// // Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2015 University of Waterloo // // The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the // file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall. // // StatementNode.cc -- Transform from parse data-structures to AST data-structures, usually deleting the parse // data-structure after the transformation. // // Author : Rodolfo G. Esteves // Created On : Sat May 16 14:59:41 2015 // Last Modified By : Andrew Beach // Last Modified On : Tue Apr 4 11:40:00 2023 // Update Count : 427 // #include "StatementNode.h" #include // for assert, strict_dynamic_cast, assertf #include // for unique_ptr #include // for string #include "AST/Label.hpp" // for Label #include "AST/Stmt.hpp" // for Stmt, AsmStmt, BranchStmt, CaseCla... #include "Common/SemanticError.h" // for SemanticError #include "Common/utility.h" // for maybeMoveBuild, maybeBuild #include "DeclarationNode.h" // for DeclarationNode #include "ExpressionNode.h" // for ExpressionNode #include "parserutility.h" // for notZeroExpr class Declaration; using namespace std; StatementNode::StatementNode( DeclarationNode * decl ) { assert( decl ); DeclarationNode * agg = decl->extractAggregate(); if ( agg ) { StatementNode * nextStmt = new StatementNode( new ast::DeclStmt( decl->location, maybeBuild( decl ) ) ); set_next( nextStmt ); if ( decl->get_next() ) { get_next()->set_next( new StatementNode( dynamic_cast< DeclarationNode * >(decl->get_next()) ) ); decl->set_next( 0 ); } // if } else { if ( decl->get_next() ) { set_next( new StatementNode( dynamic_cast< DeclarationNode * >( decl->get_next() ) ) ); decl->set_next( 0 ); } // if agg = decl; } // if // Local copy to avoid accessing the pointer after it is moved from. CodeLocation declLocation = agg->location; stmt.reset( new ast::DeclStmt( declLocation, maybeMoveBuild( agg ) ) ); } // StatementNode::StatementNode StatementNode * StatementNode::add_label( const CodeLocation & location, const std::string * name, DeclarationNode * attr ) { stmt->labels.emplace_back( location, *name, attr ? std::move( attr->attributes ) : std::vector>{} ); delete attr; delete name; return this; } StatementNode * StatementNode::append_last_case( StatementNode * stmt ) { StatementNode * prev = this; // find end of list and maintain previous pointer for ( StatementNode * curr = prev; curr != nullptr; curr = (StatementNode *)curr->get_next() ) { StatementNode * node = strict_dynamic_cast< StatementNode * >(curr); assert( nullptr == node->stmt.get() ); assert( dynamic_cast( node->clause.get() ) ); prev = curr; } // for // convert from StatementNode list to Statement list StatementNode * node = dynamic_cast< StatementNode * >(prev); std::vector> stmts; buildMoveList( stmt, stmts ); // splice any new Statements to end of current Statements auto caseStmt = strict_dynamic_cast( node->clause.get() ); for ( auto const & newStmt : stmts ) { caseStmt->stmts.emplace_back( newStmt ); } stmts.clear(); return this; } // StatementNode::append_last_case ast::Stmt * build_expr( CodeLocation const & location, ExpressionNode * ctl ) { if ( ast::Expr * e = maybeMoveBuild( ctl ) ) { return new ast::ExprStmt( location, e ); } else { return new ast::NullStmt( location ); } } // build_expr static ast::Expr * build_if_control( CondCtl * ctl, std::vector> & inits ) { assert( inits.empty() ); if ( nullptr != ctl->init ) { buildMoveList( ctl->init, inits ); } // if ast::Expr * cond = nullptr; if ( ctl->condition ) { // compare the provided condition against 0 cond = notZeroExpr( maybeMoveBuild( ctl->condition ) ); } else { for ( ast::ptr & stmt : inits ) { // build the && of all of the declared variables compared against 0 //auto declStmt = strict_dynamic_cast( stmt ); auto declStmt = stmt.strict_as(); //ast::DeclWithType * dwt = strict_dynamic_cast( declStmt->decl ); auto dwt = declStmt->decl.strict_as(); ast::Expr * nze = notZeroExpr( new ast::VariableExpr( dwt->location, dwt ) ); cond = cond ? new ast::LogicalExpr( dwt->location, cond, nze, ast::AndExpr ) : nze; } } delete ctl; return cond; } // build_if_control ast::Stmt * build_if( const CodeLocation & location, CondCtl * ctl, StatementNode * then, StatementNode * else_ ) { std::vector> astinit; // maybe empty ast::Expr * astcond = build_if_control( ctl, astinit ); // ctl deleted, cond/init set std::vector> aststmt; buildMoveList( then, aststmt ); assert( aststmt.size() == 1 ); ast::Stmt const * astthen = aststmt.front().release(); ast::Stmt const * astelse = nullptr; if ( else_ ) { std::vector> aststmt; buildMoveList( else_, aststmt ); assert( aststmt.size() == 1 ); astelse = aststmt.front().release(); } // if return new ast::IfStmt( location, astcond, astthen, astelse, std::move( astinit ) ); } // build_if // Temporary work around. Split StmtClause off from StatementNode. template static void buildMoveClauseList( StatementNode * firstNode, std::vector> & output ) { SemanticErrorException errors; std::back_insert_iterator>> out( output ); StatementNode * cur = firstNode; while ( cur ) { try { auto clause = cur->clause.release(); if ( auto result = dynamic_cast( clause ) ) { *out++ = result; } else { assertf(false, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ ); SemanticError( cur->location, "type specifier declaration in forall clause is currently unimplemented." ); } // if } catch( SemanticErrorException & e ) { errors.append( e ); } // try ParseNode * temp = cur->get_next(); // Should not return nullptr, then it is non-homogeneous: cur = dynamic_cast( temp ); if ( !cur && temp ) { SemanticError( temp->location, "internal error, non-homogeneous nodes founds in buildList processing." ); } // if } // while if ( ! errors.isEmpty() ) { throw errors; } // if // Usually in the wrapper. delete firstNode; } ast::Stmt * build_switch( const CodeLocation & location, bool isSwitch, ExpressionNode * ctl, StatementNode * stmt ) { std::vector> aststmt; buildMoveClauseList( stmt, aststmt ); // If it is not a switch it is a choose statement. if ( ! isSwitch ) { for ( ast::ptr & stmt : aststmt ) { // Code after "case" is the end of case list. if ( !stmt->stmts.empty() ) { auto mutStmt = ast::mutate( stmt.get() ); // I believe the stmts are actually always one block. auto stmts = mutStmt->stmts.front().get_and_mutate(); auto block = strict_dynamic_cast( stmts ); block->kids.push_back( new ast::BranchStmt( block->location, ast::BranchStmt::Break, ast::Label( block->location ) ) ); stmt = mutStmt; } // if } // for } // if // aststmt.size() == 0 for switch (...) {}, i.e., no declaration or statements return new ast::SwitchStmt( location, maybeMoveBuild( ctl ), std::move( aststmt ) ); } // build_switch ast::CaseClause * build_case( ExpressionNode * ctl ) { // stmt starts empty and then added to auto expr = maybeMoveBuild( ctl ); return new ast::CaseClause( expr->location, expr, {} ); } // build_case ast::CaseClause * build_default( const CodeLocation & location ) { // stmt starts empty and then added to return new ast::CaseClause( location, nullptr, {} ); } // build_default ast::Stmt * build_while( const CodeLocation & location, CondCtl * ctl, StatementNode * stmt, StatementNode * else_ ) { std::vector> astinit; // maybe empty ast::Expr * astcond = build_if_control( ctl, astinit ); // ctl deleted, cond/init set std::vector> aststmt; // loop body, compound created if empty buildMoveList( stmt, aststmt ); assert( aststmt.size() == 1 ); std::vector> astelse; // else clause, maybe empty buildMoveList( else_, astelse ); assert( astelse.size() <= 1 ); return new ast::WhileDoStmt( location, astcond, aststmt.front(), astelse.empty() ? nullptr : astelse.front().release(), std::move( astinit ), ast::While ); } // build_while ast::Stmt * build_do_while( const CodeLocation & location, ExpressionNode * ctl, StatementNode * stmt, StatementNode * else_ ) { std::vector> aststmt; // loop body, compound created if empty buildMoveList( stmt, aststmt ); assert( aststmt.size() == 1 ); // compound created if empty std::vector> astelse; // else clause, maybe empty buildMoveList( else_, astelse ); assert( astelse.size() <= 1 ); // do-while cannot have declarations in the contitional, so init is always empty return new ast::WhileDoStmt( location, notZeroExpr( maybeMoveBuild( ctl ) ), aststmt.front(), astelse.empty() ? nullptr : astelse.front().release(), {}, ast::DoWhile ); } // build_do_while ast::Stmt * build_for( const CodeLocation & location, ForCtrl * forctl, StatementNode * stmt, StatementNode * else_ ) { std::vector> astinit; // maybe empty buildMoveList( forctl->init, astinit ); ast::Expr * astcond = nullptr; // maybe empty astcond = notZeroExpr( maybeMoveBuild( forctl->condition ) ); ast::Expr * astincr = nullptr; // maybe empty astincr = maybeMoveBuild( forctl->change ); delete forctl; std::vector> aststmt; // loop body, compound created if empty buildMoveList( stmt, aststmt ); assert( aststmt.size() == 1 ); std::vector> astelse; // else clause, maybe empty buildMoveList( else_, astelse ); assert( astelse.size() <= 1 ); return new ast::ForStmt( location, std::move( astinit ), astcond, astincr, aststmt.front(), astelse.empty() ? nullptr : astelse.front().release() ); } // build_for ast::Stmt * build_branch( const CodeLocation & location, ast::BranchStmt::Kind kind ) { return new ast::BranchStmt( location, kind, ast::Label( location ) ); } // build_branch ast::Stmt * build_branch( const CodeLocation & location, string * identifier, ast::BranchStmt::Kind kind ) { ast::Stmt * ret = new ast::BranchStmt( location, kind, ast::Label( location, *identifier ) ); delete identifier; // allocated by lexer return ret; } // build_branch ast::Stmt * build_computedgoto( ExpressionNode * ctl ) { ast::Expr * expr = maybeMoveBuild( ctl ); return new ast::BranchStmt( expr->location, expr ); } // build_computedgoto ast::Stmt * build_return( const CodeLocation & location, ExpressionNode * ctl ) { std::vector> exps; buildMoveList( ctl, exps ); return new ast::ReturnStmt( location, exps.size() > 0 ? exps.back().release() : nullptr ); } // build_return static ast::Stmt * build_throw_stmt( const CodeLocation & location, ExpressionNode * ctl, ast::ExceptionKind kind ) { std::vector> exps; buildMoveList( ctl, exps ); assertf( exps.size() < 2, "CFA internal error: leaking memory" ); return new ast::ThrowStmt( location, kind, !exps.empty() ? exps.back().release() : nullptr, (ast::Expr *)nullptr ); } ast::Stmt * build_throw( const CodeLocation & loc, ExpressionNode * ctl ) { return build_throw_stmt( loc, ctl, ast::Terminate ); } // build_throw ast::Stmt * build_resume( const CodeLocation & loc, ExpressionNode * ctl ) { return build_throw_stmt( loc, ctl, ast::Resume ); } // build_resume ast::Stmt * build_resume_at( ExpressionNode * ctl, ExpressionNode * target ) { (void)ctl; (void)target; assertf( false, "resume at (non-local throw) is not yet supported," ); } // build_resume_at ast::Stmt * build_try( const CodeLocation & location, StatementNode * try_, StatementNode * catch_, StatementNode * finally_ ) { std::vector> aststmt; buildMoveClauseList( catch_, aststmt ); ast::CompoundStmt * tryBlock = strict_dynamic_cast( maybeMoveBuild( try_ ) ); ast::FinallyClause * finallyBlock = nullptr; if ( finally_ ) { finallyBlock = dynamic_cast( finally_->clause.release() ); } return new ast::TryStmt( location, tryBlock, std::move( aststmt ), finallyBlock ); } // build_try ast::CatchClause * build_catch( const CodeLocation & location, ast::ExceptionKind kind, DeclarationNode * decl, ExpressionNode * cond, StatementNode * body ) { std::vector> aststmt; buildMoveList( body, aststmt ); assert( aststmt.size() == 1 ); return new ast::CatchClause( location, kind, maybeMoveBuild( decl ), maybeMoveBuild( cond ), aststmt.front().release() ); } // build_catch ast::FinallyClause * build_finally( const CodeLocation & location, StatementNode * stmt ) { std::vector> aststmt; buildMoveList( stmt, aststmt ); assert( aststmt.size() == 1 ); return new ast::FinallyClause( location, aststmt.front().strict_as() ); } // build_finally ast::SuspendStmt * build_suspend( const CodeLocation & location, StatementNode * then, ast::SuspendStmt::Kind kind ) { std::vector> stmts; buildMoveList( then, stmts ); ast::CompoundStmt const * then2 = nullptr; if(!stmts.empty()) { assert( stmts.size() == 1 ); then2 = stmts.front().strict_as(); } return new ast::SuspendStmt( location, then2, kind ); } // build_suspend ast::WaitForStmt * build_waitfor( const CodeLocation & location, ast::WaitForStmt * existing, ExpressionNode * when, ExpressionNode * targetExpr, StatementNode * stmt ) { auto clause = new ast::WaitForClause( location ); clause->target_func = maybeBuild( targetExpr ); clause->stmt = maybeMoveBuild( stmt ); clause->cond = notZeroExpr( maybeMoveBuild( when ) ); ExpressionNode * next = dynamic_cast( targetExpr->get_next() ); targetExpr->set_next( nullptr ); buildMoveList( next, clause->target_args ); delete targetExpr; existing->clauses.insert( existing->clauses.begin(), clause ); return existing; } // build_waitfor ast::WaitForStmt * build_waitfor_else( const CodeLocation & location, ast::WaitForStmt * existing, ExpressionNode * when, StatementNode * stmt ) { existing->else_stmt = maybeMoveBuild( stmt ); existing->else_cond = notZeroExpr( maybeMoveBuild( when ) ); (void)location; return existing; } // build_waitfor_else ast::WaitForStmt * build_waitfor_timeout( const CodeLocation & location, ast::WaitForStmt * existing, ExpressionNode * when, ExpressionNode * timeout, StatementNode * stmt ) { existing->timeout_time = maybeMoveBuild( timeout ); existing->timeout_stmt = maybeMoveBuild( stmt ); existing->timeout_cond = notZeroExpr( maybeMoveBuild( when ) ); (void)location; return existing; } // build_waitfor_timeout ast::Stmt * build_with( const CodeLocation & location, ExpressionNode * exprs, StatementNode * stmt ) { std::vector> e; buildMoveList( exprs, e ); ast::Stmt * s = maybeMoveBuild( stmt ); return new ast::DeclStmt( location, new ast::WithStmt( location, std::move( e ), s ) ); } // build_with ast::Stmt * build_compound( const CodeLocation & location, StatementNode * first ) { auto cs = new ast::CompoundStmt( location ); buildMoveList( first, cs->kids ); return cs; } // build_compound // A single statement in a control structure is always converted to a compound statement so subsequent generated code // can be placed within this compound statement. Otherwise, code generation has to constantly check for a single // statement and wrap it into a compound statement to insert additional code. Hence, all control structures have a // conical form for code generation. StatementNode * maybe_build_compound( const CodeLocation & location, StatementNode * first ) { // Optimization: if the control-structure statement is a compound statement, do not wrap it. // e.g., if (...) {...} do not wrap the existing compound statement. if ( !dynamic_cast( first->stmt.get() ) ) { // unique_ptr return new StatementNode( build_compound( location, first ) ); } // if return first; } // maybe_build_compound // Question ast::Stmt * build_asm( const CodeLocation & location, bool voltile, ast::Expr * instruction, ExpressionNode * output, ExpressionNode * input, ExpressionNode * clobber, LabelNode * gotolabels ) { std::vector> out, in; std::vector> clob; buildMoveList( output, out ); buildMoveList( input, in ); buildMoveList( clobber, clob ); return new ast::AsmStmt( location, voltile, instruction, std::move( out ), std::move( in ), std::move( clob ), gotolabels ? gotolabels->labels : std::vector() ); } // build_asm ast::Stmt * build_directive( const CodeLocation & location, string * directive ) { auto stmt = new ast::DirectiveStmt( location, *directive ); delete directive; return stmt; } // build_directive ast::Stmt * build_mutex( const CodeLocation & location, ExpressionNode * exprs, StatementNode * stmt ) { std::vector> expList; buildMoveList( exprs, expList ); ast::Stmt * body = maybeMoveBuild( stmt ); return new ast::MutexStmt( location, body, std::move( expList ) ); } // build_mutex // Local Variables: // // tab-width: 4 // // mode: c++ // // compile-command: "make install" // // End: //