList &list, std::ostream &os, unsigned int indentAmt ) { Indenter indent = { Indenter::tabsize, indentAmt }; for ( AltList::const_iterator i = list.begin(); i != list.end(); ++i ) { i->print( os, indent ); os << std::endl; } } namespace { void makeExprList( const AltList &in, std::list< Expression* > &out ) { for ( AltList::const_iterator i = in.begin(); i != in.end(); ++i ) { out.push_back( i->expr->clone() ); } } struct PruneStruct { bool isAmbiguous; AltList::iterator candidate; PruneStruct() {} PruneStruct( AltList::iterator candidate ): isAmbiguous( false ), candidate( candidate ) {} }; /// Prunes a list of alternatives down to those that have the minimum conversion cost for a given return type; skips ambiguous interpretations template< typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator > void pruneAlternatives( InputIterator begin, InputIterator end, OutputIterator out ) { // select the alternatives that have the minimum conversion cost for a particular set of result types std::map< std::string, PruneStruct > selected; for ( AltList::iterator candidate = begin; candidate != end; ++candidate ) { PruneStruct current( candidate ); std::string mangleName; { Type * newType = candidate->expr->get_result()->clone(); candidate->env.apply( newType ); mangleName = SymTab::Mangler::mangle( newType ); delete newType; } std::map< std::string, PruneStruct >::iterator mapPlace = selected.find( mangleName ); if ( mapPlace != selected.end() ) { if ( candidate->cost < mapPlace->second.candidate->cost ) { PRINT( std::cerr << "cost " << candidate->cost << " beats " << mapPlace->second.candidate->cost << std::endl; ) selected[ mangleName ] = current; } else if ( candidate->cost == mapPlace->second.candidate->cost ) { // if one of the candidates contains a deleted identifier, can pick the other, since // deleted expressions should not be ambiguous if there is another option that is at least as good if ( findDeletedExpr( candidate->expr ) ) { // do nothing PRINT( std::cerr << "candidate is deleted" << std::endl; ) } else if ( findDeletedExpr( mapPlace->second.candidate->expr ) ) { PRINT( std::cerr << "current is deleted" << std::endl; ) selected[ mangleName ] = current; } else { PRINT( std::cerr << "marking ambiguous" << std::endl; ) mapPlace->second.isAmbiguous = true; } } else { PRINT( std::cerr << "cost " << candidate->cost << " loses to " << mapPlace->second.candidate->cost << std::endl; ) } } else { selected[ mangleName ] = current; } } // accept the alternatives that were unambiguous for ( std::map< std::string, PruneStruct >::iterator target = selected.begin(); target != selected.end(); ++target ) { if ( ! target->second.isAmbiguous ) { Alternative &alt = *target->second.candidate; alt.env.applyFree( alt.expr->get_result() ); *out++ = alt; } } } void renameTypes( Expression *expr ) { renameTyVars( expr->result ); } } // namespace void referenceToRvalueConversion( Expression *& expr, Cost & cost ) { if ( dynamic_cast< ReferenceType * >( expr->get_result() ) ) { // cast away reference from expr expr = new CastExpr( expr, expr->get_result()->stripReferences()->clone() ); cost.incReference(); } } template< typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator > void AlternativeFinder::findSubExprs( InputIterator begin, InputIterator end, OutputIterator out ) { while ( begin != end ) { AlternativeFinder finder( indexer, env ); finder.findWithAdjustment( *begin ); // XXX either this //Designators::fixDesignations( finder, (*begin++)->get_argName() ); // or XXX this begin++; PRINT( std::cerr << "findSubExprs" << std::endl; printAlts( finder.alternatives, std::cerr ); ) *out++ = finder; } } AlternativeFinder::AlternativeFinder( const SymTab::Indexer &indexer, const TypeEnvironment &env ) : indexer( indexer ), env( env ) { } void AlternativeFinder::find( Expression *expr, ResolvMode mode ) { PassVisitor finder( *this ); expr->accept( finder ); if ( mode.failFast && alternatives.empty() ) { PRINT( std::cerr << "No reasonable alternatives for expression " << expr << std::endl; ) SemanticError( expr, "No reasonable alternatives for expression " ); } if ( mode.resolveAssns || mode.prune ) { // trim candidates just to those where the assertions resolve // - necessary pre-requisite to pruning AltList candidates; for ( unsigned i = 0; i < alternatives.size(); ++i ) { resolveAssertions( alternatives[i], indexer, candidates ); } // fail early if none such if ( mode.failFast && candidates.empty() ) { std::ostringstream stream; stream << "No resolvable alternatives for expression " << expr << "\n" << "Alternatives with failing assertions are:\n"; printAlts( alternatives, stream, 1 ); SemanticError( expr->location, stream.str() ); } // reset alternatives alternatives = std::move( candidates ); } if ( mode.prune ) { auto oldsize = alternatives.size(); PRINT( std::cerr << "alternatives before prune:" << std::endl; printAlts( alternatives, std::cerr ); ) AltList pruned; pruneAlternatives( alternatives.begin(), alternatives.end(), back_inserter( pruned ) ); if ( mode.failFast && pruned.empty() ) { std::ostringstream stream; AltList winners; findMinCost( alternatives.begin(), alternatives.end(), back_inserter( winners ) ); stream << "Cannot choose between " << winners.size() << " alternatives for expression\n"; expr->print( stream ); stream << " Alternatives are:\n"; printAlts( winners, stream, 1 ); SemanticError( expr->location, stream.str() ); } alternatives = move(pruned); PRINT( std::cerr << "there are " << oldsize << " alternatives before elimination" << std::endl; ) PRINT( std::cerr << "there are " << alternatives.size() << " alternatives after elimination" << std::endl; ) } // adjust types after pruning so that types substituted by pruneAlternatives are correctly adjusted if ( mode.adjust ) { for ( Alternative& i : alternatives ) { adjustExprType( i.expr->get_result(), i.env, indexer ); } } // Central location to handle gcc extension keyword, etc. for all expression types. for ( Alternative &iter: alternatives ) { iter.expr->set_extension( expr->get_extension() ); iter.expr->location = expr->location; } // for } void AlternativeFinder::findWithAdjustment( Expression *expr ) { find( expr, ResolvMode::withAdjustment() ); } void AlternativeFinder::findWithoutPrune( Expression * expr ) { find( expr, ResolvMode::withoutPrune() ); } void AlternativeFinder::maybeFind( Expression * expr ) { find( expr, ResolvMode::withoutFailFast() ); } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::addAnonConversions( const Alternative & alt ) { // adds anonymous member interpretations whenever an aggregate value type is seen. // it's okay for the aggregate expression to have reference type -- cast it to the base type to treat the aggregate as the referenced value std::unique_ptr aggrExpr( alt.expr->clone() ); alt.env.apply( aggrExpr->result ); Type * aggrType = aggrExpr->result; if ( dynamic_cast< ReferenceType * >( aggrType ) ) { aggrType = aggrType->stripReferences(); aggrExpr.reset( new CastExpr( aggrExpr.release(), aggrType->clone() ) ); } if ( StructInstType *structInst = dynamic_cast< StructInstType* >( aggrExpr->result ) ) { addAggMembers( structInst, aggrExpr.get(), alt, alt.cost+Cost::safe, "" ); } else if ( UnionInstType *unionInst = dynamic_cast< UnionInstType* >( aggrExpr->result ) ) { addAggMembers( unionInst, aggrExpr.get(), alt, alt.cost+Cost::safe, "" ); } // if } template< typename StructOrUnionType > void AlternativeFinder::Finder::addAggMembers( StructOrUnionType *aggInst, Expression *expr, const Alternative& alt, const Cost &newCost, const std::string & name ) { std::list< Declaration* > members; aggInst->lookup( name, members ); for ( Declaration * decl : members ) { if ( DeclarationWithType *dwt = dynamic_cast< DeclarationWithType* >( decl ) ) { // addAnonAlternatives uses vector::push_back, which invalidates references to existing elements, so // can't construct in place and use vector::back Alternative newAlt{ alt, new MemberExpr{ dwt, expr->clone() }, newCost }; renameTypes( newAlt.expr ); addAnonConversions( newAlt ); // add anonymous member interpretations whenever an aggregate value type is seen as a member expression. alternatives.push_back( std::move(newAlt) ); } else { assert( false ); } } } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::addTupleMembers( TupleType *tupleType, Expression *expr, const Alternative &alt, const Cost &newCost, Expression *member ) { if ( ConstantExpr * constantExpr = dynamic_cast< ConstantExpr * >( member ) ) { // get the value of the constant expression as an int, must be between 0 and the length of the tuple type to have meaning auto val = constantExpr->intValue(); std::string tmp; if ( val >= 0 && (unsigned long long)val < tupleType->size() ) { alternatives.push_back( Alternative{ alt, new TupleIndexExpr( expr->clone(), val ), newCost } ); } // if } // if } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( ApplicationExpr *applicationExpr ) { alternatives.push_back( Alternative{ applicationExpr->clone(), env } ); } Cost computeConversionCost( Type * actualType, Type * formalType, const SymTab::Indexer &indexer, const TypeEnvironment & env ) { PRINT( std::cerr << std::endl << "converting "; actualType->print( std::cerr, 8 ); std::cerr << std::endl << " to "; formalType->print( std::cerr, 8 ); std::cerr << std::endl << "environment is: "; env.print( std::cerr, 8 ); std::cerr << std::endl; ) Cost convCost = conversionCost( actualType, formalType, indexer, env ); PRINT( std::cerr << std::endl << "cost is " << convCost << std::endl; ) if ( convCost == Cost::infinity ) { return convCost; } convCost.incPoly( polyCost( formalType, env, indexer ) + polyCost( actualType, env, indexer ) ); PRINT( std::cerr << "cost with polycost is " << convCost << std::endl; ) return convCost; } Cost computeExpressionConversionCost( Expression *& actualExpr, Type * formalType, const SymTab::Indexer &indexer, const TypeEnvironment & env ) { Cost convCost = computeConversionCost( actualExpr->result, formalType, indexer, env ); // if there is a non-zero conversion cost, ignoring poly cost, then the expression requires conversion. // ignore poly cost for now, since this requires resolution of the cast to infer parameters and this // does not currently work for the reason stated below. Cost tmpCost = convCost; tmpCost.incPoly( -tmpCost.get_polyCost() ); if ( tmpCost != Cost::zero ) { Type *newType = formalType->clone(); env.apply( newType ); actualExpr = new CastExpr( actualExpr, newType ); // xxx - SHOULD be able to resolve this cast, but at the moment pointers are not castable to zero_t, but are implicitly convertible. This is clearly // inconsistent, once this is fixed it should be possible to resolve the cast. // xxx - this isn't working, it appears because type1 (the formal type) is seen as widenable, but it shouldn't be, because this makes the conversion from DT* to DT* since commontype(zero_t, DT*) is DT*, rather than just nothing. // AlternativeFinder finder( indexer, env ); // finder.findWithAdjustment( actualExpr ); // assertf( finder.get_alternatives().size() > 0, "Somehow castable expression failed to find alternatives." ); // assertf( finder.get_alternatives().size() == 1, "Somehow got multiple alternatives for known cast expression." ); // Alternative & alt = finder.get_alternatives().front(); // delete actualExpr; // actualExpr = alt.expr->clone(); } return convCost; } Cost computeApplicationConversionCost( Alternative &alt, const SymTab::Indexer &indexer ) { ApplicationExpr *appExpr = strict_dynamic_cast< ApplicationExpr* >( alt.expr ); PointerType *pointer = strict_dynamic_cast< PointerType* >( appExpr->function->result ); FunctionType *function = strict_dynamic_cast< FunctionType* >( pointer->base ); Cost convCost = Cost::zero; std::list< DeclarationWithType* >& formals = function->parameters; std::list< DeclarationWithType* >::iterator formal = formals.begin(); std::list< Expression* >& actuals = appExpr->args; for ( Expression*& actualExpr : actuals ) { Type * actualType = actualExpr->result; PRINT( std::cerr << "actual expression:" << std::endl; actualExpr->print( std::cerr, 8 ); std::cerr << "--- results are" << std::endl; actualType->print( std::cerr, 8 ); ) if ( formal == formals.end() ) { if ( function->isVarArgs ) { convCost.incUnsafe(); PRINT( std::cerr << "end of formals with varargs function: inc unsafe: " << convCost << std::endl; ; ) // convert reference-typed expressions to value-typed expressions referenceToRvalueConversion( actualExpr, convCost ); continue; } else { return Cost::infinity; } } if ( DefaultArgExpr * def = dynamic_cast< DefaultArgExpr * >( actualExpr ) ) { // default arguments should be free - don't include conversion cost. // Unwrap them here because they are not relevant to the rest of the system. actualExpr = def->expr; ++formal; continue; } // mark conversion cost to formal and also specialization cost of formal type Type * formalType = (*formal)->get_type(); convCost += computeExpressionConversionCost( actualExpr, formalType, indexer, alt.env ); convCost.decSpec( specCost( formalType ) ); ++formal; // can't be in for-loop update because of the continue } if ( formal != formals.end() ) { return Cost::infinity; } // mark specialization cost of return types for ( DeclarationWithType* returnVal : function->returnVals ) { convCost.decSpec( specCost( returnVal->get_type() ) ); } // mark type variable and specialization cost of forall clause convCost.incVar( function->forall.size() ); for ( TypeDecl* td : function->forall ) { convCost.decSpec( td->assertions.size() ); } // xxx -- replace with new costs in resolver for ( InferredParams::const_iterator assert = appExpr->inferParams.begin(); assert != appExpr->inferParams.end(); ++assert ) { convCost += computeConversionCost( assert->second.actualType, assert->second.formalType, indexer, alt.env ); } return convCost; } /// Adds type variables to the open variable set and marks their assertions void makeUnifiableVars( Type *type, OpenVarSet &unifiableVars, AssertionSet &needAssertions ) { for ( Type::ForallList::const_iterator tyvar = type->forall.begin(); tyvar != type->forall.end(); ++tyvar ) { unifiableVars[ (*tyvar)->get_name() ] = TypeDecl::Data{ *tyvar }; for ( std::list< DeclarationWithType* >::iterator assert = (*tyvar)->assertions.begin(); assert != (*tyvar)->assertions.end(); ++assert ) { needAssertions[ *assert ].isUsed = true; } } } /// Unique identifier for matching expression resolutions to their requesting expression UniqueId globalResnSlot = 0; template< typename OutputIterator > void AlternativeFinder::Finder::inferParameters( Alternative &newAlt, OutputIterator out ) { // Set need bindings for any unbound assertions UniqueId crntResnSlot = 0; // matching ID for this expression's assertions for ( auto& assn : newAlt.need ) { // skip already-matched assertions if ( assn.info.resnSlot != 0 ) continue; // assign slot for expression if needed if ( crntResnSlot == 0 ) { crntResnSlot = ++globalResnSlot; } // fix slot to assertion assn.info.resnSlot = crntResnSlot; } // pair slot to expression if ( crntResnSlot != 0 ) { newAlt.expr->resnSlots.push_back( crntResnSlot ); } // add to output list, assertion resolution is deferred *out++ = newAlt; } /// Gets a default value from an initializer, nullptr if not present ConstantExpr* getDefaultValue( Initializer* init ) { if ( SingleInit* si = dynamic_cast( init ) ) { if ( CastExpr* ce = dynamic_cast( si->value ) ) { return dynamic_cast( ce->arg ); } else { return dynamic_cast( si->value ); } } return nullptr; } /// State to iteratively build a match of parameter expressions to arguments struct ArgPack { std::size_t parent; ///< Index of parent pack std::unique_ptr expr; ///< The argument stored here Cost cost; ///< The cost of this argument TypeEnvironment env; ///< Environment for this pack AssertionSet need; ///< Assertions outstanding for this pack AssertionSet have; ///< Assertions found for this pack OpenVarSet openVars; ///< Open variables for this pack unsigned nextArg; ///< Index of next argument in arguments list unsigned tupleStart; ///< Number of tuples that start at this index unsigned nextExpl; ///< Index of next exploded element unsigned explAlt; ///< Index of alternative for nextExpl > 0 ArgPack() : parent(0), expr(), cost(Cost::zero), env(), need(), have(), openVars(), nextArg(0), tupleStart(0), nextExpl(0), explAlt(0) {} ArgPack(const TypeEnvironment& env, const AssertionSet& need, const AssertionSet& have, const OpenVarSet& openVars) : parent(0), expr(), cost(Cost::zero), env(env), need(need), have(have), openVars(openVars), nextArg(0), tupleStart(0), nextExpl(0), explAlt(0) {} ArgPack(std::size_t parent, Expression* expr, TypeEnvironment&& env, AssertionSet&& need, AssertionSet&& have, OpenVarSet&& openVars, unsigned nextArg, unsigned tupleStart = 0, Cost cost = Cost::zero, unsigned nextExpl = 0, unsigned explAlt = 0 ) : parent(parent), expr(expr->clone()), cost(cost), env(move(env)), need(move(need)), have(move(have)), openVars(move(openVars)), nextArg(nextArg), tupleStart(tupleStart), nextExpl(nextExpl), explAlt(explAlt) {} ArgPack(const ArgPack& o, TypeEnvironment&& env, AssertionSet&& need, AssertionSet&& have, OpenVarSet&& openVars, unsigned nextArg, Cost added ) : parent(o.parent), expr(o.expr ? o.expr->clone() : nullptr), cost(o.cost + added), env(move(env)), need(move(need)), have(move(have)), openVars(move(openVars)), nextArg(nextArg), tupleStart(o.tupleStart), nextExpl(0), explAlt(0) {} /// true iff this pack is in the middle of an exploded argument bool hasExpl() const { return nextExpl > 0; } /// Gets the list of exploded alternatives for this pack const ExplodedActual& getExpl( const ExplodedArgs& args ) const { return args[nextArg-1][explAlt]; } /// Ends a tuple expression, consolidating the appropriate actuals void endTuple( const std::vector& packs ) { // add all expressions in tuple to list, summing cost std::list exprs; const ArgPack* pack = this; if ( expr ) { exprs.push_front( expr.release() ); } while ( pack->tupleStart == 0 ) { pack = &packs[pack->parent]; exprs.push_front( pack->expr->clone() ); cost += pack->cost; } // reset pack to appropriate tuple expr.reset( new TupleExpr( exprs ) ); tupleStart = pack->tupleStart - 1; parent = pack->parent; } }; /// Instantiates an argument to match a formal, returns false if no results left bool instantiateArgument( Type* formalType, Initializer* initializer, const ExplodedArgs& args, std::vector& results, std::size_t& genStart, const SymTab::Indexer& indexer, unsigned nTuples = 0 ) { if ( TupleType * tupleType = dynamic_cast( formalType ) ) { // formalType is a TupleType - group actuals into a TupleExpr ++nTuples; for ( Type* type : *tupleType ) { // xxx - dropping initializer changes behaviour from previous, but seems correct // ^^^ need to handle the case where a tuple has a default argument if ( ! instantiateArgument( type, nullptr, args, results, genStart, indexer, nTuples ) ) return false; nTuples = 0; } // re-consititute tuples for final generation for ( auto i = genStart; i < results.size(); ++i ) { results[i].endTuple( results ); } return true; } else if ( TypeInstType * ttype = Tuples::isTtype( formalType ) ) { // formalType is a ttype, consumes all remaining arguments // xxx - mixing default arguments with variadic?? // completed tuples; will be spliced to end of results to finish std::vector finalResults{}; // iterate until all results completed std::size_t genEnd; ++nTuples; do { genEnd = results.size(); // add another argument to results for ( std::size_t i = genStart; i < genEnd; ++i ) { auto nextArg = results[i].nextArg; // use next element of exploded tuple if present if ( results[i].hasExpl() ) { const ExplodedActual& expl = results[i].getExpl( args ); unsigned nextExpl = results[i].nextExpl + 1; if ( nextExpl == expl.exprs.size() ) { nextExpl = 0; } results.emplace_back( i, expl.exprs[results[i].nextExpl].get(), copy(results[i].env), copy(results[i].need), copy(results[i].have), copy(results[i].openVars), nextArg, nTuples, Cost::zero, nextExpl, results[i].explAlt ); continue; } // finish result when out of arguments if ( nextArg >= args.size() ) { ArgPack newResult{ results[i].env, results[i].need, results[i].have, results[i].openVars }; newResult.nextArg = nextArg; Type* argType; if ( nTuples > 0 || ! results[i].expr ) { // first iteration or no expression to clone, // push empty tuple expression newResult.parent = i; std::list emptyList; newResult.expr.reset( new TupleExpr( emptyList ) ); argType = newResult.expr->get_result(); } else { // clone result to collect tuple newResult.parent = results[i].parent; newResult.cost = results[i].cost; newResult.tupleStart = results[i].tupleStart; newResult.expr.reset( results[i].expr->clone() ); argType = newResult.expr->get_result(); if ( results[i].tupleStart > 0 && Tuples::isTtype( argType ) ) { // the case where a ttype value is passed directly is special, // e.g. for argument forwarding purposes // xxx - what if passing multiple arguments, last of which is // ttype? // xxx - what would happen if unify was changed so that unifying // tuple // types flattened both before unifying lists? then pass in // TupleType (ttype) below. --newResult.tupleStart; } else { // collapse leftover arguments into tuple newResult.endTuple( results ); argType = newResult.expr->get_result(); } } // check unification for ttype before adding to final if ( unify( ttype, argType, newResult.env, newResult.need, newResult.have, newResult.openVars, indexer ) ) { finalResults.push_back( move(newResult) ); } continue; } // add each possible next argument for ( std::size_t j = 0; j < args[nextArg].size(); ++j ) { const ExplodedActual& expl = args[nextArg][j]; // fresh copies of parent parameters for this iteration TypeEnvironment env = results[i].env; OpenVarSet openVars = results[i].openVars; env.addActual( expl.env, openVars ); // skip empty tuple arguments by (near-)cloning parent into next gen if ( expl.exprs.empty() ) { results.emplace_back( results[i], move(env), copy(results[i].need), copy(results[i].have), move(openVars), nextArg + 1, expl.cost ); continue; } // add new result results.emplace_back( i, expl.exprs.front().get(), move(env), copy(results[i].need), copy(results[i].have), move(openVars), nextArg + 1, nTuples, expl.cost, expl.exprs.size() == 1 ? 0 : 1, j ); } } // reset for next round genStart = genEnd; nTuples = 0; } while ( genEnd != results.size() ); // splice final results onto results for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < finalResults.size(); ++i ) { results.push_back( move(finalResults[i]) ); } return ! finalResults.empty(); } // iterate each current subresult std::size_t genEnd = results.size(); for ( std::size_t i = genStart; i < genEnd; ++i ) { auto nextArg = results[i].nextArg; // use remainder of exploded tuple if present if ( results[i].hasExpl() ) { const ExplodedActual& expl = results[i].getExpl( args ); Expression* expr = expl.exprs[results[i].nextExpl].get(); TypeEnvironment env = results[i].env; AssertionSet need = results[i].need, have = results[i].have; OpenVarSet openVars = results[i].openVars; Type* actualType = expr->get_result(); PRINT( std::cerr << "formal type is "; formalType->print( std::cerr ); std::cerr << std::endl << "actual type is "; actualType->print( std::cerr ); std::cerr << std::endl; ) if ( unify( formalType, actualType, env, need, have, openVars, indexer ) ) { unsigned nextExpl = results[i].nextExpl + 1; if ( nextExpl == expl.exprs.size() ) { nextExpl = 0; } results.emplace_back( i, expr, move(env), move(need), move(have), move(openVars), nextArg, nTuples, Cost::zero, nextExpl, results[i].explAlt ); } continue; } // use default initializers if out of arguments if ( nextArg >= args.size() ) { if ( ConstantExpr* cnstExpr = getDefaultValue( initializer ) ) { if ( Constant* cnst = dynamic_cast( cnstExpr->get_constant() ) ) { TypeEnvironment env = results[i].env; AssertionSet need = results[i].need, have = results[i].have; OpenVarSet openVars = results[i].openVars; if ( unify( formalType, cnst->get_type(), env, need, have, openVars, indexer ) ) { results.emplace_back( i, new DefaultArgExpr( cnstExpr ), move(env), move(need), move(have), move(openVars), nextArg, nTuples ); } } } continue; } // Check each possible next argument for ( std::size_t j = 0; j < args[nextArg].size(); ++j ) { const ExplodedActual& expl = args[nextArg][j]; // fresh copies of parent parameters for this iteration TypeEnvironment env = results[i].env; AssertionSet need = results[i].need, have = results[i].have; OpenVarSet openVars = results[i].openVars; env.addActual( expl.env, openVars ); // skip empty tuple arguments by (near-)cloning parent into next gen if ( expl.exprs.empty() ) { results.emplace_back( results[i], move(env), move(need), move(have), move(openVars), nextArg + 1, expl.cost ); continue; } // consider only first exploded actual Expression* expr = expl.exprs.front().get(); Type* actualType = expr->result->clone(); PRINT( std::cerr << "formal type is "; formalType->print( std::cerr ); std::cerr << std::endl << "actual type is "; actualType->print( std::cerr ); std::cerr << std::endl; ) // attempt to unify types if ( unify( formalType, actualType, env, need, have, openVars, indexer ) ) { // add new result results.emplace_back( i, expr, move(env), move(need), move(have), move(openVars), nextArg + 1, nTuples, expl.cost, expl.exprs.size() == 1 ? 0 : 1, j ); } } } // reset for next parameter genStart = genEnd; return genEnd != results.size(); } template void AlternativeFinder::Finder::validateFunctionAlternative( const Alternative &func, ArgPack& result, const std::vector& results, OutputIterator out ) { ApplicationExpr *appExpr = new ApplicationExpr( func.expr->clone() ); // sum cost and accumulate actuals std::list& args = appExpr->args; Cost cost = func.cost; const ArgPack* pack = &result; while ( pack->expr ) { args.push_front( pack->expr->clone() ); cost += pack->cost; pack = &results[pack->parent]; } // build and validate new alternative Alternative newAlt{ appExpr, result.env, result.openVars, result.need, cost }; PRINT( std::cerr << "instantiate function success: " << appExpr << std::endl; std::cerr << "need assertions:" << std::endl; printAssertionSet( result.need, std::cerr, 8 ); ) inferParameters( newAlt, out ); } template void AlternativeFinder::Finder::makeFunctionAlternatives( const Alternative &func, FunctionType *funcType, const ExplodedArgs &args, OutputIterator out ) { OpenVarSet funcOpenVars; AssertionSet funcNeed, funcHave; TypeEnvironment funcEnv( func.env ); makeUnifiableVars( funcType, funcOpenVars, funcNeed ); // add all type variables as open variables now so that those not used in the parameter // list are still considered open. funcEnv.add( funcType->forall ); if ( targetType && ! targetType->isVoid() && ! funcType->returnVals.empty() ) { // attempt to narrow based on expected target type Type * returnType = funcType->returnVals.front()->get_type(); if ( ! unify( returnType, targetType, funcEnv, funcNeed, funcHave, funcOpenVars, indexer ) ) { // unification failed, don't pursue this function alternative return; } } // iteratively build matches, one parameter at a time std::vector results; results.push_back( ArgPack{ funcEnv, funcNeed, funcHave, funcOpenVars } ); std::size_t genStart = 0; for ( DeclarationWithType* formal : funcType->parameters ) { ObjectDecl* obj = strict_dynamic_cast< ObjectDecl* >( formal ); if ( ! instantiateArgument( obj->type, obj->init, args, results, genStart, indexer ) ) return; } if ( funcType->get_isVarArgs() ) { // append any unused arguments to vararg pack std::size_t genEnd; do { genEnd = results.size(); // iterate results for ( std::size_t i = genStart; i < genEnd; ++i ) { auto nextArg = results[i].nextArg; // use remainder of exploded tuple if present if ( results[i].hasExpl() ) { const ExplodedActual& expl = results[i].getExpl( args ); unsigned nextExpl = results[i].nextExpl + 1; if ( nextExpl == expl.exprs.size() ) { nextExpl = 0; } results.emplace_back( i, expl.exprs[results[i].nextExpl].get(), copy(results[i].env), copy(results[i].need), copy(results[i].have), copy(results[i].openVars), nextArg, 0, Cost::zero, nextExpl, results[i].explAlt ); continue; } // finish result when out of arguments if ( nextArg >= args.size() ) { validateFunctionAlternative( func, results[i], results, out ); continue; } // add each possible next argument for ( std::size_t j = 0; j < args[nextArg].size(); ++j ) { const ExplodedActual& expl = args[nextArg][j]; // fresh copies of parent parameters for this iteration TypeEnvironment env = results[i].env; OpenVarSet openVars = results[i].openVars; env.addActual( expl.env, openVars ); // skip empty tuple arguments by (near-)cloning parent into next gen if ( expl.exprs.empty() ) { results.emplace_back( results[i], move(env), copy(results[i].need), copy(results[i].have), move(openVars), nextArg + 1, expl.cost ); continue; } // add new result results.emplace_back( i, expl.exprs.front().get(), move(env), copy(results[i].need), copy(results[i].have), move(openVars), nextArg + 1, 0, expl.cost, expl.exprs.size() == 1 ? 0 : 1, j ); } } genStart = genEnd; } while ( genEnd != results.size() ); } else { // filter out results that don't use all the arguments for ( std::size_t i = genStart; i < results.size(); ++i ) { ArgPack& result = results[i]; if ( ! result.hasExpl() && result.nextArg >= args.size() ) { validateFunctionAlternative( func, result, results, out ); } } } } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( UntypedExpr *untypedExpr ) { AlternativeFinder funcFinder( indexer, env ); funcFinder.findWithAdjustment( untypedExpr->function ); // if there are no function alternatives, then proceeding is a waste of time. // xxx - findWithAdjustment throws, so this check and others like it shouldn't be necessary. if ( funcFinder.alternatives.empty() ) return; std::vector< AlternativeFinder > argAlternatives; altFinder.findSubExprs( untypedExpr->begin_args(), untypedExpr->end_args(), back_inserter( argAlternatives ) ); // take care of possible tuple assignments // if not tuple assignment, assignment is taken care of as a normal function call Tuples::handleTupleAssignment( altFinder, untypedExpr, argAlternatives ); // find function operators static NameExpr *opExpr = new NameExpr( "?()" ); AlternativeFinder funcOpFinder( indexer, env ); // it's ok if there aren't any defined function ops funcOpFinder.maybeFind( opExpr ); PRINT( std::cerr << "known function ops:" << std::endl; printAlts( funcOpFinder.alternatives, std::cerr, 1 ); ) // pre-explode arguments ExplodedArgs argExpansions; argExpansions.reserve( argAlternatives.size() ); for ( const AlternativeFinder& arg : argAlternatives ) { argExpansions.emplace_back(); auto& argE = argExpansions.back(); // argE.reserve( arg.alternatives.size() ); for ( const Alternative& actual : arg ) { argE.emplace_back( actual, indexer ); } } AltList candidates; SemanticErrorException errors; for ( AltList::iterator func = funcFinder.alternatives.begin(); func != funcFinder.alternatives.end(); ++func ) { try { PRINT( std::cerr << "working on alternative: " << std::endl; func->print( std::cerr, 8 ); ) // check if the type is pointer to function if ( PointerType *pointer = dynamic_cast< PointerType* >( func->expr->result->stripReferences() ) ) { if ( FunctionType *function = dynamic_cast< FunctionType* >( pointer->base ) ) { Alternative newFunc( *func ); referenceToRvalueConversion( newFunc.expr, newFunc.cost ); makeFunctionAlternatives( newFunc, function, argExpansions, std::back_inserter( candidates ) ); } } else if ( TypeInstType *typeInst = dynamic_cast< TypeInstType* >( func->expr->result->stripReferences() ) ) { // handle ftype (e.g. *? on function pointer) if ( const EqvClass *eqvClass = func->env.lookup( typeInst->name ) ) { if ( FunctionType *function = dynamic_cast< FunctionType* >( eqvClass->type ) ) { Alternative newFunc( *func ); referenceToRvalueConversion( newFunc.expr, newFunc.cost ); makeFunctionAlternatives( newFunc, function, argExpansions, std::back_inserter( candidates ) ); } // if } // if } } catch ( SemanticErrorException &e ) { errors.append( e ); } } // for // try each function operator ?() with each function alternative if ( ! funcOpFinder.alternatives.empty() ) { // add exploded function alternatives to front of argument list std::vector funcE; funcE.reserve( funcFinder.alternatives.size() ); for ( const Alternative& actual : funcFinder ) { funcE.emplace_back( actual, indexer ); } argExpansions.insert( argExpansions.begin(), move(funcE) ); for ( AltList::iterator funcOp = funcOpFinder.alternatives.begin(); funcOp != funcOpFinder.alternatives.end(); ++funcOp ) { try { // check if type is a pointer to function if ( PointerType* pointer = dynamic_cast( funcOp->expr->result->stripReferences() ) ) { if ( FunctionType* function = dynamic_cast( pointer->base ) ) { Alternative newFunc( *funcOp ); referenceToRvalueConversion( newFunc.expr, newFunc.cost ); makeFunctionAlternatives( newFunc, function, argExpansions, std::back_inserter( candidates ) ); } } } catch ( SemanticErrorException &e ) { errors.append( e ); } } } // Implement SFINAE; resolution errors are only errors if there aren't any non-erroneous resolutions if ( candidates.empty() && ! errors.isEmpty() ) { throw errors; } // compute conversionsion costs for ( Alternative& withFunc : candidates ) { Cost cvtCost = computeApplicationConversionCost( withFunc, indexer ); PRINT( ApplicationExpr *appExpr = strict_dynamic_cast< ApplicationExpr* >( withFunc.expr ); PointerType *pointer = strict_dynamic_cast< PointerType* >( appExpr->function->result ); FunctionType *function = strict_dynamic_cast< FunctionType* >( pointer->base ); std::cerr << "Case +++++++++++++ " << appExpr->function << std::endl; std::cerr << "formals are:" << std::endl; printAll( function->parameters, std::cerr, 8 ); std::cerr << "actuals are:" << std::endl; printAll( appExpr->args, std::cerr, 8 ); std::cerr << "bindings are:" << std::endl; withFunc.env.print( std::cerr, 8 ); std::cerr << "cost is: " << withFunc.cost << std::endl; std::cerr << "cost of conversion is:" << cvtCost << std::endl; ) if ( cvtCost != Cost::infinity ) { withFunc.cvtCost = cvtCost; alternatives.push_back( withFunc ); } // if } // for candidates = move(alternatives); // use a new list so that alternatives are not examined by addAnonConversions twice. AltList winners; findMinCost( candidates.begin(), candidates.end(), std::back_inserter( winners ) ); // function may return struct or union value, in which case we need to add alternatives // for implicit conversions to each of the anonymous members, must happen after findMinCost // since anon conversions are never the cheapest expression for ( const Alternative & alt : winners ) { addAnonConversions( alt ); } spliceBegin( alternatives, winners ); if ( alternatives.empty() && targetType && ! targetType->isVoid() ) { // xxx - this is a temporary hack. If resolution is unsuccessful with a target type, try again without a // target type, since it will sometimes succeed when it wouldn't easily with target type binding. For example, // forall( otype T ) lvalue T ?[?]( T *, ptrdiff_t ); // const char * x = "hello world"; // unsigned char ch = x[0]; // Fails with simple return type binding. First, T is bound to unsigned char, then (x: const char *) is unified // with unsigned char *, which fails because pointer base types must be unified exactly. The new resolver should // fix this issue in a more robust way. targetType = nullptr; postvisit( untypedExpr ); } } bool isLvalue( Expression *expr ) { // xxx - recurse into tuples? return expr->result && ( expr->result->get_lvalue() || dynamic_cast< ReferenceType * >( expr->result ) ); } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( AddressExpr *addressExpr ) { AlternativeFinder finder( indexer, env ); finder.find( addressExpr->get_arg() ); for ( Alternative& alt : finder.alternatives ) { if ( isLvalue( alt.expr ) ) { alternatives.push_back( Alternative{ alt, new AddressExpr( alt.expr->clone() ), alt.cost } ); } // if } // for } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( LabelAddressExpr * expr ) { alternatives.push_back( Alternative{ expr->clone(), env } ); } Expression * restructureCast( Expression * argExpr, Type * toType, bool isGenerated ) { if ( argExpr->get_result()->size() > 1 && ! toType->isVoid() && ! dynamic_cast( toType ) ) { // Argument expression is a tuple and the target type is not void and not a reference type. // Cast each member of the tuple to its corresponding target type, producing the tuple of those // cast expressions. If there are more components of the tuple than components in the target type, // then excess components do not come out in the result expression (but UniqueExprs ensure that // side effects will still be done). if ( Tuples::maybeImpureIgnoreUnique( argExpr ) ) { // expressions which may contain side effects require a single unique instance of the expression. argExpr = new UniqueExpr( argExpr ); } std::list< Expression * > componentExprs; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < toType->size(); i++ ) { // cast each component TupleIndexExpr * idx = new TupleIndexExpr( argExpr->clone(), i ); componentExprs.push_back( restructureCast( idx, toType->getComponent( i ), isGenerated ) ); } delete argExpr; assert( componentExprs.size() > 0 ); // produce the tuple of casts return new TupleExpr( componentExprs ); } else { // handle normally CastExpr * ret = new CastExpr( argExpr, toType->clone() ); ret->isGenerated = isGenerated; return ret; } } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( CastExpr *castExpr ) { Type *& toType = castExpr->get_result(); assert( toType ); toType = resolveTypeof( toType, indexer ); SymTab::validateType( toType, &indexer ); adjustExprType( toType, env, indexer ); AlternativeFinder finder( indexer, env ); finder.targetType = toType; finder.findWithAdjustment( castExpr->arg ); AltList candidates; for ( Alternative & alt : finder.alternatives ) { AssertionSet needAssertions( alt.need.begin(), alt.need.end() ); AssertionSet haveAssertions; OpenVarSet openVars{ alt.openVars }; alt.env.extractOpenVars( openVars ); // It's possible that a cast can throw away some values in a multiply-valued expression. (An example is a // cast-to-void, which casts from one value to zero.) Figure out the prefix of the subexpression results // that are cast directly. The candidate is invalid if it has fewer results than there are types to cast // to. int discardedValues = alt.expr->result->size() - castExpr->result->size(); if ( discardedValues < 0 ) continue; // xxx - may need to go into tuple types and extract relevant types and use unifyList. Note that currently, this does not // allow casting a tuple to an atomic type (e.g. (int)([1, 2, 3])) // unification run for side-effects unify( castExpr->result, alt.expr->result, alt.env, needAssertions, haveAssertions, openVars, indexer ); Cost thisCost = castCost( alt.expr->result, castExpr->result, indexer, alt.env ); PRINT( std::cerr << "working on cast with result: " << castExpr->result << std::endl; std::cerr << "and expr type: " << alt.expr->result << std::endl; std::cerr << "env: " << alt.env << std::endl; ) if ( thisCost != Cost::infinity ) { PRINT( std::cerr << "has finite cost." << std::endl; ) // count one safe conversion for each value that is thrown away thisCost.incSafe( discardedValues ); Alternative newAlt{ restructureCast( alt.expr->clone(), toType, castExpr->isGenerated ), alt.env, openVars, needAssertions, alt.cost + thisCost, thisCost }; inferParameters( newAlt, back_inserter( candidates ) ); } // if } // for // findMinCost selects the alternatives with the lowest "cost" members, but has the side effect of copying the // cvtCost member to the cost member (since the old cost is now irrelevant). Thus, calling findMinCost twice // selects first based on argument cost, then on conversion cost. AltList minArgCost; findMinCost( candidates.begin(), candidates.end(), std::back_inserter( minArgCost ) ); findMinCost( minArgCost.begin(), minArgCost.end(), std::back_inserter( alternatives ) ); } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( VirtualCastExpr * castExpr ) { assertf( castExpr->get_result(), "Implicit virtual cast targets not yet supported." ); AlternativeFinder finder( indexer, env ); // don't prune here, since it's guaranteed all alternatives will have the same type finder.findWithoutPrune( castExpr->get_arg() ); for ( Alternative & alt : finder.alternatives ) { alternatives.push_back( Alternative{ alt, new VirtualCastExpr{ alt.expr->clone(), castExpr->get_result()->clone() }, alt.cost } ); } } namespace { /// Gets name from untyped member expression (member must be NameExpr) const std::string& get_member_name( UntypedMemberExpr *memberExpr ) { if ( dynamic_cast< ConstantExpr * >( memberExpr->get_member() ) ) { SemanticError( memberExpr, "Indexed access to struct fields unsupported: " ); } // if NameExpr * nameExpr = dynamic_cast< NameExpr * >( memberExpr->get_member() ); assert( nameExpr ); return nameExpr->get_name(); } } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( UntypedMemberExpr *memberExpr ) { AlternativeFinder funcFinder( indexer, env ); funcFinder.findWithAdjustment( memberExpr->get_aggregate() ); for ( AltList::const_iterator agg = funcFinder.alternatives.begin(); agg != funcFinder.alternatives.end(); ++agg ) { // it's okay for the aggregate expression to have reference type -- cast it to the base type to treat the aggregate as the referenced value Cost cost = agg->cost; Expression * aggrExpr = agg->expr->clone(); referenceToRvalueConversion( aggrExpr, cost ); std::unique_ptr guard( aggrExpr ); // find member of the given type if ( StructInstType *structInst = dynamic_cast< StructInstType* >( aggrExpr->get_result() ) ) { addAggMembers( structInst, aggrExpr, *agg, cost, get_member_name(memberExpr) ); } else if ( UnionInstType *unionInst = dynamic_cast< UnionInstType* >( aggrExpr->get_result() ) ) { addAggMembers( unionInst, aggrExpr, *agg, cost, get_member_name(memberExpr) ); } else if ( TupleType * tupleType = dynamic_cast< TupleType * >( aggrExpr->get_result() ) ) { addTupleMembers( tupleType, aggrExpr, *agg, cost, memberExpr->get_member() ); } // if } // for } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( MemberExpr *memberExpr ) { alternatives.push_back( Alternative{ memberExpr->clone(), env } ); } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( NameExpr *nameExpr ) { std::list< SymTab::Indexer::IdData > declList; indexer.lookupId( nameExpr->name, declList ); PRINT( std::cerr << "nameExpr is " << nameExpr->name << std::endl; ) for ( auto & data : declList ) { Cost cost = Cost::zero; Expression * newExpr = data.combine( cost ); // addAnonAlternatives uses vector::push_back, which invalidates references to existing elements, so // can't construct in place and use vector::back Alternative newAlt{ newExpr, env, OpenVarSet{}, AssertionList{}, Cost::zero, cost }; PRINT( std::cerr << "decl is "; data.id->print( std::cerr ); std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "newExpr is "; newExpr->print( std::cerr ); std::cerr << std::endl; ) renameTypes( newAlt.expr ); addAnonConversions( newAlt ); // add anonymous member interpretations whenever an aggregate value type is seen as a name expression. alternatives.push_back( std::move(newAlt) ); } // for } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( VariableExpr *variableExpr ) { // not sufficient to clone here, because variable's type may have changed // since the VariableExpr was originally created. alternatives.push_back( Alternative{ new VariableExpr{ variableExpr->var }, env } ); } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( ConstantExpr *constantExpr ) { alternatives.push_back( Alternative{ constantExpr->clone(), env } ); } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( SizeofExpr *sizeofExpr ) { if ( sizeofExpr->get_isType() ) { Type * newType = sizeofExpr->get_type()->clone(); alternatives.push_back( Alternative{ new SizeofExpr{ resolveTypeof( newType, indexer ) }, env } ); } else { // find all alternatives for the argument to sizeof AlternativeFinder finder( indexer, env ); finder.find( sizeofExpr->get_expr() ); // find the lowest cost alternative among the alternatives, otherwise ambiguous AltList winners; findMinCost( finder.alternatives.begin(), finder.alternatives.end(), back_inserter( winners ) ); if ( winners.size() != 1 ) { SemanticError( sizeofExpr->get_expr(), "Ambiguous expression in sizeof operand: " ); } // if // return the lowest cost alternative for the argument Alternative &choice = winners.front(); referenceToRvalueConversion( choice.expr, choice.cost ); alternatives.push_back( Alternative{ choice, new SizeofExpr( choice.expr->clone() ), Cost::zero } ); } // if } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( AlignofExpr *alignofExpr ) { if ( alignofExpr->get_isType() ) { Type * newType = alignofExpr->get_type()->clone(); alternatives.push_back( Alternative{ new AlignofExpr{ resolveTypeof( newType, indexer ) }, env } ); } else { // find all alternatives for the argument to sizeof AlternativeFinder finder( indexer, env ); finder.find( alignofExpr->get_expr() ); // find the lowest cost alternative among the alternatives, otherwise ambiguous AltList winners; findMinCost( finder.alternatives.begin(), finder.alternatives.end(), back_inserter( winners ) ); if ( winners.size() != 1 ) { SemanticError( alignofExpr->get_expr(), "Ambiguous expression in alignof operand: " ); } // if // return the lowest cost alternative for the argument Alternative &choice = winners.front(); referenceToRvalueConversion( choice.expr, choice.cost ); alternatives.push_back( Alternative{ choice, new AlignofExpr{ choice.expr->clone() }, Cost::zero } ); } // if } template< typename StructOrUnionType > void AlternativeFinder::Finder::addOffsetof( StructOrUnionType *aggInst, const std::string &name ) { std::list< Declaration* > members; aggInst->lookup( name, members ); for ( std::list< Declaration* >::const_iterator i = members.begin(); i != members.end(); ++i ) { if ( DeclarationWithType *dwt = dynamic_cast< DeclarationWithType* >( *i ) ) { alternatives.push_back( Alternative{ new OffsetofExpr{ aggInst->clone(), dwt }, env } ); renameTypes( alternatives.back().expr ); } else { assert( false ); } } } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( UntypedOffsetofExpr *offsetofExpr ) { AlternativeFinder funcFinder( indexer, env ); // xxx - resolveTypeof? if ( StructInstType *structInst = dynamic_cast< StructInstType* >( offsetofExpr->get_type() ) ) { addOffsetof( structInst, offsetofExpr->member ); } else if ( UnionInstType *unionInst = dynamic_cast< UnionInstType* >( offsetofExpr->get_type() ) ) { addOffsetof( unionInst, offsetofExpr->member ); } } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( OffsetofExpr *offsetofExpr ) { alternatives.push_back( Alternative{ offsetofExpr->clone(), env } ); } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( OffsetPackExpr *offsetPackExpr ) { alternatives.push_back( Alternative{ offsetPackExpr->clone(), env } ); } namespace { void resolveAttr( SymTab::Indexer::IdData data, FunctionType *function, Type *argType, const TypeEnvironment &env, AlternativeFinder & finder ) { // assume no polymorphism // assume no implicit conversions assert( function->get_parameters().size() == 1 ); PRINT( std::cerr << "resolvAttr: funcDecl is "; data.id->print( std::cerr ); std::cerr << " argType is "; argType->print( std::cerr ); std::cerr << std::endl; ) const SymTab::Indexer & indexer = finder.get_indexer(); AltList & alternatives = finder.get_alternatives(); if ( typesCompatibleIgnoreQualifiers( argType, function->get_parameters().front()->get_type(), indexer, env ) ) { Cost cost = Cost::zero; Expression * newExpr = data.combine( cost ); alternatives.push_back( Alternative{ new AttrExpr{ newExpr, argType->clone() }, env, OpenVarSet{}, AssertionList{}, Cost::zero, cost } ); for ( DeclarationWithType * retVal : function->returnVals ) { alternatives.back().expr->result = retVal->get_type()->clone(); } // for } // if } } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( AttrExpr *attrExpr ) { // assume no 'pointer-to-attribute' NameExpr *nameExpr = dynamic_cast< NameExpr* >( attrExpr->get_attr() ); assert( nameExpr ); std::list< SymTab::Indexer::IdData > attrList; indexer.lookupId( nameExpr->get_name(), attrList ); if ( attrExpr->get_isType() || attrExpr->get_expr() ) { for ( auto & data : attrList ) { DeclarationWithType * id = data.id; // check if the type is function if ( FunctionType *function = dynamic_cast< FunctionType* >( id->get_type() ) ) { // assume exactly one parameter if ( function->get_parameters().size() == 1 ) { if ( attrExpr->get_isType() ) { resolveAttr( data, function, attrExpr->get_type(), env, altFinder); } else { AlternativeFinder finder( indexer, env ); finder.find( attrExpr->get_expr() ); for ( AltList::iterator choice = finder.alternatives.begin(); choice != finder.alternatives.end(); ++choice ) { if ( choice->expr->get_result()->size() == 1 ) { resolveAttr(data, function, choice->expr->get_result(), choice->env, altFinder ); } // fi } // for } // if } // if } // if } // for } else { for ( auto & data : attrList ) { Cost cost = Cost::zero; Expression * newExpr = data.combine( cost ); alternatives.push_back( Alternative{ newExpr, env, OpenVarSet{}, AssertionList{}, Cost::zero, cost } ); renameTypes( alternatives.back().expr ); } // for } // if } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( LogicalExpr *logicalExpr ) { AlternativeFinder firstFinder( indexer, env ); firstFinder.findWithAdjustment( logicalExpr->get_arg1() ); if ( firstFinder.alternatives.empty() ) return; AlternativeFinder secondFinder( indexer, env ); secondFinder.findWithAdjustment( logicalExpr->get_arg2() ); if ( secondFinder.alternatives.empty() ) return; for ( const Alternative & first : firstFinder.alternatives ) { for ( const Alternative & second : secondFinder.alternatives ) { TypeEnvironment compositeEnv{ first.env }; compositeEnv.simpleCombine( second.env ); OpenVarSet openVars{ first.openVars }; mergeOpenVars( openVars, second.openVars ); AssertionSet need; cloneAll( first.need, need ); cloneAll( second.need, need ); LogicalExpr *newExpr = new LogicalExpr{ first.expr->clone(), second.expr->clone(), logicalExpr->get_isAnd() }; alternatives.push_back( Alternative{ newExpr, std::move(compositeEnv), std::move(openVars), AssertionList( need.begin(), need.end() ), first.cost + second.cost } ); } } } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( ConditionalExpr *conditionalExpr ) { // find alternatives for condition AlternativeFinder firstFinder( indexer, env ); firstFinder.findWithAdjustment( conditionalExpr->arg1 ); if ( firstFinder.alternatives.empty() ) return; // find alternatives for true expression AlternativeFinder secondFinder( indexer, env ); secondFinder.findWithAdjustment( conditionalExpr->arg2 ); if ( secondFinder.alternatives.empty() ) return; // find alterantives for false expression AlternativeFinder thirdFinder( indexer, env ); thirdFinder.findWithAdjustment( conditionalExpr->arg3 ); if ( thirdFinder.alternatives.empty() ) return; for ( const Alternative & first : firstFinder.alternatives ) { for ( const Alternative & second : secondFinder.alternatives ) { for ( const Alternative & third : thirdFinder.alternatives ) { TypeEnvironment compositeEnv{ first.env }; compositeEnv.simpleCombine( second.env ); compositeEnv.simpleCombine( third.env ); OpenVarSet openVars{ first.openVars }; mergeOpenVars( openVars, second.openVars ); mergeOpenVars( openVars, third.openVars ); AssertionSet need; cloneAll( first.need, need ); cloneAll( second.need, need ); cloneAll( third.need, need ); AssertionSet have; // unify true and false types, then infer parameters to produce new alternatives Type* commonType = nullptr; if ( unify( second.expr->result, third.expr->result, compositeEnv, need, have, openVars, indexer, commonType ) ) { ConditionalExpr *newExpr = new ConditionalExpr{ first.expr->clone(), second.expr->clone(), third.expr->clone() }; newExpr->result = commonType ? commonType : second.expr->result->clone(); // convert both options to the conditional result type Cost cost = first.cost + second.cost + third.cost; cost += computeExpressionConversionCost( newExpr->arg2, newExpr->result, indexer, compositeEnv ); cost += computeExpressionConversionCost( newExpr->arg3, newExpr->result, indexer, compositeEnv ); // output alternative Alternative newAlt{ newExpr, std::move(compositeEnv), std::move(openVars), AssertionList( need.begin(), need.end() ), cost }; inferParameters( newAlt, back_inserter( alternatives ) ); } // if } // for } // for } // for } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( CommaExpr *commaExpr ) { TypeEnvironment newEnv( env ); Expression *newFirstArg = resolveInVoidContext( commaExpr->get_arg1(), indexer, newEnv ); AlternativeFinder secondFinder( indexer, newEnv ); secondFinder.findWithAdjustment( commaExpr->get_arg2() ); for ( const Alternative & alt : secondFinder.alternatives ) { alternatives.push_back( Alternative{ alt, new CommaExpr{ newFirstArg->clone(), alt.expr->clone() }, alt.cost } ); } // for delete newFirstArg; } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( RangeExpr * rangeExpr ) { // resolve low and high, accept alternatives whose low and high types unify AlternativeFinder firstFinder( indexer, env ); firstFinder.findWithAdjustment( rangeExpr->low ); if ( firstFinder.alternatives.empty() ) return; AlternativeFinder secondFinder( indexer, env ); secondFinder.findWithAdjustment( rangeExpr->high ); if ( secondFinder.alternatives.empty() ) return; for ( const Alternative & first : firstFinder.alternatives ) { for ( const Alternative & second : secondFinder.alternatives ) { TypeEnvironment compositeEnv{ first.env }; compositeEnv.simpleCombine( second.env ); OpenVarSet openVars{ first.openVars }; mergeOpenVars( openVars, second.openVars ); AssertionSet need; cloneAll( first.need, need ); cloneAll( second.need, need ); AssertionSet have; Type* commonType = nullptr; if ( unify( first.expr->result, second.expr->result, compositeEnv, need, have, openVars, indexer, commonType ) ) { RangeExpr * newExpr = new RangeExpr{ first.expr->clone(), second.expr->clone() }; newExpr->result = commonType ? commonType : first.expr->result->clone(); Alternative newAlt{ newExpr, std::move(compositeEnv), std::move(openVars), AssertionList( need.begin(), need.end() ), first.cost + second.cost }; inferParameters( newAlt, back_inserter( alternatives ) ); } // if } // for } // for } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( UntypedTupleExpr *tupleExpr ) { std::vector< AlternativeFinder > subExprAlternatives; altFinder.findSubExprs( tupleExpr->get_exprs().begin(), tupleExpr->get_exprs().end(), back_inserter( subExprAlternatives ) ); std::vector< AltList > possibilities; combos( subExprAlternatives.begin(), subExprAlternatives.end(), back_inserter( possibilities ) ); for ( const AltList& alts : possibilities ) { std::list< Expression * > exprs; makeExprList( alts, exprs ); TypeEnvironment compositeEnv; OpenVarSet openVars; AssertionSet need; for ( const Alternative& alt : alts ) { compositeEnv.simpleCombine( alt.env ); mergeOpenVars( openVars, alt.openVars ); cloneAll( alt.need, need ); } alternatives.push_back( Alternative{ new TupleExpr{ exprs }, std::move(compositeEnv), std::move(openVars), AssertionList( need.begin(), need.end() ), sumCost( alts ) } ); } // for } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( TupleExpr *tupleExpr ) { alternatives.push_back( Alternative{ tupleExpr->clone(), env } ); } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( ImplicitCopyCtorExpr * impCpCtorExpr ) { alternatives.push_back( Alternative{ impCpCtorExpr->clone(), env } ); } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( ConstructorExpr * ctorExpr ) { AlternativeFinder finder( indexer, env ); // don't prune here, since it's guaranteed all alternatives will have the same type // (giving the alternatives different types is half of the point of ConstructorExpr nodes) finder.findWithoutPrune( ctorExpr->get_callExpr() ); for ( Alternative & alt : finder.alternatives ) { alternatives.push_back( Alternative{ alt, new ConstructorExpr( alt.expr->clone() ), alt.cost } ); } } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( TupleIndexExpr *tupleExpr ) { alternatives.push_back( Alternative{ tupleExpr->clone(), env } ); } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( TupleAssignExpr *tupleAssignExpr ) { alternatives.push_back( Alternative{ tupleAssignExpr->clone(), env } ); } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( UniqueExpr *unqExpr ) { AlternativeFinder finder( indexer, env ); finder.findWithAdjustment( unqExpr->get_expr() ); for ( Alternative & alt : finder.alternatives ) { // ensure that the id is passed on to the UniqueExpr alternative so that the expressions are "linked" UniqueExpr * newUnqExpr = new UniqueExpr( alt.expr->clone(), unqExpr->get_id() ); alternatives.push_back( Alternative{ alt, newUnqExpr, alt.cost } ); } } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( StmtExpr *stmtExpr ) { StmtExpr * newStmtExpr = stmtExpr->clone(); ResolvExpr::resolveStmtExpr( newStmtExpr, indexer ); // xxx - this env is almost certainly wrong, and needs to somehow contain the combined environments from all of the statements in the stmtExpr... alternatives.push_back( Alternative{ newStmtExpr, env } ); } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( UntypedInitExpr *initExpr ) { // handle each option like a cast AltList candidates; PRINT( std::cerr << "untyped init expr: " << initExpr << std::endl; ) // O(N^2) checks of d-types with e-types for ( InitAlternative & initAlt : initExpr->get_initAlts() ) { Type * toType = resolveTypeof( initAlt.type->clone(), indexer ); SymTab::validateType( toType, &indexer ); adjustExprType( toType, env, indexer ); // Ideally the call to findWithAdjustment could be moved out of the loop, but unfortunately it currently has to occur inside or else // polymorphic return types are not properly bound to the initialization type, since return type variables are only open for the duration of resolving // the UntypedExpr. This is only actually an issue in initialization contexts that allow more than one possible initialization type, but it is still suboptimal. AlternativeFinder finder( indexer, env ); finder.targetType = toType; finder.findWithAdjustment( initExpr->expr ); for ( Alternative & alt : finder.get_alternatives() ) { TypeEnvironment newEnv( alt.env ); AssertionSet need; cloneAll( alt.need, need ); AssertionSet have; OpenVarSet openVars( alt.openVars ); // xxx - find things in env that don't have a "representative type" and claim // those are open vars? PRINT( std::cerr << " @ " << toType << " " << initAlt.designation << std::endl; ) // It's possible that a cast can throw away some values in a multiply-valued // expression. (An example is a cast-to-void, which casts from one value to // zero.) Figure out the prefix of the subexpression results that are cast // directly. The candidate is invalid if it has fewer results than there are // types to cast to. int discardedValues = alt.expr->result->size() - toType->size(); if ( discardedValues < 0 ) continue; // xxx - may need to go into tuple types and extract relevant types and use // unifyList. Note that currently, this does not allow casting a tuple to an // atomic type (e.g. (int)([1, 2, 3])) // unification run for side-effects unify( toType, alt.expr->result, newEnv, need, have, openVars, indexer ); // xxx - do some inspecting on this line... why isn't result bound to initAlt.type? Cost thisCost = castCost( alt.expr->result, toType, indexer, newEnv ); if ( thisCost != Cost::infinity ) { // count one safe conversion for each value that is thrown away thisCost.incSafe( discardedValues ); Alternative newAlt{ new InitExpr{ restructureCast( alt.expr->clone(), toType, true ), initAlt.designation->clone() }, std::move(newEnv), std::move(openVars), AssertionList( need.begin(), need.end() ), alt.cost, thisCost }; inferParameters( newAlt, back_inserter( candidates ) ); } } } // findMinCost selects the alternatives with the lowest "cost" members, but has the side effect of copying the // cvtCost member to the cost member (since the old cost is now irrelevant). Thus, calling findMinCost twice // selects first based on argument cost, then on conversion cost. AltList minArgCost; findMinCost( candidates.begin(), candidates.end(), std::back_inserter( minArgCost ) ); findMinCost( minArgCost.begin(), minArgCost.end(), std::back_inserter( alternatives ) ); } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( InitExpr * ) { assertf( false, "AlternativeFinder should never see a resolved InitExpr." ); } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( DeletedExpr * ) { assertf( false, "AlternativeFinder should never see a DeletedExpr." ); } void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( GenericExpr * ) { assertf( false, "_Generic is not yet supported." ); } } // namespace ResolvExpr // Local Variables: // // tab-width: 4 // // mode: c++ // // compile-command: "make install" // // End: //