// // Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2015 University of Waterloo // // The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the // file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall. // // TypedefTable.cc -- // // Author : Peter A. Buhr // Created On : Sat May 16 15:20:13 2015 // Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr // Last Modified On : Wed Jul 12 06:11:28 2023 // Update Count : 276 // #include "TypedefTable.h" #include // for assert #include // for string #include // for iostream struct TypeData; #include "ExpressionNode.h" // for LabelNode #include "ParserTypes.h" // for Token #include "StatementNode.h" // for CondCtl, ForCtrl // This (generated) header must come late as it is missing includes. #include "parser.hh" // for IDENTIFIER, TYPEDEFname, TYPEGENname using namespace std; #if 0 #define debugPrint( code ) code static const char *kindName( int kind ) { switch ( kind ) { case IDENTIFIER: return "identifier"; case TYPEDIMname: return "typedim"; case TYPEDEFname: return "typedef"; case TYPEGENname: return "typegen"; default: cerr << "Error: cfa-cpp internal error, invalid kind of identifier" << endl; abort(); } // switch } // kindName #else #define debugPrint( code ) #endif TypedefTable::~TypedefTable() { if ( ! SemanticErrorThrow && kindTable.currentScope() != 0 ) { cerr << "Error: cfa-cpp internal error, scope failure " << kindTable.currentScope() << endl; abort(); } // if } // TypedefTable::~TypedefTable bool TypedefTable::exists( const string & identifier ) const { return kindTable.find( identifier ) != kindTable.end(); } // TypedefTable::exists bool TypedefTable::existsCurr( const string & identifier ) const { return kindTable.findAt( kindTable.currentScope() - 1, identifier ) != kindTable.end(); } // TypedefTable::exists int TypedefTable::isKind( const string & identifier ) const { KindTable::const_iterator posn = kindTable.find( identifier ); // Name lookup defaults to identifier, and then the identifier's kind is set by the parser. if ( posn == kindTable.end() ) return IDENTIFIER; return posn->second; } // TypedefTable::isKind // SKULLDUGGERY: Generate a typedef for the aggregate name so the aggregate does not have to be qualified by // "struct". Only generate the typedef, if the name is not in use. The typedef is implicitly (silently) removed if the // name is explicitly used. void TypedefTable::makeTypedef( const string & name, int kind, const char * locn __attribute__((unused)) ) { // Check for existence is necessary to handle: // struct Fred {}; // void Fred(); // void fred() { // struct Fred act; // do not add as type in this scope // Fred(); // } debugPrint( cerr << "Make typedef at " << locn << " \"" << name << "\" as " << kindName( kind ) << " scope " << kindTable.currentScope() << endl ); if ( ! typedefTable.exists( name ) ) { typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( name, kind, "MTD" ); } // if } // TypedefTable::makeTypedef void TypedefTable::makeTypedef( const string & name, const char * locn __attribute__((unused)) ) { debugPrint( cerr << "Make typedef at " << locn << " \"" << name << " scope " << kindTable.currentScope() << endl ); return makeTypedef( name, TYPEDEFname, "makeTypede" ); } // TypedefTable::makeTypedef void TypedefTable::addToScope( const string & identifier, int kind, const char * locn __attribute__((unused)) ) { KindTable::size_type scope = kindTable.currentScope(); debugPrint( cerr << "Adding current at " << locn << " \"" << identifier << "\" as " << kindName( kind ) << " scope " << scope << endl ); kindTable.insertAt( scope, identifier, kind ); } // TypedefTable::addToScope void TypedefTable::addToEnclosingScope( const string & identifier, int kind, const char * locn __attribute__((unused)) ) { KindTable::size_type scope = kindTable.currentScope() - 1 - kindTable.getNote( kindTable.currentScope() - 1 ).level; // size_type scope = level - kindTable.getNote( kindTable.currentScope() - 1 ).level; debugPrint( cerr << "Adding enclosing at " << locn << " \"" << identifier << "\" as " << kindName( kind ) << " scope " << scope << " level " << level << " note " << kindTable.getNote( kindTable.currentScope() - 1 ).level << endl ); pair< KindTable::iterator, bool > ret = kindTable.insertAt( scope, identifier, kind ); if ( ! ret.second ) ret.first->second = kind; // exists => update } // TypedefTable::addToEnclosingScope void TypedefTable::enterScope() { kindTable.beginScope( (Note){ 0, false } ); debugPrint( cerr << "Entering scope " << kindTable.currentScope() << " level " << level << endl; print() ); } // TypedefTable::enterScope void TypedefTable::leaveScope() { debugPrint( cerr << "Leaving scope " << kindTable.currentScope() << endl; print() ); kindTable.endScope(); } // TypedefTable::leaveScope void TypedefTable::up( bool forall ) { level += 1; kindTable.getNote( kindTable.currentScope() ) = (Note){ level, forall || getEnclForall() }; debugPrint( cerr << "Up " << " level " << level << " note " << kindTable.getNote( level ).level << ", " << kindTable.getNote( level ).forall << endl; ); } // TypedefTable::up void TypedefTable::down() { level -= 1; debugPrint( cerr << "Down " << " level " << level << " note " << kindTable.getNote( level ).level << endl; ); } // TypedefTable::down void TypedefTable::print( void ) const { KindTable::size_type scope = kindTable.currentScope(); debugPrint( cerr << "[" << scope << "] " << kindTable.getNote( scope ).level << ", " << kindTable.getNote( scope ).forall << ":" ); for ( KindTable::const_iterator i = kindTable.begin(); i != kindTable.end(); i++ ) { while ( i.get_level() != scope ) { --scope; debugPrint( cerr << endl << "[" << scope << "] " << kindTable.getNote( scope ).level << ", " << kindTable.getNote( scope ).forall << ":" ); } // while debugPrint( cerr << " " << (*i).first << ":" << kindName( (*i).second ) ); } // for while ( scope > 0 ) { --scope; debugPrint( cerr << endl << "[" << scope << "] " << kindTable.getNote( scope ).level << ", " << kindTable.getNote( scope ).forall << ":" ); } // while debugPrint( cerr << endl ); } // TypedefTable::print // Local Variables: // // tab-width: 4 // // mode: c++ // // compile-command: "make install" // // End: //