// // Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2015 University of Waterloo // // The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the // file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall. // // StatementNode.cc -- // // Author : Rodolfo G. Esteves // Created On : Sat May 16 14:59:41 2015 // Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr // Last Modified On : Mon Aug 15 20:47:11 2016 // Update Count : 322 // #include #include #include #include "ParseNode.h" #include "SynTree/Statement.h" #include "SynTree/Expression.h" #include "parseutility.h" #include "Common/utility.h" using namespace std; StatementNode::StatementNode( DeclarationNode *decl ) { if ( decl ) { DeclarationNode *agg = decl->extractAggregate(); if ( agg ) { StatementNode *nextStmt = new StatementNode( new DeclStmt( noLabels, maybeBuild< Declaration >( decl ) ) ); set_next( nextStmt ); if ( decl->get_next() ) { get_next()->set_next( new StatementNode( dynamic_cast< DeclarationNode * >(decl->get_next()) ) ); decl->set_next( 0 ); } // if } else { if ( decl->get_next() ) { set_next(new StatementNode( dynamic_cast< DeclarationNode * >( decl->get_next() ) ) ); decl->set_next( 0 ); } // if agg = decl; } // if stmt = new DeclStmt( noLabels, maybeBuild< Declaration >(agg) ); } else { assert( false ); } // if } StatementNode *StatementNode::append_last_case( StatementNode *stmt ) { StatementNode *prev = this; // find end of list and maintain previous pointer for ( StatementNode * curr = prev; curr != nullptr; curr = (StatementNode *)curr->get_next() ) { StatementNode *node = dynamic_cast< StatementNode * >(curr); assert( node ); assert( dynamic_cast< CaseStmt * >(node->stmt) ); prev = curr; } // for // convert from StatementNode list to Statement list StatementNode *node = dynamic_cast< StatementNode * >(prev); std::list< Statement * > stmts; buildList( stmt, stmts ); // splice any new Statements to end of current Statements CaseStmt * caseStmt = dynamic_cast< CaseStmt * >(node->stmt); caseStmt->get_statements().splice( caseStmt->get_statements().end(), stmts ); return this; } Statement *build_expr( ExpressionNode *ctl ) { Expression *e = maybeBuild< Expression >( ctl ); if ( e ) return new ExprStmt( noLabels, e ); else return new NullStmt( noLabels ); } Statement *build_if( ExpressionNode *ctl, StatementNode *then_stmt, StatementNode *else_stmt ) { Statement *thenb, *elseb = 0; std::list< Statement * > branches; buildList< Statement, StatementNode >( then_stmt, branches ); assert( branches.size() == 1 ); thenb = branches.front(); if ( else_stmt ) { std::list< Statement * > branches; buildList< Statement, StatementNode >( else_stmt, branches ); assert( branches.size() == 1 ); elseb = branches.front(); } // if return new IfStmt( noLabels, notZeroExpr( maybeBuild< Expression >(ctl) ), thenb, elseb ); } Statement *build_switch( ExpressionNode *ctl, StatementNode *stmt ) { std::list< Statement * > branches; buildList< Statement, StatementNode >( stmt, branches ); assert( branches.size() >= 0 ); // size == 0 for switch (...) {}, i.e., no declaration or statements return new SwitchStmt( noLabels, maybeBuild< Expression >(ctl), branches ); } Statement *build_case( ExpressionNode *ctl ) { std::list< Statement * > branches; return new CaseStmt( noLabels, maybeBuild< Expression >(ctl), branches ); } Statement *build_default() { std::list< Statement * > branches; return new CaseStmt( noLabels, nullptr, branches, true ); } Statement *build_while( ExpressionNode *ctl, StatementNode *stmt, bool kind ) { std::list< Statement * > branches; buildList< Statement, StatementNode >( stmt, branches ); assert( branches.size() == 1 ); return new WhileStmt( noLabels, notZeroExpr( maybeBuild< Expression >(ctl) ), branches.front(), kind ); } Statement *build_for( ForCtl *forctl, StatementNode *stmt ) { std::list< Statement * > branches; buildList< Statement, StatementNode >( stmt, branches ); assert( branches.size() == 1 ); std::list< Statement * > init; if ( forctl->init != 0 ) { buildList( forctl->init, init ); } // if Expression *cond = 0; if ( forctl->condition != 0 ) cond = notZeroExpr( maybeBuild< Expression >(forctl->condition) ); Expression *incr = 0; if ( forctl->change != 0 ) incr = maybeBuild< Expression >(forctl->change); delete forctl; return new ForStmt( noLabels, init, cond, incr, branches.front() ); } Statement *build_branch( std::string identifier, BranchStmt::Type kind ) { return new BranchStmt( noLabels, identifier, kind ); } Statement *build_computedgoto( ExpressionNode *ctl ) { return new BranchStmt( noLabels, maybeBuild< Expression >(ctl), BranchStmt::Goto ); } Statement *build_return( ExpressionNode *ctl ) { std::list< Expression * > exps; buildList( ctl, exps ); return new ReturnStmt( noLabels, exps.size() > 0 ? exps.back() : nullptr ); } Statement *build_throw( ExpressionNode *ctl ) { std::list< Expression * > exps; buildList( ctl, exps ); return new ReturnStmt( noLabels, exps.size() > 0 ? exps.back() : nullptr, true ); } Statement *build_try( StatementNode *try_stmt, StatementNode *catch_stmt, StatementNode *finally_stmt ) { std::list< Statement * > branches; buildList< Statement, StatementNode >( catch_stmt, branches ); CompoundStmt *tryBlock = dynamic_cast< CompoundStmt * >(maybeBuild< Statement >(try_stmt)); assert( tryBlock ); FinallyStmt *finallyBlock = dynamic_cast< FinallyStmt * >(maybeBuild< Statement >(finally_stmt) ); return new TryStmt( noLabels, tryBlock, branches, finallyBlock ); } Statement *build_catch( DeclarationNode *decl, StatementNode *stmt, bool catchAny ) { std::list< Statement * > branches; buildList< Statement, StatementNode >( stmt, branches ); assert( branches.size() == 1 ); return new CatchStmt( noLabels, maybeBuild< Declaration >(decl), branches.front(), catchAny ); } Statement *build_finally( StatementNode *stmt ) { std::list< Statement * > branches; buildList< Statement, StatementNode >( stmt, branches ); assert( branches.size() == 1 ); return new FinallyStmt( noLabels, dynamic_cast< CompoundStmt * >( branches.front() ) ); } Statement *build_compound( StatementNode *first ) { CompoundStmt *cs = new CompoundStmt( noLabels ); buildList( first, cs->get_kids() ); return cs; } Statement *build_asmstmt( bool voltile, ConstantExpr *instruction, ExpressionNode *output, ExpressionNode *input, ExpressionNode *clobber, LabelNode *gotolabels ) { std::list< Expression * > out, in; std::list< ConstantExpr * > clob; buildList( output, out ); buildList( input, in ); buildList( clobber, clob ); return new AsmStmt( noLabels, voltile, instruction, out, in, clob, gotolabels ? gotolabels->labels : noLabels ); } // Local Variables: // // tab-width: 4 // // mode: c++ // // compile-command: "make install" // // End: //