// // Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2015 University of Waterloo // // The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the // file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall. // // TypeData.cc -- // // Author : Rodolfo G. Esteves // Created On : Sat May 16 15:12:51 2015 // Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr // Last Modified On : Fri Feb 23 08:58:30 2024 // Update Count : 734 // #include "TypeData.h" #include // for assert #include // for operator<<, ostream, basic_ostream #include "AST/Decl.hpp" // for AggregateDecl, ObjectDecl, TypeDe... #include "AST/Attribute.hpp" // for Attribute #include "AST/Init.hpp" // for SingleInit, ListInit #include "AST/Print.hpp" // for print #include "Common/SemanticError.h" // for SemanticError #include "Common/utility.h" // for splice, spliceBegin #include "Common/Iterate.hpp" // for reverseIterate #include "Parser/ExpressionNode.h" // for ExpressionNode #include "Parser/StatementNode.h" // for StatementNode class Attribute; using namespace std; // These must harmonize with the corresponding enumerations in the header. const char * TypeData::basicTypeNames[] = { "void", "_Bool", "char", "int", "int128", "float", "double", "long double", "float80", "float128", "_float16", "_float32", "_float32x", "_float64", "_float64x", "_float128", "_float128x", "NoBasicTypeNames" }; const char * TypeData::complexTypeNames[] = { "_Complex", "NoComplexTypeNames", "_Imaginary" }; // Imaginary unsupported => parse, but make invisible and print error message const char * TypeData::signednessNames[] = { "signed", "unsigned", "NoSignednessNames" }; const char * TypeData::lengthNames[] = { "short", "long", "long long", "NoLengthNames" }; const char * TypeData::builtinTypeNames[] = { "__builtin_va_list", "__auto_type", "zero_t", "one_t", "NoBuiltinTypeNames" }; TypeData::TypeData( Kind k ) : location( yylloc ), kind( k ), base( nullptr ), forall( nullptr ) /*, PTR1( (void*)(0xdeadbeefdeadbeef)), PTR2( (void*)(0xdeadbeefdeadbeef) ) */ { switch ( kind ) { case Unknown: case Pointer: case Reference: case EnumConstant: case GlobalScope: case Basic: // No unique data to initialize. break; case Array: array.dimension = nullptr; array.isVarLen = false; array.isStatic = false; break; case Function: function.params = nullptr; function.idList = nullptr; function.oldDeclList = nullptr; function.body = nullptr; function.withExprs = nullptr; break; case Enum: enumeration.name = nullptr; enumeration.constants = nullptr; enumeration.body = false; enumeration.anon = false; break; case Aggregate: aggregate.kind = ast::AggregateDecl::NoAggregate; aggregate.name = nullptr; aggregate.params = nullptr; aggregate.actuals = nullptr; aggregate.fields = nullptr; aggregate.body = false; aggregate.parent = nullptr; aggregate.anon = false; break; case AggregateInst: aggInst.aggregate = nullptr; aggInst.params = nullptr; aggInst.hoistType = false; break; case Symbolic: case SymbolicInst: symbolic.name = nullptr; symbolic.params = nullptr; symbolic.actuals = nullptr; symbolic.assertions = nullptr; break; case Tuple: tuple = nullptr; break; case Typeof: case Basetypeof: typeexpr = nullptr; break; case Vtable: case Builtin: // No unique data to initialize. break; case Qualified: qualified.parent = nullptr; qualified.child = nullptr; break; } // switch } // TypeData::TypeData TypeData::~TypeData() { delete base; delete forall; switch ( kind ) { case Unknown: case Pointer: case Reference: case EnumConstant: case GlobalScope: case Basic: // No unique data to deconstruct. break; case Array: delete array.dimension; break; case Function: delete function.params; delete function.idList; delete function.oldDeclList; delete function.body; delete function.withExprs; break; case Aggregate: delete aggregate.name; delete aggregate.params; delete aggregate.actuals; delete aggregate.fields; break; case AggregateInst: delete aggInst.aggregate; delete aggInst.params; break; case Enum: delete enumeration.name; delete enumeration.constants; break; case Symbolic: case SymbolicInst: delete symbolic.name; delete symbolic.params; delete symbolic.actuals; delete symbolic.assertions; break; case Tuple: delete tuple; break; case Typeof: case Basetypeof: delete typeexpr; break; case Vtable: case Builtin: // No unique data to deconstruct. break; case Qualified: delete qualified.parent; delete qualified.child; break; } // switch } // TypeData::~TypeData TypeData * TypeData::clone() const { TypeData * newtype = new TypeData( kind ); newtype->qualifiers = qualifiers; newtype->base = maybeCopy( base ); newtype->forall = maybeCopy( forall ); switch ( kind ) { case Unknown: case EnumConstant: case Pointer: case Reference: case GlobalScope: // nothing else to copy break; case Basic: newtype->basictype = basictype; newtype->complextype = complextype; newtype->signedness = signedness; newtype->length = length; break; case Array: newtype->array.dimension = maybeCopy( array.dimension ); newtype->array.isVarLen = array.isVarLen; newtype->array.isStatic = array.isStatic; break; case Function: newtype->function.params = maybeCopy( function.params ); newtype->function.idList = maybeCopy( function.idList ); newtype->function.oldDeclList = maybeCopy( function.oldDeclList ); newtype->function.body = maybeCopy( function.body ); newtype->function.withExprs = maybeCopy( function.withExprs ); break; case Aggregate: newtype->aggregate.kind = aggregate.kind; newtype->aggregate.name = aggregate.name ? new string( *aggregate.name ) : nullptr; newtype->aggregate.parent = aggregate.parent ? new string( *aggregate.parent ) : nullptr; newtype->aggregate.params = maybeCopy( aggregate.params ); newtype->aggregate.actuals = maybeCopy( aggregate.actuals ); newtype->aggregate.fields = maybeCopy( aggregate.fields ); newtype->aggregate.attributes = aggregate.attributes; newtype->aggregate.body = aggregate.body; newtype->aggregate.anon = aggregate.anon; break; case AggregateInst: newtype->aggInst.aggregate = maybeCopy( aggInst.aggregate ); newtype->aggInst.params = maybeCopy( aggInst.params ); newtype->aggInst.hoistType = aggInst.hoistType; break; case Enum: newtype->enumeration.name = enumeration.name ? new string( *enumeration.name ) : nullptr; newtype->enumeration.constants = maybeCopy( enumeration.constants ); newtype->enumeration.body = enumeration.body; newtype->enumeration.anon = enumeration.anon; break; case Symbolic: case SymbolicInst: newtype->symbolic.name = symbolic.name ? new string( *symbolic.name ) : nullptr; newtype->symbolic.params = maybeCopy( symbolic.params ); newtype->symbolic.actuals = maybeCopy( symbolic.actuals ); newtype->symbolic.assertions = maybeCopy( symbolic.assertions ); newtype->symbolic.isTypedef = symbolic.isTypedef; break; case Tuple: newtype->tuple = maybeCopy( tuple ); break; case Typeof: case Basetypeof: newtype->typeexpr = maybeCopy( typeexpr ); break; case Vtable: break; case Builtin: assert( builtintype == Zero || builtintype == One ); newtype->builtintype = builtintype; break; case Qualified: newtype->qualified.parent = maybeCopy( qualified.parent ); newtype->qualified.child = maybeCopy( qualified.child ); break; } // switch return newtype; } // TypeData::clone void TypeData::print( ostream &os, int indent ) const { ast::print( os, qualifiers ); if ( forall ) { os << "forall " << endl; forall->printList( os, indent + 4 ); } // if switch ( kind ) { case Basic: if ( signedness != NoSignedness ) os << signednessNames[ signedness ] << " "; if ( length != NoLength ) os << lengthNames[ length ] << " "; if ( complextype != NoComplexType ) os << complexTypeNames[ complextype ] << " "; if ( basictype != NoBasicType ) os << basicTypeNames[ basictype ] << " "; break; case Pointer: os << "pointer "; if ( base ) { os << "to "; base->print( os, indent ); } // if break; case Reference: os << "reference "; if ( base ) { os << "to "; base->print( os, indent ); } // if break; case Array: if ( array.isStatic ) { os << "static "; } // if if ( array.dimension ) { os << "array of "; array.dimension->printOneLine( os, indent ); } else if ( array.isVarLen ) { os << "variable-length array of "; } else { os << "open array of "; } // if if ( base ) { base->print( os, indent ); } // if break; case Function: os << "function" << endl; if ( function.params ) { os << string( indent + 2, ' ' ) << "with parameters " << endl; function.params->printList( os, indent + 4 ); } else { os << string( indent + 2, ' ' ) << "with no parameters" << endl; } // if if ( function.idList ) { os << string( indent + 2, ' ' ) << "with old-style identifier list " << endl; function.idList->printList( os, indent + 4 ); } // if if ( function.oldDeclList ) { os << string( indent + 2, ' ' ) << "with old-style declaration list " << endl; function.oldDeclList->printList( os, indent + 4 ); } // if os << string( indent + 2, ' ' ) << "returning "; if ( base ) { base->print( os, indent + 4 ); } else { os << "nothing "; } // if os << endl; if ( function.body ) { os << string( indent + 2, ' ' ) << "with body " << endl; function.body->printList( os, indent + 2 ); } // if break; case Aggregate: os << ast::AggregateDecl::aggrString( aggregate.kind ) << ' ' << *aggregate.name << endl; if ( aggregate.params ) { os << string( indent + 2, ' ' ) << "with type parameters" << endl; aggregate.params->printList( os, indent + 4 ); } // if if ( aggregate.actuals ) { os << string( indent + 2, ' ' ) << "instantiated with actual parameters" << endl; aggregate.actuals->printList( os, indent + 4 ); } // if if ( aggregate.fields ) { os << string( indent + 2, ' ' ) << "with members" << endl; aggregate.fields->printList( os, indent + 4 ); } // if if ( aggregate.body ) { os << string( indent + 2, ' ' ) << "with body" << endl; } // if if ( ! aggregate.attributes.empty() ) { os << string( indent + 2, ' ' ) << "with attributes" << endl; for ( ast::ptr const & attr : reverseIterate( aggregate.attributes ) ) { os << string( indent + 4, ' ' ); ast::print( os, attr, indent + 2 ); } // for } // if break; case AggregateInst: if ( aggInst.aggregate ) { os << "instance of " ; aggInst.aggregate->print( os, indent ); } else { os << "instance of an unspecified aggregate "; } // if if ( aggInst.params ) { os << string( indent + 2, ' ' ) << "with parameters" << endl; aggInst.params->printList( os, indent + 2 ); } // if break; case Enum: os << "enumeration " << *enumeration.name << endl;; if ( enumeration.constants ) { os << "with constants" << endl; enumeration.constants->printList( os, indent + 2 ); } // if if ( enumeration.body ) { os << string( indent + 2, ' ' ) << "with body" << endl; } // if if ( base ) { os << "for "; base->print( os, indent + 2 ); } // if break; case EnumConstant: os << "enumeration constant "; break; case Symbolic: if ( symbolic.isTypedef ) { os << "typedef definition "; } else { os << "type definition "; } // if if ( symbolic.params ) { os << endl << string( indent + 2, ' ' ) << "with parameters" << endl; symbolic.params->printList( os, indent + 2 ); } // if if ( symbolic.assertions ) { os << endl << string( indent + 2, ' ' ) << "with assertions" << endl; symbolic.assertions->printList( os, indent + 4 ); os << string( indent + 2, ' ' ); } // if if ( base ) { os << "for "; base->print( os, indent + 2 ); } // if break; case SymbolicInst: os << *symbolic.name; if ( symbolic.actuals ) { os << "("; symbolic.actuals->printList( os, indent + 2 ); os << ")"; } // if break; case Tuple: os << "tuple "; if ( tuple ) { os << "with members" << endl; tuple->printList( os, indent + 2 ); } // if break; case Basetypeof: os << "base-"; #if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 7 __attribute__((fallthrough)); #endif // FALL THROUGH case Typeof: os << "type-of expression "; if ( typeexpr ) { typeexpr->print( os, indent + 2 ); } // if break; case Vtable: os << "vtable"; break; case Builtin: os << builtinTypeNames[builtintype]; break; case GlobalScope: break; case Qualified: qualified.parent->print( os ); os << "."; qualified.child->print( os ); break; case Unknown: os << "entity of unknown type "; break; default: os << "internal error: TypeData::print " << kind << endl; assert( false ); } // switch } // TypeData::print const std::string * TypeData::leafName() const { switch ( kind ) { case Unknown: case Pointer: case Reference: case EnumConstant: case GlobalScope: case Array: case Basic: case Function: case AggregateInst: case Tuple: case Typeof: case Basetypeof: case Builtin: case Vtable: assertf(false, "Tried to get leaf name from kind without a name: %d", kind); break; case Aggregate: return aggregate.name; case Enum: return enumeration.name; case Symbolic: case SymbolicInst: return symbolic.name; case Qualified: return qualified.child->leafName(); } // switch assert(false); } TypeData * TypeData::getLastBase() { TypeData * cur = this; while ( cur->base ) cur = cur->base; return cur; } void TypeData::setLastBase( TypeData * newBase ) { getLastBase()->base = newBase; } TypeData * build_type_qualifier( ast::CV::Qualifiers tq ) { TypeData * type = new TypeData; type->qualifiers = tq; return type; } TypeData * build_basic_type( TypeData::BasicType basic ) { TypeData * type = new TypeData( TypeData::Basic ); type->basictype = basic; return type; } TypeData * build_complex_type( TypeData::ComplexType complex ) { TypeData * type = new TypeData( TypeData::Basic ); type->complextype = complex; return type; } TypeData * build_signedness( TypeData::Signedness signedness ) { TypeData * type = new TypeData( TypeData::Basic ); type->signedness = signedness; return type; } TypeData * build_builtin_type( TypeData::BuiltinType bit ) { TypeData * type = new TypeData( TypeData::Builtin ); type->builtintype = bit; return type; } TypeData * build_length( TypeData::Length length ) { TypeData * type = new TypeData( TypeData::Basic ); type->length = length; return type; } TypeData * build_forall( DeclarationNode * forall ) { TypeData * type = new TypeData( TypeData::Unknown ); type->forall = forall; return type; } TypeData * build_global_scope() { return new TypeData( TypeData::GlobalScope ); } TypeData * build_qualified_type( TypeData * parent, TypeData * child ) { TypeData * type = new TypeData( TypeData::Qualified ); type->qualified.parent = parent; type->qualified.child = child; return type; } TypeData * build_typedef( const std::string * name ) { TypeData * type = new TypeData( TypeData::SymbolicInst ); type->symbolic.name = name; type->symbolic.isTypedef = true; type->symbolic.actuals = nullptr; return type; } TypeData * build_type_gen( const std::string * name, ExpressionNode * params ) { TypeData * type = new TypeData( TypeData::SymbolicInst ); type->symbolic.name = name; type->symbolic.isTypedef = false; type->symbolic.actuals = params; return type; } TypeData * build_vtable_type( TypeData * base ) { TypeData * type = new TypeData( TypeData::Vtable ); type->base = base; return type; } // Takes ownership of src. static void addQualifiersToType( TypeData * dst, TypeData * src ) { if ( dst->base ) { addQualifiersToType( dst->base, src ); } else if ( dst->kind == TypeData::Function ) { dst->base = src; src = nullptr; } else { dst->qualifiers |= src->qualifiers; delete src; } // if } // Takes ownership of all arguments, gives ownership of return value. TypeData * addQualifiers( TypeData * ltype, TypeData * rtype ) { if ( ltype->forall ) { if ( rtype->forall ) { rtype->forall->set_last( ltype->forall ); } else if ( TypeData::Aggregate != rtype->kind ) { rtype->forall = ltype->forall; } else if ( rtype->aggregate.params ) { rtype->aggregate.params->set_last( ltype->forall ); } else { rtype->aggregate.params = ltype->forall; } ltype->forall = nullptr; } addQualifiersToType( rtype, ltype ); return rtype; } // Helper for addType and cloneBaseType. static void addTypeToType( TypeData *& dst, TypeData *& src ) { if ( src->forall && dst->kind == TypeData::Function ) { if ( dst->forall ) { dst->forall->set_last( src->forall ); } else { dst->forall = src->forall; } // if src->forall = nullptr; } // if if ( dst->base ) { addTypeToType( dst->base, src ); return; } switch ( dst->kind ) { case TypeData::Unknown: src->qualifiers |= dst->qualifiers; // LEAKS dst? dst = src; src = nullptr; break; case TypeData::Basic: dst->qualifiers |= src->qualifiers; if ( src->kind != TypeData::Unknown ) { assert( src->kind == TypeData::Basic ); if ( dst->basictype == TypeData::NoBasicType ) { dst->basictype = src->basictype; } else if ( src->basictype != TypeData::NoBasicType ) { SemanticError( yylloc, "multiple declaration types \"%s\" and \"%s\".", TypeData::basicTypeNames[ dst->basictype ], TypeData::basicTypeNames[ src->basictype ] ); } if ( dst->complextype == TypeData::NoComplexType ) { dst->complextype = src->complextype; } else if ( src->complextype != TypeData::NoComplexType ) { SemanticError( yylloc, "multiple declaration types \"%s\" and \"%s\".", TypeData::complexTypeNames[ src->complextype ], TypeData::complexTypeNames[ src->complextype ] ); } if ( dst->signedness == TypeData::NoSignedness ) { dst->signedness = src->signedness; } else if ( src->signedness != TypeData::NoSignedness ) { SemanticError( yylloc, "conflicting type specifier \"%s\" and \"%s\".", TypeData::signednessNames[ dst->signedness ], TypeData::signednessNames[ src->signedness ] ); } if ( dst->length == TypeData::NoLength ) { dst->length = src->length; } else if ( dst->length == TypeData::Long && src->length == TypeData::Long ) { dst->length = TypeData::LongLong; } else if ( src->length != TypeData::NoLength ) { SemanticError( yylloc, "conflicting type specifier \"%s\" and \"%s\".", TypeData::lengthNames[ dst->length ], TypeData::lengthNames[ src->length ] ); } } // if break; default: switch ( src->kind ) { case TypeData::Aggregate: case TypeData::Enum: dst->base = new TypeData( TypeData::AggregateInst ); dst->base->aggInst.aggregate = src; if ( src->kind == TypeData::Aggregate ) { dst->base->aggInst.params = maybeCopy( src->aggregate.actuals ); } // if dst->base->qualifiers |= src->qualifiers; src = nullptr; break; default: if ( dst->forall ) { dst->forall->set_last( src->forall ); } else { dst->forall = src->forall; } // if src->forall = nullptr; dst->base = src; src = nullptr; } // switch } // switch } // Takes ownership of all arguments, gives ownership of return value. TypeData * addType( TypeData * ltype, TypeData * rtype, std::vector> & attributes ) { if ( rtype ) { addTypeToType( rtype, ltype ); return rtype; } else { if ( ltype->kind == TypeData::Aggregate || ltype->kind == TypeData::Enum ) { // Hide type information aggregate instances. rtype = new TypeData( TypeData::AggregateInst ); rtype->aggInst.aggregate = ltype; rtype->aggInst.aggregate->aggregate.attributes.swap( attributes ); // change ownership if ( ltype->kind == TypeData::Aggregate ) { rtype->aggInst.hoistType = ltype->aggregate.body; rtype->aggInst.params = maybeCopy( ltype->aggregate.actuals ); } else { rtype->aggInst.hoistType = ltype->enumeration.body; } // if rtype->qualifiers |= ltype->qualifiers; } else { rtype = ltype; } // if return rtype; } // if } TypeData * addType( TypeData * ltype, TypeData * rtype ) { std::vector> attributes; return addType( ltype, rtype, attributes ); } // Takes ownership of both arguments, gives ownership of return value. TypeData * cloneBaseType( TypeData * type, TypeData * other ) { TypeData * newType = type->getLastBase()->clone(); if ( newType->kind == TypeData::AggregateInst ) { // don't duplicate members if ( newType->aggInst.aggregate->kind == TypeData::Enum ) { delete newType->aggInst.aggregate->enumeration.constants; newType->aggInst.aggregate->enumeration.constants = nullptr; newType->aggInst.aggregate->enumeration.body = false; } else { assert( newType->aggInst.aggregate->kind == TypeData::Aggregate ); delete newType->aggInst.aggregate->aggregate.fields; newType->aggInst.aggregate->aggregate.fields = nullptr; newType->aggInst.aggregate->aggregate.body = false; } // if // don't hoist twice newType->aggInst.hoistType = false; } // if newType->forall = maybeCopy( type->forall ); if ( other ) { addTypeToType( other, newType ); delete newType; return other; } // if return newType; } TypeData * makeNewBase( TypeData * type ) { switch ( type->kind ) { case TypeData::Aggregate: case TypeData::Enum: { TypeData * out = new TypeData( TypeData::AggregateInst ); out->aggInst.aggregate = type; if ( TypeData::Aggregate == type->kind ) { out->aggInst.params = maybeCopy( type->aggregate.actuals ); } out->qualifiers |= type->qualifiers; return out; } default: return type; } // switch } void buildForall( const DeclarationNode * firstNode, std::vector> &outputList ) { { std::vector> tmpList; buildTypeList( firstNode, tmpList ); for ( auto tmp : tmpList ) { outputList.emplace_back( strict_dynamic_cast( tmp.release() ) ); } } auto n = firstNode; for ( auto i = outputList.begin() ; i != outputList.end() ; ++i, n = n->next ) { // Only the object type class adds additional assertions. if ( n->variable.tyClass != ast::TypeDecl::Otype ) { continue; } ast::TypeDecl const * td = i->strict_as(); std::vector> newAssertions; auto mutTypeDecl = ast::mutate( td ); const CodeLocation & location = mutTypeDecl->location; *i = mutTypeDecl; // add assertion parameters to `type' tyvars in reverse order // add assignment operator: T * ?=?(T *, T) newAssertions.push_back( new ast::FunctionDecl( location, "?=?", {}, // forall {}, // assertions { new ast::ObjectDecl( location, "", new ast::ReferenceType( i->get() ), (ast::Init *)nullptr, ast::Storage::Classes(), ast::Linkage::Cforall, (ast::Expr *)nullptr ), new ast::ObjectDecl( location, "", i->get(), (ast::Init *)nullptr, ast::Storage::Classes(), ast::Linkage::Cforall, (ast::Expr *)nullptr ), }, // params { new ast::ObjectDecl( location, "", i->get(), (ast::Init *)nullptr, ast::Storage::Classes(), ast::Linkage::Cforall, (ast::Expr *)nullptr ), }, // returns (ast::CompoundStmt *)nullptr, ast::Storage::Classes(), ast::Linkage::Cforall ) ); // add default ctor: void ?{}(T *) newAssertions.push_back( new ast::FunctionDecl( location, "?{}", {}, // forall {}, // assertions { new ast::ObjectDecl( location, "", new ast::ReferenceType( i->get() ), (ast::Init *)nullptr, ast::Storage::Classes(), ast::Linkage::Cforall, (ast::Expr *)nullptr ), }, // params {}, // returns (ast::CompoundStmt *)nullptr, ast::Storage::Classes(), ast::Linkage::Cforall ) ); // add copy ctor: void ?{}(T *, T) newAssertions.push_back( new ast::FunctionDecl( location, "?{}", {}, // forall {}, // assertions { new ast::ObjectDecl( location, "", new ast::ReferenceType( i->get() ), (ast::Init *)nullptr, ast::Storage::Classes(), ast::Linkage::Cforall, (ast::Expr *)nullptr ), new ast::ObjectDecl( location, "", i->get(), (ast::Init *)nullptr, ast::Storage::Classes(), ast::Linkage::Cforall, (ast::Expr *)nullptr ), }, // params {}, // returns (ast::CompoundStmt *)nullptr, ast::Storage::Classes(), ast::Linkage::Cforall ) ); // add dtor: void ^?{}(T *) newAssertions.push_back( new ast::FunctionDecl( location, "^?{}", {}, // forall {}, // assertions { new ast::ObjectDecl( location, "", new ast::ReferenceType( i->get() ), (ast::Init *)nullptr, ast::Storage::Classes(), ast::Linkage::Cforall, (ast::Expr *)nullptr ), }, // params {}, // returns (ast::CompoundStmt *)nullptr, ast::Storage::Classes(), ast::Linkage::Cforall ) ); spliceBegin( mutTypeDecl->assertions, newAssertions ); } // for } void buildForall( const DeclarationNode * firstNode, std::vector> &outputForall ) { buildList( firstNode, outputForall ); auto n = firstNode; for ( auto i = outputForall.begin() ; i != outputForall.end() ; ++i, n = n->next ) { // Only the object type class adds additional assertions. if ( n->variable.tyClass != ast::TypeDecl::Otype ) { continue; } ast::TypeDecl const * td = i->strict_as(); std::vector> newAssertions; auto mutTypeDecl = ast::mutate( td ); const CodeLocation & location = mutTypeDecl->location; *i = mutTypeDecl; // add assertion parameters to `type' tyvars in reverse order // add assignment operator: T * ?=?(T *, T) newAssertions.push_back( new ast::FunctionDecl( location, "?=?", {}, // forall {}, // assertions { new ast::ObjectDecl( location, "", new ast::ReferenceType( new ast::TypeInstType( td->name, *i ) ), (ast::Init *)nullptr, ast::Storage::Classes(), ast::Linkage::Cforall, (ast::Expr *)nullptr ), new ast::ObjectDecl( location, "", new ast::TypeInstType( td->name, *i ), (ast::Init *)nullptr, ast::Storage::Classes(), ast::Linkage::Cforall, (ast::Expr *)nullptr ), }, // params { new ast::ObjectDecl( location, "", new ast::TypeInstType( td->name, *i ), (ast::Init *)nullptr, ast::Storage::Classes(), ast::Linkage::Cforall, (ast::Expr *)nullptr ), }, // returns (ast::CompoundStmt *)nullptr, ast::Storage::Classes(), ast::Linkage::Cforall ) ); // add default ctor: void ?{}(T *) newAssertions.push_back( new ast::FunctionDecl( location, "?{}", {}, // forall {}, // assertions { new ast::ObjectDecl( location, "", new ast::ReferenceType( new ast::TypeInstType( td->name, i->get() ) ), (ast::Init *)nullptr, ast::Storage::Classes(), ast::Linkage::Cforall, (ast::Expr *)nullptr ), }, // params {}, // returns (ast::CompoundStmt *)nullptr, ast::Storage::Classes(), ast::Linkage::Cforall ) ); // add copy ctor: void ?{}(T *, T) newAssertions.push_back( new ast::FunctionDecl( location, "?{}", {}, // forall {}, // assertions { new ast::ObjectDecl( location, "", new ast::ReferenceType( new ast::TypeInstType( td->name, *i ) ), (ast::Init *)nullptr, ast::Storage::Classes(), ast::Linkage::Cforall, (ast::Expr *)nullptr ), new ast::ObjectDecl( location, "", new ast::TypeInstType( td->name, *i ), (ast::Init *)nullptr, ast::Storage::Classes(), ast::Linkage::Cforall, (ast::Expr *)nullptr ), }, // params {}, // returns (ast::CompoundStmt *)nullptr, ast::Storage::Classes(), ast::Linkage::Cforall ) ); // add dtor: void ^?{}(T *) newAssertions.push_back( new ast::FunctionDecl( location, "^?{}", {}, // forall {}, // assertions { new ast::ObjectDecl( location, "", new ast::ReferenceType( new ast::TypeInstType( i->get() ) ), (ast::Init *)nullptr, ast::Storage::Classes(), ast::Linkage::Cforall, (ast::Expr *)nullptr ), }, // params {}, // returns (ast::CompoundStmt *)nullptr, ast::Storage::Classes(), ast::Linkage::Cforall ) ); spliceBegin( mutTypeDecl->assertions, newAssertions ); } // for } // buildForall ast::Type * typebuild( const TypeData * td ) { assert( td ); switch ( td->kind ) { case TypeData::Unknown: // fill in implicit int return new ast::BasicType( ast::BasicType::SignedInt, buildQualifiers( td ) ); case TypeData::Basic: return buildBasicType( td ); case TypeData::Pointer: return buildPointer( td ); case TypeData::Array: return buildArray( td ); case TypeData::Reference: return buildReference( td ); case TypeData::Function: return buildFunctionType( td ); case TypeData::AggregateInst: return buildAggInst( td ); case TypeData::EnumConstant: return new ast::EnumInstType( "", buildQualifiers( td ) ); case TypeData::SymbolicInst: return buildSymbolicInst( td ); case TypeData::Tuple: return buildTuple( td ); case TypeData::Typeof: case TypeData::Basetypeof: return buildTypeof( td ); case TypeData::Vtable: return buildVtable( td ); case TypeData::Builtin: switch ( td->builtintype ) { case TypeData::Zero: return new ast::ZeroType(); case TypeData::One: return new ast::OneType(); default: return new ast::VarArgsType( buildQualifiers( td ) ); } // switch case TypeData::GlobalScope: return new ast::GlobalScopeType(); case TypeData::Qualified: return new ast::QualifiedType( typebuild( td->qualified.parent ), typebuild( td->qualified.child ), buildQualifiers( td ) ); case TypeData::Symbolic: case TypeData::Enum: case TypeData::Aggregate: assert( false ); } // switch return nullptr; } // typebuild TypeData * typeextractAggregate( const TypeData * td, bool toplevel ) { TypeData * ret = nullptr; switch ( td->kind ) { case TypeData::Aggregate: if ( ! toplevel && td->aggregate.body ) { ret = td->clone(); } // if break; case TypeData::Enum: if ( ! toplevel && td->enumeration.body ) { ret = td->clone(); } // if break; case TypeData::AggregateInst: if ( td->aggInst.aggregate ) { ret = typeextractAggregate( td->aggInst.aggregate, false ); } // if break; default: if ( td->base ) { ret = typeextractAggregate( td->base, false ); } // if } // switch return ret; } // typeextractAggregate ast::CV::Qualifiers buildQualifiers( const TypeData * td ) { return td->qualifiers; } // buildQualifiers static string genTSError( string msg, TypeData::BasicType basictype ) { SemanticError( yylloc, "invalid type specifier \"%s\" for type \"%s\".", msg.c_str(), TypeData::basicTypeNames[basictype] ); } // genTSError ast::Type * buildBasicType( const TypeData * td ) { ast::BasicType::Kind ret; switch ( td->basictype ) { case TypeData::Void: if ( td->signedness != TypeData::NoSignedness ) { genTSError( TypeData::signednessNames[ td->signedness ], td->basictype ); } // if if ( td->length != TypeData::NoLength ) { genTSError( TypeData::lengthNames[ td->length ], td->basictype ); } // if return new ast::VoidType( buildQualifiers( td ) ); break; case TypeData::Bool: if ( td->signedness != TypeData::NoSignedness ) { genTSError( TypeData::signednessNames[ td->signedness ], td->basictype ); } // if if ( td->length != TypeData::NoLength ) { genTSError( TypeData::lengthNames[ td->length ], td->basictype ); } // if ret = ast::BasicType::Bool; break; case TypeData::Char: // C11 Standard The three types char, signed char, and unsigned char are collectively called the // character types. The implementation shall define char to have the same range, representation, and behavior as // either signed char or unsigned char. static ast::BasicType::Kind chartype[] = { ast::BasicType::SignedChar, ast::BasicType::UnsignedChar, ast::BasicType::Char }; if ( td->length != TypeData::NoLength ) { genTSError( TypeData::lengthNames[ td->length ], td->basictype ); } // if ret = chartype[ td->signedness ]; break; case TypeData::Int: static ast::BasicType::Kind inttype[2][4] = { { ast::BasicType::ShortSignedInt, ast::BasicType::LongSignedInt, ast::BasicType::LongLongSignedInt, ast::BasicType::SignedInt }, { ast::BasicType::ShortUnsignedInt, ast::BasicType::LongUnsignedInt, ast::BasicType::LongLongUnsignedInt, ast::BasicType::UnsignedInt }, }; Integral: ; if ( td->signedness == TypeData::NoSignedness ) { const_cast(td)->signedness = TypeData::Signed; } // if ret = inttype[ td->signedness ][ td->length ]; break; case TypeData::Int128: ret = td->signedness == TypeData::Unsigned ? ast::BasicType::UnsignedInt128 : ast::BasicType::SignedInt128; if ( td->length != TypeData::NoLength ) { genTSError( TypeData::lengthNames[ td->length ], td->basictype ); } // if break; case TypeData::Float: case TypeData::Double: case TypeData::LongDouble: // not set until below case TypeData::uuFloat80: case TypeData::uuFloat128: case TypeData::uFloat16: case TypeData::uFloat32: case TypeData::uFloat32x: case TypeData::uFloat64: case TypeData::uFloat64x: case TypeData::uFloat128: case TypeData::uFloat128x: static ast::BasicType::Kind floattype[2][12] = { { ast::BasicType::FloatComplex, ast::BasicType::DoubleComplex, ast::BasicType::LongDoubleComplex, (ast::BasicType::Kind)-1, (ast::BasicType::Kind)-1, ast::BasicType::uFloat16Complex, ast::BasicType::uFloat32Complex, ast::BasicType::uFloat32xComplex, ast::BasicType::uFloat64Complex, ast::BasicType::uFloat64xComplex, ast::BasicType::uFloat128Complex, ast::BasicType::uFloat128xComplex, }, { ast::BasicType::Float, ast::BasicType::Double, ast::BasicType::LongDouble, ast::BasicType::uuFloat80, ast::BasicType::uuFloat128, ast::BasicType::uFloat16, ast::BasicType::uFloat32, ast::BasicType::uFloat32x, ast::BasicType::uFloat64, ast::BasicType::uFloat64x, ast::BasicType::uFloat128, ast::BasicType::uFloat128x, }, }; FloatingPoint: ; if ( td->signedness != TypeData::NoSignedness ) { genTSError( TypeData::signednessNames[ td->signedness ], td->basictype ); } // if if ( td->length == TypeData::Short || td->length == TypeData::LongLong ) { genTSError( TypeData::lengthNames[ td->length ], td->basictype ); } // if if ( td->basictype != TypeData::Double && td->length == TypeData::Long ) { genTSError( TypeData::lengthNames[ td->length ], td->basictype ); } // if if ( td->complextype == TypeData::Imaginary ) { genTSError( TypeData::complexTypeNames[ td->complextype ], td->basictype ); } // if if ( (td->basictype == TypeData::uuFloat80 || td->basictype == TypeData::uuFloat128) && td->complextype == TypeData::Complex ) { // gcc unsupported genTSError( TypeData::complexTypeNames[ td->complextype ], td->basictype ); } // if if ( td->length == TypeData::Long ) { const_cast(td)->basictype = TypeData::LongDouble; } // if ret = floattype[ td->complextype ][ td->basictype - TypeData::Float ]; //printf( "XXXX %d %d %d %d\n", td->complextype, td->basictype, TypeData::Float, ret ); break; case TypeData::NoBasicType: // No basic type in declaration => default double for Complex/Imaginary and int type for integral types if ( td->complextype == TypeData::Complex || td->complextype == TypeData::Imaginary ) { const_cast(td)->basictype = TypeData::Double; goto FloatingPoint; } // if const_cast(td)->basictype = TypeData::Int; goto Integral; default: assertf( false, "unknown basic type" ); return nullptr; } // switch ast::BasicType * bt = new ast::BasicType( ret, buildQualifiers( td ) ); return bt; } // buildBasicType static ast::Type * buildDefaultType( const TypeData * td ) { return ( td ) ? typebuild( td ) : new ast::BasicType( ast::BasicType::SignedInt ); } // buildDefaultType ast::PointerType * buildPointer( const TypeData * td ) { return new ast::PointerType( buildDefaultType( td->base ), buildQualifiers( td ) ); } // buildPointer ast::ArrayType * buildArray( const TypeData * td ) { return new ast::ArrayType( buildDefaultType( td->base ), maybeBuild( td->array.dimension ), td->array.isVarLen ? ast::VariableLen : ast::FixedLen, td->array.isStatic ? ast::StaticDim : ast::DynamicDim, buildQualifiers( td ) ); } // buildArray ast::ReferenceType * buildReference( const TypeData * td ) { return new ast::ReferenceType( buildDefaultType( td->base ), buildQualifiers( td ) ); } // buildReference ast::AggregateDecl * buildAggregate( const TypeData * td, std::vector> attributes, ast::Linkage::Spec linkage ) { assert( td->kind == TypeData::Aggregate ); ast::AggregateDecl * at; switch ( td->aggregate.kind ) { case ast::AggregateDecl::Struct: case ast::AggregateDecl::Coroutine: case ast::AggregateDecl::Exception: case ast::AggregateDecl::Generator: case ast::AggregateDecl::Monitor: case ast::AggregateDecl::Thread: at = new ast::StructDecl( td->location, *td->aggregate.name, td->aggregate.kind, std::move( attributes ), linkage ); buildForall( td->aggregate.params, at->params ); break; case ast::AggregateDecl::Union: at = new ast::UnionDecl( td->location, *td->aggregate.name, std::move( attributes ), linkage ); buildForall( td->aggregate.params, at->params ); break; case ast::AggregateDecl::Trait: at = new ast::TraitDecl( td->location, *td->aggregate.name, std::move( attributes ), linkage ); buildList( td->aggregate.params, at->params ); break; default: assert( false ); } // switch buildList( td->aggregate.fields, at->members ); at->set_body( td->aggregate.body ); return at; } // buildAggregate ast::BaseInstType * buildComAggInst( const TypeData * td, std::vector> && attributes, ast::Linkage::Spec linkage ) { switch ( td->kind ) { case TypeData::Enum: if ( td->enumeration.body ) { ast::EnumDecl * typedecl = buildEnum( td, std::move( attributes ), linkage ); return new ast::EnumInstType( typedecl, buildQualifiers( td ) ); } else { return new ast::EnumInstType( *td->enumeration.name, buildQualifiers( td ) ); } // if break; case TypeData::Aggregate: if ( td->aggregate.body ) { ast::AggregateDecl * typedecl = buildAggregate( td, std::move( attributes ), linkage ); switch ( td->aggregate.kind ) { case ast::AggregateDecl::Struct: case ast::AggregateDecl::Coroutine: case ast::AggregateDecl::Monitor: case ast::AggregateDecl::Thread: return new ast::StructInstType( strict_dynamic_cast( typedecl ), buildQualifiers( td ) ); case ast::AggregateDecl::Union: return new ast::UnionInstType( strict_dynamic_cast( typedecl ), buildQualifiers( td ) ); case ast::AggregateDecl::Trait: assert( false ); break; default: assert( false ); } // switch } else { switch ( td->aggregate.kind ) { case ast::AggregateDecl::Struct: case ast::AggregateDecl::Coroutine: case ast::AggregateDecl::Monitor: case ast::AggregateDecl::Thread: return new ast::StructInstType( *td->aggregate.name, buildQualifiers( td ) ); case ast::AggregateDecl::Union: return new ast::UnionInstType( *td->aggregate.name, buildQualifiers( td ) ); case ast::AggregateDecl::Trait: return new ast::TraitInstType( *td->aggregate.name, buildQualifiers( td ) ); default: assert( false ); } // switch break; } // if break; default: assert( false ); } // switch assert( false ); } // buildAggInst ast::BaseInstType * buildAggInst( const TypeData * td ) { assert( td->kind == TypeData::AggregateInst ); ast::BaseInstType * ret = nullptr; TypeData * type = td->aggInst.aggregate; switch ( type->kind ) { case TypeData::Enum: return new ast::EnumInstType( *type->enumeration.name, buildQualifiers( type ) ); case TypeData::Aggregate: switch ( type->aggregate.kind ) { case ast::AggregateDecl::Struct: case ast::AggregateDecl::Coroutine: case ast::AggregateDecl::Monitor: case ast::AggregateDecl::Thread: ret = new ast::StructInstType( *type->aggregate.name, buildQualifiers( type ) ); break; case ast::AggregateDecl::Union: ret = new ast::UnionInstType( *type->aggregate.name, buildQualifiers( type ) ); break; case ast::AggregateDecl::Trait: ret = new ast::TraitInstType( *type->aggregate.name, buildQualifiers( type ) ); break; default: assert( false ); } // switch break; default: assert( false ); } // switch ret->hoistType = td->aggInst.hoistType; buildList( td->aggInst.params, ret->params ); return ret; } // buildAggInst ast::NamedTypeDecl * buildSymbolic( const TypeData * td, std::vector> attributes, const std::string & name, ast::Storage::Classes scs, ast::Linkage::Spec linkage ) { assert( td->kind == TypeData::Symbolic ); ast::NamedTypeDecl * ret; assert( td->base ); if ( td->symbolic.isTypedef ) { ret = new ast::TypedefDecl( td->location, name, scs, typebuild( td->base ), linkage ); } else { ret = new ast::TypeDecl( td->location, name, scs, typebuild( td->base ), ast::TypeDecl::Dtype, true ); } // if buildList( td->symbolic.assertions, ret->assertions ); splice( ret->base.get_and_mutate()->attributes, attributes ); return ret; } // buildSymbolic ast::EnumDecl * buildEnum( const TypeData * td, std::vector> && attributes, ast::Linkage::Spec linkage ) { assert( td->kind == TypeData::Enum ); ast::Type * baseType = td->base ? typebuild(td->base) : nullptr; ast::EnumDecl * ret = new ast::EnumDecl( td->location, *td->enumeration.name, td->enumeration.typed, std::move( attributes ), linkage, baseType ); buildList( td->enumeration.constants, ret->members ); auto members = ret->members.begin(); ret->hide = td->enumeration.hiding == EnumHiding::Hide ? ast::EnumDecl::EnumHiding::Hide : ast::EnumDecl::EnumHiding::Visible; for ( const DeclarationNode * cur = td->enumeration.constants; cur != nullptr; cur = cur->next, ++members ) { if ( cur->enumInLine ) { // Do Nothing } else if ( ret->isTyped && !ret->base && cur->has_enumeratorValue() ) { SemanticError( td->location, "Enumerator of enum(void) cannot have an explicit initializer value." ); } else if ( cur->has_enumeratorValue() ) { ast::Decl * member = members->get_and_mutate(); ast::ObjectDecl * object = strict_dynamic_cast( member ); object->init = new ast::SingleInit( td->location, maybeMoveBuild( cur->consume_enumeratorValue() ), ast::NoConstruct ); } else if ( !cur->initializer ) { if ( baseType && (!dynamic_cast(baseType) || !dynamic_cast(baseType)->isInteger())) { SemanticError( td->location, "Enumerators of an non-integer typed enum must be explicitly initialized." ); } } // else cur is a List Initializer and has been set as init in buildList() // if } // for ret->body = td->enumeration.body; return ret; } // buildEnum ast::TypeInstType * buildSymbolicInst( const TypeData * td ) { assert( td->kind == TypeData::SymbolicInst ); ast::TypeInstType * ret = new ast::TypeInstType( *td->symbolic.name, ast::TypeDecl::Dtype, buildQualifiers( td ) ); buildList( td->symbolic.actuals, ret->params ); return ret; } // buildSymbolicInst ast::TupleType * buildTuple( const TypeData * td ) { assert( td->kind == TypeData::Tuple ); std::vector> types; buildTypeList( td->tuple, types ); ast::TupleType * ret = new ast::TupleType( std::move( types ), buildQualifiers( td ) ); return ret; } // buildTuple ast::TypeofType * buildTypeof( const TypeData * td ) { assert( td->kind == TypeData::Typeof || td->kind == TypeData::Basetypeof ); assert( td->typeexpr ); return new ast::TypeofType( td->typeexpr->build(), td->kind == TypeData::Typeof ? ast::TypeofType::Typeof : ast::TypeofType::Basetypeof, buildQualifiers( td ) ); } // buildTypeof ast::VTableType * buildVtable( const TypeData * td ) { assert( td->base ); return new ast::VTableType( typebuild( td->base ), buildQualifiers( td ) ); } // buildVtable ast::FunctionDecl * buildFunctionDecl( const TypeData * td, const string &name, ast::Storage::Classes scs, ast::Function::Specs funcSpec, ast::Linkage::Spec linkage, ast::Expr * asmName, std::vector> && attributes ) { assert( td->kind == TypeData::Function ); // For some reason FunctionDecl takes a bool instead of an ArgumentFlag. bool isVarArgs = !td->function.params || td->function.params->hasEllipsis; ast::CV::Qualifiers cvq = buildQualifiers( td ); std::vector> forall; std::vector> assertions; std::vector> params; std::vector> returns; buildList( td->function.params, params ); buildForall( td->forall, forall ); // Functions do not store their assertions there anymore. for ( ast::ptr & type_param : forall ) { auto mut = type_param.get_and_mutate(); splice( assertions, mut->assertions ); } if ( td->base ) { switch ( td->base->kind ) { case TypeData::Tuple: buildList( td->base->tuple, returns ); break; default: returns.push_back( dynamic_cast( buildDecl( td->base, "", ast::Storage::Classes(), (ast::Expr *)nullptr, // bitfieldWidth ast::Function::Specs(), ast::Linkage::Cforall, (ast::Expr *)nullptr // asmName ) ) ); } // switch } else { returns.push_back( new ast::ObjectDecl( td->location, "", new ast::BasicType( ast::BasicType::SignedInt ), (ast::Init *)nullptr, ast::Storage::Classes(), ast::Linkage::Cforall ) ); } // if ast::Stmt * stmt = maybeBuild( td->function.body ); ast::CompoundStmt * body = dynamic_cast( stmt ); ast::FunctionDecl * decl = new ast::FunctionDecl( td->location, name, std::move( forall ), std::move( assertions ), std::move( params ), std::move( returns ), body, scs, linkage, std::move( attributes ), funcSpec, (isVarArgs) ? ast::VariableArgs : ast::FixedArgs ); buildList( td->function.withExprs, decl->withExprs ); decl->asmName = asmName; // This may be redundant on a declaration. decl->type.get_and_mutate()->qualifiers = cvq; return decl; } // buildFunctionDecl ast::Decl * buildDecl( const TypeData * td, const string &name, ast::Storage::Classes scs, ast::Expr * bitfieldWidth, ast::Function::Specs funcSpec, ast::Linkage::Spec linkage, ast::Expr * asmName, ast::Init * init, std::vector> && attributes ) { if ( td->kind == TypeData::Function ) { if ( td->function.idList ) { // KR function ? buildKRFunction( td->function ); // transform into C11 function } // if return buildFunctionDecl( td, name, scs, funcSpec, linkage, asmName, std::move( attributes ) ); } else if ( td->kind == TypeData::Aggregate ) { return buildAggregate( td, std::move( attributes ), linkage ); } else if ( td->kind == TypeData::Enum ) { return buildEnum( td, std::move( attributes ), linkage ); } else if ( td->kind == TypeData::Symbolic ) { return buildSymbolic( td, std::move( attributes ), name, scs, linkage ); } else { auto ret = new ast::ObjectDecl( td->location, name, typebuild( td ), init, scs, linkage, bitfieldWidth, std::move( attributes ) ); ret->asmName = asmName; return ret; } // if return nullptr; } // buildDecl ast::FunctionType * buildFunctionType( const TypeData * td ) { assert( td->kind == TypeData::Function ); ast::FunctionType * ft = new ast::FunctionType( ( !td->function.params || td->function.params->hasEllipsis ) ? ast::VariableArgs : ast::FixedArgs, buildQualifiers( td ) ); buildTypeList( td->function.params, ft->params ); buildForall( td->forall, ft->forall ); if ( td->base ) { switch ( td->base->kind ) { case TypeData::Tuple: buildTypeList( td->base->tuple, ft->returns ); break; default: ft->returns.push_back( typebuild( td->base ) ); break; } // switch } else { ft->returns.push_back( new ast::BasicType( ast::BasicType::SignedInt ) ); } // if return ft; } // buildFunctionType // Transform KR routine declarations into C99 routine declarations: // // rtn( a, b, c ) int a, c; double b {} => int rtn( int a, double c, int b ) {} // // The type information for each post-declaration is moved to the corresponding pre-parameter and the post-declaration // is deleted. Note, the order of the parameter names may not be the same as the declaration names. Duplicate names and // extra names are disallowed. // // Note, there is no KR routine-prototype syntax: // // rtn( a, b, c ) int a, c; double b; // invalid KR prototype // rtn(); // valid KR prototype void buildKRFunction( const TypeData::Function_t & function ) { assert( ! function.params ); // loop over declaration first as it is easier to spot errors for ( DeclarationNode * decl = function.oldDeclList; decl != nullptr; decl = decl->next ) { // scan ALL parameter names for each declaration name to check for duplicates for ( DeclarationNode * param = function.idList; param != nullptr; param = param->next ) { if ( *decl->name == *param->name ) { // type set => parameter name already transformed by a declaration names so there is a duplicate // declaration name attempting a second transformation if ( param->type ) SemanticError( param->location, "duplicate declaration name \"%s\".", param->name->c_str() ); // declaration type reset => declaration already transformed by a parameter name so there is a duplicate // parameter name attempting a second transformation if ( ! decl->type ) SemanticError( param->location, "duplicate parameter name \"%s\".", param->name->c_str() ); param->type = decl->type; // set copy declaration type to parameter type decl->type = nullptr; // reset declaration type // Copy and reset attributes from declaration to parameter: splice( param->attributes, decl->attributes ); } // if } // for // declaration type still set => type not moved to a matching parameter so there is a missing parameter name if ( decl->type ) SemanticError( decl->location, "missing name in parameter list %s", decl->name->c_str() ); } // for // Parameter names without a declaration default to type int: // // rtb( a, b, c ) const char * b; {} => int rtn( int a, const char * b, int c ) {} for ( DeclarationNode * param = function.idList; param != nullptr; param = param->next ) { if ( ! param->type ) { // generate type int for empty parameter type param->type = new TypeData( TypeData::Basic ); param->type->basictype = TypeData::Int; } // if } // for function.params = function.idList; // newly modified idList becomes parameters function.idList = nullptr; // idList now empty delete function.oldDeclList; // deletes entire list function.oldDeclList = nullptr; // reset } // buildKRFunction // Local Variables: // // tab-width: 4 // // mode: c++ // // compile-command: "make install" // // End: //